public void Execute() { this.pathResults[0] = default; this.pathResults[1] = default; //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Exec1"); var from = this.query.MapLocation(this.fromPoint, new Vector3(100f, 100f, 100f), this.agentTypeId, this.areas); if (from.polygon.IsNull() == true) { return; } //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Exec2"); var to = this.query.MapLocation(this.toPoint, new Vector3(100f, 100f, 100f), this.agentTypeId, this.areas); if (to.polygon.IsNull() == true) { return; } //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Exec3"); this.query.BeginFindPath(from, to, this.areas); this.query.UpdateFindPath(PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.MAX_ITERATIONS, out var performed); //statVisited = performed; var result = this.query.EndFindPath(out var pathSize); if ((result & UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus.Success) != 0) { var pathInternal = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId>(pathSize, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp); var straightPathFlags = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <StraightPathFlags>(PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.MAX_PATH_SIZE, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp); var vertexSide = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <float>(PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.MAX_PATH_SIZE, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Exec4"); this.query.GetPathResult(pathInternal); var job = new FindStraightPathJob() { query = this.query, from = from, to = to, pathInternal = pathInternal, pathSize = pathSize, results = this.results, straightPathFlags = straightPathFlags, vertexSide = vertexSide, resultStatus = this.pathResults, }; job.Execute(); if ((result & UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus.PartialResult) != 0) { this.pathResults[0] |= (int)UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus.PartialResult; } vertexSide.Dispose(); straightPathFlags.Dispose(); pathInternal.Dispose(); } }
public Path Run <TMod>(LogLevel pathfindingLogLevel, Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint, Constraint constraint, Graph graph, TMod pathModifier, int threadIndex = 0, bool burstEnabled = true, bool cacheEnabled = false) where TMod : struct, IPathModifier { var path = new Path(); var pathResult = new PathInternal(); var navMeshGraph = (NavMeshGraph)graph; var areas = -1; if (constraint.checkArea == true) { areas = (int)constraint.areaMask; } System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swPath = null; if ((pathfindingLogLevel & LogLevel.Path) != 0) { swPath = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); } var statLength = 0; var statVisited = 0; var query = new UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery(UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshWorld.GetDefaultWorld(), Unity.Collections.Allocator.TempJob, PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.POOL_SIZE); if (burstEnabled == true) { var results = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation>(PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.MAX_PATH_SIZE, Unity.Collections.Allocator.TempJob); var pathResults = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <int>(2, Unity.Collections.Allocator.TempJob); var job = new BuildPathJob() { query = query, fromPoint = fromPoint, toPoint = toPoint, agentTypeId = navMeshGraph.agentTypeId, areas = areas, pathResults = pathResults, results = results, }; job.Schedule().Complete(); var pathStatus = (UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus)pathResults[0]; var cornerCount = pathResults[1]; pathResults.Dispose(); if ((pathStatus & UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus.Success) != 0) { if (cornerCount >= 2) { path.navMeshPoints = PoolListCopyable <Vector3> .Spawn(cornerCount); for (var i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i) { path.navMeshPoints.Add(results[i].position); } if ((pathfindingLogLevel & LogLevel.Path) != 0) { var hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i) { hash ^= (int)(results[i].position.x * 1000000f); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Path hash X: " + hash); hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i) { hash ^= (int)(results[i].position.y * 1000000f); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Path hash Y: " + hash); hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i) { hash ^= (int)(results[i].position.z * 1000000f); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Path hash Z: " + hash); } if ((pathStatus & UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus.PartialResult) != 0) { path.result = PathCompleteState.CompletePartial; } else { path.result = PathCompleteState.Complete; } } else { path.result = PathCompleteState.NotExist; } } results.Dispose(); query.Dispose(); return(path); } UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.SamplePosition(fromPoint, out var hitFrom, 1000f, new UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter() { agentTypeID = navMeshGraph.agentTypeId, areaMask = areas, }); fromPoint = hitFrom.position; var from = query.MapLocation(fromPoint, * 10f, navMeshGraph.agentTypeId, areas); if (from.polygon.IsNull() == true) { return(path); } UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.SamplePosition(toPoint, out var hitTo, 1000f, new UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter() { agentTypeID = navMeshGraph.agentTypeId, areaMask = areas, }); toPoint = hitTo.position; var to = query.MapLocation(toPoint, * 10f, navMeshGraph.agentTypeId, areas); if (to.polygon.IsNull() == true) { return(path); } var marker = new Unity.Profiling.ProfilerMarker("PathfindingNavMeshProcessor::Query::BuildPath"); marker.Begin(); query.BeginFindPath(from, to, areas); query.UpdateFindPath(PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.MAX_ITERATIONS, out var performed); marker.End(); statVisited = performed; var result = query.EndFindPath(out var pathSize); if ((result & UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus.Success) != 0) { var pathInternal = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId>(pathSize, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent); query.GetPathResult(pathInternal); var markerFindStraight = new Unity.Profiling.ProfilerMarker("PathfindingNavMeshProcessor::Query::FindStraightPath"); markerFindStraight.Begin(); var straightPathFlags = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <StraightPathFlags>(PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.MAX_PATH_SIZE, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent); var vertexSide = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <float>(PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.MAX_PATH_SIZE, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent); var results = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation>(PathfindingNavMeshProcessor.MAX_PATH_SIZE, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent); var resultStatus = new Unity.Collections.NativeArray <int>(2, Unity.Collections.Allocator.TempJob); var job = new FindStraightPathJob() { query = query, from = from, to = to, pathInternal = pathInternal, pathSize = pathSize, results = results, straightPathFlags = straightPathFlags, vertexSide = vertexSide, resultStatus = resultStatus, }; job.Schedule().Complete(); var pathStatus = (UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus)job.resultStatus[0]; var cornerCount = job.resultStatus[1]; resultStatus.Dispose(); statLength = cornerCount; markerFindStraight.End(); if (pathStatus == UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus.Success) { /*for (int i = 1; i < cornerCount; ++i) { * * Gizmos.color =; * Gizmos.DrawLine(results[i].position, results[i - 1].position); * * }*/ pathResult.pathStatus = pathStatus; pathResult.results = results; pathResult.corners = cornerCount; if (cornerCount >= 2) { path.navMeshPoints = PoolListCopyable <Vector3> .Spawn(cornerCount); for (var i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i) { path.navMeshPoints.Add(results[i].position); } if ((pathfindingLogLevel & LogLevel.Path) != 0) { var hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i) { hash ^= (int)(results[i].position.x * 1000000f); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Path hash X: " + hash); hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i) { hash ^= (int)(results[i].position.y * 1000000f); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Path hash Y: " + hash); hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i) { hash ^= (int)(results[i].position.z * 1000000f); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Path hash Z: " + hash); } path.result = PathCompleteState.Complete; } else { path.result = PathCompleteState.NotExist; } pathResult.Dispose(); } else { path.result = PathCompleteState.NotExist; results.Dispose(); } vertexSide.Dispose(); straightPathFlags.Dispose(); pathInternal.Dispose(); } else { path.result = PathCompleteState.NotExist; //Debug.LogWarning("Path result: " + result + ", performed: " + performed); } System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swModifier = null; if ((pathfindingLogLevel & LogLevel.PathMods) != 0) { swModifier = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); } if ((path.result & PathCompleteState.Complete) != 0) { path = pathModifier.Run(path, constraint); } if ((pathfindingLogLevel & LogLevel.Path) != 0) { Logger.Log( $"Path result {path.result}, built in {(swPath.ElapsedTicks / (double)System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond).ToString("0.##")}ms. Path length: {statLength} (Visited: {statVisited})\nThread Index: {threadIndex}"); } if ((pathfindingLogLevel & LogLevel.PathMods) != 0) { Logger.Log($"Path Mods: {swModifier.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); } query.Dispose(); return(path); }