예제 #1
        public frmFind(Control owner, SyntaxEditor editor, FindReplaceOptions options, bool OnlyFiles, string SearchStr)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support


            // Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
            this.owner		= owner;
            this.editor		= editor;
            this.options	= options;

            // Set the form owner
            this.Owner = g.Main;

            // Clear the status

            // Select the first search type
            searchTypeDropDownList.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Update options
            findTextBox.Text						= options.FindText;
            matchCaseCheckBox.Checked				= options.MatchCase;
            matchWholeWordCheckBox.Checked			= options.MatchWholeWord;
            searchUpCheckBox.Checked				= options.SearchUp;
            searchHiddenTextCheckBox.Checked		= options.SearchHiddenText;
            searchInSelectionCheckBox.Checked		= options.SearchInSelection;
            searchTypeCheckBox.Checked				= (options.SearchType != FindReplaceSearchType.Normal);
            searchTypeDropDownList.SelectedIndex	= (options.SearchType != FindReplaceSearchType.Wildcard ? 0 : 1);

            this.findTextBox.Text = SearchStr;

            if (OnlyFiles) {
                this.optAllFiles.Enabled = false;
                this.optCurFile.Enabled = false;
                this.optEntireProject.Checked = true;
                this.optSelection.Enabled = false;

                this.markAllButton.Enabled = false;
                this.Text = "Find in Project";
                this.markWithCheckBox.Enabled = false;
                this.markWithCheckBox.Checked = false;
                this.searchUpCheckBox.Enabled = false;
                this.searchHiddenTextCheckBox.Enabled = false;

                this.bOnlyFiles = OnlyFiles;
        public static void InsertDocumentAtReplace(string dataDir)
            // ExStart:InsertDocumentAtReplace
            Document mainDoc = new Document(dataDir + "InsertDocument1.doc");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
            options.ReplacingCallback = new InsertDocumentAtReplaceHandler();

            mainDoc.Range.Replace(new Regex("\\[MY_DOCUMENT\\]"),"" , options);
            dataDir = dataDir + "InsertDocumentAtReplace_out.doc";
            // ExEnd:InsertDocumentAtReplace
            Console.WriteLine("\nDocument inserted successfully at a replace.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
예제 #3
        // ExStart:ReplaceWithHtml
        public static void ReplaceWithHtml(string dataDir)
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Writeln("Hello <CustomerName>,");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.ReplacingCallback = new ReplaceWithHtmlEvaluator(options);

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <CustomerName>,"), String.Empty, options);

            // Save the modified document.
            doc.Save(dataDir + "Range.ReplaceWithInsertHtml.doc");
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:DocumentBuilderInsertTCFieldsAtText
            Document doc = new Document();

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            // Highlight newly inserted content.
            options.ApplyFont.HighlightColor = Color.DarkOrange;
            options.ReplacingCallback =  new InsertTCFieldHandler("Chapter 1", "\\l 1");

            // Insert a TC field which displays "Chapter 1" just before the text "The Beginning" in the document.
            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("The Beginning"), "", options);
            // ExEnd:DocumentBuilderInsertTCFieldsAtText
예제 #5
        public void ReplaceNumbersAsHex()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Font.Name = "Arial";
            builder.Write("There are few numbers that should be converted to HEX and highlighted: 123, 456, 789 and 17379.");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            // Highlight newly inserted content.
            options.ApplyFont.HighlightColor = Color.DarkOrange;
            options.ReplacingCallback        = new NumberHexer();

            int count = doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("[0-9]+"), "", options);
예제 #6
        public void IgnoreFootnote(bool isIgnoreFootnotes)
            //ExSummary:Shows how to ignore footnotes during a find-and-replace operation.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Write("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.");
            builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.");


            builder.Write("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.");
            builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Endnote, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.");

            // Set the "IgnoreFootnotes" flag to "true" to get the find-and-replace
            // operation to ignore text inside footnotes.
            // Set the "IgnoreFootnotes" flag to "false" to get the find-and-replace
            // operation to also search for text inside footnotes.
            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions {
                IgnoreFootnotes = isIgnoreFootnotes

            doc.Range.Replace("Lorem ipsum", "Replaced Lorem ipsum", options);

            ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs;

            foreach (Paragraph para in paragraphs)
                Assert.AreEqual("Replaced Lorem ipsum", para.Runs[0].Text);

            List <Footnote> footnotes = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Footnote, true).Cast <Footnote>().ToList();

                    ? "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
                    : "Replaced Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
                    ? "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
                    : "Replaced Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
예제 #7
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: dirkstrauss/words
        private void ProcessMarkdown()
            var docPath    = "C:\\temp\\aspose\\";
            var fileToLoad = "snippet.md";

            var doc = new Document(Path.Combine(docPath, fileToLoad));

            var options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            //options.ApplyFont.Bold = false;
            options.ApplyFont.Italic = true;

            _ = doc.Range.Replace("demonstration", "code demonstration", options);

            var paragraph0 = CreateParagraph(doc, StyleNames.Heading1);

            _ = paragraph0.AppendChild(CreateRun(doc, "This is a Heading 1"));

            var paragraph1 = CreateParagraph(doc);

            _ = paragraph1.AppendChild(CreateRun(doc, "This is some bold text", true));

            var paragraph2 = CreateParagraph(doc, StyleNames.Heading2);

            _ = paragraph2.AppendChild(CreateRun(doc, "This is a Heading 2"));

            var paragraph3 = CreateParagraph(doc);

            _ = paragraph3.AppendChild(CreateRun(doc, "This is some Italic text", false, true));

            var paragraph4 = CreateParagraph(doc, StyleNames.Quote);

            _ = paragraph4.AppendChild(CreateRun(doc, "This is a quote or something profound"));

            _ = doc.Save(Path.Combine(docPath, "snippetModified.md"), SaveFormat.Markdown);

            //doc.Protect(ProtectionType.ReadOnly, "password");
            //_ = doc.Save(Path.Combine(docPath, "snippetModified.docx"), SaveFormat.Docx);

            //doc.Print("Foxit Reader PDF Printer");
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor</summary>
        public SyntaxEditorControl()
            // Uncomment the next line and use something like
            // CodeEditor to open a document and see these results.

            var doc = new Document { LineModificationMarkingEnabled = true };
            doc.Outlining.Mode = OutliningMode.Automatic;

            Location = new Point(0, 0);
            Name = "editor";
            base.AllowDrop = false;
            Document = doc;
            DefaultContextMenuEnabled = true;
            IntelliPrompt.DropShadowEnabled = true;
            IntelliPrompt.SmartTag.ClearOnDocumentModification = true;
            IntelliPrompt.SmartTag.MultipleSmartTagsEnabled = false;
            LineNumberMarginVisible = true;
            IndentType = IndentType.Smart;
            BracketHighlightingVisible = true;
            SplitType = SyntaxEditorSplitType.FourWay;

            DocumentIndicatorRemoved += EditorDocumentIndicatorRemoved;
            SmartIndent += EditorSmartIndent;
            DocumentSyntaxLanguageLoaded += EditorDocumentSyntaxLanguageLoaded;
            DocumentIndicatorAdded += EditorDocumentIndicatorAdded;
            KeyTyping += EditorKeyTyping;
            ViewMouseHover += EditorViewMouseHover;
            DocumentTextChanged += EditorDocumentTextChanged;
            ContextMenuRequested += EditorContextMenuRequested;
            PasteDragDrop += EditorPasteDragDrop;
            TriggerActivated += EditorTriggerActivated;
            ViewMouseDown += EditorViewMouseDown;
            base.SelectionChanged += SyntaxEditorControlSelectionChanged;

            m_findReplaceOptions = new FindReplaceOptions();
            m_findReplaceForm = new FindReplaceForm(this, m_findReplaceOptions);

            if (s_imgList == null)
                s_imgList = ReflectionImageList;

            // Added by PJO
            KeyUp += SyntaxEditorControlKeyUp;
            MouseUp += SyntaxEditorControlMouseUp;

            Renderer = new VisualStudio2005SyntaxEditorRenderer();
예제 #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Writeln("Hello world!");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions
                MatchCase          = false,
                FindWholeWordsOnly = true

            doc.Range.Replace("Hello world!", "Greetings planet!", options);

            doc.Save("Search for and Replace text.docx");
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ReplaceWithRegex
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_FindAndReplace();

            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Document.doc");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("[s|m]ad"), "bad", options);

            dataDir = dataDir + "ReplaceWithRegex_out.doc";
            // ExEnd:ReplaceWithRegex
            Console.WriteLine("\nText replaced with regex successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
예제 #11
        public void FindAndReplaceWithPreserveMetaCharacters()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to preserved meta-characters that beginning with "&".
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Range.FindAndReplaceWithPreserveMetaCharacters.docx");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.FindWholeWordsOnly     = true;
            options.PreserveMetaCharacters = true;

            doc.Range.Replace("sad", "&ldquo; some text &rdquo;", options);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Range.FindAndReplaceWithMetacharacters.docx");
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ReplaceWithEvaluator
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_FindAndReplace();
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Range.ReplaceWithEvaluator.doc");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();   
            options.ReplacingCallback = new MyReplaceEvaluator();

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("[s|m]ad"), "", options);

            dataDir = dataDir + "Range.ReplaceWithEvaluator_out.doc";
            // ExEnd:ReplaceWithEvaluator
            Console.WriteLine("\nText replaced successfully with evaluator.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
예제 #13
        public void ReplaceWithString()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Writeln("This one is sad.");
            builder.Writeln("That one is mad.");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.MatchCase          = false;
            options.FindWholeWordsOnly = true;

            doc.Range.Replace("sad", "bad", options);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Range.ReplaceWithString.docx");
        public void ReplaceWithEvaluator()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Writeln("sad mad bad");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions {
                ReplacingCallback = new MyReplaceEvaluator()

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("[s|m]ad"), "", options);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FindAndReplace.ReplaceWithEvaluator.docx");
        public void RecognizeAndSubstitutionsWithinReplacementPatterns()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Write("Jason give money to Paul.");

            Regex regex = new Regex(@"([A-z]+) give money to ([A-z]+)");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions {
                UseSubstitutions = true

            doc.Range.Replace(regex, @"$2 take money from $1", options);
        public void ReplaceTextInFooter()
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Footer.docx");

            HeaderFooterCollection headersFooters = doc.FirstSection.HeadersFooters;
            HeaderFooter           footer         = headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterPrimary];

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions {
                MatchCase = false, FindWholeWordsOnly = false

            footer.Range.Replace("(C) 2006 Aspose Pty Ltd.", "Copyright (C) 2020 by Aspose Pty Ltd.", options);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FindAndReplace.ReplaceTextInFooter.docx");
        public void FindAndHighlight()
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Find and highlight.docx");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions
                ReplacingCallback = new ReplaceEvaluatorFindAndHighlight(), Direction = FindReplaceDirection.Backward

            Regex regex = new Regex("your document", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            doc.Range.Replace(regex, "", options);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FindAndReplace.FindAndHighlight.docx");
예제 #18
        public void InsertDocumentAtReplace()
            Document mainDoc = new Document(MyDir + "Document insertion 1.docx");

            // Set find and replace options.
            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions
                Direction         = FindReplaceDirection.Backward,
                ReplacingCallback = new InsertDocumentAtReplaceHandler()

            // Call the replace method.
            mainDoc.Range.Replace(new Regex("\\[MY_DOCUMENT\\]"), "", options);
            mainDoc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "CloneAndCombineDocuments.InsertDocumentAtReplace.docx");
        public void ReplaceHtmlTextWithMetaCharacters()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);


            FindReplaceOptions findReplaceOptions = new FindReplaceOptions {
                ReplacingCallback = new FindAndInsertHtml()

            doc.Range.Replace("{PLACEHOLDER}", "<p>&ldquo;Some Text&rdquo;</p>", findReplaceOptions);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FindAndReplace.ReplaceHtmlTextWithMetaCharacters.docx");
예제 #20
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>FindReplaceForm</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntaxEditor">The <see cref="SyntaxEditor"/> for which to display the form.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The <see cref="FindReplaceOptions"/> to use.</param>
        public FindReplaceForm(SyntaxEditor syntaxEditor, FindReplaceOptions options)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            // Ensure there are options
            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("options");

            // Initalize parameters
            this.syntaxEditor = syntaxEditor;
            this.options      = options;

            // Load text from resources
            //this.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_Text");
            //closeButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("General_CloseButton_Text");
            //findButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_FindButton_Text");
            //findWhatLabel.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_FindWhatLabel_Text");
            //markAllButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_MarkAllButton_Text");
            //markWithCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_MarkWithCheckBox_Text");
            //matchCaseCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_MatchCaseCheckBox_Text");
            //matchWholeWordCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_MatchWholeWordCheckBox_Text");
            //replaceButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_ReplaceButton_Text");
            //replaceAllButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_ReplaceAllButton_Text");
            //replaceWithLabel.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_ReplaceWithLabel_Text");
            //searchHiddenTextCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchHiddenTextCheckBox_Text");
            //searchInSelectionCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchInSelectionCheckBox_Text");
            //searchTypeCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchTypeCheckBox_Text");
            //this.searchTypeDropDownList.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
            //    AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchTypeDropDownList_Item_RegularExpressions"),
            //    AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchTypeDropDownList_Item_Wildcards")
            //    });
            //searchUpCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchUpCheckBox_Text");

            this.searchTypeDropDownList.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "規則運算式", "萬用字元" });

            // Select the first search type
            searchTypeDropDownList.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Update options
예제 #21
        public void ReplaceWithRegex()
            //ExFor:Range.Replace(Regex, String, FindReplaceOptions)
            //ExSummary:Shows how to replace all occurrences of words "sad" or "mad" to "bad".
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.doc");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.MatchCase          = false;
            options.FindWholeWordsOnly = false;

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("[s|m]ad"), "bad", options);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ReplaceWithRegex.docx");
예제 #22
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_FindAndReplace();

            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Document.doc");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("[s|m]ad"), "bad", options);

            dataDir = dataDir + "ReplaceWithRegex_out_.doc";
            Console.WriteLine("\nText replaced with regex successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
예제 #23
        public HttpResponseMessage Search(RequestData request)
            Opts.AppName    = "Viewer";
            Opts.FileName   = request.fileName;
            Opts.FolderName = request.folderName;
            Opts.MethodName = "Search";

                if (Opts.FolderName.Contains(".."))
                    throw new Exception("Break-in attempt");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.searchQuery))
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new int[] { }));

                var doc      = new Document(Opts.WorkingFileName);
                var lst      = new HashSet <int>();
                var findings = new AsposeWordsSearch.FindCallback();
                var options  = new FindReplaceOptions()
                    ReplacingCallback = findings,
                    Direction         = FindReplaceDirection.Forward,
                    MatchCase         = false
                doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(request.searchQuery, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), "", options);
                var lc = new LayoutCollector(doc);
                foreach (var mathchedNode in findings.MatchedNodes)
                    foreach (var node in mathchedNode.Value.Select(x => x.MatchNode))
                        var pageNumber = lc.GetStartPageIndex(node);
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, lst));
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #24
        public static void ReplaceUsingPattern(string dataDir)
            // ExStart:ReplaceWithEvaluator
            // The path to the documents directory.

            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Range.ReplaceWithEvaluator.doc");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.ReplacingCallback = new MyReplaceEvaluator();

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("[s|m]ad"), "", options);

            dataDir = dataDir + "Range.ReplaceWithEvaluator_out.doc";
            // ExEnd:ReplaceWithEvaluator
            Console.WriteLine("\nText replaced successfully with evaluator.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
        public void ChangeTextInATableFeature()
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Change text in a table.docx");

            // Get the first table in the document.
            Table table = (Table)doc.GetChild(NodeType.Table, 0, true);

            // Replace any instances of our string in the last cell of the table only.
            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions
                MatchCase          = true,
                FindWholeWordsOnly = true

            table.Rows[1].Cells[2].Range.Replace("Mr", "test", options);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Change text in a table - Aspose.Words.docx");
예제 #26
        [Test] //ExSkip
        public void ReplaceWithInsertHtml()
            // Open the document
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Writeln("Hello <CustomerName>,");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.ReplacingCallback = new ReplaceWithHtmlEvaluator();

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <CustomerName>,"), string.Empty, options);

            // Save the modified document
            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Range.ReplaceWithInsertHtml.docx");
            Assert.AreEqual("James Bond, Hello\r\x000c", new Document(ArtifactsDir + "Range.ReplaceWithInsertHtml.docx").GetText()); //ExSkip
        public static void HighlightColor(string dataDir)
            // Load a Word Docx document by creating an instance of the Document class.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Writeln("Hello _CustomerName_,");

            // ExStart:HighlightColor
            // Highlight word "the" with yellow color.
            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.ApplyFont.HighlightColor = Color.Yellow;

            // Replace highlighted text.
            doc.Range.Replace("Hello", "Hello", options);
            // ExEnd:HighlightColor
예제 #28
        // OBJECT
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>FindReplaceForm</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntaxEditor">The <see cref="SyntaxEditor"/> for which to display the form.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The <see cref="FindReplaceOptions"/> to use.</param>
        public FindReplaceForm(SyntaxEditor syntaxEditor, FindReplaceOptions options)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            // Ensure there are options
            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("options");

            // Initalize parameters
            this.syntaxEditor = syntaxEditor;
            this.options = options;

            // Load text from resources
            //this.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_Text");
            //closeButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("General_CloseButton_Text");
            //findButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_FindButton_Text");
            //findWhatLabel.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_FindWhatLabel_Text");
            //markAllButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_MarkAllButton_Text");
            //markWithCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_MarkWithCheckBox_Text");
            //matchCaseCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_MatchCaseCheckBox_Text");
            //matchWholeWordCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_MatchWholeWordCheckBox_Text");
            //replaceButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_ReplaceButton_Text");
            //replaceAllButton.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_ReplaceAllButton_Text");
            //replaceWithLabel.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_ReplaceWithLabel_Text");
            //searchHiddenTextCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchHiddenTextCheckBox_Text");
            //searchInSelectionCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchInSelectionCheckBox_Text");
            //searchTypeCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchTypeCheckBox_Text");
            //this.searchTypeDropDownList.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
            //    AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchTypeDropDownList_Item_RegularExpressions"),
            //    AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchTypeDropDownList_Item_Wildcards")
            //    });
            //searchUpCheckBox.Text = AssemblyInfo.Instance.Resources.GetString("FindReplaceForm_SearchUpCheckBox_Text");

            this.searchTypeDropDownList.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "�W�h�B�⦡", "�U�Φr��" });

            // Select the first search type
            searchTypeDropDownList.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Update options
예제 #29
        [TestCase(FindReplaceDirection.Forward)]  //ExSkip
        public void Direction(FindReplaceDirection findReplaceDirection)
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Insert three runs which we can search for using a regex pattern.
            // Place one of those runs inside a text box.
            builder.Writeln("Match 1.");
            builder.Writeln("Match 2.");
            builder.Writeln("Match 3.");
            builder.Writeln("Match 4.");

            // We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            // Assign a custom callback to the "ReplacingCallback" property.
            TextReplacementRecorder callback = new TextReplacementRecorder();

            options.ReplacingCallback = callback;

            // Set the "Direction" property to "FindReplaceDirection.Backward" to get the find-and-replace
            // operation to start from the end of the range, and traverse back to the beginning.
            // Set the "Direction" property to "FindReplaceDirection.Backward" to get the find-and-replace
            // operation to start from the beginning of the range, and traverse to the end.
            options.Direction = findReplaceDirection;

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@"Match \d*"), "Replacement", options);

            Assert.AreEqual("Replacement.\r" +
                            "Replacement.\r" +
                            "Replacement.\r" +
                            "Replacement.", doc.GetText().Trim());

            switch (findReplaceDirection)
            case FindReplaceDirection.Forward:
                Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "Match 1", "Match 2", "Match 3", "Match 4" }, callback.Matches);

            case FindReplaceDirection.Backward:
                Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "Match 4", "Match 3", "Match 2", "Match 1" }, callback.Matches);
예제 #30
        public static void FindAndReplaceFeature()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Writeln("This one is sad.");
            builder.Writeln("That one is mad.");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.MatchCase          = false;
            options.FindWholeWordsOnly = true;

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Find and replace.Replace one word - Aspose.Words.docx");

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Find and replace.Replace two words - Aspose.Words.docx");
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_FindAndReplace();
            string fileName = "Field.ReplaceTextWithFields.doc";

            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName);

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
            options.ReplacingCallback = new ReplaceTextWithFieldHandler(FieldType.FieldMergeField);

            // Replace any "PlaceHolderX" instances in the document (where X is a number) with a merge field.
            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@"PlaceHolder(\d+)"), "", options);

            dataDir = dataDir + RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath(fileName);

            Console.WriteLine("\nText replaced with field successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
        //ExFor:Range.Replace(Regex, string, FindReplaceOptions)
        //ExSummary:Replaces text specified with regular expression with HTML.
        public void ReplaceWithInsertHtml()
            // Open the document.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            builder.Writeln("Hello <CustomerName>,");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.ReplacingCallback = new ReplaceWithHtmlEvaluator(options);

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@" <CustomerName>,"), String.Empty, options); //instead of obsolete method doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@"<CustomerName>"), new ReplaceWithHtmlEvaluator(), false)

            // Save the modified document.
            doc.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\Range.ReplaceWithInsertHtml.doc");

            Assert.AreEqual("James Bond, Hello\r\x000c", doc.GetText()); //ExSkip
예제 #33
        public void HeaderFooterOrder()
            //ExFor:Range.Replace(String, String, FindReplaceOptions)
            //ExSummary: Show changes for headers and footers order
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "HeaderFooter.HeaderFooterOrder.docx");

            // Assert that we use special header and footer for the first page
            // The order for this: first header\footer, even header\footer, primary header\footer
            Section firstPageSection = doc.FirstSection;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, firstPageSection.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter);

            ReplaceLog         logger  = new ReplaceLog();
            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions {
                ReplacingCallback = logger

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("(header|footer)"), "", options);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HeaderFooter.HeaderFooterOrder.docx");
#if __MOBILE__
            Assert.AreEqual("First header\nFirst footer\nSecond header\nSecond footer\nThird header\n" +
                            "Third footer\n", logger.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("First header\nFirst footer\nSecond header\nSecond footer\nThird header\n" +
                            "Third footer\n", logger.Text.Replace("\r", ""));
            // Prepare our string builder for assert results without "DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter"

            // Remove special first page
            // The order for this: primary header, default header, primary footer, default footer, even header\footer
            firstPageSection.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = false;

            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("(header|footer)"), "", options);
#if __MOBILE__
            Assert.AreEqual("Third header\nFirst header\nThird footer\nFirst footer\nSecond header\nSecond footer\n", logger.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("Third header\nFirst header\nThird footer\nFirst footer\nSecond header\nSecond footer\n", logger.Text.Replace("\r", ""));
예제 #34
        public void ReplaceWithoutPreserveMetaCharacters()
            const string text            = "some text";
            const string replaceWithText = "&ldquo;";

            Document doc = new Document();

            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);


            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.PreserveMetaCharacters = false;

            doc.Range.Replace(text, replaceWithText, options);

            Assert.AreEqual("\vdquo;\f", doc.GetText());
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir  = RunExamples.GetDataDir_FindAndReplace();
            string fileName = "Field.ReplaceTextWithFields.doc";

            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName);

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.ReplacingCallback = new ReplaceTextWithFieldHandler(FieldType.FieldMergeField);

            // Replace any "PlaceHolderX" instances in the document (where X is a number) with a merge field.
            doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@"PlaceHolder(\d+)"), "", options);

            dataDir = dataDir + RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath(fileName);

            Console.WriteLine("\nText replaced with field successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
        private static void ReplaceTextInFooter(string dataDir)
            // ExStart:ReplaceTextInFooter
            // Open the template document, containing obsolete copyright information in the footer.
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "HeaderFooter.ReplaceText.doc");

            HeaderFooterCollection headersFooters = doc.FirstSection.HeadersFooters;
            HeaderFooter           footer         = headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterPrimary];

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions
                MatchCase          = false,
                FindWholeWordsOnly = false

            footer.Range.Replace("(C) 2006 Aspose Pty Ltd.", "Copyright (C) 2019 by Aspose Pty Ltd.", options);

            doc.Save(dataDir + "HeaderFooter.ReplaceText.doc");
            // ExEnd:ReplaceTextInFooter
        public static void RecognizeAndSubstitutionsWithinReplacementPatterns(string dataDir)
            // ExStart:RecognizeAndSubstitutionsWithinReplacementPatterns
            // Create new document.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Write some text.
            builder.Write("Jason give money to Paul.");

            Regex regex = new Regex(@"([A-z]+) give money to ([A-z]+)");

            // Replace text using substitutions.
            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.UseSubstitutions = true;
            doc.Range.Replace(regex, @"$2 take money from $1", options);
            // ExEnd:RecognizeAndSubstitutionsWithinReplacementPatterns
            Console.WriteLine(doc.GetText()); // The output is: Paul take money from Jason.\f
        public void InsertDocumentAtReplace()
            //ExFor:Range.Replace(Regex, String, FindReplaceOptions)
            //ExSummary:Shows how to insert content of one document into another during a customized find and replace operation.
            Document mainDoc = new Document(MyDir + "InsertDocument1.doc");

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();

            options.Direction         = FindReplaceDirection.Backward;
            options.ReplacingCallback = new InsertDocumentAtReplaceHandler();

            mainDoc.Range.Replace(new Regex("\\[MY_DOCUMENT\\]"), "", options);
            mainDoc.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\InsertDocumentAtReplace.doc");
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:FindAndHighlight
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_FindAndReplace();
            string fileName = "TestFile.doc";

            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName);

            FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
            options.ReplacingCallback = new ReplaceEvaluatorFindAndHighlight();

            // We want the "your document" phrase to be highlighted.
            Regex regex = new Regex("your document", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            doc.Range.Replace(regex, "", options);

            dataDir = dataDir + RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath(fileName);
            // Save the output document.
            // ExEnd:FindAndHighlight
            Console.WriteLine("\nText highlighted successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
예제 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills FoundLocations with positions in the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="textToFind"></param>
        /// <param name="scope"></param>
        /// <param name="function"></param>
        /// <param name="isTemplateFunction"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <param name="userOffset"></param>
        /// <param name="findOneOnly"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool FindInText(string text, string textToFind, Scope scope, FunctionInfo function, bool isTemplateFunction, FindReplaceOptions options, int userOffset, bool findOneOnly)
            text = text.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
            // TODO: this function is in dire need of refactoring. The searching code is repeated in multiple places.
            bool found = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textToFind))
                return false;
            if (!isTemplateFunction)
                // Only template functions should have 'script' and 'output'
                scope = Scope.Both;
            if (!options.MatchCase)
                text = text.ToLower();
                textToFind = textToFind.ToLower();
            int scriptStartPos = 0;
            int scriptEndPos = 0;
            int nextPos;

            switch (scope)
                case Scope.ScriptOnly:
                    for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                        if (text[i] == '<' &&
                            text.Length > (i + 1) &&
                            text[i + 1] == '%')
                            scriptStartPos = i + 2;
                        else if (text[i] == '%' &&
                            text.Length > (i + 1) &&
                            text[i + 1] == '>')
                            scriptEndPos = i;
                            // Replace text
                            string script = text.Substring(scriptStartPos, scriptEndPos - scriptStartPos);
                            nextPos = script.IndexOf(textToFind);

                            while (nextPos >= 0)
                                if (!options.MatchWholeWord ||
                                    (options.MatchWholeWord && IsWholeWord(ref script, ref textToFind, ref nextPos)))
                                    m_foundLocations.Add(new FoundLocation(function, scriptStartPos + nextPos, textToFind.Length));

                                    if (scriptStartPos + nextPos > userOffset)
                                        found = true;

                                        if (findOneOnly)
                                            m_foundLocations.Add(new FoundLocation(function, scriptStartPos + nextPos, textToFind.Length));
                                            return found;
                                nextPos = script.IndexOf(textToFind, nextPos + 1);
                            i = scriptEndPos + 2;
                case Scope.OutputOnly:
                    scriptStartPos = 0; // This works for template functions only

                    for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                        if (text[i] == '%' &&
                            text.Length > (i + 1) &&
                            text[i + 1] == '>')
                            scriptStartPos = i + 2;
                        else if (text[i] == '<' &&
                            text.Length > (i + 1) &&
                            text[i + 1] == '%')
                            scriptEndPos = i;
                            // Replace text
                            string script = text.Substring(scriptStartPos, scriptEndPos - scriptStartPos);
                            nextPos = script.IndexOf(textToFind);

                            while (nextPos >= 0)
                                if (!options.MatchWholeWord ||
                                    (options.MatchWholeWord && IsWholeWord(ref text, ref textToFind, ref nextPos)))
                                    m_foundLocations.Add(new FoundLocation(function, scriptStartPos + nextPos, textToFind.Length));

                                    if (scriptStartPos + nextPos > userOffset)
                                        found = true;

                                        if (findOneOnly)
                                            m_foundLocations.Add(new FoundLocation(function, scriptStartPos + nextPos, textToFind.Length));
                                            return found;
                                nextPos = script.IndexOf(textToFind, nextPos + 1);
                            i = scriptEndPos + 2;
                    // Search the remaining text
                    if (scriptEndPos < text.Length)
                        string script = text.Substring(scriptStartPos);
                        nextPos = script.IndexOf(textToFind);

                        while (nextPos >= 0)
                            if (!options.MatchWholeWord ||
                                    (options.MatchWholeWord && IsWholeWord(ref text, ref textToFind, ref nextPos)))
                                m_foundLocations.Add(new FoundLocation(function, scriptStartPos + nextPos, textToFind.Length));

                                if (scriptStartPos + nextPos > userOffset)
                                    found = true;

                                    if (findOneOnly)
                                        m_foundLocations.Add(new FoundLocation(function, scriptStartPos + nextPos, textToFind.Length));
                                        return found;
                            nextPos = script.IndexOf(textToFind, nextPos + 1);
                case Scope.Both:
                    nextPos = text.IndexOf(textToFind);

                    while (nextPos >= 0)
                        if (!options.MatchWholeWord ||
                                    (options.MatchWholeWord && IsWholeWord(ref text, ref textToFind, ref nextPos)))
                            m_foundLocations.Add(new FoundLocation(function, nextPos, textToFind.Length));

                            if (scriptStartPos + nextPos > userOffset)
                                found = true;

                                if (findOneOnly)
                                    m_foundLocations.Add(new FoundLocation(function, nextPos, textToFind.Length));
                                    return found;
                        nextPos = text.IndexOf(textToFind, nextPos + 1);
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Not coded yet");
            return found;
예제 #41
        bool ICommandHandler.HandleCommand(Command command)
            ISearchableDocumentView view;
            bool flag = false;
            bool flag2 = false;
            if (command.CommandGroup.Equals(typeof(GlobalCommands)))
                switch (command.CommandID)
                    case 0x6c:
                        goto Label_02E2;

                    case 0x6d:
                        ISearchableDocumentView activeDocumentView = this.GetActiveDocumentView() as ISearchableDocumentView;
                        if (activeDocumentView != null)
                            ReplaceDialog dialog2 = new ReplaceDialog(this._serviceProvider, activeDocumentView, this._lastFindReplaceOptions, activeDocumentView.InitialSearchString, this.FindMruList, this.ReplaceMruList);
                            IUIService service7 = (IUIService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService));
                            if (service7 != null)
                                this._lastFindReplaceOptions = dialog2.FindReplaceOptions;
                            flag2 = true;
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
                    case 110:
                        ISearchableDocumentView view3 = this.GetActiveDocumentView() as ISearchableDocumentView;
                        if (((view3 != null) && (command.Text != null)) && (command.Text.Length > 0))
                            flag2 = true;
                            if (!view3.PerformFind(command.Text, this._lastFindReplaceOptions & (FindReplaceOptions.WholeWord | FindReplaceOptions.MatchCase)))
                                IUIService service6 = (IUIService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService));
                                if (service6 != null)
                                    service6.ShowMessage("Couldn't find '" + command.Text + "'", string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
                    case 8:
                        IPrintService service = (IPrintService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPrintService));
                        if (service != null)
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
                    case 300:
                    case 0x12d:
                    case 0x12e:
                    case 0x12f:
                    case 0x130:
                    case 0x131:
                    case 0x132:
                    case 0x133:
                    case 0x134:
                    case 0x135:
                    case 320:
                    case 0x141:
                        ((ICommandHandler) this.AddInManager).HandleCommand(command);
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;

                    case 310:
                    case 0x137:
                    case 0x138:
                    case 0x139:
                    case 0x13a:
                    case 0x13b:
                    case 0x13c:
                    case 0x13d:
                    case 0x13e:
                    case 0x13f:
                    case 0x142:
                    case 0x143:
                    case 0x259:
                    case 0x25d:
                    case 0x25f:
                    case 0x260:
                    case 0x261:
                        goto Label_052C;

                    case 0x144:
                        OptionsDialog dialog3 = new OptionsDialog(this._serviceProvider);
                        ((IUIService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService))).ShowDialog(dialog3);
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
                    case 0x145:
                    case 0x146:
                    case 0x147:
                        IToolboxService service8 = this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IToolboxService)) as IToolboxService;
                        ToolboxSection activeSection = service8.ActiveSection;
                        if (activeSection != null)
                            activeSection.Customize(command.CommandID - 0x145, this._serviceProvider);
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
                    case 180:
                        ISearchableDocumentView view2 = this.GetActiveDocumentView() as ISearchableDocumentView;
                        if (view2 != null)
                            if (this.FindMruList.Count == 0)
                                goto Label_02E2;
                            view2.PerformFind(this.FindMruList[0], this._lastFindReplaceOptions & (FindReplaceOptions.WholeWord | FindReplaceOptions.MatchCase));
                            flag2 = true;
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
                    case 600:
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;

                    case 0x25a:
                    case 0x25e:
                        ApplicationInfoDialog dialog = new ApplicationInfoDialog(this._serviceProvider, command.CommandID == 0x25e);
                        IUIService service4 = (IUIService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService));
                        if (service4 == null)
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
                    case 0x25b:
                    case 0x25c:
                        string format = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["IDE.AskQuestionUrl"];
                        if ((format == null) || (format.Length == 0))
                            ((IUIService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService))).ShowMessage("Unable to bring up launch the answer page.", "Ask Question");
                            string entry = string.Empty;
                            if (command.CommandID == 0x25c)
                                entry = command.Text;
                                if (entry != null)
                                    format = string.Format(format, entry);
                                    flag2 = true;
                            ((IWebBrowsingService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IWebBrowsingService))).BrowseUrl(format);
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
                    case 610:
                    case 0x263:
                    case 0x264:
                    case 0x265:
                    case 0x266:
                    case 0x267:
                    case 0x268:
                    case 0x269:
                    case 0x26a:
                    case 0x26b:
                        IDictionary webLinks = this.WebLinks;
                        if (webLinks != null)
                            int num = command.CommandID - 610;
                            string str = "Help" + num;
                            WebLink link = (WebLink) webLinks[str];
                            if (link != null)
                        flag = true;
                        goto Label_052C;
            goto Label_052C;
            view = this.GetActiveDocumentView() as ISearchableDocumentView;
            if (view != null)
                SearchForm form = new SearchForm(this._serviceProvider, view, this._lastFindReplaceOptions, view.InitialSearchString, this.FindMruList);
                IUIService service5 = (IUIService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService));
                if (service5 != null)
                    this._lastFindReplaceOptions = form.FindReplaceOptions;
                flag2 = true;
            flag = true;
            if (flag2)
                ((ICommandManager) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ICommandManager))).UpdateCommands(false);
            return flag;
예제 #42
        public void RenameVariable(ILuaIntellisenseDocument document)
            VariableExpression expression;
            List<LuatValue.IReference> definitions;
            if (!CanRenameVariable(document, out expression, out definitions))

            using (var dialog = new RenameVariableForm())
                dialog.InputText = expression.DisplayText;

                var se = (ActiproSoftware.SyntaxEditor.SyntaxEditor)document.SyntaxEditorControl;
                if (dialog.ShowDialog(se) != DialogResult.OK)

                if (CheckVariableNameInUse(expression, dialog.InputText))
                    const string message = "A variable with this name already exists. Do you want to continue?";
                    const string caption = "Warning";

                    if (MessageBox.Show(message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Cancel)

                    // save cursor and scroll pos to set it back to where it was after we are done replacing
                    //int caretPos = se.Caret.Offset;
                    //int scrollPos = se.SelectedView.FirstVisibleDisplayLineIndex;

                    var options =
                        new FindReplaceOptions
                                FindText = expression.DisplayText,
                                MatchCase = true,
                                MatchWholeWord = true,
                                ReplaceText = dialog.InputText,
                                SearchHiddenText = true,
                                SearchType = FindReplaceSearchType.Normal


                    //// remove duplicates (for instance, if scripts are referenced multiple times in a project)
                    //for (var i = 0; i < definitions.Count; ++i)
                    //    var original = definitions[i];

                    //    var duplicates = new List<LuatValue.IReference>();
                    //    for (var j = i + 1; j < definitions.Count; ++j)
                    //    {
                    //        var potentialDuplicate = definitions[j];

                    //        if ((original.Line == potentialDuplicate.Line) &&
                    //            (original.TextRange.StartOffset == potentialDuplicate.TextRange.StartOffset) &&
                    //            (original.TextRange.EndOffset == potentialDuplicate.TextRange.EndOffset) &&
                    //            (string.Compare(original.Path, potentialDuplicate.Path, true) == 0))
                    //        {
                    //            duplicates.Add(potentialDuplicate);
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //    foreach (LuatValue.IReference duplicate in duplicates)
                    //        definitions.Remove(duplicate);

                    //// remove spans that are included in larger spans
                    //for (var i = 0; i < definitions.Count; ++i)
                    //    var original = definitions[i];

                    //    var duplicates = new List<LuatValue.IReference>();
                    //    foreach (var potentialDuplicate in definitions)
                    //    {
                    //        if (ReferenceEquals(original, potentialDuplicate))
                    //            continue;

                    //        if (string.Compare(original.Path, potentialDuplicate.Path, true) != 0)
                    //            continue;

                    //        if ((potentialDuplicate.TextRange.StartOffset >= original.TextRange.StartOffset) &&
                    //            (potentialDuplicate.TextRange.EndOffset <= original.TextRange.EndOffset))
                    //        {
                    //            duplicates.Add(potentialDuplicate);
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //    foreach (LuatValue.IReference duplicate in duplicates)
                    //        definitions.Remove(duplicate);

                    //// sort the references so we replace the text bottom to top to avoid invalidating the
                    //// other references text range
                    //    (a, b) =>
                    //    {
                    //        TextRange aRange = ((SyntaxEditorTextRange)a.TextRange).ToTextRange();
                    //        TextRange bRange = ((SyntaxEditorTextRange)b.TextRange).ToTextRange();

                    //        return bRange.FirstOffset.CompareTo(aRange.FirstOffset);
                    //    });

                    //foreach (LuatValue.IReference reference in definitions)
                    //    TextRange textRange = ((SyntaxEditorTextRange)reference.TextRange).ToTextRange();
                    //    se.Document.ReplaceText(DocumentModificationType.Replace, textRange, dialog.InputText);

                    //// adjust the position of the cursor based on changes made to the document
                    //int diff = dialog.InputText.Length - expression.DisplayText.Length;
                    //caretPos += (diff * (definitions.Count - 1));

                    //se.Caret.Offset = caretPos;
                    //se.SelectedView.FirstVisibleDisplayLineIndex = scrollPos;
                catch (Exception ex)
예제 #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Renames a function throughout the project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldName"></param>
        /// <param name="newName"></param>
        public void RenameFunctionAll(string oldName, string newName)
            // TODO: Replace this search with a regular expression that searches for a real function. ie: followed by 0-m spaces then an opening bracket. Also, preceeded by a non-alphanumeric character.
            oldName += "(";
            newName += "(";
            // Store original settings
            SearchHelper.SearchFunctions origSearchFunctions = SearchHelper.searchFunctions;
            SearchHelper.Scope origScope = SearchHelper.scope;
            FindReplaceOptions origFindReplaceOptions = SearchHelper.Options;
            string origTextToFind = SearchHelper.Options == null ? "" : SearchHelper.Options.FindText;
            // Modify settings for special replace
            SearchHelper.searchFunctions = SearchHelper.SearchFunctions.AllFunctions;
            SearchHelper.scope = SearchHelper.Scope.ScriptOnly;
            FindReplaceOptions opt = new FindReplaceOptions();
            opt.MatchCase = true;// Might need to revisit this decision. Will miss possible mis-spellings in comments etc.
            SearchHelper.Options = opt;
            SearchHelper.Options.FindText = oldName;
            // Replace name in script portion of all functions
            SearchHelper.ReplaceAll(oldName, newName);

            // Replace in generated file names
            RenameFunctionInRootOuput(oldName, newName);

            if (Controller.Instance.MainForm.UcGenerationChoices != null)
            // Reset original settings
            SearchHelper.searchFunctions = origSearchFunctions;
            SearchHelper.scope = origScope;
            SearchHelper.Options = origFindReplaceOptions;

            if (SearchHelper.Options != null)
                SearchHelper.Options.FindText = origTextToFind;
예제 #44
 public LINQPadFindReplaceForm(ActiproSoftware.SyntaxEditor.SyntaxEditor editor, FindReplaceOptions options) : base(editor, options)
예제 #45
 protected override bool PerformReplace(string searchString, string replaceString, FindReplaceOptions options)
     if (this.InTemplateMode)
         return ((ISearchableDocumentView) this._templateEditingDialog.DesignView).PerformReplace(searchString, replaceString, options);
     return base.PerformReplace(searchString, replaceString, options);
예제 #46
 bool ISearchableDocumentView.PerformFind(string searchString, FindReplaceOptions options)
     return this.PerformFind(searchString, options);
예제 #47
        public frmFindReplace(Control owner, SyntaxEditor editor, FindReplaceOptions options, string DefaultText)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            // Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
            this.owner		= owner;
            this.editor		= editor;
            this.options	= options;

            // Set the form owner
            this.Owner = g.Main;

            // Clear the status

            // Select the first search type
            searchTypeDropDownList.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Update options
            findTextBox.Text						= options.FindText;
            replaceTextBox.Text						= options.ReplaceText;
            matchCaseCheckBox.Checked				= options.MatchCase;
            matchWholeWordCheckBox.Checked			= options.MatchWholeWord;
            searchUpCheckBox.Checked				= options.SearchUp;
            searchHiddenTextCheckBox.Checked		= options.SearchHiddenText;
            searchInSelectionCheckBox.Checked		= options.SearchInSelection;
            searchTypeCheckBox.Checked				= (options.SearchType != FindReplaceSearchType.Normal);
            searchTypeDropDownList.SelectedIndex	= (options.SearchType != FindReplaceSearchType.Wildcard ? 0 : 1);

            this.findTextBox.Text = DefaultText;
예제 #48
 private static void FindInText(string text, string textToFind, Scope scope, FunctionInfo function, bool isTemplateFunction, FindReplaceOptions options)
     FindInText(text, textToFind, scope, function, isTemplateFunction, options, -1, false);
예제 #49
 bool ISearchableDocumentView.PerformReplace(string searchString, string replaceString, FindReplaceOptions options)
     return ((this._currentView.view is ISearchableDocumentView) && ((ISearchableDocumentView) this._currentView.view).PerformReplace(searchString, replaceString, options));
예제 #50
 protected virtual bool PerformFind(string searchString, FindReplaceOptions options)
     return this._editor.Find(searchString, (options & FindReplaceOptions.MatchCase) != FindReplaceOptions.None, (options & FindReplaceOptions.WholeWord) != FindReplaceOptions.None, (options & FindReplaceOptions.SearchUp) != FindReplaceOptions.None);
예제 #51
 bool ISearchableDocumentView.PerformReplace(string searchString, string replaceString, FindReplaceOptions options)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
예제 #52
 protected virtual bool PerformFind(string searchString, FindReplaceOptions options)
     bool searchUp = (options & FindReplaceOptions.SearchUp) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     bool matchCase = (options & FindReplaceOptions.MatchCase) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     bool wholeWord = (options & FindReplaceOptions.WholeWord) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     bool inSelection = (options & FindReplaceOptions.InSelection) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     using (TextBufferSpan span = base.Find(searchString, matchCase, wholeWord, searchUp, inSelection))
         if (span != null)
             return true;
     return false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Called for each field belonging to an unmerged region in the document.
            /// </summary>
            public void FieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs args)
                 // ExStart:RemoveExtraParagraphs
                // Store the parent paragraph of the current field for easy access.
                Paragraph parentParagraph = args.Field.Start.ParentParagraph;

                // Define the logic to be used when the ContactDetails region is encountered.
                // The region is removed and replaced with a single line of text stating that there are no records.
                if (args.TableName == "ContactDetails")
                    // Called for the first field encountered in a region. This can be used to execute logic on the first field
                    // In the region without needing to hard code the field name. Often the base logic is applied to the first field and 
                    // Different logic for other fields. The rest of the fields in the region will have a null FieldValue.
                    if ((string)args.FieldValue == "FirstField")
                        FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
                        // Remove the "Name:" tag from the start of the paragraph
                        parentParagraph.Range.Replace("Name:", string.Empty, options);
                        // Set the text of the first field to display a message stating that there are no records.
                        args.Text = "No records to display";
                        // We have already inserted our message in the paragraph belonging to the first field. The other paragraphs in the region
                        // will still remain so we want to remove these. A check is added to ensure that the paragraph has not already been removed.
                        // which may happen if more than one field is included in a paragraph.
                        if (parentParagraph.ParentNode != null)
                // ExEnd:RemoveExtraParagraphs
                // ExStart:MergeAllCells
                // Replace the unused region in the table with a "no records" message and merge all cells into one.
                if (args.TableName == "Suppliers")
                    if ((string)args.FieldValue == "FirstField")
                        // We will use the first paragraph to display our message. Make it centered within the table. The other fields in other cells 
                        // within the table will be merged and won't be displayed so we don't need to do anything else with them.
                        parentParagraph.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
                        args.Text = "No records to display";

                    // Merge the cells of the table together. 
                    Cell cell = (Cell)parentParagraph.GetAncestor(NodeType.Cell);
                    if (cell != null)
                        if (cell.IsFirstCell)
                            cell.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge = CellMerge.First; // If this cell is the first cell in the table then the merge is started using "CellMerge.First".
                            cell.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge = CellMerge.Previous; // Otherwise the merge is continued using "CellMerge.Previous".
                // ExEnd:MergeAllCells
예제 #54
 private static void FindInText(string text, string textToFind, Scope scope, ArchAngel.Interfaces.Template.File scriptFile, bool isTemplateFunction, FindReplaceOptions options)
     FindInText(text, textToFind, scope, scriptFile, isTemplateFunction, options, -1, false);
예제 #55
 protected virtual bool PerformReplace(string searchString, string replaceString, FindReplaceOptions options)
     bool searchUp = (options & FindReplaceOptions.SearchUp) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     bool matchCase = (options & FindReplaceOptions.MatchCase) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     bool wholeWord = (options & FindReplaceOptions.WholeWord) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     bool replaceAll = (options & FindReplaceOptions.All) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     bool inSelection = (options & FindReplaceOptions.InSelection) != FindReplaceOptions.None;
     return base.Replace(searchString, replaceString, matchCase, wholeWord, searchUp, replaceAll, inSelection);