예제 #1
        private void _searchAndPopulateShapes()
            _data.Sources = new List <Tuple <FilterSetupShapeBase, int> >();


            foreach (Shape selectedShape in _data.FilterSetupForm.SelectedShapes.Reverse())
                FilterSetupShapeBase shape = selectedShape as FilterSetupShapeBase;
                if (shape != null && shape.OutputCount > 0 && shape.DataFlowComponent != null)
                    string title = shape.Title;

                    for (int i = 0; i < shape.OutputCount; i++)
                        _data.Sources.Add(new Tuple <FilterSetupShapeBase, int>(shape, i));
                        // offset the index by 1 to be human-readable
                        listViewSources.Items.Add(shape.OutputCount == 1 ? title : (title + " [Output " + (i + 1) + "]"));


        private void _searchAndPopulateShapes()
            _data.Destinations = new List <FilterSetupShapeBase>();


            foreach (Shape selectedShape in _data.FilterSetupForm.SelectedShapes.Reverse())
                FilterSetupShapeBase shape = selectedShape as FilterSetupShapeBase;
                if (shape != null && shape.InputCount > 0 && shape.DataFlowComponent != null)
                    string title = shape.Title;


예제 #3
        private void _addShapeToDataFlowMap(FilterSetupShapeBase shape, Dictionary<IDataFlowComponent, List<FilterSetupShapeBase>> map)
            if (shape.DataFlowComponent != null) {
                if (!map.ContainsKey(shape.DataFlowComponent))
                    map[shape.DataFlowComponent] = new List<FilterSetupShapeBase>();

                if (!map[shape.DataFlowComponent].Contains(shape))
예제 #4
        private void UpdateShapeSourceConnections(FilterSetupShapeBase shape)
            // find any existing lines that are connected to the point (it might already be connected to something -- right or wrong)
            IEnumerable<ShapeConnectionInfo> inputConnectionInfos = shape.GetConnectionInfos(shape.GetControlPointIdForInput(0), null);

            // find the intended source of this particular block
            IDataFlowComponentReference source = null;
            if (shape.DataFlowComponent != null && shape.DataFlowComponent.Source != null) {
                source = shape.DataFlowComponent.Source;

            // if this shape has a source, we need to determine what should be on the other end -- a real shape (if displayed),
            // or nothing (if it's not).  Once we have that, iterate through all the existing connection infos and remove any
            // that aren't connected to what we expect.
            if (source == null) {
                // if this shape has no actual source, there shouldn't be anything displayed.  Remove all the connected lines.
                foreach (ShapeConnectionInfo ci in inputConnectionInfos) {
                    DataFlowConnectionLine line = ci.OtherShape as DataFlowConnectionLine;
                    if (line == null) {
                        Logging.Error("a shape was connected to something other than a DataFlowLine! Shape text: " + shape.Text);
                    else {
                        _RemoveShapeFromDiagram(line, false);
            else {
                List<FilterSetupShapeBase> sourceShapes = null;
                if (source.Component != null)
                    _dataFlowComponentToShapes.TryGetValue(source.Component, out sourceShapes);
                if (sourceShapes == null)
                    sourceShapes = new List<FilterSetupShapeBase>();

                // iterate through all the existing connections for the shape source, and determine if any actually MATCH
                // the expected source.  If so, keep it and delete the rest.  If not, delete everything and make a new line.
                Shape accurateLine = null;
                foreach (ShapeConnectionInfo ci in inputConnectionInfos) {
                    DataFlowConnectionLine line = ci.OtherShape as DataFlowConnectionLine;
                    if (line == null) {
                        Logging.Error("a shape was connected to something other than a DataFlowLine! Shape text: " + shape.Text);

                    if (line.DestinationDataComponent != shape.DataFlowComponent) {
                        Logging.Warn("Well this is embarassing; a line shape is destined for a shape that isn't what it should be.");

                    if ((line.SourceDataFlowComponentReference != null &&
                            line.SourceDataFlowComponentReference.Component == shape.DataFlowComponent.Source.Component &&
                            line.SourceDataFlowComponentReference.OutputIndex == shape.DataFlowComponent.Source.OutputIndex) ||
                        (line.SourceDataFlowComponentReference == null && sourceShapes.Count == 0))
                        accurateLine = line;
                    else {
                        _RemoveShapeFromDiagram(line, false);

                // if there's a shape in the diagram that corresponds to the component source, keep it.  Otherwise, fake a line.
                if (accurateLine == null) {
                    if (sourceShapes.Count > 0) {
                        foreach (FilterSetupShapeBase sourceShape in sourceShapes) {
                            ConnectShapes(sourceShape, source.OutputIndex, shape);
                    } else {
                        FakeShapeConnection(shape, shape.GetControlPointIdForInput(0), false);
예제 #5
        private void UpdateShapeDestinationConnections(FilterSetupShapeBase shape)
            // check shape connection lines against their destination patches. A lot of these may have been done as part of
            // source patching; we can double check anyway.  We also want to remove invalid patches, and add 'fake' ones if
            // there's a patch to a destination that isn't on the diagram.

            for (int i = 0; i < shape.OutputCount; i++) {
                // find any existing lines that are connected to the point (it might already be connected to something -- right or wrong)
                List<ShapeConnectionInfo> outputConnectionInfos = shape.GetConnectionInfos(shape.GetControlPointIdForOutput(i), null).ToList();

                // get what it SHOULD be connected to
                IEnumerable<IDataFlowComponent> intendedDestinations = Enumerable.Empty<IDataFlowComponent>();

                if (shape.DataFlowComponent != null)
                    intendedDestinations = VixenSystem.DataFlow.GetDestinationsOfComponentOutput(shape.DataFlowComponent, i);

                HashSet<IDataFlowComponent> correctDestinations = new HashSet<IDataFlowComponent>();
                int realShapeConnections = 0;
                DataFlowConnectionLine dummyLine = null;

                foreach (ShapeConnectionInfo ci in outputConnectionInfos) {
                    DataFlowConnectionLine line = ci.OtherShape as DataFlowConnectionLine;
                    if (line == null) {
                        Logging.Error("a shape was connected to something other than a DataFlowLine! Shape text: " + shape.Text);

                    if (line.SourceDataFlowComponentReference.Component != shape.DataFlowComponent ||
                        line.SourceDataFlowComponentReference.OutputIndex != i) {

                        Logging.Warn("shape destination patch doesn't have a source of this shape DFC! shape: " + shape.Text);

                    IDataFlowComponent lineDestination = line.DestinationDataComponent;

                    if (lineDestination != null && correctDestinations.Contains(lineDestination)) {
                        Logging.Warn("line destination has already been processed and it's being processed again");

                    // see if the line that is there is invalid: ie. doesn't even go to a DFC that matches one we expect to see. If so, remove it.
                    // if not, it could be OK; double check that the shape it's connected to is the shape that represents that DFC (if any)
                    if (lineDestination == null && intendedDestinations.Any()  ||  !intendedDestinations.Contains(lineDestination)) {
                        _RemoveShapeFromDiagram(line, false);
                    } else {
                        List<FilterSetupShapeBase> destinationShapes = new List<FilterSetupShapeBase>();

                        if (lineDestination != null && _dataFlowComponentToShapes.ContainsKey(lineDestination)) {
                            destinationShapes = _dataFlowComponentToShapes[lineDestination];

                        if (destinationShapes.Count == 0) {
                            // a null destination is OK if it's the ONLY line; it may be patched to a hidden shape.  Otherwise, remove it.
                            if (lineDestination == null && outputConnectionInfos.Count == 1) {
                                // line should be OK
                                dummyLine = line;
                            else {
                                _RemoveShapeFromDiagram(line, false);
                        else {
                            // really, only element nodes should have multiple shapes for a single element, and they can never be connected
                            // to (as a destination). So, warn if there's multiple shapes here that correspond to a single endpoint.
                            if (destinationShapes.Count > 1) {
                                Logging.Warn("multiple destination shapes for a single DFC for updating destination connections");

                            // if the line is connected to a shape that isn't the expected one (based on DFC), delete the line, otherwise we're good
                            if (line.GetConnectionInfo(ControlPointId.LastVertex, null).OtherShape != destinationShapes.First()) {
                                _RemoveShapeFromDiagram(line, false);
                            else {
                                if (lineDestination != null) {

                List<IDataFlowComponent> needConnecting = intendedDestinations.Except(correctDestinations).ToList();
                foreach (IDataFlowComponent component in needConnecting) {
                    if (component != null && _dataFlowComponentToShapes.ContainsKey(component)) {
                        List<FilterSetupShapeBase> destinationShapes = _dataFlowComponentToShapes[component];
                        foreach (FilterSetupShapeBase destinationShape in destinationShapes) {
                            ConnectShapes(shape, i, destinationShape);

                if (realShapeConnections == 0 && intendedDestinations.Count() > 0 && dummyLine == null) {
                    // fake connection since there's nothing else connected
                    FakeShapeConnection(shape, shape.GetControlPointIdForOutput(i), true);
예제 #6
        public void FakeShapeConnection(FilterSetupShapeBase shape, ControlPointId controlPoint, bool shapeIsSource)
            DataFlowConnectionLine line = (DataFlowConnectionLine)project.ShapeTypes["DataFlowConnectionLine"].CreateInstance();
            diagramDisplay.Diagram.Shapes.SetZOrder(line, 100);

            line.EndCapStyle = new CapStyle("fakecapstyle", CapShape.Flat, project.Design.ColorStyles.Blue);
            //line.LineStyle = new LineStyle("fakelinestyle", 1, project.Design.ColorStyles.Gray);
            line.LineStyle = project.Design.LineStyles.Dashed;

            if (shapeIsSource) {
                line.SourceDataFlowComponentReference = new DataFlowComponentReference(shape.DataFlowComponent, shape.GetOutputNumberForControlPoint(controlPoint));
                line.Connect(ControlPointId.FirstVertex, shape, controlPoint);
                    shape.GetControlPointPosition(controlPoint).X + 40,
            } else {
                line.DestinationDataComponent = shape.DataFlowComponent;
                line.Connect(ControlPointId.LastVertex, shape, controlPoint);
                    shape.GetControlPointPosition(controlPoint).X - 40,
예제 #7
        //public void ConnectShapes(FilterSetupShapeBase source, int sourceOutputIndex, FilterSetupShapeBase destination,
        //                          bool removeExistingSource = true)
        public void ConnectShapes(FilterSetupShapeBase source, int sourceOutputIndex, FilterSetupShapeBase destination)
            DataFlowConnectionLine line = (DataFlowConnectionLine)project.ShapeTypes["DataFlowConnectionLine"].CreateInstance();
            diagramDisplay.Diagram.Shapes.SetZOrder(line, 100);
            line.EndCapStyle = project.Design.CapStyles.ClosedArrow;

            //if (removeExistingSource) {
            //    IEnumerable<ShapeConnectionInfo> connectionInfos =
            //        destination.GetConnectionInfos(destination.GetControlPointIdForInput(0), null);
            //    foreach (ShapeConnectionInfo ci in connectionInfos) {
            //        if (!ci.IsEmpty && ci.OtherShape is DataFlowConnectionLine) {
            //            _RemoveShapeFromDiagram(ci.OtherShape, true);
            //        }
            //    }

            line.SourceDataFlowComponentReference = new DataFlowComponentReference(source.DataFlowComponent, sourceOutputIndex);
            line.DestinationDataComponent = destination.DataFlowComponent;
            line.Connect(ControlPointId.FirstVertex, source, source.GetControlPointIdForOutput(sourceOutputIndex));
            line.Connect(ControlPointId.LastVertex, destination, destination.GetControlPointIdForInput(0));
예제 #8
 private void _ShowShape(FilterSetupShapeBase setupShapeBase)
     diagramDisplay.Diagram.AddShapeToLayers(setupShapeBase, _visibleLayer.Id);
     diagramDisplay.Diagram.RemoveShapeFromLayers(setupShapeBase, _hiddenLayer.Id);
예제 #9
        private void _ResizeAndPositionNestingShape(FilterSetupShapeBase shape, int width, int x, int y, bool visible)
            if (visible) {
            } else {

            if (width < SHAPE_MIN_WIDTH)
                width = SHAPE_MIN_WIDTH;

            if (visible && (shape is NestingSetupShape) && (shape as NestingSetupShape).Expanded &&
                (shape as NestingSetupShape).ChildFilterShapes.Count > 0) {
                int curY = y + SHAPE_GROUP_HEADER_HEIGHT;
                foreach (FilterSetupShapeBase childShape in (shape as NestingSetupShape).ChildFilterShapes) {
                    _ResizeAndPositionNestingShape(childShape, width - SHAPE_CHILD_WIDTH_REDUCTION, x, curY, true);
                    curY += childShape.Height + SHAPE_VERTICAL_SPACING;
                shape.Width = width;
                shape.Height = (curY - SHAPE_VERTICAL_SPACING + SHAPE_GROUP_FOOTER_HEIGHT) - y;
            } else {
                shape.Width = width;
                shape.Height = SHAPE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
                if (shape is NestingSetupShape) {
                    foreach (FilterSetupShapeBase childShape in (shape as NestingSetupShape).ChildFilterShapes) {
                        _ResizeAndPositionNestingShape(childShape, width, x, y, false);
            shape.X = x;
            shape.Y = y + shape.Height/2;
예제 #10
        private void _RemoveDataFlowLinksFromShapePoint(FilterSetupShapeBase shape, ControlPointId controlPoint, bool removePatching)
            foreach (ShapeConnectionInfo ci in shape.GetConnectionInfos(controlPoint, null)) {
                if (ci.OtherShape == null)

                DataFlowConnectionLine line = ci.OtherShape as DataFlowConnectionLine;
                if (line == null)
                    throw new Exception("a shape was connected to something other than a DataFlowLine!");

                // only try and unpatch if we're supposed to; this function can also be used to hide/remove lines from the display
                if (removePatching) {
                    // if the line is connected with the given shape as the SOURCE, remove the unknown DESTINATION's
                    // source (on the other end of the line). Otherwise, it (should) be that the given shape is the
                    // destination; so reset it's source. If neither of these are true, freak out.
                    if (line.GetConnectionInfo(ControlPointId.FirstVertex, null).OtherShape == shape) {
                        if (line.DestinationDataComponent != null)
                    else if (line.GetConnectionInfo(ControlPointId.LastVertex, null).OtherShape == shape) {
                    else {
                        throw new Exception("Can't reset a link that has neither the source or destination for the given shape!");


                _RemoveShapeFromDiagram(line, false);
예제 #11
        private void _RemoveDataFlowLinksFromAllShapePoints(FilterSetupShapeBase shape, bool removePatching)
            ControlPointId pointId;

            // go through all outputs for the shape, and check for connections to other shapes.
            for (int i = 0; i < shape.OutputCount; i++) {
                pointId = shape.GetControlPointIdForOutput(i);
                _RemoveDataFlowLinksFromShapePoint(shape, pointId, removePatching);

            // now check the source of the filter; if it's connected to anything, remove the connecting shape.
            if (shape.InputCount > 0) {
                pointId = shape.GetControlPointIdForInput(0);
                _RemoveDataFlowLinksFromShapePoint(shape, pointId, removePatching);
예제 #12
 private void _LookupAndConnectShapeToSource(FilterSetupShapeBase shape)
     if (shape.DataFlowComponent != null && shape.DataFlowComponent.Source != null) {
         IDataFlowComponentReference source = shape.DataFlowComponent.Source;
         if (!_dataFlowComponentToShapes.ContainsKey(source.Component)) {
             Logging.Error("CreateConnectionsFromExistingLinks: can't find shape for source " + source.Component + source.OutputIndex);
         List<FilterSetupShapeBase> sourceShapes = _dataFlowComponentToShapes[source.Component];
         // TODO: deal with multiple instances of the source data flow component: eg. a element existing as
         // multiple shapes (currently, we'll assume it's the first shape in the list)
         ConnectShapes(sourceShapes.First(), source.OutputIndex, shape);
예제 #13
        private IDataFlowComponent _getDataFlowComponentSourceFromShape(FilterSetupShapeBase shape)
            IDataFlowComponent source = null;
            if (shape.DataFlowComponent != null &&
                shape.DataFlowComponent.Source != null &&
                shape.DataFlowComponent.Source.Component != null) {
                    source = shape.DataFlowComponent.Source.Component;

            return source;