예제 #1
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs(FilterBag filterbag, int page, int resultsPerPage)
            // Short circuit if there are no filters specified
            if (  filterbag.IsEmpty()  ) {  return new List<JobPost>();   }

            // Will try and build an Indeed API request from the given set of filters. Catches and logs any problems
            string request = "";
                // Build the request based on filters
                request = builder.buildQuery(filterbag, page, resultsPerPage);

                // If the request comes back empty, something bad happened
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(request)) { throw new ArgumentException(); }


            // The built request is, for some reason, empty or null. Return empty results list
            catch (ArgumentException argex)
                Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) Error in IndeedQueryBuilder caused API request string to be empty or null.");
                Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log(filterbag.ToString() + "\n Page=" + page + "\n resultsPerPage=" + resultsPerPage);
                return new List<JobPost>();

            // An unknown exception was thrown when trying to build the request. The request string
            // is empty now, so there's no point trying to continue (since it will return an empty list anyway)
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) Exception caught while building Indeed Query: " + e.Message);
                Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log(filterbag.ToString() + "\n Page=" + page + "\n resultsPerPage=" + resultsPerPage);
                return new List<JobPost>();

            IndeedResult iResult;   // Raw Indeed results
            using (var client = new WebClient())
                string json = client.DownloadString(request);   // Issues a Get to the Indeed API with the request string


                    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    iResult = serializer.Deserialize<IndeedResult>(json);   // Parses JSON result into C# Indeed data object

                    // The raw Indeed results are null... something very bad happened!
                    if (null == iResult) { throw new ArgumentException();}

                    // This is used to make sure that if a higher page is requested than Indeed has,
                    // then the last several posts don't keep getting returned (fixed bug)
                    int startpost = resultsPerPage * page;

                    return IndeedResultToJobPosts(iResult, startpost); // Parses C# Indeed data object into a list of JobPosts


                // iResult is null, which means something went very wrong. Return an empty job list
                catch (ArgumentException argex)
                    Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) An error occured when parsing Indeed JSON into iResult, resulting in iResult being null: " + argex.Message);
                    Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) JSON: \n" + json);
                    return new List<JobPost>();

                // An unknown exception occured
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) An exception occured when parsing Indeed JSON into iResult: " + e.Message);
                    Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) JSON: \n" + json);
                    return new List<JobPost>();