public void SetData(FinalPlayerData Data) { Vector3 position = mDMono.transform.parent.localPosition; position.x = mDMono.transform.parent.localPosition.x > 0 ? 1700 : -1700; mDMono.transform.parent.localPosition = position; ItemData = Data ?? new FinalPlayerData(); if (ItemData == null || ItemData.Name == null) { Empty.CustomSetActive(true); Filled.CustomSetActive(false); SetMysterious(true); } else { Empty.CustomSetActive(false); Filled.CustomSetActive(true); Replace.CustomSetActive(false); Icon.spriteName = ItemData.IconName; Frame.spriteName = ItemData.FrameName; Name.text = Name.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UILabel>().text = ItemData.Name; LadderRank.text = LadderRank.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UILabel>().text = string.Format(EB.Localizer.GetString("ID_LADDER_RANK") + ":[fff348]{0}", (ItemData.LadderRank > 0 ? ItemData.LadderRank.ToString() : EB.Localizer.GetString("ID_ARENA_RANK_OUT_OF_RANGE"))); Dead.CustomSetActive(ItemData.Dead); SetMysterious(); } }
protected override async Task PushNext(OrderChange obj) { var ch = obj.Clone(); await base.PushNext(obj); var e = new OrderChangeEventArgs(ch); switch (ch.Type) { case OrderEventType.Canceled: Canceled?.Invoke(this, e); break; case OrderEventType.Filled: Filled?.Invoke(this, e); break; case OrderEventType.Match: Match?.Invoke(this, e); break; case OrderEventType.Open: Open?.Invoke(this, e); break; case OrderEventType.Update: Update?.Invoke(this, e); break; } }
public void Push(T[] buffer, bool isLastBuffer) { Buffers.Add(buffer); reachLast = isLastBuffer; if (IsFilled) { Filled?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
public void Push(T[] buffer, bool isLastBuffer) { Buffers.Add(buffer); BufferedDataCount += buffer.Length; reachLast = isLastBuffer; if (IsFilled) { Filled?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string that represents the current object. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A string that represents the current object. /// </returns> public override string ToString() { return($"OrderId: {OrderId.ToStringInvariant()}, " + $"Status: {Status}, " + $"Filled: {Filled.ToStringInvariant()}, " + $"Remaining: {Remaining.ToStringInvariant()}, " + $"AverageFillPrice: {AverageFillPrice.ToStringInvariant()}, " + $"PermId: {PermId.ToStringInvariant()}, " + $"ParentId: {ParentId.ToStringInvariant()}, " + $"LastFillPrice: {LastFillPrice.ToStringInvariant()}, " + $"ClientId: {ClientId.ToStringInvariant()}, " + $"WhyHeld: {WhyHeld}"); }
// returns any overflow public int IncreaseAmount(int increase) { int left = Requirement - CurrentAmount; int overflow = increase - left; CurrentAmount = Mathf.Min(CurrentAmount + increase, Requirement); if (!IsFilled && CurrentAmount == Requirement) { IsFilled = true; Filled.Invoke(); } return(overflow); }
public override void draw(CanvasDrawEventArgs args) { for (int i = 0; i < VerticalBlocks + 1; i++) { args.DrawingSession.DrawLine(x(), y() + (float)(Tetrimino.Size.Height * i), x() + Width, y() + (float)(Tetrimino.Size.Height * i), Colors.Black); } for (int i = 0; i < HorizontalBlocks + 1; i++) { args.DrawingSession.DrawLine(x() + (float)(Tetrimino.Size.Height * i), y(), x() + (float)(Tetrimino.Size.Height * i), y() + Height, Colors.Black); } for (int i = 0; i < Filled.GetLength(1); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Filled.GetLength(0); j++) { if (Filled[j, i]) { args.DrawingSession.DrawImage(Tetrimino.Graphics[FilledColor[j, i]], j * Tetrimino.Size.Width + x(), i * Tetrimino.Size.Height + y()); } } } }
public override bool isCollision(float x, float y) { float boxX, boxY, boxW = (float)Tetrimino.Size.Width, boxH = (float)Tetrimino.Size.Height; for (int i = 0; i < Filled.GetLength(1); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Filled.GetLength(0); j++) { if (!Filled[j, i]) { continue; } boxX = j * boxW; boxY = i * boxH - boxH; if (x >= boxX && x <= boxX + boxW && y >= boxY && y <= boxY + boxH) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public override string ToString() { string dateDueString, dateFilledString; if (DateDue.HasValue) { dateDueString = DateDue.Value.ToString(); } else { dateDueString = "<No due date>"; } if (DateFilled.HasValue) { dateFilledString = DateFilled.Value.ToString(); } else { dateFilledString = "<Not completed>"; } return(string.Format("Customer: {0}; DateReceived: {1}; DateDue: {2}; Filled?: {3}; DateFilled: {4}; Open: {5}; Total Value: {6}; Total Quantities: {7}", Customer.FullName(), DateReceived.ToString(), dateDueString, Filled.ToString(), dateFilledString, Open.ToString(), TotalValue().ToString(), TotalQuantity().ToString())); }
private unsafe void ReadCallback(int frameCountMin, int frameCountMax) { int writeFrames = frameCountMax; int framesLeft = writeFrames; UnionBuffer unionBuffer = new UnionBuffer(); for (; ;) { int frameCount = framesLeft; var areas = _instream.BeginRead(ref frameCount); if (frameCount == 0) { break; } if (areas.IsEmpty) { // Due to an overflow there is a hole. Fill the ring buffer with // silence for the size of the hole. Console.Error.WriteLine("Dropped {0} frames due to internal overflow", frameCount); } else { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame += 1) { int chCount = _instream.Layout.ChannelCount; int copySize = _instream.BytesPerSample; unionBuffer.Bytes = new byte[copySize]; fixed(byte *buffer = unionBuffer.Bytes) { for (int ch = 0; ch < chCount; ch += 1) { var area = areas.GetArea(ch); Buffer.MemoryCopy((void *)area.Pointer, buffer, copySize, copySize); _ringBuffer.Enqueue(unionBuffer.Bytes, 0, copySize); area.Pointer += area.Step; } } } } _instream.EndRead(); framesLeft -= frameCount; if (framesLeft <= 0) { break; } } int length = (int)_ringBuffer.GetLength(); if (length >= FlushCount) { if (_flushBuffer == null || _flushBuffer.Length != length) { _flushBuffer = new byte[length]; } _ringBuffer.Dequeue(_flushBuffer); Filled?.Invoke(this, new FillEventArgs(_flushBuffer, 0, length)); } }