private void Initialize(out string commentPrefix, out int flags) { if (Filename.EndsWith(".ini", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || Filename.EndsWith(".conf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { commentPrefix = ";"; flags = 1; return; } if (Filename.EndsWith(".gf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { commentPrefix = "//"; flags = 2; return; } if (Filename.EndsWith(".mvm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { commentPrefix = null; flags = 4; return; } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void FindLargeFiles(List <string> AllowedExtensions, long MinSize) { foreach (string Filename in Manifest) { FileInfo FI = new FileInfo(Filename); long Size = FI.Length; if (Size > MinSize) { bool bAllowed = false; foreach (string Extension in AllowedExtensions) { if (Filename.EndsWith(Extension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { bAllowed = true; break; } } if (!bAllowed) { CommandUtils.LogWarning("{0} is {1} with an unexpected extension", Filename, AnalyzeThirdPartyLibs.ToMegabytes(Size)); } } } }
private string GenerateFullPath() { var checkedFilePath = Filepath.TrimEnd(new char['\\']) + "\\"; var checkedFileName = Filename.EndsWith(".xml") ? Filename : Filename + ".xml"; return(checkedFilePath + checkedFileName); }
public bool IsTGA() { if (Filename.EndsWith(".tga")) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool IsImage() { if (ImageExts.Any(x => Filename.EndsWith(x))) { return(true); } return(false); }
public HFSFile(BinaryReader reader, bool slim = false) { if (reader.ReadInt32() != HFHeader) { throw new HFSException(HFSError.HFSFileMismatch); } ExtractVersion = reader.ReadInt16(); BitFlag = reader.ReadInt16(); Contract.Assert(BitFlag == 0, "BitFlag == 0"); CompressionMethod = (HFSCompressionMethod)reader.ReadInt16(); Contract.Assert(CompressionMethod == HFSCompressionMethod.Store, "CompressionMethod == Store"); ModFileTime = reader.ReadInt16(); ModFileDate = reader.ReadInt16(); int position; if (!slim) { Checksum = reader.ReadInt32(); CompressedSize = reader.ReadInt32(); DecompressedSize = reader.ReadInt32(); var filenameLength = reader.ReadInt16(); var extraLength = reader.ReadInt16(); position = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position; Filename = HFS.XorStringWithKey(reader.ReadBytes(filenameLength), HFSXorTruths.KeyTable, position); position = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position; Extra = HFS.XorStringWithKey(reader.ReadBytes(extraLength), HFSXorTruths.KeyTable, position); } else { CompressedSize = DecompressedSize = (int)(reader.BaseStream.Length - reader.BaseStream.Position); Filename = "unknown.bin"; } position = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position; Data = HFS.XorBlockWithKey(reader.ReadBytes(CompressedSize), HFSXorTruths.KeyTable, position); if (Filename.EndsWith(".comp")) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Data)) using (var msReader = new BinaryReader(ms)) { ms.Position = 0; var compressionHeader = msReader.ReadInt32(); var compressionSize = msReader.ReadInt32(); if (compressionHeader == CompHeader) { ms.Position += 2; DecompressedSize = compressionSize; Filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Filename); using (var zip = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { Data = new byte[compressionSize]; zip.Read(Data, 0, compressionSize); } } } } }
void FillViewers() { ((Gtk.ListStore)viewerSelector.Model).Clear(); currentViewers.Clear(); if (Filenames.Length == 0 || Filename.Length == 0 || System.IO.Directory.Exists(Filename)) { return; } int selected = -1; int i = 0; if (IdeApp.Services.ProjectService.IsWorkspaceItemFile(Filename) || IdeApp.Services.ProjectService.IsSolutionItemFile(Filename)) { viewerSelector.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Solution Workbench")); currentViewers.Add(null); if (closeWorkspaceCheck.Visible) { closeWorkspaceCheck.Active = true; } // Default exe/dll to AssemblyBrowser, solutions/projects to Solution Workbench. // HACK: Couldn't make it a generic SolutionItemFile based conditional, .csproj fits under this category also. if (!(Filename.EndsWith(".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || Filename.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { selected = 0; } i++; } foreach (FileViewer vw in DisplayBindingService.GetFileViewers(Filename, null)) { if (!vw.IsExternal) { viewerSelector.AppendText(vw.Title); currentViewers.Add(vw); if (vw.CanUseAsDefault && selected == -1) { selected = i; } i++; } } if (selected == -1) { selected = 0; } viewerSelector.Active = selected; viewerLabel.Sensitive = viewerSelector.Sensitive = currentViewers.Count > 1; }
protected override void VisitResolvedElement(XElement element, MSBuildLanguageElement resolved) { foreach (var rat in resolved.Attributes) { if (rat.Required && !rat.IsAbstract) { var xat = element.Attributes.Get(new XName(rat.Name), true); if (xat == null) { AddError($"{element.Name.Name} must have attribute {rat.Name}", element.GetNameRegion()); } } } switch (resolved.Kind) { case MSBuildKind.Project: if (!Filename.EndsWith(".props", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ValidateProjectHasTarget(element); } break; case MSBuildKind.OnError: ValidateOnErrorOnlyFollowedByOnError(element); break; case MSBuildKind.Otherwise: ValidateOtherwiseIsLastElement(element); break; case MSBuildKind.Output: ValidateOutputHasPropertyOrItemName(element); break; case MSBuildKind.UsingTask: ValidateUsingTaskHasAssembly(element); break; case MSBuildKind.Import: ValidateImportOnlyHasVersionIfHasSdk(element); break; case MSBuildKind.Item: ValidateItemAttributes(resolved, element); break; case MSBuildKind.Task: ValidateTaskParameters(resolved, element); break; } base.VisitResolvedElement(element, resolved); }
private string GetFileEnding() { if (!Filename.Contains(".")) { return(""); } if (Filename.EndsWith(".")) { return(""); } return(this.Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).ToLower()); }
public void ProcessFile() { /** only input files are cyclops format right now. **/ if (Filename.IndexOf("yclops") >= 0) { ProcessCyclopsFile(); } else if (Filename.EndsWith(".txt")) { ProcessCadiaFile(); } }
public void RenameFile(string newFilename) { #if !UNITY_WEBGL IOUtils.SafeMove(Filename, newFilename); if (Filename.EndsWith(BIN_EXTENSION)) { var oldBinFile = Path.ChangeExtension(Filename, CSV_EXTENSION); var newBinFile = Path.ChangeExtension(newFilename, CSV_EXTENSION); IOUtils.SafeMove(oldBinFile, newBinFile); } #endif SetFilename(newFilename); }
public void IterationSetup() { var baseDir = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "resources"); var path = Path.Combine(baseDir, Filename); var content = new ByteArrayContent(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", Filename.EndsWith(".png") ? "image/png" : Filename.EndsWith(".jpg") ? "image/jpeg" : "application/octet-stream"); MultipartContent = new MultipartFormDataContent { { content, "files", Filename }, { new StringContent("name"), "name" }, { new StringContent("description"), "description" } }; }
private void radListView1_SelectedItemChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var s = projectsList.SelectedItem.Tag as ProjectTemplate; if (s != null) { Type = s.ProjectID; Template = s; if (!Filename.EndsWith(s.Extension)) { Filename += s.Extension; } } }
public FileView(string filePath) { FilePath = filePath; FileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath); Filename = Path.GetFileName(filePath); Size = FileInfo.Length; Modified = FileInfo.LastWriteTime; if (Filename.EndsWith(".atlas")) { Tab = new TabFileSerialized(filePath); } else { Tab = new TabFile(filePath); } }
private void XLSTranslator_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { // 清除掉畫面 ResetTextBox(); string[] Files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); foreach (string Filename in Files) { if (Filename.EndsWith(".xls") == false) { continue; } m_listFilename.Add(Filename); string strFilename = Utility.GetFilename(Filename); this.TextBox_FilenameList.Text += strFilename; } // 做畫面上的更新 this.Refresh(); }
protected void Load() { if (Game.Instance.XNAGameWrapper.GraphicsDevice == null) { throw new NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException("Shader needs a valid graphics device. Maybe are you creating before Scene.Start() is called?"); } if (Filename.EndsWith(".fxb") || Filename.EndsWith(".fxc")) { XNAEffect = new Effect(Game.Instance.GraphicsDevice, File.ReadAllBytes(Filename)) { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Filename) }; } else { XNAEffect = Game.Instance.XNAGameWrapper.Content.Load <Effect>(Filename); } if (XNAEffect == null) { throw new System.NullReferenceException($"Shader '{Filename}' not found"); } }