예제 #1
        public void AddCar(Car car)
            var stringBuilder   = new StringBuilder();
            var serializeObject = _jsonSerialize.SerializeObject(car);

            DbC.Require(() => serializeObject != null, "No se ha serializado");



            File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(_path, "data.txt"), stringBuilder.ToString());
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the main processor for this class
        /// </summary>
        public void Process()
            #region Step 1 - Create ExternalContent folder under Areas\{Module} and add to web project
            var webFolder      = _settings.DestinationWebFolder;
            var solutionFolder = _settings.DestinationSolutionFolder;

            // Get the ModuleID specifier from the webFolder path
            var moduleId              = ExtractModuleIdFromPath(webFolder);
            var areasFolder           = Path.Combine(webFolder, Constants.AreasFolderName);
            var areasModuleFolder     = Path.Combine(areasFolder, moduleId);
            var externalContentFolder = Path.Combine(areasModuleFolder, Constants.ExternalContentFolderName);
            var folderAlreadyExisted  = FileUtilities.CreateFolderIfNotExists(externalContentFolder);

            #region Step 2 - Get file names for menuIcon and menuBackGroundImage from {module}MenuDetails.xml (We will search for these later)
            var menuManager = new MenuManager(_settings.DestinationSolutionFolder);

            // Get the two filenames and their paths from the {module}MenuDetails.xml file
            var backgroundImagePathFromMenu     = menuManager.GetMenuBackgroundImagePath();
            var iconImagePathFromMenu           = menuManager.GetMenuIconImagePath();
            var backgroundImageFilenameFromMenu = new FileInfo(backgroundImagePathFromMenu).Name;
            var iconImageFilenameFromMenu       = new FileInfo(iconImagePathFromMenu).Name;

            #region Step 3 - Setup the new names for the menu background and icon images
            string newBackgroundImageFilename = string.Format(Constants.Post2019Dot0BackgroundImageNameTemplate, moduleId.ToLower());
            string newIconImageFilename       = string.Format(Constants.Post2019Dot0IconImageNameTemplate, moduleId.ToLower());

            // Determine if the filenames contained in the Menu XML file are the old format
            // or the new 2019.0 introduced format
            var compareType = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase;
            var sameBackgroundImageFilename = backgroundImageFilenameFromMenu.Equals(newBackgroundImageFilename, compareType);
            var sameIconImageFilename       = iconImageFilenameFromMenu.Equals(newIconImageFilename, compareType);

            #region Step 4 - Update the XXMenuDetails.xml file with the new values, if necessary
            var moduleIdUpper = moduleId.ToUpper();
            var folder        = Constants.ExternalContentFolderName;
            var areas         = Constants.AreasFolderName;
            var relPath       = Constants.RelativePathDesignator;

            if (sameBackgroundImageFilename == false)
                // The background image file referenced in the menu is the pre 2019.0 image filename
                string newBackgroundImageFilePathForMenu = $"{relPath}/{areas}/{moduleIdUpper}/{folder}/{newBackgroundImageFilename}";

                string backgroundImageLocation = FileUtilities.EnumerateFiles(solutionFolder, backgroundImageFilenameFromMenu).ToArray()[0];
                var    targetPath = Path.Combine(externalContentFolder, newBackgroundImageFilename);
                File.Move(backgroundImageLocation, targetPath);
                // Menu background image referenced in the menu is the new one

                // Get the full path to the old background image (name and location)
                var oldImagePath = Path.Combine(webFolder,
                if (File.Exists(oldImagePath))
                    // The old file exists in the original location.
                    // Let's copy it over to the new location with the new name.
                    var targetPath = Path.Combine(externalContentFolder, newBackgroundImageFilename);
                    File.Move(oldImagePath, targetPath);

            if (sameIconImageFilename == false)
                // The icon image file referenced in the menu is the pre 2019.0 icon image filename
                string newMenuIconImageFilePathForMenu = $"{relPath}/{areas}/{moduleIdUpper}/{folder}/{newIconImageFilename}";

                string iconImageLocation = FileUtilities.EnumerateFiles(solutionFolder, iconImageFilenameFromMenu).ToArray()[0];
                var    targetPath        = Path.Combine(externalContentFolder, newIconImageFilename);
                File.Move(iconImageLocation, targetPath);
                // Menu background image referenced in the menu is the new one

                // Get the full path to the old background image (name and location)
                var oldImagePath = Path.Combine(webFolder,
                if (File.Exists(oldImagePath))
                    // The old file exists in the original location.
                    // Let's copy it over to the new location with the new name.
                    var targetPath = Path.Combine(externalContentFolder, newIconImageFilename);
                    File.Move(oldImagePath, targetPath);


            #region Step 5 - Update the Web project with the new folder and files
            // Now that the new 'ExternalContent' folder has been created and the
            // two images have been renamed and moved there, let's add all of
            // these to the Web project.

            // Open the Web.csproj file and insert the following:
            // <ItemGroup>
            //   <Content Include="Areas\VM\ExternalContent\**" />
            // </ItemGroup>

            // Get the company name from the Web folder
            var webFolderParts     = webFolder.Split(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar });
            var webFolderNameOnly  = webFolderParts[webFolderParts.Length - 1];
            var webProjectName     = $"{webFolderNameOnly}.{Constants.CSharpProjectExtensionName}";
            var webProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(webFolder, webProjectName);

            var allLines  = File.ReadAllLines(webProjectFilePath);
            var txtLines  = allLines.ToList();
            var trimLines = allLines.Select(l => l.Trim()).ToList();

            // Let's see if this line already exists. If it does, then we can skip the rest.
            var mainContentLine = $"<Content Include=\"Areas\\{moduleId.ToUpper()}\\{Constants.ExternalContentFolderName}\\**\" />";
            if (trimLines.Contains(mainContentLine) == false)
                // Build the content to insert into the project file
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine($"  <ItemGroup>");
                sb.AppendLine($"    {mainContentLine}");
                sb.Append($"  </ItemGroup>");

                // Look for the last </ItemGroup>.
                // We will insert the block just after this.
                var lastIndex = trimLines.LastIndexOf(@"</ItemGroup>");
                if (lastIndex > -1)
                    var insertionIndex = lastIndex + 1;
                    txtLines.Insert(insertionIndex, sb.ToString());
                    File.WriteAllLines(webProjectFilePath, txtLines);