protected void UploadAttachFiles() { try { using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { MoveFileResponse response = new MoveFileResponse(); foreach (AttachFilesIAS.AttachFile attatch in this.AttachFiles) { String container = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", AttachFileContainer, this.ID_CARD_NO); String newFileName = this.ID_CARD_NO + "_" + Convert.ToInt32(attatch.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE).ToString("00") + "." + attatch.EXTENSION; //response = svc.MoveFile(new MoveFileRequest() { // CurrentContainer = "", // CurrentFileName = attatch.ATTACH_FILE_PATH, // TargetContainer = container, // TargetFileName = newFileName }); if (response.Code != "0000") { throw new RegistrationException(response.Message); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RegistrationException(ex.Message); } }
public void Print(string FileName) { using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { try { DownloadFileResponse response = svc.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest() { TargetContainer = "", TargetFileName = FileName }); if (response.Code == "0000") { if (response.ContentType == "application/pdf") { String fileName = response.FileName.Substring(response.FileName.IndexOf(@"\")); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { ViewDocument(response.FileByteStream, Convert.ToInt64(response.Length), response.ContentType); } else { ViewDocument(response.FileByteStream, Convert.ToInt64(response.Length), response.ContentType, fileName); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); } } }
public virtual void AddAttach(DTO.PersonAttatchFile attachFile, Stream fileSteam) { if (_attachFiles.Where(a => a.REGISTRATION_ID == attachFile.REGISTRATION_ID && a.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE == attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE).Count() > 0) { throw new PersonalIssueException(Resources.errorBasePersonal_001); } using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { UploadFileResponse response = new UploadFileResponse(); String fs_Attach = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", AttachFileContainer, attachFile.REGISTRATION_ID); String newFileName = this.ID_CARD_NO + "_" + Convert.ToInt32(attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE).ToString("00") + "." + GetExtensionFile(attachFile.FileName); //response = svc.UploadFile(new UploadFileRequest() { // TargetContainer = fs_Attach, // TargetFileName = newFileName, // FileStream = fileSteam // }); if (response.Code != "0000") { throw new PersonalIssueException(response.Message); } attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_PATH = response.TargetFullName; attachFile.ID = IAS.BLL.Helpers.GenerateIdHelper.GetGenAutoId(); _attachFiles.Add(attachFile); } }
private void AddAttechFile(DTO.AttachFile attachFile) { if (((List <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]).Where(a => a.AttechType == attachFile.AttechType).Count() > 0) { throw new ApplicationException(Resources.errorTestUploadData_002); } else { using (svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { UploadFileResponse response = new UploadFileResponse(); Stream fileStrem = fUpload.PostedFile.InputStream; response = svc.UploadFile(new UploadFileRequest() { TargetContainer = attachFile.TargetContainer, TargetFileName = attachFile.TargetFileName, FileStream = fileStrem }); attachFile.TargetFullName = CryptoBase64.Encryption(response.TargetFullName); ((List <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]).Add(attachFile); gv.DataSource = ((List <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]); gv.DataBind(); } } }
protected void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { DownloadFileResponse response = new DownloadFileResponse(); DTO.AttachFile attachFile = ((List <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]).FirstOrDefault(); String container = ""; String fileName = ""; response = svc.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest() { TargetContainer = container, TargetFileName = attachFile.TargetFullName }); Page.Response.Clear(); Page.Response.BufferOutput = true; Page.Response.ContentType = response.ContentType; // Append header //Page.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + response.FileName); // Write the file to the Response const int bufferLength = 10000; byte[] buffer = new Byte[bufferLength]; int length = 0; Stream download = null; try { download = response.FileByteStream; // GetFile(fileName); do { if (Page.Response.IsClientConnected) { length = download.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength); Page.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, length); buffer = new Byte[bufferLength]; } else { length = -1; } }while (length > 0); Page.Response.Flush(); Page.Response.End(); } finally { if (download != null) { download.Close(); } } } }
public virtual void AddAttach(FileInfo fileInfo, String attachType) { if (_attachFiles.Where(a => a.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE == attachType).Count() > 0) { throw new RegistrationException(Resources.errorBasePersonal_001); } if (!fileInfo.Exists) { throw new RegistrationException(Resources.errorBaseRegistration_003); } // ------------ Init Data -------------- String container = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", TempFileContainer, this.ID); String fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1:00}{2}", this.ID_CARD_NO, Convert.ToInt32(attachType), fileInfo.Extension); DateTime curDate = DateTime.Now; AttachFilesIAS.AttachFile attachFile = new AttachFilesIAS.AttachFile() { ID = IAS.BLL.Helpers.GenerateIdHelper.GetGenAutoId(), ATTACH_FILE_TYPE = attachType, REGISTRATION_ID = this.ID, CREATED_BY = this.ID_CARD_NO, CREATED_DATE = curDate, UPDATED_BY = this.ID_CARD_NO, UPDATED_DATE = curDate, FILE_STATUS = AttachFileStatus.Active.Value(), ATTACH_FILE_PATH = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", container, fileName) }; //----------------------------------------- // -------------- Upload File To Temp-------------------------------- using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { UploadFileResponse response = new UploadFileResponse(); //response = svc.UploadFile(new UploadFileRequest() { // TargetContainer = attachFile.ATTACH_CONTAINER, // TargetFileName = attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_NAME, // FileStream = fileInfo.Create() // }); if (response.Code != "0000") { throw new RegistrationException(response.Message); } attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_PATH = response.TargetFullName; _attachFiles.Add(attachFile); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
public void DownloadPDF(string FileName) { DownloadFileResponse download; using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient fileService = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { download = fileService.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest() { TargetContainer = "", TargetFileName = FileName }); ShowDocument(download.FileByteStream, (long)download.Length, download.ContentType); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { try { String targetImage = Request.QueryString["targetImage"].ToString(); DownloadFileResponse response = svc.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest() { TargetContainer = "", TargetFileName = CryptoBase64.Decryption(targetImage) }); if (response.Code == "0000") { Int32 index = response.FileName.LastIndexOf(@"\"); String filename = response.FileName.Substring((index > 0) ? index + 1 : 0); if (response.ContentType == Utils.ContentTypeHelper.MimeType(".pdf") || response.ContentType == Utils.ContentTypeHelper.MimeType(".doc") || response.ContentType == Utils.ContentTypeHelper.MimeType(".docx") || response.ContentType == Utils.ContentTypeHelper.MimeType(".xls") || response.ContentType == Utils.ContentTypeHelper.MimeType(".xlsx")) { ShowDocument(response.FileByteStream, Convert.ToInt64(response.Length), response.ContentType, filename); } else if (response.ContentType == "application/octet-stream" && (filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('.')) == ".docx" || filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('.')) == ".doc" || filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('.')) == ".xls" || filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('.')) == ".xlsx" )) { ShowDocument(response.FileByteStream, Convert.ToInt64(response.Length), Utils.ContentTypeHelper.MimeType(filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('.'))), filename); } else { ShowImage(response.FileByteStream, Convert.ToInt64(response.Length), response.ContentType, filename); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); } } }
public virtual void DeleteAttach(String id) { if (_attachFiles.Where(a => a.ID == id).Count() <= 0) { throw new RegistrationException(Resources.errorBaseRegistration_004); } AttachFilesIAS.AttachFile attachFile = AttachFiles.Where(a => a.ID == id).Single(); using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { //DeleteFileResponse response = svc.DeleteFile(new DeleteFileRequest() { TargetFileName = attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_PATH }); //if (response.Code != "0000") // throw new RegistrationException(response.Message); _attachFiles.Remove(attachFile); } }
protected void gv_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { using (svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { String targetfile = gv.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[7].Text; DeleteFileResponse response = svc.DeleteFile(new DeleteFileRequest() { TargetFileName = targetfile }); DTO.AttachFile file = ((List <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]).Where(a => a.AttechType == gv.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); ((List <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]).Remove(file); gv.DataSource = ((List <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]); gv.DataBind(); Label1.Text = response.Message; } }
public virtual void DeleteAttach(DTO.PersonAttatchFile attachFile) { if (_attachFiles.Where(a => a.ID == attachFile.ID && a.REGISTRATION_ID == attachFile.REGISTRATION_ID && a.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE == attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE).Count() <= 0) { throw new PersonalIssueException(Resources.errorBaseRegistration_004); } using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { //DeleteFileResponse response = svc.DeleteFile(new DeleteFileRequest() //{ // TargetFileName = attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_PATH //}); //if (response.Code != "0000") // throw new PersonalIssueException(response.Message); _attachFiles.Remove(attachFile); } }
public virtual AttachFilesIAS.AttachFile GetAttach(String id, ref Stream fileStrem) { AttachFilesIAS.AttachFile attachFile = new AttachFilesIAS.AttachFile(); if (_attachFiles.Where(a => a.ID == id).Count() <= 0) { throw new RegistrationException(Resources.errorBaseRegistration_004); } attachFile = _attachFiles.Where(a => a.ID == id).Single(); using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { //DownloadFileResponse response = svc.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest() { TargetContainer = "", TargetFileName = attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_PATH }); //if (response.Code != "0000") // throw new RegistrationException(response.Message); //fileStrem = response.FileByteStream; } return(attachFile); }
public void Download(string FileName) { DownloadFileResponse download; using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient fileService = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { download = fileService.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest() { TargetContainer = "", TargetFileName = FileName }); Int32 indexS = download.FileName.IndexOf(@"\"); if (indexS <= 0) { ShowDocument(download.FileByteStream, (long)download.Length, download.ContentType); } else { ShowDocument(download.FileByteStream, (long)download.Length, download.ContentType, download.FileName.Substring(indexS + 1)); } } }
public virtual DTO.PersonAttatchFile GetAttach(string id, string type, ref Stream fileStrem) { DTO.PersonAttatchFile attachFile = new DTO.PersonAttatchFile(); if (_attachFiles.Where(a => a.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE == type).Count() <= 0) { throw new PersonalIssueException(Resources.errorBaseRegistration_004); } attachFile = _attachFiles.Where(a => a.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE == type).FirstOrDefault(); using (FileService.FileTransferServiceClient svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { //DownloadFileResponse response = svc.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest() { // TargetContainer = "", // TargetFileName = attachFile.ATTACH_FILE_PATH }); //if (response.Code != "0000") // throw new PersonalIssueException(response.Message); //fileStrem = response.FileByteStream; } return(attachFile); }
protected void gv_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DTO.AttachFile attachFile = ((List <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]).FirstOrDefault(); String container = ""; String fileName = gv.Rows[gv.SelectedIndex].Cells[7].Text; using (svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { DownloadFileResponse response = new DownloadFileResponse(); response = svc.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest() { TargetContainer = container, TargetFileName = IAS.Utils.CryptoBase64.Decryption(fileName) }); if (response.Code == "0000") { ShowImage(response.FileByteStream, Convert.ToInt64(response.Length)); } } // Page.Response.Clear(); // Page.Response.BufferOutput = true; // Page.Response.ContentType = response.ContentType; // // Append header // Page.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + response.FileName); // // Write the file to the Response // //const int bufferLength = Convert.ToInt32(response.Length); // byte[] buffer = new Byte[Convert.ToInt32(response.Length)]; // //int length = 0; // //Stream download = null; // //response.FileByteStream.Write(buffer, 0, Convert.ToInt32(response.Length)); // //myImage.ImageUrl = Convert.ToBase64String(buffer).ToString(); // using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) // { // response.FileByteStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); // buffer = memoryStream.ToArray(); // } // myImage.ImageUrl = Convert.ToBase64String(buffer).ToString(); // //try // //{ // // download = response.FileByteStream; // etFile(fileName); // // do // // { // // if (Page.Response.IsClientConnected) // // { // // length = download.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength); // // Page.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, length); // // myImage.ImageUrl = Convert.ToBase64String(buffer).ToString(); // // buffer = new Byte[bufferLength]; // // } // // else // // { // // length = -1; // // } // // } // // while (length > 0); // // Page.Response.Flush(); // // Page.Response.End(); // //} // //finally // //{ // // if (download != null) // // download.Close(); // //} //} }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MoveFileResponse response = new MoveFileResponse(); try { using (svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient()) { IList <DTO.AttachFile> attachFiles = ((IList <DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttachFiles"]); foreach (DTO.AttachFile item in attachFiles) { String target = AttachFileContainer + @"\" + item.ID; response = svc.MoveFile(new MoveFileRequest() { CurrentContainer = "", CurrentFileName = CryptoBase64.Decryption(item.TargetFullName), TargetContainer = target, TargetFileName = item.TargetFileName }); if (response.Code != "0000") { throw new ApplicationException(response.Message); } item.TargetFullName = response.TargetFullName; } gv.DataSource = attachFiles; gv.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; response.Code = "0001"; } //IList<DTO.AttachFile> attachFiles = ((IList<DTO.AttachFile>)Session["AttechFiles"]).ToList(); //foreach (DTO.AttachFile item in AttachFiles) //{ ////svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient(); //svc = new FileService.FileTransferServiceClient(); //UploadFileResponse response = new UploadFileResponse(); //string res = svc.UploadFile(item.TargetFolder, item.ID, item.DataStream, out response.Code, out response.Message, out response.Certificate); //BLL.FileBiz biz = new BLL.FileBiz(); //string targetFolder = IAS.BLL.Helpers.GenerateIdHelper.GetGenAutoId(); ////biz.UploadToTemp(fUpload.PostedFile.InputStream, fUpload.FileName, targetFolder, fUpload.FileName); //biz.UploadToTemp(item.DataStream, item.FileName, item.TargetFolder, item.FileName); //Response.Write("Success"); //IAS.FileService.FileUploadMessage fileUploadMessage = new IAS.FileService.FileUploadMessage(); //var res = new DTO.ResponseService<string>(); //var resMsg = new FileService.FileUploadMessage(); //try //{ // resMsg.FileByteStream = item.DataStream; // resMsg.Metadata = new FileMetaData // { // localFilename = item.FileName, // remoteFilename = item.ID, // targetFolder = string.Format(item.FileName + @"\{0}\", item.ID), // }; // svc.UploadFile(ref resMsg.Metadata, ref resMsg.FileByteStream); // res.DataResponse = resMsg.Metadata.resMsg; //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // res.ErrorMsg = "กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบ"; // +resMsg.Metadata.resMsg; //} //} }