예제 #1
 protected void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //Creating Collection of StudentCL for storing multiple data entries provided by excel file.
         Collection <StudentCL> studentCol = new Collection <StudentCL>();
         //Getting the CSV Location from session which is saved in temporary storage.
         string CSVLocation = Session["CSVLocation"].ToString();
         //Reading All text
         string ReadCSV = File.ReadAllText(CSVLocation);
         //spliting row after new line
         foreach (string csvRow in ReadCSV.Split('\n'))
             //Checking whether the data is empty.
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvRow))
                 //Creating StudentCL instance for storing single data entry in loop.
                 StudentCL studentCL = new StudentCL();
                 //Creating studentCount variable for counting student data entries.
                 int studentCount = 0;
                 //Creating count variable for splitting data in columns.
                 int count = 0;
                 //Creating Address Count Varaible for splitting Address Column from other data.
                 int AddressCount = 0;
                 //Creating an array to split Address Column from Other Columns.
                 string[] def = csvRow.Split('"');
                 //Checking whether Address field has commas with "" or not.
                 if (def.Count() == 1)
                     //Loop for splitting the data and inputting the data in StudentCL intance.
                     foreach (string FileRec in csvRow.Split(','))
                         if (count == 0)
                             studentCL.admissionNo = Convert.ToInt32(FileRec);
                         if (count == 1)
                             studentCL.name = FileRec;
                         if (count == 2)
                             studentCL.fathersname = FileRec;
                         if (count == 3)
                             studentCL.mothername = FileRec;
                         if (count == 4)
                             studentCL.studentClass = FileRec.Remove(FileRec.Length - 1);
                             studentCL.section      = FileRec.Substring(FileRec.Length - 1);
                         if (count == 5)
                             studentCL.mobileNumber = Convert.ToInt64(FileRec);
                         if (count == 6)
                             bool gender = true;
                             if (FileRec == "Male")
                                 gender = true;
                                 gender = false;
                             studentCL.gender = gender;
                         if (count == 7)
                             studentCL.address = FileRec;
                 //Address field doesn't have commas and "".
                     //Loop for splitting the data and inputting the data in StudentCL intance.
                     foreach (string FileRec in def.Take(def.Length - 1))
                         string[] abc = FileRec.Split(',');
                         foreach (string x in abc.Take(abc.Length - 1))
                             if (AddressCount != 0)
                             if (count == 0)
                                 studentCL.admissionNo = Convert.ToInt32(x);
                             if (count == 1)
                                 studentCL.name = x;
                             if (count == 2)
                                 studentCL.fathersname = x;
                             if (count == 3)
                                 studentCL.mothername = x;
                             if (count == 4)
                                 studentCL.studentClass = x.Remove(x.Length - 1);
                                 studentCL.section      = x.Substring(x.Length - 1);
                             if (count == 5)
                                 studentCL.mobileNumber = Convert.ToInt64(x);
                             if (count == 6)
                                 bool gender = true;
                                 if (x == "Male")
                                     gender = true;
                                     gender = false;
                                 studentCL.gender = gender;
                         if (AddressCount == 0)
                         studentCL.address = FileRec;
                 //Increasing the studentCount to input in Id Field to store multiple entries in Entity Framework.
                 studentCL.dateCreated  = DateTime.Now;
                 studentCL.dateModified = DateTime.Now;
                 studentCL.isDeleted    = false;
                 studentCL.id           = studentCount;
                 //Adding StudentCL instance in Collection instance.
         //Sending the data to database from Collection data.
         int AddedStudents = backUserBLL.createStudentCollection(studentCol);
         //Redirecting to the same page on successful tranmission.
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw(new Exception(ex.Message));
예제 #2
        private void BindDataGridPaging()
            //Creating a datatable object
            DataTable tblcsv = new DataTable();

            //Adding the first row which is pre-defined.
            tblcsv.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[8] {
                new DataColumn("Admission Number", typeof(int)),
                new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Father's Name", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Mother's Name", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Class Section", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Mobile Number", typeof(long)),
                new DataColumn("Gender", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Address", typeof(string))
            //Getting the CSV Location from session which is saved in temporary storage.
            string CSVLocation = Session["CSVLocation"].ToString();
            //Reading all the text from CSV File.
            string ReadCSV = File.ReadAllText(CSVLocation);

            //spliting row after new line
            foreach (string csvRow in ReadCSV.Split('\n'))
                //Checking whether the data is empty.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvRow))
                    //Adding each row into datatable
                    //Creating count variable for splitting data in columns.
                    int count = 0;
                    //Creating Address Count Varaible for splitting Address Column from other data.
                    int AddressCount = 0;
                    //Creating an array to split Address Column from Other Columns.
                    string[] def = csvRow.Split('"');
                    //Checking whether Address field has commas with "" or not.
                    if (def.Count() == 1)
                        foreach (string x in csvRow.Split(','))
                            tblcsv.Rows[tblcsv.Rows.Count - 1][count] = x;
                    //Address field doesn't have commas and "".
                        foreach (string FileRec in def.Take(def.Length - 1))
                            string[] abc = FileRec.Split(',');
                            foreach (string x in abc.Take(abc.Length - 1))
                                if (AddressCount != 0)
                                tblcsv.Rows[tblcsv.Rows.Count - 1][count] = x;
                            if (AddressCount == 0)
                            tblcsv.Rows[tblcsv.Rows.Count - 1][count] = FileRec;
            //Calling Bind Grid Functions
            grdViewStudent.DataSource = tblcsv;
예제 #3
        public void BindDataGrid()
            //Creating object of datatable
            DataTable tblcsv = new DataTable();

            //Adding the first row which is pre-defined.
            tblcsv.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[8] {
                new DataColumn("Admission Number", typeof(int)),
                new DataColumn("Student's Name", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Father's Name", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Mother's Name", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Mobile Number", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Gender", typeof(string)),
                new DataColumn("Date Of Birth", typeof(DateTime)),
                new DataColumn("Address", typeof(string))
            //Creating the CSV Location which is saved in temporary storage.
            string CSVFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName() + flExcelUpload.FileName;

            //Storing the CSV Location in Session for further usage.
            Session["CSVLocation"] = CSVFilePath;
            //Reading All text
            string ReadCSV = File.ReadAllText(CSVFilePath);

            //spliting row after new line
            foreach (string csvRow in ReadCSV.Split('\n'))
                if (ReadCSV.IndexOf(csvRow) != 0)
                    //Checking whether the data is empty.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvRow))
                        //Adding each row into datatable
                        //Creating count variable for splitting data in columns.
                        int count = 0;
                        //Creating Address Count Varaible for splitting Address Column from other data.
                        int AddressCount = 0;
                        //Creating an array to split Address Column from Other Columns.
                        string[] def = csvRow.Split('"');
                        //Checking whether Address field has commas with "" or not.
                        if (def.Count() == 1)
                            foreach (string x in csvRow.Split(','))
                                tblcsv.Rows[tblcsv.Rows.Count - 1][count] = x;
                        //Address field doesn't have commas and "".
                            foreach (string FileRec in def.Take(def.Length - 1))
                                string[] abc = FileRec.Split(',');
                                foreach (string x in abc.Take(abc.Length - 1))
                                    if (AddressCount != 0)
                                    tblcsv.Rows[tblcsv.Rows.Count - 1][count] = x;
                                if (AddressCount == 0)
                                tblcsv.Rows[tblcsv.Rows.Count - 1][count] = FileRec;
            //Calling Bind Grid Functions
            grdStudent.DataSource = tblcsv;
            ViewState["students"] = tblcsv;