예제 #1
        public static bool PrjTransf(string srcFile, PrjEnvelope srcEnvelope, Dictionary <string, H5T.H5Type> dataSets, string dstFile, PrjEnvelope dstEnvelope, float dstResoultion)
            Action <int, string> progressTracker = null;

            string[] args       = new string[3];
            string   datasetstr = string.Empty;

            foreach (string itemdest in dataSets.Keys)
                datasetstr += itemdest + ",";
            datasetstr = datasetstr.Remove(datasetstr.LastIndexOf(','));
            args[0]    = string.Format("datasets ={0}", datasetstr);
            args[1]    = string.Format("geoinfo={0},{1},{2},{3},1000.000,1000.000", srcEnvelope.MinX, srcEnvelope.MaxX, srcEnvelope.MinY, srcEnvelope.MaxY);
            args[2]    = "proj4 = +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs";
            ISpatialReference dstSpatialRef = SpatialReference.GetDefault();
            FilePrjSettings   prjSetting    = new FilePrjSettings();

            IRasterDataProvider prd = GeoDataDriver.Open(srcFile, args) as IRasterDataProvider;

            if (prd != null)
                prjSetting.OutEnvelope        = dstEnvelope;
                prjSetting.OutResolutionX     = dstResoultion;
                prjSetting.OutResolutionY     = dstResoultion;
                prjSetting.OutPathAndFileName = dstFile;
                ProjectedFileTransform proj = new ProjectedFileTransform();
                proj.ProjectNew(prd, prjSetting, dstSpatialRef, progressTracker, dataSets);
예제 #2
        public void TestProj()
            IRasterDataProvider srcRaster = null;

                IFileProjector proj = FileProjector.GetFileProjectByName("NOAA_1BD");
                srcRaster = GetSrcRaster();
                FilePrjSettings   prjSetting    = GetPrjSetting(srcRaster);
                ISpatialReference dstSpatialRef = SpatialReference.GetDefault();        //默认的WGS84等经纬度投影。
                proj.Project(srcRaster, prjSetting, dstSpatialRef, _progressCallback);
                if (srcRaster != null)
                    if (srcRaster.BandProvider != null)
예제 #3
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: configare/hispeed
 private IPrjSettingsEditor GetSettingEditor(FilePrjSettings settings)
     using (IComponentLoader <IPrjSettingsEditor> loader = new ComponentLoader <IPrjSettingsEditor>())
         IPrjSettingsEditor[] editors = null;// loader.LoadComponents(Configer.GEODO_RSS_DIR_FILEPRJECTORS);
         foreach (IPrjSettingsEditor ed in editors)
             if (ed.IsSupport(settings.GetType()))
예제 #4
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: configare/hispeed
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IFileProjector[] prjs = FileProjector.LoadAllFileProjectors();

            IFileProjector     prj      = FileProjector.GetFileProjectByName("SINGLEFILE");
            FilePrjSettings    settings = prj.CreateDefaultPrjSettings();
            IPrjSettingsEditor editor   = GetSettingEditor(settings);

            if (editor != null)
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 通用MODIS 正弦数据产品投影转换
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">文件名</param>
        /// <param name="env">范围</param>
        /// <param name="res">分辨率</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string PrjMODSIN(string file, string outdir, PrjEnvelope env, float res, string regionNam, Action <int, string> progressTracker)
            UInt16 nh = 0; UInt16 nv = 0;
            string fnam = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).ToLower();

            string[] parts = fnam.Split(new char[] { '.' });
            foreach (string part in parts)
                if (part.Contains("h") & part.Contains("v"))
                    nh = Convert.ToUInt16(part.Substring(1, 2));
                    nv = Convert.ToUInt16(part.Substring(4, 2));
            double minX = -20015109.354 + nh * 1111950.5196666666;
            double maxX = -20015109.354 + (nh + 1) * 1111950.5196666666;
            double maxY = -10007554.677 + (18 - nv) * 1111950.5196666666;
            double minY = -10007554.677 + (18 - nv - 1) * 1111950.5196666666;

            string[] args = new string[3];
            args[0] = "datasets = 0";
            args[1] = "geoinfo=" + Convert.ToString(minX) + "," + Convert.ToString(maxX) + "," + Convert.ToString(minY) + "," + Convert.ToString(maxY) + ",1000.000,1000.000";
            args[2] = "proj4 = +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs";
            ISpatialReference dstSpatialRef = SpatialReference.GetDefault();
            FilePrjSettings   prjSetting    = new FilePrjSettings();

            using (IRasterDataProvider prd = GeoDataDriver.Open(file, args) as IRasterDataProvider)
                prjSetting.OutEnvelope        = env;
                prjSetting.OutResolutionX     = res;
                prjSetting.OutResolutionY     = res;
                prjSetting.OutFormat          = "LDF";
                prjSetting.OutPathAndFileName = outdir + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + "_" + regionNam + "_LST.ldf";
                ProjectedFileTransform proj = new ProjectedFileTransform();
                proj.Project(prd, prjSetting, dstSpatialRef, progressTracker);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 本示例 将一个tiff投影转换为一个等经纬度的tiff
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void button19_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string filename = SelectFile("选择数据");

            if (filename == null)
            ProjectedFileTransform trans       = new ProjectedFileTransform();
            IRasterDataProvider    srcRaster   = GeoDataDriver.Open(filename) as IRasterDataProvider; //输入数据,必须是已经投影的数据。
            FilePrjSettings        prjSettings = new FilePrjSettings();

            prjSettings.OutBandNos         = null;             //从1开始的波段号,为空代表全波段
            prjSettings.OutFormat          = "TIFF";           //输出格式(输入LDF或者TIFF),空值代表LDF
            prjSettings.OutPathAndFileName = @"E:\testG.tiff"; //输出文件名,必须提供,完整的全路径文件名
            //prjSettings.OutEnvelope = new PrjEnvelope(-180,180,-80,80);                    //输出地理范围,空值代表全数据
            //prjSettings.OutResolutionX = 0.01f;              //实际的输出分辨率。不填或0代表与输入数据分辨率一致
            //prjSettings.OutResolutionY = 0.01f;
            ISpatialReference    dstSpatialRef    = SpatialReference.GetDefault();         //目标投影
            Action <int, string> progressCallback = new Action <int, string>(OutProgress); //进度条

            trans.Project(srcRaster, prjSettings, dstSpatialRef, progressCallback);
예제 #7
        private static void ConvertHdf4To5BySds <T>(Hdf4FileAttrs hdf4FileAttrs, int nyf5, int nxf5, int k, int rank,
                                                    H5FileId fileId, string sdName, HDF4Helper.DataTypeDefinitions dtaDefinitions, Action <string, int, int> messageAction,
                                                    SEnvelope envelopeNew, T fillValue, float dstResolution, ISpatialReference dstSpatialReference, ref UInt16[] rows, ref UInt16[] cols, ref Size srcStepSize, ref Size outSize)
            T[,] data = new T[nyf5, nxf5];
            H5DataSetId dsetId = null;

            T[,] dataNew = null;
            SDataByProject <T> dataByProject = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < hdf4FileAttrs.Count; i++)
                    Hdf4FileAttr hdf4FileAttr = hdf4FileAttrs[i];
                    if (messageAction != null)
                        messageAction(String.Format("正在转换数据集 {0}", sdName), k, i);
                    H4SDS sd = hdf4FileAttr.H4File.Datasets[k];
                    GetDataByHdf4(sd, rank, hdf4FileAttr, data);

                dataNew = data;
                if (outSize.IsEmpty)
                    outSize = new Size(nxf5, nyf5);
                if (dstSpatialReference != null && dstSpatialReference.IsSame(SpatialReference.GetDefault()))
                    if (rows == null && cols == null)
                        PrjEnvelope     srcEnvelope = new PrjEnvelope(hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.Envelope.XMin, hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.Envelope.XMax, hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.Envelope.YMin, hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.Envelope.YMax);
                        PrjEnvelope     outenvelpoe = new PrjEnvelope(envelopeNew.XMin, envelopeNew.XMax, envelopeNew.YMin, envelopeNew.YMax);
                        FilePrjSettings prjSetting  = new FilePrjSettings();
                        prjSetting.OutEnvelope    = outenvelpoe;
                        prjSetting.OutResolutionX = dstResolution;
                        prjSetting.OutResolutionY = dstResolution;
                        outSize = prjSetting.OutSize;
                        Size  inSize         = new Size(hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.XDim, hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.YDim);
                        float dstResoultion  = dstResolution;
                        float srcResoultionX = (float)(hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.CellWidth);
                        float srcResoultionY = (float)(hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.CellHeight);
                        dataByProject = GetDataByProject <T>(dataNew, srcEnvelope, outenvelpoe, inSize, outSize, dstResoultion, srcResoultionX, srcResoultionY, fillValue, dstSpatialReference, out rows, out cols, out srcStepSize);
                        T[,] dstData  = new T[outSize.Height, outSize.Width];
                        dataByProject = DoProject <T>(dataNew, fillValue, ref outSize, ref srcStepSize, dstData, rows, cols);
                    if (dataByProject != null)
                        dataNew = dataByProject.Data;

                long[] dims = new long[rank];
                dims[0] = Convert.ToInt64(outSize.Height);
                dims[1] = Convert.ToInt64(outSize.Width);
                H5DataSpaceId dspaceId = H5S.create_simple(rank, dims);
                H5T.H5Type    h5Type   = Utility.GetH5Type(dtaDefinitions);
                // Define datatype for the data in the file.
                H5DataTypeId dtypeId = H5T.copy(h5Type);

                // Create the data set DATASETNAME.
                dsetId = H5D.create(fileId, sdName, dtypeId, dspaceId);
                // Write the one-dimensional data set array
                H5D.write(dsetId, new H5DataTypeId(h5Type), new H5Array <T>(dataNew));//H5A

                HDFAttributeDef[] attributeDef5s = hdf4FileAttrs[0].DatasetsAttributeDefs[k];
                foreach (HDFAttributeDef attributeDef5 in attributeDef5s)
                    WriteHdfAttributes.WriteHdfAttribute(dsetId, attributeDef5);
                // Close dataset and file.
                if (dsetId != null)
                if (data != null)
                    data = null;
                if (dataNew != null)
                    dataNew = null;