public static IResourceProvider Create(ILogger logger, IReadOnlyList <string> resources)
            IResourceProvider resourceProvider = null;

            if (resources != null && resources.Count == 1)
                string directory = resources.Single();
                if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                    logger.LogError($"Directory '{directory}' used for --resources does not exist.");

                logger.LogDebug($"Using directory '{directory}' as resource provider.");
                resourceProvider = new DirectoryResourceProvider(resources.Single());
            else if (resources != null && resources.Count % 2 == 0)
                logger.LogDebug("Mapping resources as key-file pairs.");
                resourceProvider = new FileMapResourceProvider();
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < resources.Count; i += 2)
                    ((FileMapResourceProvider)resourceProvider).Mappings.Add(resources[i], resources[i + 1]);
            else if (resources != null)
                logger.LogError("--resources must either be a directory or a space-separated list of [key] [filename] pairs.");
                logger.LogDebug("Not supplying resources.");
                resourceProvider = new FileMapResourceProvider();

예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IReadOnlyList <string> input     = Array.Empty <string>();
            IReadOnlyList <string> resources = null;
            string output   = null;
            string cdcom    = null;
            string svg      = null;
            string png      = null;
            string manifest = null;

            // Preview options
            bool   autosize  = false;
            double imgWidth  = 640;
            double imgHeight = 480;

            bool recursive = false;
            bool silent    = false;
            bool verbose   = false;
            bool version   = false;

            var cliOptions = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, options =>
                options.ApplicationName = "cdcompile";

                options.DefineOption("o|output", ref output,
                                     "Output file (the format will be inferred from the extension). Cannot be used for directory inputs or in combination with specific output format options.");

                var cdcomOption = options.DefineOption("cdcom", ref cdcom, false, "Output a compiled binary component.");
                if (cdcomOption.IsSpecified && cdcom == null)
                    cdcom = string.Empty;

                var svgOption = options.DefineOption("svg", ref svg, false, "Render preview in SVG format.");
                if (svgOption.IsSpecified && svg == null)
                    svg = string.Empty;

                var pngOption = options.DefineOption("png", ref png, false, "Render preview in PNG format (experimental).");
                if (pngOption.IsSpecified && png == null)
                    png = string.Empty;

                var manifestOption = options.DefineOption("manifest", ref manifest, false, "Writes a manifest file listing the compiled components.");
                if (manifestOption.IsSpecified && manifest == null)
                    manifest = "manifest.xml";

                options.DefineOption("autosize", ref autosize, "Automatically sizes the output image to fit the rendered preview.");
                options.DefineOption("w|width", ref imgWidth, double.Parse, "Width of output images to generate (default=640).");
                options.DefineOption("h|height", ref imgHeight, double.Parse, "Height of output images to generate (default=480).");

                options.DefineOption("r|recursive", ref recursive, "Recursively searches sub-directories of the input directory.");
                options.DefineOption("s|silent", ref silent, "Does not output anything to the console on successful operation.");
                options.DefineOption("v|verbose", ref verbose, "Outputs extra information to the console.");

                options.DefineOption("version", ref version, "Prints the version of this application.");

                options.DefineOptionList("resources", ref resources, "Resources to use in generating the output. Either a directory, or a space-separated list of [key] [filename] pairs.");

                options.DefineParameterList("input", ref input, "Components to compile.");

            if (version)
                var assemblyName = typeof(Program).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName();
                Console.WriteLine($"cdcompile {assemblyName.Version} ({assemblyName.ProcessorArchitecture})");

            if (!silent)
                LogManager.LoggerFactory.AddProvider(new BasicConsoleLogger(verbose ? LogLevel.Debug : LogLevel.Information));

            if (!input.Any())
                cliOptions.ReportError("At least one input file must be specified.");

            if (output != null && (svg != null || png != null))
                cliOptions.ReportError("Supplying both --output and a specific format is not supported.");

            IResourceProvider resourceProvider = null;

            if (resources != null && resources.Count == 1)
                string directory = resources.Single();
                if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                    cliOptions.ReportError($"Directory '{directory}' used for --resources does not exist.");

                Log.LogDebug($"Using directory '{directory}' as resource provider.");
                resourceProvider = new DirectoryResourceProvider(resources.Single());
            else if (resources != null && resources.Count % 2 == 0)
                Log.LogDebug("Mapping resources as key-file pairs.");
                resourceProvider = new FileMapResourceProvider();
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < resources.Count; i += 2)
                    ((FileMapResourceProvider)resourceProvider).Mappings.Add(resources[i], resources[i + 1]);
            else if (resources != null)
                cliOptions.ReportError("--resources must either be a directory or a space-separated list of [key] [filename] pairs.");
                Log.LogDebug("Not supplying resources.");
                resourceProvider = new FileMapResourceProvider();

            var formats = new Dictionary <IOutputGenerator, string>();

            if (output != null)
                IOutputGenerator generator;
                if (Generators.TryGetValue(Path.GetExtension(output), out generator))
                    // Use the generator implied by the file extension
                    formats.Add(generator, output);
                    Log.LogError("Unable to infer format from output file extension.");
            if (cdcom != null)
                formats.Add(new BinaryComponentGenerator(), NullIfEmpty(cdcom));
            if (svg != null)
                formats.Add(new SvgPreviewRenderer(), NullIfEmpty(svg));
            if (png != null)
                formats.Add(new PngPreviewRenderer(), NullIfEmpty(png));

            var previewOptions = new PreviewGenerationOptions
                Center = true,
                Crop   = autosize,
                Width  = imgWidth,
                Height = imgHeight

            var results = new List <CompileResult>();

            foreach (var i in input)
                if (File.Exists(i))
                    var result = Run(i, resourceProvider, previewOptions, formats);
                else if (Directory.Exists(i))
                    foreach (var generator in formats)
                        if (!Directory.Exists(generator.Value))
                            cliOptions.ReportError("Outputs must be directories when the input is a directory.");

                    foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(i, "*.xml",
                                                            recursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                        var result = Run(file, resourceProvider, previewOptions, formats);
                    Log.LogError($"Input is not a valid file or directory: {i}");

            if (manifest != null)
                using (var manifestFs = File.Open(manifest, FileMode.Create))
                    Log.LogInformation($"Writing manifest to {manifest}");
                    ManifestGenerator.WriteManifest(results, manifestFs);