private static async Task <TOut> ExecuteFileOperation <TIn, TOut>(BotData data, string path, TIn parameter, Func <string, TIn, Task <TOut> > func) { if (data.Providers.Security.RestrictBlocksToCWD) { FileUtils.ThrowIfNotInCWD(path); } FileUtils.CreatePath(path); TOut result; var fileLock = FileLocker.GetHandle(path); Monitor.Enter(fileLock); try { result = await func.Invoke(path, parameter); } finally { Monitor.Exit(fileLock); } return(result); }
public static IEnumerable <ProfileInfo> ReadProfiles(string filePath) { byte[] sign = ProfileSignature; using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { var reader = new RawDataReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8); foreach (byte b in sign) { if (reader.ReadByte() != b) { throw new CorruptedFileException(filePath); } } int count = reader.ReadInt(); var prInfos = new List <ProfileInfo>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { prInfos.Add(ProfileInfo.LoadProfileInfo(reader)); } return(prInfos); } }
private static Task <TOut> ExecuteFileOperation <TIn, TOut>(BotData data, string path, TIn parameter, Func <string, TIn, Task <TOut> > func) { if (data.Providers.Security.RestrictBlocksToCWD) { FileUtils.ThrowIfNotInCWD(path); } FileUtils.CreatePath(path); // TODO: Implement an asynchronous lock, otherwise it will throw a // SynchronizationLockException since we cannot call Monitor.Exit() in an async context // TOut result; var fileLock = FileLocker.GetHandle(path); Monitor.Enter(fileLock); try { // HACK: Execute synchronously as a temporary fix result = func.Invoke(path, parameter).Result; } finally { Monitor.Exit(fileLock); } return(Task.FromResult(result)); }
protected void PageLoad() { var file = new File(); try { ShareLink = Request[UrlConstant.DocUrlKey] ?? ""; WithLink = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShareLink); var fileId = WithLink ? (object)-1 : Request[UrlConstant.FileId]; FileNew = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request[UrlConstant.New]) && Request[UrlConstant.New] == "true"; file = DocumentUtils.EditIframeSrc(fileId, FileNew, ShareLink, out SrcIframe); if (SecurityContext.IsAuthenticated) { var parent = Global.DaoFactory.GetFolderDao().GetFolder(file.FolderID); if (file.RootFolderType == FolderType.USER && file.RootFolderCreator != SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID && !Global.GetFilesSecurity().CanRead(parent)) { FolderUrl = PathProvider.GetFolderUrl(Global.FolderShare, false, null); } else { FolderUrl = PathProvider.GetFolderUrl(parent); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FolderUrl)) { FolderUrl = Request.UrlReferrer == null ? VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(PathProvider.StartURL) : Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); } if (Global.EnableShare) { CommonContainerHolder.Controls.Add(LoadControl(AccessRights.Location)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect(PathProvider.BaseVirtualPath + "docviewer.aspx" + "?" + Request.QueryString + "#" + UrlConstant.Error + "/" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ex.Message)); } Title = file.Title; FileId = file.ID; FileTitle = file.Title; FileVersion = file.Version; DocKeyForTrack = DocumentUtils.GetDocKey(file.ID, -1, DateTime.MinValue); using (var tagDao = Global.DaoFactory.GetTagDao()) { tagDao.RemoveTags(Tag.New(SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID, file)); } FileLocker.Add(file.ID); }
public void Download(string destPath, string srcFilePath, bool retryOnErr = false) { Assert(Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(srcFilePath, UriKind.Relative)); string tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); FluentFTP.FtpVerify flags = FluentFTP.FtpVerify.Throw | FluentFTP.FtpVerify.OnlyChecksum; flags |= FluentFTP.FtpVerify.Retry; using (var ftpClient = CreateFtpClient()) try { ftpClient.Connect(); ftpClient.DownloadFile(tmpFile, srcFilePath, verifyOptions: flags); } catch (FluentFTP.FtpException ex) { throw ex.InnerException ?? ex; } using (new AutoReleaser(() => File.Delete(tmpFile))) { string decFilePath = DecodeFile(tmpFile); using (FileLocker.Lock(destPath)) { if (File.Exists(destPath)) { File.Delete(destPath); } File.Move(decFilePath, destPath); } } }
public static void AppendConnectionsResp(string filePath, IEnumerable <Message> messages) { Assert(messages != null); using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream fs = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { var reader = new RawDataReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8); int countPos = SrvCxnSignature.Length;; fs.Position = countPos; int msgCount = reader.ReadInt(); var writer = new RawDataWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8); fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); foreach (Message msg in messages) { msg.Write(writer); ++msgCount; } fs.Position = countPos; writer.Write(msgCount); } }
public static IEnumerable <Message> ReadConnectionsReq(string filePath) { byte[] sign = HubCxnSignature; using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { var reader = new RawDataReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8); foreach (byte b in sign) { if (reader.ReadByte() != b) { throw new CorruptedFileException(filePath); } } int count = reader.ReadInt(); var cxns = new List <Message>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { cxns.Add(Message.LoadMessage(reader)); } return(cxns); } }
public static IEnumerable <Message> ReadHubDialog(string filePath, uint clID) { using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { var reader = new RawDataReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8); byte[] sign = HubDialogSignature; foreach (byte b in sign) { if (reader.ReadByte() != b) { throw new CorruptedFileException(filePath); } } uint id = reader.ReadUInt(); if (id != clID) { throw new CorruptedFileException(filePath); } int count = reader.ReadInt(); var msgs = new List <Message>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { msgs.Add(Message.LoadMessage(reader)); } return(msgs); } }
public void WhenLockFileExist_ThenThrowException() { var fileInfo = FileBuilder.InFileSystem.WithPath(Path.Combine(WorkingDir, "Test1.txt")).Build(); FileBuilder.InFileSystem.WithPath(fileInfo.FullName + ".lock").Build(); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => FileLocker.Lock(fileInfo)); }
public void WhenFileIsNotLocked_ThenReturnFalse() { var fileInfo = FileBuilder.InFileSystem.WithPath(Path.Combine(WorkingDir, "Test1.txt")).Build(); var result = FileLocker.IsLocked(fileInfo); Assert.That(result, Is.False); }
public void WhenFileIsLocked_ThenUnlock() { var fileInfo = FileBuilder.InFileSystem.WithPath(Path.Combine(WorkingDir, "Test1.txt")).Build(); FileLocker.Lock(fileInfo); FileLocker.Unlock(fileInfo); Assert.That(FileLocker.IsLocked(fileInfo), Is.False); }
public static void AppendHubDialog(string filePath, uint clID, Message msg) { Assert(msg != null); using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) { IEnumerable <Message> prevMsgs = ReadHubDialog(filePath, clID); WriteHubDialog(filePath, clID, prevMsgs.Add(msg)); } }
public void WhenExistingFileIsLockFile_ThenCreateLockFile() { var fileInfo = FileBuilder.InFileSystem.WithPath(Path.Combine(WorkingDir, "Test1.lock")).Build(); var result = FileLocker.Lock(fileInfo); Assert.That(result.File.FullName, Is.EqualTo(fileInfo.FullName)); Assert.That(result.LockFile.FullName, Is.EqualTo(fileInfo.FullName + ".lock")); AssertFile.Exists(result.LockFile); }
public void TestSingleFileLocker() { var fileLocker = new FileLocker(LockFilePath); using var manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); var threadsCount = 3; using var countdownEvent = new CountdownEvent(threadsCount); var spinWait = new SpinWait(); var threads = Enumerable.Range(0, threadsCount).Select(x => { var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { void lockFile() { manualResetEvent.Wait(); for (var index = 0; index < 25; index++) { using var lockUse = fileLocker.WaitUntilAcquired(); if (index % 7 == 0) { fileLocker.Unlock(lockUse.LockId); } spinWait.SpinOnce(); } } lockFile(); countdownEvent.Signal(); })) { Name = x.ToString() }; return(thread); }).ToList(); foreach (var thread in threads) { thread.Start(); } manualResetEvent.Set(); countdownEvent.Wait(); foreach (var thread in threads) { thread.Join(); } Assert.True(fileLocker.LocksInUse == 0, "The number of locks in use is not zero."); }
public void Log(int jobId, string message, LogKind kind = LogKind.Info) { if (settings.RuriLibSettings.GeneralSettings.LogJobActivityToFile) { var fileName = Path.Combine(baseFolder, $"job{jobId}.log"); lock (FileLocker.GetHandle(fileName)) { var str = $"[{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}][{kind}] {message.Replace("\r\n", " ").Replace("\n", " ")}{Environment.NewLine}"; File.AppendAllText(fileName, str); } } }
public static void AppendSrvDialog(string filePath, Message msg) { Assert(msg != null); using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) { ClientDialog clDlg = ReadSrvDialog(filePath); var newDlg = new ClientDialog(clDlg.ClientID, clDlg.ClientStatus, clDlg.Messages.Add(msg)); WriteSrvDialog(filePath, newDlg); } }
public static void AppendSrvDialog(string filePath, IEnumerable <Message> msgs) { Assert(msgs != null); using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) { ClientDialog clDlg = ReadSrvDialog(filePath); var newDlg = new ClientDialog(clDlg.ClientID, clDlg.ClientStatus, clDlg.Messages.Concat(msgs)); WriteSrvDialog(filePath, newDlg); } }
public static void WriteSrvDialog(string filePath, ClientDialog clDlg) { Assert(clDlg != null); using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream fs = File.Create(filePath)) { var writer = new RawDataWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Write(SrvDialogSignature); clDlg.Write(writer); } }
public static void FileDelete(BotData data, string path) { if (data.Providers.Security.RestrictBlocksToCWD) { FileUtils.ThrowIfNotInCWD(path); } lock (FileLocker.GetHandle(path)) File.Delete(path); data.Logger.LogHeader(); data.Logger.Log($"Deleted {path}", LogColors.Flavescent); }
private static void FoundHit(IRunnerMessaging obj, Hit hit) { // Print the hit information to the screen Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}][{hit.Type}][{hit.Proxy}] {hit.Data}", Color.GreenYellow); // If an output file was specified, print them to the output file as well if (outFile != string.Empty) { lock (FileLocker.GetLock(outFile)) { File.AppendAllText(outFile, $"[{ DateTime.Now}][{hit.Type}][{hit.Proxy}] {hit.Data}{Environment.NewLine}"); } } }
string EncodeFile(string filePath) { string tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (FileStream ofs = File.OpenWrite(tmpFile)) using (var xs = new XorStream(ofs)) using (var gzs = new GZipStream(xs, CompressionMode.Compress)) { using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream ifs = File.OpenRead(filePath)) ifs.CopyTo(gzs); } return(tmpFile); }
private static async Task <TOut> ExecuteFileOperation <TIn, TOut>(BotData data, string path, TIn parameter, Func <string, TIn, Task <TOut> > func, bool isWriteOperation = false) { if (data.Providers.Security.RestrictBlocksToCWD) { FileUtils.ThrowIfNotInCWD(path); } FileUtils.CreatePath(path); TOut result; var fileLock = FileLocker.GetHandle(path); try { if (isWriteOperation) { // If we need write access, try to acquire a write lock periodically every 5 seconds while (!fileLock.TryEnterWriteLock(5000)) { await Task.Delay(10, data.CancellationToken); } } else { // If we need read access, try to acquire a read lock periodically every 5 seconds while (!fileLock.TryEnterReadLock(5000)) { await Task.Delay(10, data.CancellationToken); } } result = await func.Invoke(path, parameter); } finally { if (isWriteOperation) { fileLock.ExitWriteLock(); } else { fileLock.ExitReadLock(); } } return(result); }
public void TestMultipleFileLockers() { using var manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); var threadsCount = 2; using var countdownEvent = new CountdownEvent(threadsCount); var spinWait = new SpinWait(); var random = new Random(); var threads = Enumerable.Range(0, threadsCount).Select(x => { var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { void lockFile() { manualResetEvent.Wait(); for (var index = 0; index < 25; index++) { var fileLocker = new FileLocker(LockFilePath); using var lockUse = fileLocker.WaitUntilAcquired(); spinWait.SpinOnce(); } } lockFile(); countdownEvent.Signal(); })) { Name = x.ToString() }; return(thread); }).ToList(); foreach (var thread in threads) { thread.Start(); } manualResetEvent.Set(); countdownEvent.Wait(); foreach (var thread in threads) { // When joining we want no excpetion to appear. thread.Join(); } }
public Task Store(Hit hit) { Directory.CreateDirectory(BaseDir); var folderName = Path.Combine(BaseDir, hit.Config.Metadata.Name.ToValidFileName()); Directory.CreateDirectory(folderName); var fileName = Path.Combine(folderName, $"{hit.Type.ToValidFileName()}.txt"); lock (FileLocker.GetHandle(fileName)) { File.AppendAllTextAsync(fileName, $"{hit}\r\n"); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public static void FileMove(BotData data, string originPath, string destinationPath) { if (data.Providers.Security.RestrictBlocksToCWD) { FileUtils.ThrowIfNotInCWD(originPath); FileUtils.ThrowIfNotInCWD(destinationPath); } FileUtils.CreatePath(destinationPath); lock (FileLocker.GetHandle(originPath)) lock (FileLocker.GetHandle(destinationPath)) File.Move(originPath, destinationPath); data.Logger.LogHeader(); data.Logger.Log($"Moved {originPath} to {destinationPath}", LogColors.Flavescent); }
public static void WriteConnectionsReq(string filePath, IEnumerable <Message> messages) { Assert(messages != null); using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream fs = File.Create(filePath)) { var writer = new RawDataWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Write(HubCxnSignature); writer.Write(messages.Count()); foreach (Message msg in messages) { msg.Write(writer); } } }
public void Download(string destFolder, IEnumerable <string> srcURLs, bool retryOnErr = false) { Assert(!srcURLs.Any(s => Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(s, UriKind.Relative) == false)); string tmpDir = Path.GetTempPath(); FluentFTP.FtpVerify flags = FluentFTP.FtpVerify.Throw | FluentFTP.FtpVerify.OnlyChecksum; flags |= FluentFTP.FtpVerify.Retry; using (var ftpClient = CreateFtpClient()) try { ftpClient.Connect(); ftpClient.DownloadFiles(tmpDir, srcURLs, verifyOptions: flags, errorHandling: FluentFTP.FtpError.Throw); } catch (FluentFTP.FtpException ex) { throw ex.InnerException ?? ex; } foreach (string src in srcURLs) { string srcFile = Path.GetFileName(src); string dlFile = Path.Combine(tmpDir, srcFile); string decFilePath = DecodeFile(dlFile); string destPath = Path.Combine(destFolder, srcFile); using (FileLocker.Lock(destPath)) { if (File.Exists(destPath)) { File.Delete(destPath); } File.Move(decFilePath, destPath); } File.Delete(dlFile); } }
public static ClientDialog ReadSrvDialog(string filePath) { using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { var reader = new RawDataReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8); byte[] sign = SrvDialogSignature; foreach (byte b in sign) { if (reader.ReadByte() != b) { throw new CorruptedFileException(filePath); } } return(ClientDialog.LoadClientDialog(reader)); } }
public static void WriteProfiles(string filePath, IEnumerable <ProfileInfo> profiles) { Assert(profiles != null); using (FileLocker.Lock(filePath)) using (FileStream fs = File.Create(filePath)) { var writer = new RawDataWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Write(ProfileSignature); writer.Write(profiles.Count()); foreach (ProfileInfo prInfo in profiles) { prInfo.Write(writer); } } }
private static async Task <TOut> ExecuteFileOperation <TIn, TOut>(BotData data, string path, TIn parameter, Func <string, TIn, Task <TOut> > func, bool isWriteOperation = false) { if (data.Providers.Security.RestrictBlocksToCWD) { FileUtils.ThrowIfNotInCWD(path); } FileUtils.CreatePath(path); TOut result; var fileLock = FileLocker.GetHandle(path); try { if (isWriteOperation) { await fileLock.EnterWriteLock(data.CancellationToken); } else { await fileLock.EnterReadLock(data.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } result = await func.Invoke(path, parameter).ConfigureAwait(false); } finally { if (isWriteOperation) { fileLock.ExitWriteLock(); } else { fileLock.ExitReadLock(); } } return(result); }