예제 #1
        protected override FileIndexEntry3D[] ReadEntries()
            int    length   = Length;
            string dataPath = DataPath;

            FileIndexEntry3D[] entries = new FileIndexEntry3D[length];

            // In the mul file index, we read everything sequentially, and -1 is applied to invalid lookups.
            // UOP does not do this, so we need to do it ourselves.
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                entries[i].Lookup = -1;

            using (FileStream index = new FileStream(dataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                FileInfo fi         = new FileInfo(dataPath);
                string   uopPattern = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name).ToLowerInvariant();

                using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(index))
                    br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    if (br.ReadInt32() != UOP_MAGIC_NUMBER)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Bad UOP file.");

                    br.ReadInt64(); // version + signature
                    long nextBlock = br.ReadInt64();
                    br.ReadInt32(); // block capacity
                    int count = br.ReadInt32();

                    Dictionary <ulong, int> hashes = new Dictionary <ulong, int>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        string entryName = string.Format("build/{0}/{1:D8}{2}", uopPattern, i, m_Extension);
                        ulong  hash      = CreateHash(entryName);

                        if (!hashes.ContainsKey(hash))
                            hashes.Add(hash, i);

                    br.BaseStream.Seek(nextBlock, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        int filesCount = br.ReadInt32();
                        nextBlock = br.ReadInt64();

                        for (int i = 0; i < filesCount; i++)
                            long  offset             = br.ReadInt64();
                            int   headerLength       = br.ReadInt32();
                            int   compressedLength   = br.ReadInt32();
                            int   decompressedLength = br.ReadInt32();
                            ulong hash = br.ReadUInt64();
                            short flag = br.ReadInt16();

                            int entryLength = flag == 1 ? compressedLength : decompressedLength;

                            if (offset == 0)

                            int idx;
                            if (hashes.TryGetValue(hash, out idx))
                                if (idx < 0 || idx > entries.Length)
                                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("hashes dictionary and files collection have different count of entries!");

                                entries[idx].Lookup = (int)(offset + headerLength);
                                entries[idx].Length = entryLength;

                                if (m_HasExtra)
                                    long curPos = br.BaseStream.Position;

                                    br.BaseStream.Seek(offset + headerLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                                    byte[] extra = br.ReadBytes(8);

                                    ushort extra1 = (ushort)((extra[3] << 24) | (extra[2] << 16) | (extra[1] << 8) | extra[0]);
                                    ushort extra2 = (ushort)((extra[7] << 24) | (extra[6] << 16) | (extra[5] << 8) | extra[4]);

                                    entries[idx].Lookup += 8;
                                    entries[idx].Extra   = extra1 << 16 | extra2;

                                    br.BaseStream.Seek(curPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    } while (br.BaseStream.Seek(nextBlock, SeekOrigin.Begin) != 0);

예제 #2
        protected override FileIndexEntry3D[] ReadEntries()
            int length = Length;
            string dataPath = DataPath;
            FileIndexEntry3D[] entries = new FileIndexEntry3D[length];

            // In the mul file index, we read everything sequentially, and -1 is applied to invalid lookups.
            // UOP does not do this, so we need to do it ourselves.
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                entries[i].Lookup = -1;

            using (FileStream index = new FileStream(dataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(dataPath);
                string uopPattern = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name).ToLowerInvariant();

                using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(index))
                    br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    if (br.ReadInt32() != UOP_MAGIC_NUMBER)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Bad UOP file.");

                    br.ReadInt64(); // version + signature
                    long nextBlock = br.ReadInt64();
                    br.ReadInt32(); // block capacity
                    int count = br.ReadInt32();

                    Dictionary<ulong, int> hashes = new Dictionary<ulong, int>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        string entryName = string.Format("build/{0}/{1:D8}{2}", uopPattern, i, m_Extension);
                        ulong hash = CreateHash(entryName);

                        if (!hashes.ContainsKey(hash))
                            hashes.Add(hash, i);

                    br.BaseStream.Seek(nextBlock, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        int filesCount = br.ReadInt32();
                        nextBlock = br.ReadInt64();

                        for (int i = 0; i < filesCount; i++)
                            long offset = br.ReadInt64();
                            int headerLength = br.ReadInt32();
                            int compressedLength = br.ReadInt32();
                            int decompressedLength = br.ReadInt32();
                            ulong hash = br.ReadUInt64();
                            short flag = br.ReadInt16();

                            int entryLength = flag == 1 ? compressedLength : decompressedLength;

                            if (offset == 0)

                            int idx;
                            if (hashes.TryGetValue(hash, out idx))
                                if (idx < 0 || idx > entries.Length)
                                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("hashes dictionary and files collection have different count of entries!");

                                entries[idx].Lookup = (int)(offset + headerLength);
                                entries[idx].Length = entryLength;

                                if (m_HasExtra)
                                    long curPos = br.BaseStream.Position;

                                    br.BaseStream.Seek(offset + headerLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                                    byte[] extra = br.ReadBytes(8);

                                    ushort extra1 = (ushort)((extra[3] << 24) | (extra[2] << 16) | (extra[1] << 8) | extra[0]);
                                    ushort extra2 = (ushort)((extra[7] << 24) | (extra[6] << 16) | (extra[5] << 8) | extra[4]);

                                    entries[idx].Lookup += 8;
                                    entries[idx].Extra = extra1 << 16 | extra2;

                                    br.BaseStream.Seek(curPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    } while (br.BaseStream.Seek(nextBlock, SeekOrigin.Begin) != 0);

            return entries;