예제 #1
        public void ParseCsvFileTest()
            string filePath = Path.Combine(this.TestContext.TestDeploymentDir, "Files\\1095_Import_Employees.csv");

            ICsvFileParser parser = new CsvFileParser(filePath);
            IDictionary <int, IList <string> > fileErrors = new Dictionary <int, IList <string> >();
            IObjectValidator validator = new ObjectValidator();

            int rowIndex = parser.RowStart;

            foreach (dynamic row in parser.ParseFile())
                List <string> errors = new List <string>();

                Employee rowObj = FileIOUtilities.MapObject <Employee>(row, rowIndex, validator, null, ref errors);
                //rowObj.MapValues(rowIndex, row, validator, ref errors);
                validator.TryValidate(rowObj, ref errors);

                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    fileErrors.Add(rowIndex, errors);

            Assert.IsTrue(fileErrors.Count >= 2);
예제 #2
        public static IList <Company> ReadCsvFile1()
            Console.WriteLine("Running ReadCsvFile1");
            var parser     = new CsvFileParser(Common.CsvDataPath);
            var fileErrors = new Dictionary <int, IList <string> >();
            var validator  = new ObjectValidator();

            //parser.Delimiters // can adjust the delimiters
            //parser.FixedWidths // can parse fixed widths

            var rowIndex  = parser.RowStart;
            var companies = new List <Company>();

            foreach (dynamic row in parser.ParseFile())
                var errors = new List <string>();

                var rowObj = FileIOUtilities.MapObject <Company>(row, rowIndex, validator, null, ref errors);
                validator.TryValidate(rowObj, ref errors);

                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    fileErrors.Add(rowIndex, errors);

            foreach (var errs in fileErrors)
                foreach (var err in errs.Value)
                    Console.WriteLine("Line:{0}, Error: {1}", errs.Key, err);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1" /> that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
        public IEnumerator <SqlDataRecord> GetEnumerator()
            if (_data == null || !_data.Any())
                yield break;

            PropertyInfo[] properties = _importType.GetProperties();
            StringComparer comparer   = StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase;

            this._validator = this._validator ?? new ObjectValidator();
            bool?isDynamicType = null;

            int errorColumnOrdinal = -1;
            var sqlMetaArray       = _sqlMetadata.ToArray();

            if (_sqlMetadata.Any(x => comparer.Equals(x.Name, _errorColumn)))
                SqlDataRecord tempRecord = new SqlDataRecord(sqlMetaArray);
                errorColumnOrdinal = tempRecord.GetOrdinal(_errorColumn);                 //will cause an exception if it does not exist, hence the any check
                tempRecord         = null;

            foreach (dynamic row in _data)
                SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(sqlMetaArray);
                List <string> errors = new List <string>();

                //check the first object to see if it is a dynamic type as we dont need to run it throught the object mapper in that case
                if (!isDynamicType.HasValue)
                    isDynamicType = FileIOHelpers.IsDynamicType(row);

                T rowObj = default(T);

                if (isDynamicType.Value)
                        rowObj = FileIOUtilities.MapObject <T>(row, _rowIndex, _validator, _fileValuesMapper, ref errors);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    rowObj = row;

                    //built in data annotation validation
                    this._validator.TryValidate(rowObj, ref errors);
                    //custom validation
                    if (_customValidator != null)
                        _customValidator.Invoke(rowObj, ref errors);
                catch (Exception ex)

                ISqlRecordMapper mapperObj = null;
                //if they provide a custom mapper use that one over the interface.
                if (this._customSqlMapper != null)
                    this._customSqlMapper.Invoke(rowObj, record, _rowIndex, errors);
                else if ((mapperObj = rowObj as ISqlRecordMapper) != null)
                    mapperObj.MapSqlRecord(record, _rowIndex, errors);
                else                 //last ditch effort, hopefully they don't rely on this
                    object val;
                    //try to set the rows from the metadata, and the properties
                    foreach (SqlMetaData metaData in _sqlMetadata)
                        string name = metaData.Name;
                        val = null;
                        if (!comparer.Equals(name, _errorColumn))
                            var prop = properties.FirstOrDefault(x => comparer.Equals(x.Name, name));
                            if (prop != null && (val = prop.GetValue(rowObj, null)) != null)
                                record.SetValue(record.GetOrdinal(name), val);
                    //if an error column is defined, set the import errors
                    if (errorColumnOrdinal != -1 && errors.Count != 0)
                        string errorMessage = FileIOHelpers.ErrorsToXml(errors, _rowIndex);
                        record.SetString(errorColumnOrdinal, errorMessage);
                yield return(record);
예제 #4
        public static IList <Company> ReadExcelFile1(string path = null, int headerRow = 2, int dataRow = 3)
            /* Some important notes about header names:
             *	1) As the header name is being used for the "property" name of the dynamic object there are many characters that are not valid to be a valid c# property name.
             *	During the reading of the file, the invalid characters in the header name are replaced using this regex [^A-Za-z0-9_]* with an empty string.
             *	Then if the return of that replace operation is empty, then the column is named "Col(i)". Where (i) is the zero based column index.
             *	Examples:
             *	Column Name---------------Property Name
             *	Company Id----------------row.CompanyId
             *	Aims Company Id-----------row.AimsCompanyId
             *	Some_Id_9-----------------row.Some_Id_9
             *	(@@@)---------------------row.Col1 - where 1 is the zero based index of that column.
             *  2) Case sensitivity of the property names does not matter either. As the sender could change the case indiscrimiately.
             *  3) If a column is removed that you were expecting, the property will return empty and will not throw an exception.

            Console.WriteLine("Running ReadExcelFile1");
            /*This example shows reading a Company class from a file.  */

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
                path = Common.ExcelDataPath;
            //the parser is designed to read one sheet from a file at a time. Other sheets would require a new parser, or just use the same parser and change the sheet name.
            IExcelFileParser parser = new ExcelFileParser(path, "Companies", headerRow, dataRow);
            //this is where we will store any parser errors as we parse the file
            var fileErrors = new Dictionary <int, IList <string> >();
            //this validator provides validation when parsing the columns, and data attributes like [Required] and it will also invoke the IValidatableObject  interface
            IObjectValidator validator = new ObjectValidator();

            //as the rowindex may not start at row 1, get it from the parser
            int rowIndex  = parser.RowStart;
            var companies = new List <Company>();

            foreach (dynamic row in parser.ParseFile())
                List <string> errors = new List <string>();

                //create a reference to a custom mapper. this provides complete control over the mapping of the file row to the object, and the interface is skipped
                FileValuesMap <Company> mapper = Common.Company_FileMapper;

                //this utility performs mapping of the row to the object and invokes column mapping validation
                var rowObj = FileIOUtilities.MapObject <Company>(row, rowIndex, validator, mapper, ref errors);
                //calling the TryValidate method invoke the data annotation validation, and the IValidatableObject  interface
                validator.TryValidate(rowObj, ref errors);


                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    //we got errors for this row, so add them to the fileErrors dictionary
                    fileErrors.Add(rowIndex, errors);

            //write all the file errors out to the console
            foreach (var errs in fileErrors)
                foreach (var err in errs.Value)
                    Console.WriteLine("Line:{0}, Error: {1}", errs.Key, err);
