예제 #1
 public static void Add(FileControlBlock file)
     file.Key = key;
     waitingList.Add(key, file);
     key += 10000;
예제 #2
 public Download(FileControlBlock file)
     this.File = file;
     TaskStatusDetectionThread = new Thread(TaskStatusDetection);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve all files from the specified location (matching specified pattern), and import their contents
        /// into the provided database using the stored procedure(s) specified
        /// </summary>
        public override async Task <TaskResult> ExecuteTask(TaskParameters parameters)
            var result      = new TaskResult();
            var dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now;             // Use single value throughout for consistency in macro replacements

                #region Retrieve task parameters
                string connectionString = config.GetConnectionString(parameters.GetString("ConnectionString"));
                importProcedureName = parameters.GetString("ImportProcedureName");
                string importFolder   = parameters.GetFolder("ImportFolder", dateTimeNow);
                string filenameFilter = parameters.GetString("FilenameFilter", null, dateTimeNow);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(importProcedureName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(importFolder) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(filenameFilter))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Missing or invalid: one or more of ConnectionString/ImportProcedureName/ImportFolder/FilenameFilter");

                // Retrieve import mode (default is RAW), validate if present:
                importMode = parameters.GetString("ImportMode")?.ToUpperInvariant();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(importMode))
                    if (!ImportModeValidationRegex.IsMatch(importMode))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid ImportMode");
                // Retrieve data parameter name, validate if present:
                importDataParameterName = parameters.GetString("ImportDataParameterName");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(importDataParameterName))
                    if (!importDataParameterName.StartsWith("@"))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid ImportDataParameterName");

                // Retrieve imported file archival settings (either folder or rename regex required):
                string archiveFolder            = parameters.GetFolder("ArchiveFolder", dateTimeNow);
                var    archiveRenameRegex       = TaskUtilities.General.RegexIfPresent(parameters.GetString("ArchiveRenameRegex"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                string archiveRenameReplacement = archiveRenameRegex == null ? null : (parameters.GetString("ArchiveRenameReplacement", null, dateTimeNow) ?? string.Empty);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(archiveFolder))
                    if (archiveRenameRegex == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Either ArchiveFolder or ArchiveRenameRegex settings required");
                // Create archival folder, if it doesn't already exist:
                else if (!Directory.Exists(archiveFolder))

                // Retrieve optional parameters:
                importProcedureTimeout     = parameters.Get <int>("ImportProcedureTimeout", int.TryParse);
                importPreProcessorName     = parameters.GetString("ImportPreProcessorName");
                importPreProcessorTimeout  = parameters.Get <int>("ImportPreProcessorTimeout", int.TryParse);
                importPostProcessorName    = parameters.GetString("ImportPostProcessorName");
                importPostProcessorTimeout = parameters.Get <int>("ImportPostProcessorTimeout", int.TryParse);
                importPGPPrivateKeyRing    = parameters.GetString("ImportPGPPrivateKeyRing");
                importPGPPassphrase        = parameters.GetString("ImportPGPPassphrase");
                defaultNulls = parameters.GetBool("DefaultNulls");
                var filenameRegex = TaskUtilities.General.RegexIfPresent(parameters.GetString("FilenameRegex"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                delimiter = parameters.GetString("Delimiter");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(delimiter))
                    delimiter = ",";
                importLineFilterRegex = TaskUtilities.General.RegexIfPresent(parameters.GetString("ImportLineFilterRegex"));
                bool haltOnImportError = parameters.GetBool("HaltOnImportError");

                // Add any parameters to be applied to SQL statements to dictionary:
                var atparms = parameters.GetKeys().Where(parmname => parmname.StartsWith("@"));
                foreach (var atparm in atparms)
                    sqlParameters[atparm] = parameters.GetString(atparm, null, dateTimeNow);

                // If custom regex not specified, create one from file filter (this check is performed to avoid false-positives on 8.3 version of filenames):
                if (filenameRegex == null)
                    filenameRegex = TaskUtilities.General.RegexFromFileFilter(filenameFilter);

                // Build listing of all matching files in import folder:
                var fileInfoList = Directory.EnumerateFiles(importFolder, filenameFilter)
                                   .Where(fileName => filenameRegex.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(fileName)))
                                   .Select(fileName => new FileInfo(fileName));

                if (fileInfoList.Any())
                    #region Connect to database and process all files in list
                    await using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                        await cnn.OpenAsync();

                        // Capture console messages into StringBuilder:
                        var consoleOutput = new StringBuilder();
                        cnn.InfoMessage += (object obj, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e) => { consoleOutput.AppendLine(e.Message); };

                        foreach (var fileInfo in fileInfoList)
                            using var importFileScope = logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                ["FileName"] = fileInfo.FullName

                            // Determine path to archive file to after completion of import process:
                            var archiveFilePath = TaskUtilities.General.PathCombine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(archiveFolder) ? importFolder : archiveFolder,
                                                                                    archiveRenameRegex == null ? fileInfo.Name : archiveRenameRegex.Replace(fileInfo.Name, archiveRenameReplacement));
                            if (archiveFilePath.Equals(fileInfo.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                logger.LogWarning($"Import and archive folders are the same, file will not be archived");
                                archiveFilePath = null;                                 // Ensure file move is skipped over below

                                // Create fileControlBlock to hold file information and data streams, then pass processing off to
                                // utility function, receiving any output parameters from import procedure and merging into overall
                                // task return value set:
                                using (var fileControlBlock = new FileControlBlock(fileInfo))
                                    result.MergeReturnValues(await ImportFile(cnn, consoleOutput, fileControlBlock));
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (ex is AggregateException ae)                                 // Exception caught from async task; simplify if possible
                                    ex = TaskUtilities.General.SimplifyAggregateException(ae);

                                // Log error here (to take advantage of logger scope context) and add exception to result collection:
                                logger.LogError(ex, "Error importing file");
                                result.AddException(new Exception($"Error importing file {fileInfo.FullName}", ex));

                                // If we are halting process for individual import errors, throw custom exception to indicate
                                // to outer try block that it can just exit without re-logging:
                                if (haltOnImportError)
                                    archiveFilePath = null;                                     // Prevent finally block from archiving this file
                                    throw new TaskExitException();
                                // Unless file archival has been explicitly cancelled, move file to archive (regardless of result):
                                if (archiveFilePath != null)
                                        File.Move(fileInfo.FullName, archiveFilePath);
                                        logger.LogDebug($"File archived to {archiveFilePath}");
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        // Add exception to response collection, do not re-throw (to avoid losing actual valuable
                                        // exception that may currently be throwing to outer block)
                                        result.AddException(new Exception($"Error archiving file {fileInfo.FullName} to {archiveFilePath}", ex));
                                // Import procedure should have consumed any console output already; ensure it is cleared for next run:
                                if (consoleOutput.Length > 0)
                                    logger.LogDebug($"Unhandled console output follows:\n{consoleOutput}");

                // If this point is reached, consider overall operation successful
                result.Success = true;
            catch (TaskExitException)
                // Exception was handled above - just proceed with return below
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is AggregateException ae)                 // Exception caught from async task; simplify if possible
                    ex = TaskUtilities.General.SimplifyAggregateException(ae);
                logger.LogError(ex, "Import process failed");
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Call import procedure(s), passing source file data into database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cnn">Open connection to database</param>
        /// <param name="fileControlBlock">Object containing FileInfo and an open FileStream for source file</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of output parameters from import procedure(s)</returns>
        private async Task <Dictionary <string, string> > ImportFile(SqlConnection cnn, StringBuilder consoleOutput, FileControlBlock fileControlBlock)
            var outputParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            var loggerScope      = new Dictionary <string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(importPreProcessorName))
                #region Execute pre-processor
                    await using var cmd = new SqlCommand(importPreProcessorName, cnn)
                                    CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                    using var preproclogscope = logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        ["PreProcessorProcedure"] = importPreProcessorName
                    // Apply timeout if configured, derive and bind parameters, execute procedure:
                    if (importPreProcessorTimeout > 0)
                        cmd.CommandTimeout = (int)importPreProcessorTimeout;
                    await DeriveAndBindParameters(cmd, fileControlBlock, outputParameters);

                    await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                    #region Iterate through output parameters
                    int?returnValue = null;
                    foreach (SqlParameter sqlParameter in cmd.Parameters)
                        if (sqlParameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)
                            returnValue = sqlParameter.Value as int?;
                        else if (sqlParameter.Direction.HasFlag(ParameterDirection.Output))
                            // Check for reserved values with special behavior:
                            if (sqlParameter.ParameterName.Equals("@FILEID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                if (!loggerScope.ContainsKey("FileID"))
                                    // Set logging scope so subsequent logging for this block will include this value:
                                    loggerScope["FileID"] = sqlParameter.Value;
                                    fileControlBlock.SetLoggerScope(logger, loggerScope);

                            // Save value in output collection (as object, converting DBNull to null):
                            outputParameters[sqlParameter.ParameterName] = sqlParameter.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : sqlParameter.Value;

                    // Validate return code:
                    if (returnValue > 0 && returnValue < 100)                     // Values 1-99 are reserved for warnings, will not halt import process
                        logger.LogWarning($"Pre-processor returned non-standard value {returnValue}, proceeding with import");
                    else if (returnValue != 0)                     // Any other non-zero value (including null) will abort process
                        throw new Exception($"Invalid return value ({returnValue})");
                        logger.LogDebug("Pre-processor complete");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Exception executing pre-processor", ex is AggregateException ae ? TaskUtilities.General.SimplifyAggregateException(ae) : ex);
                    if (consoleOutput.Length > 0)
                        logger.LogDebug($"Pre-processor console output follows:\n{consoleOutput}");

            #region Execute data import
            TextFieldParser filecsvreader    = null;            // Used for CSV import method
            StreamReader    filestreamreader = null;            // Used for default import method
                // If PGP decryption of source file is required, update read stream in FileControlBlock now:
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(importPGPPrivateKeyRing))
                    using var privatekeystream = new FileStream(importPGPPrivateKeyRing, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                    await fileControlBlock.OpenDecryptionStream(privatekeystream, importPGPPassphrase);

                // Create and execute import command object
                await using var cmd = new SqlCommand(importProcedureName, cnn)
                                CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                using var proclogscope = logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    ["ImportProcedure"] = importProcedureName
                // Apply timeout if configured, derive and bind parameters:
                if (importProcedureTimeout > 0)
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = (int)importProcedureTimeout;
                var dataParameters = await DeriveAndBindParameters(cmd, fileControlBlock, outputParameters);

                #region Bind data parameter
                // Choose data parameter to receive input; start by retrieving all parameter names for the appropriate type:
                var eligibleparms = dataParameters
                                    .Where(entry => entry.Value == (importMode == "XML" ? SqlDbType.Xml : SqlDbType.Structured))
                                    .Select(entry => entry.Key)
                                    // If importDataParameterName is specified, select matching entry only:
                                    .Where(parmname => string.IsNullOrEmpty(importDataParameterName) || parmname.Equals(importDataParameterName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    // We have to access Count argument more than once, so harden to list to prevent multiple iterations:

                // If no parameters found (either no inputs of correct type, or specific importDataParameterName not found), throw error:
                if (eligibleparms.Count == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.IsNullOrEmpty(importDataParameterName) ?
                                                "No eligible input parameter found" : $"Input parameter name {importDataParameterName} not found");
                else if (eligibleparms.Count > 1)
                    // If more than one eligible parameter was found, config did not specify; unless we have the specific case where exactly
                    // one parameter has not had a value supplied already, we have no way of deciding which parameter to use:
                    eligibleparms = eligibleparms.Where(parmname => cmd.Parameters[parmname].Value == null).ToList();
                    if (eligibleparms.Count != 1)
                        throw new ArgumentException("More than one eligible data parameter found, ImportDataParameterName must be specified");

                if (importMode == "XML")
                    cmd.Parameters[eligibleparms[0]].Value = new SqlXml(fileControlBlock.GetStream());
                else if (fileControlBlock.fileInfo.Length > 0)   // Ignore empty files
                    if (importMode == "CSV")                     // Stream in CSV data
                        filecsvreader = new TextFieldParser(fileControlBlock.GetStream())
                            Delimiters = new string[] { delimiter },
                            HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = true
                        cmd.Parameters[eligibleparms[0]].Value = StreamDataTable(csvReader: filecsvreader);
                    else                     // Stream in raw format data
                        filestreamreader = new StreamReader(fileControlBlock.GetStream());
                        cmd.Parameters[eligibleparms[0]].Value = StreamDataTable(rawReader: filestreamreader);

                #region Remove any remaining parameters with null unstructured data
                // Structured parameters cannot be null, and datasets cannot be empty; retrieve all structured data fields
                // whose parameter value is still null, and remove from parameter collection entirely:
                var removeparms = dataParameters
                                  .Where(entry => entry.Value == SqlDbType.Structured)
                                  .Select(entry => entry.Key)
                                  .Where(fieldname => cmd.Parameters[fieldname].Value == DBNull.Value);
                foreach (var removeparm in removeparms)

                await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                #region Iterate through output parameters
                int?returnValue  = null;
                int?rowsImported = null;
                foreach (SqlParameter sqlParameter in cmd.Parameters)
                    if (sqlParameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)
                        returnValue = sqlParameter.Value as int?;
                    else if (sqlParameter.Direction.HasFlag(ParameterDirection.Output))
                        // Check for reserved values with special behavior:
                        if (sqlParameter.ParameterName.Equals("@FILEID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            if (!loggerScope.ContainsKey("FileID"))
                                // Update logging scope so subsequent logging for this block will include this value:
                                loggerScope["FileID"] = sqlParameter.Value;
                                fileControlBlock.SetLoggerScope(logger, loggerScope);
                        else if (sqlParameter.ParameterName.Equals("@ROWSIMPORTED", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            rowsImported = sqlParameter.Value as int?;

                        // Save value in output collection (as object, converting DBNull to null):
                        outputParameters[sqlParameter.ParameterName] = sqlParameter.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : sqlParameter.Value;

                // Validate return code:
                if (returnValue > 0 && returnValue < 100)                 // Values 1-99 are reserved for warnings, will not halt import process
                    logger.LogWarning(rowsImported == null ? $"Import returned non-standard value {returnValue}, proceeding"
                                                : $"Import returned non-standard value {returnValue} with {rowsImported} rows imported, proceeding");
                else if (returnValue != 0)                 // Any other non-zero value (including null) will abort process
                    throw new Exception($"Invalid return value ({returnValue})");
                    logger.LogInformation(rowsImported == null ? "Import complete" : $"Import complete, {rowsImported} rows imported");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Exception executing import", ex is AggregateException ae ? TaskUtilities.General.SimplifyAggregateException(ae) : ex);
                if (consoleOutput.Length > 0)
                    logger.LogDebug($"Import console output follows:\n{consoleOutput}");

                // Clean up raw and CSV mode reader objects (can't use using statements since these are conditionally initialized
                // in a different scope from their use, and need to survive until after ExecuteNonQueryAsync call completes)
                if (filecsvreader != null)
                    filecsvreader = null;
                if (filestreamreader != null)
                    filestreamreader = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(importPostProcessorName))
                #region Execute post-processor
                    await using var cmd = new SqlCommand(importPostProcessorName, cnn)
                                    CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                    using var postproclogscope = logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        ["PostProcessorProcedure"] = importPostProcessorName
                    // Apply timeout if configured, derive and bind parameters, execute procedure:
                    if (importPostProcessorTimeout > 0)
                        cmd.CommandTimeout = (int)importPostProcessorTimeout;
                    await DeriveAndBindParameters(cmd, fileControlBlock, outputParameters);

                    await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                    #region Iterate through output parameters
                    int?returnValue = null;
                    foreach (SqlParameter sqlParameter in cmd.Parameters)
                        if (sqlParameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)
                            returnValue = sqlParameter.Value as int?;
                        else if (sqlParameter.Direction.HasFlag(ParameterDirection.Output))
                            // Check for reserved values with special behavior:
                            if (sqlParameter.ParameterName.Equals("@FILEID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                if (!loggerScope.ContainsKey("FileID"))
                                    // Update logging scope so subsequent logging for this block will include this value:
                                    loggerScope["FileID"] = sqlParameter.Value;
                                    fileControlBlock.SetLoggerScope(logger, loggerScope);

                                // Save value in output collection (as object, converting DBNull to null):
                                outputParameters[sqlParameter.ParameterName] = sqlParameter.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : sqlParameter.Value;

                    // Validate return code:
                    if (returnValue > 0 && returnValue < 100)                     // Values 1-99 are reserved for warnings, will not halt import process
                        logger.LogWarning($"Post-processor returned non-standard value {returnValue}");
                    else if (returnValue != 0)                     // Any other non-zero value (including null) will abort process
                        throw new Exception($"Invalid return value ({returnValue})");
                        logger.LogDebug("Post-processor complete");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Exception executing post-processor", ex is AggregateException ae ? TaskUtilities.General.SimplifyAggregateException(ae) : ex);
                    if (consoleOutput.Length > 0)
                        logger.LogDebug($"Post-processor console output follows:\n{consoleOutput}");

            // Return output collection (converting objects to strings), to be added to task return values:
            return(outputParameters.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key, entry => entry.Value?.ToString()));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Dynamically derive parameters from SQL server, and bind inputs from parameter collection, file control block
        /// and running collection of output parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A dictionary of potential data parameters (all structured data parameters, add XML inputs if mode is XML)
        /// </returns>
        private async Task <Dictionary <string, SqlDbType> > DeriveAndBindParameters(SqlCommand cmd, FileControlBlock fileControlBlock, Dictionary <string, object> outputParameters)
            var dataParameters = new Dictionary <string, SqlDbType>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Create cache key from database connection string (hashed, to avoid saving passwords/etc in collection) and stored
            // proc name, check whether parameters have already been derived for this object within current run:
            string cachekey = $"{cmd.Connection.ConnectionString.GetHashCode()}::{cmd.CommandText}";

            if (memorycache.TryGetValue <SqlParameter[]>(cachekey, out var cachedparms))
                // Cached parameters available - clone cached array into destination parameter collection:
                cmd.Parameters.AddRange(cachedparms.Select(x => ((ICloneable)x).Clone()).Cast <SqlParameter>().ToArray());
                // No cached parameters available; derive from server (note this is synchronous, no async version available):

                // Clone parameter collection into cache (with 5 minute TTL) for subsequent calls to this same proc:
                    cmd.Parameters.Cast <SqlParameter>().Select(x => ((ICloneable)x).Clone()).Cast <SqlParameter>().ToArray(),
                    new MemoryCacheEntryOptions().SetAbsoluteExpiration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))

            #region Iterate through parameter collection, applying values from member collection
            foreach (SqlParameter sqlParameter in cmd.Parameters)
                if (sqlParameter.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Structured)
                    // Add this parameter to return collection and set input to null (caller must apply valid data or remove):
                    dataParameters[sqlParameter.ParameterName] = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    sqlParameter.Value = DBNull.Value;

                    // Correct for a problem with DeriveParameters, which erroneously adds database name to type:
                    var typeNameParts = sqlParameter.TypeName.Split('.');
                    if (typeNameParts.Length == 3)                     // Database name is included in three-part format, strip out
                        sqlParameter.TypeName = $"{typeNameParts[1]}.{typeNameParts[2]}";
                else if (sqlParameter.Direction.HasFlag(ParameterDirection.Input))
                    // If this is an XML field and we are processing in XML input mode, add to return collection:
                    if (sqlParameter.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Xml && importMode == "XML")
                        dataParameters[sqlParameter.ParameterName] = SqlDbType.Xml;

                    // Check for reserved special parameters to be supplied based on file data:
                    switch (sqlParameter.ParameterName.ToUpperInvariant())
                    case "@FILENAME":
                        sqlParameter.Value = fileControlBlock.fileInfo.Name;

                    case "@FILEFOLDER":
                        sqlParameter.Value = fileControlBlock.fileInfo.DirectoryName;

                    case "@FILEWRITETIME":
                        sqlParameter.Value = fileControlBlock.fileInfo.LastWriteTime;

                    case "@FILEWRITETIMEUTC":
                        sqlParameter.Value = fileControlBlock.fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc;

                    case "@FILESIZE":
                        sqlParameter.Value = fileControlBlock.fileInfo.Length;

                    case "@FILEHASH":
                        // Create hash provider, if not already created:
                        if (md5hash == null)
                            md5hash = IncrementalHash.CreateHash(HashAlgorithmName.MD5);
                        sqlParameter.Value = await fileControlBlock.GetFileHash(md5hash) ?? DBNull.Value;


                    case "@IMPORTSERVER":
                        sqlParameter.Value = Environment.MachineName;

                    default:                             // Unreserved parameter name - supply value from parameters, if possible

                        // This parameter will require an input value if also an output parameter OR we are explicitly defaulting:
                        bool needsDefault = (defaultNulls || sqlParameter.Direction.HasFlag(ParameterDirection.Output));

                        // Check whether parameter is included in collection of output parameters from previous calls:
                        if (outputParameters.ContainsKey(sqlParameter.ParameterName))
                            // Apply value to parameter (replacing null with DBNull):
                            sqlParameter.Value = outputParameters[sqlParameter.ParameterName] ?? DBNull.Value;
                            needsDefault       = false;
                        // Check whether parameter is included in SQL parameter dictionary:
                        else if (sqlParameters.ContainsKey(sqlParameter.ParameterName))
                            // Special case - strings are not automatically changed to Guid values, attempt explicit conversion:
                            if (sqlParameter.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)
                                if (Guid.TryParse(sqlParameters[sqlParameter.ParameterName], out var guid))
                                    sqlParameter.Value = guid;
                                    needsDefault       = false;
                                // Apply string value to parameter (replacing null with DBNull):
                                sqlParameter.Value = (object)sqlParameters[sqlParameter.ParameterName] ?? DBNull.Value;
                                needsDefault       = false;

                        // If we still need a default value, set to null (otherwise, any value not set above will be left
                        // unspecified; if stored procedure does not provide a default value, execution will fail and
                        // missing parameter will be indicated by exception string)
                        if (needsDefault)
                            sqlParameter.Value = DBNull.Value;

예제 #6
 public FileControlBlockVO(FileControlBlock fileControlBlock)
     name      = fileControlBlock.FileName;
     completed = fileControlBlock.Completed;
     total     = fileControlBlock.Total;
예제 #7
 public Delete(FileControlBlock file)
     this.File = file;