private void AddAttachment(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || !File.Exists(path)) { return; } int lastRight = attachmentsPanel.Controls.OfType <FileBox>().OrderByDescending(x => x.Left).FirstOrDefault()?.Right ?? 2; attachmentsLabel.Visible = false; attachmentsPanel.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); FileBox fileBox = new FileBox { Path = path, Font = attachmentsLabel.Font, AutoSize = true, IconSize = new Size(32, 32), Location = new Point(lastRight + 3, 5), ContextMenuStrip = attachmentContextMenu }; fileBox.MouseClick += Attachments_MouseClick; attachmentsPanel.Controls.Add(fileBox); }
void CreateTextBox() { txtFile = new FileBox(this); SetControl(txtFile); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> PostFile() { // Check if the request contains multipart/form-data. if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType); } string temp_root = FileBox.GetWebAppRoot() + "temp\\" + SessionData.client_id + "\\"; string temp_url = "//temp//" + SessionData.client_id + "//"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(temp_root)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(temp_root); } MultipartFormDataStreamProvider provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(temp_root); DynamicDictionary data = new DynamicDictionary(); ResponseModel resp = new ResponseModel(false, data); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Holds the response body // Read the form data and return an async task. var bodyparts = await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider); //rename the file to proper-name // This illustrates how to get the form data. foreach (var key in provider.FormData.AllKeys) { foreach (var val in provider.FormData.GetValues(key)) { data.Add(key, val); } } //for logo upload string logo_name = data.GetValueAsString("logo_name"); string extension = string.Empty; if (logo_name != "") { #region for logo upload string basePath = FileBox.GetWebAppRoot() + "filebox\\CommonInput\\logo\\" + SessionData.client_id + "\\"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(basePath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(basePath); } //check if file already exist and delete if exist string[] Logo_path = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, logo_name + ".*"); string[] filepath = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.*"); if (Logo_path.Length > 0) { System.IO.File.Delete(Logo_path[0]); } //check if file already exist and delete if exist foreach (var file in provider.FileData) { string[] arr = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Trim('"').Split('.'); if (arr.Length >= 1) { extension = "." + arr[arr.Length - 1]; } System.IO.File.Move(file.LocalFileName, basePath + logo_name + extension); data.Add("temp_file_url", basePath + logo_name + extension); } #endregion } else { string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().Substring(0, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf("/api/")); // This illustrates how to get the file names for uploaded files. string new_file_name = ""; // System.DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyymmddhhmmss") + "_" + getRandomID() + "_" + SessionData.user_id; foreach (var file in provider.FileData) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file.LocalFileName); string[] arr = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Trim('"').Split('.'); if (arr.Length >= 1) { extension = "." + arr[arr.Length - 1]; } new_file_name = fileInfo.Name; if (data.ContainsKey("temp_file_path")) { data.SetValue("temp_file_path", temp_root + new_file_name + extension); } else { data.Add("temp_file_path", temp_root + new_file_name + extension); } if (data.ContainsKey("file_name")) { data.SetValue("file_name", new_file_name + extension); } else { data.Add("file_name", new_file_name + extension); } //mime_type_id if (data.ContainsKey("mime_type_id")) { data.SetValue("mime_type_id", extension); } else { data.Add("mime_type_id", extension); } if (data.ContainsKey("file_size_bytes")) { data.SetValue("file_size_bytes", fileInfo.Length); } else { data.Add("file_size_bytes", fileInfo.Length); } data.Add("temp_file_url", url + temp_url + new_file_name + extension); data.Add("temp_file_url", temp_url + new_file_name + extension); System.IO.File.Move(file.LocalFileName, temp_root + new_file_name + extension); } } resp.success = true; resp.message = "File uploaded successfully"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resp)) }); } catch (System.Exception e) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e)); } }
public override ResponseModel Update(int?id, DynamicDictionary item) { string message = string.Empty; bool success = false; object data = item; ResponseModel resp = new ResponseModel(); UserModel Model = new UserModel(); LoadItemAfterSave = true; using (DbConnect con = new DbConnect()) { con.DB.BeginTransaction(); try { string new_file_name = item.GetValueAsString("new_file_name"); string user_file_name = item.GetValueAsString("userfilename"); string relative_path = "temp/"; if (user_file_name == null) { if (new_file_name != null) { item.SetValue("photo_path", relative_path + new_file_name); } } else { if (new_file_name != "") { item.SetValue("photo_path", relative_path + new_file_name); } else { item.SetValue("photo_path", ""); string filePath = FileBox.GetWebAppRoot(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath + user_file_name)) //if file exists than delete. { System.IO.File.Delete(filePath + user_file_name); } } } if (SessionData.client_id == 1) { CheckClientID = false; } resp = base.Update(id, item); #region User Profile Window if (resp.success && item.GetValueAsString("userProfile") == "true") { string file_name = item.GetValueAsString("new_file_name"); string filePath = FileBox.GetWebAppRoot() + "temp/"; int? photo_id = item.GetValueAsInt("photo_id"); if (file_name == "") { var photoPath = item.GetValueAsString("user_file_name"); if (photoPath == "") { return(null); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath + new_file_name)) //if file exists than delete. { System.IO.File.Delete(filePath + new_file_name); } int?tax_photo_id = item.GetValueAsInt("photo_id"); item.SetValue("photo_path", ""); resp = base.Update(id, item); } else { if (photo_id == 0) { item.SetValue("photo_path", relative_path + new_file_name); } else { item.SetValue("photo_path", relative_path + new_file_name); } resp = base.Update(id, item); } } #endregion else { } if (resp.success) { con.DB.CommitTransaction(); message = "Data added successfully."; success = true; if (resp.success) { DynamicDictionary respdata = (DynamicDictionary); string confirmpassword = respdata.GetValueAsString("confirmpassword"); if (item.GetValueAsString("userProfile") == "" || item.GetValueAsString("userProfile") == null) { if (confirmpassword == "" || confirmpassword == null) { int user_id = (int)((DynamicDictionary)"id"); = user_id; return(resp); } } } return(resp); } else { con.DB.RollbackTransaction(); if (resp.validation_errors.GetCount() > 0) { message = string.Join(",", resp.error_code); } else { message = "Data add failed, please try again later."; } } } catch (Exception) { con.DB.RollbackTransaction(); message = "Data add failed, Rollback Transaction."; } } return(new ResponseModel(success, item.GetValue("photo_id"), message)); }
public abstract Task <string?> MessageSendFile(string conversationId, FileBox file);
public abstract Task ContactAvatar(string contactId, FileBox file);
public async Task<IMessageAppService> Say(FileBox file) { var msgId = await _puppetService.MessageSendFile(RoomId, file); return await TryLoad(msgId); }
public AddLayerWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _vm = new AddLayerViewModel(); _vm.SelectFileCommand = new RelayCommand(o => { var dialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog() { Title = "Choose file", Filter = "Supported Images|*.svg;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.tif", Multiselect = false }; var result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result != null && result.Value) { _vm.File = dialog.FileName; } }); _vm.SelectMaskCommand = new RelayCommand(o => { var dialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog() { Title = "Choose mask", Filter = "Supported Images|*.svg;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.tif", Multiselect = false }; var result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result != null && result.Value) { _vm.Mask = dialog.FileName; } }); _vm.MaskRadioButtonCommand = new RelayCommand(o => { var param = o.ToString(); switch (param) { case "None": MaskBox.IsEnabled = false; MaskButton.IsEnabled = false; _vm.MaskType = AddLayerViewModel.MaskTypes.None; if (LayerType.SelectedItem != null) { _vm.UpdatePreview((Layer.LayerType)LayerType.SelectedItem); } break; case "User": MaskBox.IsEnabled = true; MaskButton.IsEnabled = true; _vm.MaskType = AddLayerViewModel.MaskTypes.User; if (LayerType.SelectedItem != null) { _vm.UpdatePreview((Layer.LayerType)LayerType.SelectedItem); } break; case "Auto": MaskBox.IsEnabled = false; MaskButton.IsEnabled = false; _vm.MaskType = AddLayerViewModel.MaskTypes.Autogenerated; if (LayerType.SelectedItem != null) { _vm.UpdatePreview((Layer.LayerType)LayerType.SelectedItem); } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }); DataContext = _vm; _vm.MaskRadioButtonCommand.Execute("None"); // Need to add these handlers manually since the TextBox already has handlers for some kinds of drag-and-drop data types. // FileBox.AddHandler(TextBox.DropEvent, new DragEventHandler(LayerFileBox_OnDrop), true); MaskBox.AddHandler(TextBox.DropEvent, new DragEventHandler(LayerMaskBox_OnDrop), true); }
public Task <FileBox> Avatar(FileBox file) { var filebox = _puppetService.ContactAvatar(LoginWeiXinId, file); return(filebox); }
public LangLoader() { var fb = new FileBox(); DefaultFile = fb.WebAppRoot + @"lang\"; }