public FieldText Update(FieldText updatedFieldText) { var entity = db.FieldText.Attach(updatedFieldText); entity.State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; return(updatedFieldText); }
static void CreateExpenseSiteColumns() { fldExpenseCategory = clientContext.CastTo <FieldChoice>(CreateSiteColumn("ExpenseCategory", "Expense Category", "Choice")); string[] choicesExpenseCategory = ExpenseCategory.GetAll(); fldExpenseCategory.Choices = choicesExpenseCategory; fldExpenseCategory.Update(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); fldExpenseDate = clientContext.CastTo <FieldDateTime>(CreateSiteColumn("ExpenseDate", "Expense Date", "DateTime"));; fldExpenseDate.DisplayFormat = DateTimeFieldFormatType.DateOnly; fldExpenseDate.Update(); fldExpenseAmount = clientContext.CastTo <FieldCurrency>(CreateSiteColumn("ExpenseAmount", "Expense Amount", "Currency")); fldExpenseAmount.MinimumValue = 0; fldExpenseBudgetYear = clientContext.CastTo <FieldText>(CreateSiteColumn("ExpenseBudgetYear", "Budget Year", "Text")); fldExpenseBudgetQuarter = clientContext.CastTo <FieldText>(CreateSiteColumn("ExpenseBudgetQuarter", "Budget Quarter", "Text")); fldExpenseBudgetQuarter.Update(); fldExpenseBudgetAmount = clientContext.CastTo <FieldCurrency>(CreateSiteColumn("ExpenseBudgetAmount", "Budget Amount", "Currency")); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); }
protected void AutoComplete() { string complete = string.Empty; var command = FieldText.ToString(); string[] cmd; if (!Util.TrySplitCommand(command, out cmd)) { return; } if (cmd.Length > 1) { Command result; if (CommandSet.TryGetValue(cmd [0], out result)) { complete = result.AutoComplete(command); } } else { foreach (var id in CommandSet.Keys) { if (id.StartsWith(command)) { complete = id.Remove(0, command.Length); } } } AddText(complete); Console.Write(complete); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutFieldText([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] FieldText FieldText) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != FieldText.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(FieldText).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!FieldTextExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public IActionResult OnGet(int id) { FieldText = languageData.GetById(id); if (FieldText == null) { return(RedirectToPage("./NotFound")); } return(Page()); }
public FieldText Update(FieldText updatedFieldText) { var FieldText = FieldTexts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == updatedFieldText.Id); if (FieldText != null) { } return(FieldText); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostFieldText([FromBody] FieldText FieldText) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } _context.FieldText.Add(FieldText); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetFieldText", new { id = FieldText.Id }, FieldText)); }
public void ToCustomText() { var f1 = new FieldText("Format", "Format to apply", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", ".+", "Format is empty"); new InputBox(_excelapp, "To custom date-time", f1).Show(delegate { var format = f1.Value; new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue("@", delegate(ref object value) { System.DateTime datetime; if (Parser.ToDateTime(value, _culture, out datetime)) value = datetime.ToString(format, _culture); }); }); }
public static void SetUp(ClientContext ctx) { Web root = ctx.Site.RootWeb; string pathToXML = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "CVContentType.xml"; root.CreateFieldsFromXMLFile(pathToXML); root.CreateContentTypeFromXMLFile(pathToXML); List CVs = null; if (root.ListExists("CV's")) { CVs = root.GetListByTitle("CV's"); } else { CVs = root.CreateList(ListTemplateType.DocumentLibrary, "CV's", true, true, "CVS", true); } CVs.AddContentTypeToListByName("CV", true); CVs.RemoveContentTypeByName("Document"); FieldText titleField = CVs.GetFieldById <FieldText>("{fa564e0f-0c70-4ab9-b863-0177e6ddd247}".ToGuid()); titleField.Title = "CV Description"; titleField.Update(); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); AddViewFields(ctx, CVs); string query = @"<OrderBy> <FieldRef Name='Modified' Ascending='FALSE' /> </OrderBy> <Where> <And> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='CV_bool' /> <Value Type='Boolean' >1</Value> </Eq> <Gt> <FieldRef Name='Created' /> <Value Type='DateTime' >2017-01-01T00:00:00Z</Value> </Gt> </And> </Where> "; CVs.CreateView("Active CV's 2", ViewType.Html, new string[] { "Title", "CV_Picture", "CV_Person" }, 10, false, query); }
private void GuessFieldName(object fielddata) { FieldData fd = (FieldData)fielddata; try { if (Same(GetPageResource(fd.SourceUrl + "and exists (select [" + fd.FieldName + "] from [" + fd.ListName + "])").Length, fd.HtmlText.Length)) { Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() => { FieldText.AppendText(fd.FieldName + "\r\n"); })); } Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() => { progressBar.Value += 1; })); } catch { Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() => { progressBar.Value += 1; })); } return; }
public void Add() { var f1 = new FieldText("Characters", "Characters to add", ""); var f2 = new FieldRadioBT("", new string[] { "Left", "Rigth" }, "Position", 0, true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Add", f1, f2).Show(delegate { string str = f1.Value; bool left = f2.Value == 0; new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue(null, delegate(ref object value) { if (value is string) { if (left) value = str + (string)value; else value = (string)value + str; } }); }); }
public void CellsValue() { var f1 = new FieldText("String surround", "Surround character for strings", "\"", true); var f2 = new FieldText("Number surround", "Surround character for numbers", "", true); var f3 = new FieldText("Empty value", "Text for empty values", "\"\"", true); var f7 = new FieldText("DateTime format", "DateTime format", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", true); var f4 = new FieldText("Cells delimiter", "Delimiter character for cells", ",", true); var f5 = new FieldText("Row surround", "Surround character for rows", "{}", true); var f6 = new FieldText("Rows delimiter", "Delimiter character for rows", @",\r\n", true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Copy joined cells value", f1, f2, f3, f7, f4, f5, f6).Show(delegate { string stringSurroundLeft, stringSurroundRight, numSurroundLeft, numSurroundRight, rowSurroundLeft, rowSurroundRight; ExtractSurround(f1.Value, out stringSurroundLeft, out stringSurroundRight); ExtractSurround(f2.Value, out numSurroundLeft, out numSurroundRight); ExtractSurround(f5.Value, out rowSurroundLeft, out rowSurroundRight); string emptyValue = f3.Value == null ? "" : f3.Value; string dtFormat = f7.Value; string cellsDelimiter = f4.Value.Replace(@"\r", "\r").Replace(@"\n", "\n").Replace(@"\t", "\t"); string rowsDelimiter = f6.Value.Replace(@"\r", "\r").Replace(@"\n", "\n").Replace(@"\t", "\t"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); new CellsOperator(_range, true).ForEachValue(delegate(object value, bool isFirstCol, bool isLastCol) { if (isFirstCol) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(rowsDelimiter); sb.Append(rowSurroundLeft); } else sb.Append(cellsDelimiter); if (value == null) sb.Append(emptyValue); else if (value is double) sb.Append(numSurroundLeft + value + numSurroundRight); else if (value is string) sb.Append(stringSurroundLeft + (string)value + stringSurroundRight); else if (value is DateTime) sb.Append(stringSurroundLeft + ((DateTime)value).ToString(dtFormat) + stringSurroundLeft); else sb.Append(stringSurroundLeft + value.ToString() + stringSurroundRight); if (isLastCol) sb.Append(rowSurroundRight); }); if (sb.Length != 0) System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(sb.ToString()); }); }
public void CellsText() { var f1 = new FieldText("Cells delimiter", "Delimiter character", ";", true); var f2 = new FieldCheckBox("Include empty cells", "", false); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Copy joined cells text", f1, f2).Show(delegate { var cellDelimiter = f1.Value; var rowDelimiter = f1.Value; var skipEmptyCells = f2.Value == false; try { _excelapp.ScreenUpdating = false; System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.Clear(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Excel.Range area in _range.Areas) { var range = _excelapp.Intersect(area, area.Worksheet.UsedRange); if (range == null) break; range.Copy(); sb.Append(System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText()); } _excelapp.CutCopyMode = 0; StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); int len = sb.Length - 2; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (sb[i] == '\t') { if (skipEmptyCells && (sb[i + 1] == '\t' || (sb[i + 1] == '\r' && sb[i + 2] == '\n'))) continue; else res.Append(cellDelimiter); } else if (sb[i] == '\r' && sb[i + 1] == '\n') { i++; if (skipEmptyCells && (sb[i + 2] == '\r' || sb[i + 2] == '\t')) continue; else res.Append(rowDelimiter); } else { res.Append(sb[i]); } } System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(res.ToString()); } catch { throw; } finally { _excelapp.ScreenUpdating = true; } }); }
public void Pad() { var f1 = new FieldText("Character", "Character to add", "0", "^.$", "One character only"); var f2 = new FieldNumber("Length", "Total length", 10d, 1, 1000); var f3 = new FieldRadioBT("Insert position", new[] { "Left", "Rigth" }, "Insert position", 0); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Padding", f1, f2, f3).Show(delegate { char char_ = f1.Value[0]; int len = (int)(f2.Value ?? 0); if (f3.Value == 0) { new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue("@", delegate(ref object value) { value = value.ToString().PadLeft(len, char_); }); } else if (f3.Value == 1) { new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue("@", delegate(ref object value) { value = value.ToString().PadRight(len, char_); }); } }); }
public void Combination() { var f1 = new FieldText("Set of values", "List of values seperated by a semicolon", "a;b;c", "^.+;.+$", "A minimum of 2 values is required", true); var f2 = new FieldNumber("Length (k)", "Length (k)", 2, 1, true); var f3 = new FieldCheckBox("With permutation : AB => AB,BA...", "", false, true); var f4 = new FieldCheckBox("With repetition : AB => AA,BB,AB...", "", false, true); var f5 = new FieldCheckBox("With sub length : AB => A,B,AB...", "", false, true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Generate combination", f1, f2, f3, f4, f5).Show(delegate { var values = f1.Value.Split(';'); var n = values.Length; var k = (int)f2.Value; var order = f3.Value; var repeat = f4.Value; var subset = f5.Value; if (k > n) throw new InputError("Length (k) has to be superior or equal to the number of values"); var data = Combinaison.Get(values, k, order, repeat, subset); CellsOperator.AddDataToRange(_range, data); }); }
public IActionResult OnGet(int?id) { if (id.HasValue) { FieldText = languageData.GetById(id.Value); ViewData["Title"] = "Edit"; } else { ViewData["Title"] = "Add a word/phrase"; FieldText = new FieldText(); FieldText.FieldType = FieldType.XAMARIN; } Languages = htmlHelper.GetEnumSelectList <FieldType>(); if (FieldText == null) { return(RedirectToPage("./NotFound")); } return(Page()); }
protected void ProcessCommand() { string cmd = FieldText.ToString(); CommandHistory.Add(cmd); Console.WriteLine(); string cmdId = cmd.ReadToCharOrEnd(' '); if (CommandSet.ContainsKey(cmdId)) { var result = RunCommand(FieldText.ToString()); if (result.Resultcode != 0) { Console.WriteLine(result.Message); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" is not recognized as a command. Try \"help\"", cmdId); } EndOfInput = true; }
private static string GetDefaultFormat(Field f) { string rc = string.Empty; switch (f.FieldTypeKind) { case FieldType.Text: { FieldText ft = f as FieldText; if (ft != null) { rc = string.Format("$CHAR{0}.", ft.MaxLength); } } break; case FieldType.DateTime: rc = "DATETIME16."; break; } return(rc); }
protected virtual void RegisterBaseKeys() { FunctionKeys[new ConsoleKeyInfo('\0', ConsoleKey.RightArrow, false, false, false)] = () => MoveCursor(); FunctionKeys[new ConsoleKeyInfo('\0', ConsoleKey.RightArrow, false, false, true)] = () => { MoveCursor(FieldText.ToString().Substring(CurrentChar) .TakeWhile(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c)).Count() + 1); }; FunctionKeys[new ConsoleKeyInfo('\0', ConsoleKey.LeftArrow, false, false, false)] = () => MoveCursor(-1); FunctionKeys[new ConsoleKeyInfo('\0', ConsoleKey.LeftArrow, false, false, true)] = () => { MoveCursor(-FieldText.ToString().Reverse().Skip(FieldText.Length - CurrentChar + 1) .TakeWhile(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c)).Count() - 1); }; FunctionKeys[new ConsoleKeyInfo('\r', ConsoleKey.Enter, false, false, false)] = () => { AddText('\n'); MoveCursor(); }; FunctionKeys[new ConsoleKeyInfo('\b', ConsoleKey.Backspace, false, false, false)] = () => { if (FieldText.Length == 0 || CurrentChar == 0) { return; } FieldRows[CurrentRow].Remove(CurrentChar - 1, 1); SyncBuffer(CurrentRow); MoveCursor(-1); }; FunctionKeys[new ConsoleKeyInfo('\0', ConsoleKey.Delete, false, false, false)] = () => { if (FieldText.Length == 0 || CurrentChar == FieldText.Length) { return; } ClearBuffer(); FieldText.Remove(CurrentChar, 1); }; }
private void GenExperiment(Experiment experiment) { var fields = new FieldText[experiment.NbFactor]; for (int i = 0; i < experiment.NbFactor; i++) { fields[i] = new FieldText("F" + (i + 1).ToString() + " values (" + experiment.NbLevels[i] + ")", "List of values seperated by a semicolon", ""); fields[i].MaxValues = experiment.NbLevels[i]; } new InputBox(_excelapp, "Generate experiment", fields).Show(delegate { var valuesList = new List<string[]>(experiment.NbFactor); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[i].Value)) valuesList.Add(null); else { valuesList.Add(fields[i].Value.Split(';')); } } CellsOperator.AddDataToRange(_range, experiment.GetArray(valuesList)); }); }
public void String() { var f1 = new FieldText("Pattern", @"\d=0-9 \w=A-Za-z0-9_ \H=0-9A-F", @"[A-F]-\d{3}-\d{3,10}", true); var f2 = new FieldCheckBox("Generate unique values", "", false, true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Random string generation", f1, f2, _fnb).Show(delegate { if (f1.Value.Length < 1) throw new InputError("Pattern field is empty"); var gen = new RandomString(f1.Value, f2.Value); string format = "@"; if (_singlesel) CellsOperator.AddDataToRange(_range, (int)_fnb.Value, format, (ref object value) => { value = gen.Next(); }); else new CellsOperator(_range, true).ForEachValue(format, (ref object value) => { value = gen.Next(); }); }); }
public void Split() { if (_range.Areas.Count != 1 || _range.Areas[1].Columns.Count != 1) { MsgBox.ShowError(_excelapp, "Select one column only."); return; } var f0 = new FieldRadioBT("Type", new string[] { "Separator", "Regex" }, null, 0, true); var f1 = new FieldText("Separator", "String separator", "", true); var f2 = new FieldText("Regex pattern", "Regex pattern", @"[^ ]+", true); f0.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { f1.Control.Enabled = f0.Value == 0; f2.Control.Enabled = f0.Value == 1; }; f2.Control.Enabled = false; new InputBox(_excelapp, "Replace (Regex)", f0, f1, f2).Show(delegate { bool useSeparator = f0.Value == 0; var range = (Excel.Range)_range.Areas[1].Columns[1]; try { _excelapp.ScreenUpdating = false; Undo.AddUndoArea(range); range.Copy(); var data = Clipboard.GetText(); _excelapp.CutCopyMode = 0; var res = new StringBuilder(); if (useSeparator) { var separator = f1.Value; res.Append(data.Replace(separator, "\t")); } else { string pattern = f2.Value; var rows = data.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int nbRows = rows.Length; for (int r = 0; r < nbRows; r++) { var matches = Regex.Matches(rows[r], pattern); int nbMatch = matches.Count; for (int i = 0; i < nbMatch; i++) { if (i != 0) res.Append('\t'); res.Append(matches[i].Value); } res.Append("\r\n"); } } Clipboard.SetText(res.ToString()); range.PasteSpecial(); Clipboard.Clear(); (_excelapp.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection).NumberFormat = ""; } catch { throw; } finally { _excelapp.ScreenUpdating = true; } }); }
public SPRemoteEventResult ProcessEvent(SPRemoteEventProperties properties) { SPRemoteEventResult result = new SPRemoteEventResult(); //get the host web url Uri hostUrl = properties.AppEventProperties.HostWebFullUrl; //get the operation context so we can figure out the host URL for this service, from //which we can get the Authority for a client context System.ServiceModel.OperationContext oc = System.ServiceModel.OperationContext.Current; Uri localUrl = null; //UPDATE: THIS CODE WORKED FINE FOR WHEN YOU USE THE WEB APP CREATED BY VS.NET //FOR THE SHAREPOINT APP, BUT IT BREAKS WHEN YOU DEPLOY TO A REAL IIS SERVER //BECAUSE YOU END UP GETTING TWO BASEADDRESSES, BUT NOT WITH THE RIGHT SCHEME. //FOR EXAMPLE, THE FIRST ONE IS THE ADDRESS OF THIS HOST BUT WITH THE HTTP SCHEME. //THE SECOND ONE IS HTTPS, BUT THE HOST NAME IS THE FQDN OF THE SERVER. SINCE //SHAREPOINT DOESN'T RECOGNIZE THAT AS THE ENDPOINT IT TRUSTS FOR THIS CODE, IT BLOWS //UP WHEN RUNNING THE CODE BELOW AND THE WHOLE THING FAILS #region Code That Breaks In IIS ////now enumerate through the Host base addresses and look for the SSL connection //foreach (Uri u in oc.Host.BaseAddresses) //{ // if (u.Scheme.ToLower() == "https") // { // localUrl = u; // break; // } //} #endregion //assume first base address is ours, which it has been so far if (oc.Host.BaseAddresses.Count > 0) { localUrl = oc.Host.BaseAddresses[0]; } //make sure we found our local URL if (localUrl != null) { //using (ClientContext ctx = TokenHelper.CreateAppEventClientContext(properties, false)) using (ClientContext ctx = TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithContextToken(hostUrl.ToString(), properties.ContextToken, localUrl.Authority)) { if (ctx != null) { //try to retrieve the list first to see if it exists List l = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(LIST_NAME); ctx.Load(l); //have to put in a try block because of course it throw an exception if //list doesn't exist try { ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception noListEx) { //look to see if the exception is that the list doesn't exist if (noListEx.Message.ToLower().Contains("does not exist")) { //code here to create list Web web = ctx.Web; ListCreationInformation ci = new ListCreationInformation(); ci.Title = LIST_NAME; ci.TemplateType = (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList; ci.QuickLaunchOption = QuickLaunchOptions.Off; l = web.Lists.Add(ci); l.Description = "List for tracking events with the Event Planner Social App"; Field fldEventName = l.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='EventName' Type='Text' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Field fldSiteUrl = l.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='SiteUrl' Type='Text' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Field fldTwitterTags = l.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='TwitterTags' Type='Text' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Field fldEventDate = l.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='EventDate' Type='DateTime' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); FieldDateTime dtEventDate = ctx.CastTo <FieldDateTime>(fldEventDate); dtEventDate.DisplayFormat = DateTimeFieldFormatType.DateOnly; dtEventDate.Update(); Field fldGraphID = l.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='ObjectGraphID' Type='Text' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); FieldText txtGraphID = ctx.CastTo <FieldText>(fldGraphID); txtGraphID.Indexed = true; txtGraphID.Update(); l.Hidden = true; l.Update(); try { //this creates the list ctx.ExecuteQuery(); //all of the rest of this is to remove the list from the "Recent" list that appears //in sites by default, which is really a set of navigation links //get the site and root web, where the navigation lives Site s = ctx.Site; Web rw = s.RootWeb; //get the QuickLaunch navigation, which is where the Recent nav lives ctx.Load(rw, x => x.Navigation, x => x.Navigation.QuickLaunch); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); //now extract the Recent navigation node from the collection var vNode = from NavigationNode nn in rw.Navigation.QuickLaunch where nn.Title == "Recent" select nn; NavigationNode nNode = vNode.First <NavigationNode>(); //now we need to get the child nodes of Recent, that's where our list should be found ctx.Load(nNode.Children); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); var vcNode = from NavigationNode cn in nNode.Children where cn.Title == LIST_NAME select cn; //now that we have the node representing our list, delete it NavigationNode cNode = vcNode.First <NavigationNode>(); cNode.DeleteObject(); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception newListFailEx) { Debug.WriteLine("Creation of new list failed: " + newListFailEx.Message); } } } //okay, so if we're here then the list should exist, and we should be good to go at this point } } } #region OOB Template Code //using (ClientContext clientContext = TokenHelper.CreateAppEventClientContext(properties, false)) //{ // if (clientContext != null) // { // clientContext.Load(clientContext.Web); // clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); // } //} #endregion return(result); }
public static void CreateOrderDetailsList() { Console.WriteLine("Creating order details list..."); if (OrdersListExists()) { ListCreationInformation listInformationOrderDetails = new ListCreationInformation(); listInformationOrderDetails.Title = "OrderDetails"; listInformationOrderDetails.Url = "Lists/OrderDetails"; listInformationOrderDetails.QuickLaunchOption = QuickLaunchOptions.On; listInformationOrderDetails.TemplateType = (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList; listOrderDetails = site.Lists.Add(listInformationOrderDetails); listOrderDetails.OnQuickLaunch = true; listOrderDetails.EnableAttachments = false; listOrderDetails.Update(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); listOrderDetails.DefaultView.ViewFields.RemoveAll(); listOrderDetails.DefaultView.ViewFields.Add("ID"); listOrderDetails.DefaultView.Update(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); var fldTitle = listOrderDetails.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("Title"); fldTitle.Required = false; fldTitle.Update(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); string fldOrderLookupXml = @"<Field Name='OrderId' DisplayName='Order' Type='Lookup' ></Field>"; FieldLookup fldOrderLookup = clientContext.CastTo <FieldLookup>(listOrderDetails.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(fldOrderLookupXml, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint)); // add cusotmer lookup field fldOrderLookup.LookupField = "ID"; fldOrderLookup.LookupList = listOrders.Id.ToString(); fldOrderLookup.Indexed = true; fldOrderLookup.RelationshipDeleteBehavior = RelationshipDeleteBehaviorType.Cascade; fldOrderLookup.Update(); // add quantity field string fldQuantityXml = @"<Field Name='Quantity' DisplayName='Quantity' Type='Number' ></Field>"; FieldNumber fldQuantity = clientContext.CastTo <FieldNumber>(listOrderDetails.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(fldQuantityXml, true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue)); fldQuantity.Update(); // add product field string fldProductXml = @"<Field Name='Product' DisplayName='Product' Type='Text' ></Field>"; FieldText fldProduct = clientContext.CastTo <FieldText>(listOrderDetails.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(fldProductXml, true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue)); fldProduct.Update(); string fldSalesAmountXml = @"<Field Name='SalesAmount' DisplayName='SalesAmount' Type='Currency' ></Field>"; FieldCurrency fldSalesAmount = clientContext.CastTo <FieldCurrency>(listOrderDetails.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(fldSalesAmountXml, true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue)); fldSalesAmount.Update(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); //listOrderDetails.DefaultView.ViewFields.Remove("Title"); listOrderDetails.DefaultView.Update(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Cannot create OrderDetails list because Orders list does not exist."); } }
public FieldText Add(FieldText newFieldText) { FieldTexts.Add(newFieldText); newFieldText.Id = FieldTexts.Max(l => l.Id) + 1; return(newFieldText); }
public void RegexReplace() { var f1 = new FieldText("Pattern", "Regular expression pattern to match.", @"^(.*)$", true); var f2 = new FieldText("Replacement", "Replacement string", @"\1", true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Replace (Regex)", f1, f2).Show(delegate { string pattern = f1.Value; string replacement = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(f2.Value, @"\\(\d)", @"$$1").Replace(@"\t", "\t"); new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue("@", delegate(ref object value) { value = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(value.ToString(), pattern, replacement); }); }); }
public void Columns() { var defaultTemplate = new StringBuilder(); var nbCol = _range.Columns.Count; for (int i = 1; i <= nbCol; i++) defaultTemplate.Append("\\" + i); var f0 = new FieldRadioBT("Use", new string[] { "Delimiter", "Template" }, "Select delimiter or template", 0, true); var f1 = new FieldText("Delimiter", "Delimiter to add between columns", "", true); var f2 = new FieldText("Template", "Template - \\n is the cell text at column n", defaultTemplate.ToString(), true); f0.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { f1.Control.Enabled = f0.Value == 0; f2.Control.Enabled = f0.Value == 1; }; f2.Control.Enabled = false; new InputBox(_excelapp, "Copy merged columns", f0, f1, f2).Show(delegate { bool useDeleimiter = f0.Value == 0; var delimiter = f1.Value; var pattern = f2.Value; try { _excelapp.ScreenUpdating = false; System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.Clear(); var range = _excelapp.Intersect(_range, _range.Worksheet.UsedRange); if (range == null) return; range.Copy(); var data = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText(); _excelapp.CutCopyMode = 0; var res = new StringBuilder(); if (useDeleimiter) { res.Append(data.Replace("\t", delimiter)); } else { var rows = data.TrimEnd('\r', '\n').Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string row in rows) { var cells = row.Split('\t'); string strRow = pattern; for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++) strRow = strRow.Replace("\\" + (i + 1), cells[i]); res.Append(strRow + "\r\n"); } } System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(res.ToString()); } catch { throw; } finally { _excelapp.ScreenUpdating = true; } }); }
private void populateItem(ListItem item, Row row, IDictionary <string, string> fieldMap, IDictionary <string, string> defaults, FieldCollection fields) { // helper Action <string, string> setField = (fieldName, val) => { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val)) { // check if we need to convert value var field = fields.Where(x => x.InternalName == fieldName).First(); switch (field.FieldTypeKind) { case FieldType.DateTime: DateTime dtVal; if (!DateTime.TryParse(val, out dtVal)) { double dblVal; if (double.TryParse(val, out dblVal)) { dtVal = DateTime.FromOADate(dblVal); } else { throw new Exception("Could not parse " + val + " as DateTime"); } } item[fieldName] = dtVal; break; case FieldType.URL: if (!val.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !val.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { val = "http://" + val; } item[fieldName] = val; break; case FieldType.Lookup: FieldLookup lookup = (FieldLookup)field; item[fieldName] = getLookupValue(val, lookup); break; case FieldType.Currency: double dbVal; if (double.TryParse(val, out dbVal)) { item[fieldName] = dbVal; } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not convert {0} to currency", val); } break; case FieldType.Text: FieldText tfield = (FieldText)field; if (val.Length > tfield.MaxLength) { val = val.Substring(0, tfield.MaxLength); Console.WriteLine("Truncating value for {0}", tfield.Title); } item[fieldName] = val; break; default: item[fieldName] = val; break; } } }; foreach (var colname in fieldMap.Keys) { var fieldName = fieldMap[colname]; if (fieldName == "") // if empty, it doesn't exist in target list so skip { continue; } var val = ""; if (row.ColumnNames.Contains(colname)) { val = row.GetValueOrEmpty(colname); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val) && defaults.ContainsKey(colname)) { val = defaults[colname]; } setField(fieldName, val); } }
/// <summary> /// Lanza el proceso de creación de nuevas columnas /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool CreateColumns() { bool result = true; List list = null; bool continueProcess = true; if (ConectionSiteOK) { if (SPFields.Count > 0) { foreach (SPFields infoField in SPFields) { continueProcess = true; try { list = site.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(infoField.ListName); } catch (Exception ex) { SHPExecOperationsErrors.Add(GetInfoError(ex, string.Format("Alta de nuevo campo {0}", infoField.ColumnName), TypeError.Error)); continueProcess = false; } if (continueProcess) { //Configuramos... switch (infoField.Column) { case TypeColumn.LineOfText: //Linea de texto Field newField1 = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(string.Format(schemaXML, infoField.Type, infoField.ColumnName), true, AddFieldOptions.AddToDefaultContentType); newField1.StaticName = infoField.ColumnName; newField1.Description = infoField.Description; if (infoField.FieldText != null) { FieldText fldText = site.CastTo <FieldText>(newField1); fldText.Required = infoField.FieldText.ContainInformation; fldText.EnforceUniqueValues = infoField.FieldText.UniqueValues; fldText.MaxLength = infoField.FieldText.MaxLength; fldText.DefaultValue = infoField.FieldText.DefaultValue; if (infoField.FieldText.UniqueValues) { fldText.Indexed = true; } fldText.Update(); } else { continueProcess = false; } break; case TypeColumn.Multiline: //Varias líneas de texto Field newField2 = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(string.Format(schemaXML, infoField.Type, infoField.ColumnName), true, AddFieldOptions.AddToDefaultContentType); newField2.StaticName = infoField.ColumnName; newField2.Description = infoField.Description; if (infoField.FieldMultiText != null) { FieldMultiLineText fldMultiLine = site.CastTo <FieldMultiLineText>(newField2); fldMultiLine.Required = infoField.FieldMultiText.ContainInformation; fldMultiLine.NumberOfLines = infoField.FieldMultiText.NumLines; fldMultiLine.RichText = infoField.FieldMultiText.RichText; fldMultiLine.Update(); } else { continueProcess = false; } break; case TypeColumn.Choice: //Eleccion Field newField3 = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(string.Format(schemaXML, infoField.Type, infoField.ColumnName), true, AddFieldOptions.AddToDefaultContentType); newField3.StaticName = infoField.ColumnName; newField3.Description = infoField.Description; if (infoField.FieldChoice != null) { FieldMultiChoice fldChoice = site.CastTo <FieldMultiChoice>(newField3); fldChoice.Required = infoField.FieldChoice.ContainInformation; fldChoice.EnforceUniqueValues = infoField.FieldChoice.UniqueValues; fldChoice.DefaultValue = infoField.FieldChoice.DefaultValue; if (infoField.FieldChoice.UniqueValues) { fldChoice.Indexed = true; } fldChoice.Choices = infoField.FieldChoice.Options; fldChoice.Update(); } else { continueProcess = false; } break; case TypeColumn.Number: //Numero Field newField4 = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(string.Format(schemaXML, infoField.Type, infoField.ColumnName), true, AddFieldOptions.AddToDefaultContentType); newField4.StaticName = infoField.ColumnName; newField4.Description = infoField.Description; if (infoField.FieldNumber != null) { FieldNumber fldNumber = site.CastTo <FieldNumber>(newField4); fldNumber.ShowAsPercentage = infoField.FieldNumber.ShowAsPercentaje; if (infoField.FieldNumber.MinValue != 0) { fldNumber.MinimumValue = infoField.FieldNumber.MinValue; } if (infoField.FieldNumber.MaxValue != 0) { fldNumber.MaximumValue = infoField.FieldNumber.MaxValue; } fldNumber.Update(); } else { continueProcess = false; } break; case TypeColumn.Lookup: if (infoField.FieldLookup != null) { string required = "FALSE"; if (infoField.FieldLookup.ContainInformation) { required = "TRUE"; } try { List sourceList = site.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(infoField.FieldLookup.LookupList); site.Load(sourceList); List destinationList = site.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(infoField.ListName); site.Load(destinationList); site.ExecuteQuery(); Field LookUpField = destinationList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(string.Format(schemaXMLLookUp, infoField.Type, infoField.ColumnName, required, sourceList.Id, infoField.FieldLookup.LookupField), true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); LookUpField.Description = infoField.Description; LookUpField.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { SHPExecOperationsErrors.Add(GetInfoError(ex, string.Format("Alta de nuevo campo {0}", infoField.ColumnName), TypeError.Error)); continueProcess = false; } } else { continueProcess = false; } break; case TypeColumn.UsersAndGroups: Field newField5 = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(string.Format(schemaXML, infoField.Type, infoField.ColumnName), true, AddFieldOptions.AddToDefaultContentType); newField5.StaticName = infoField.ColumnName; newField5.Description = infoField.Description; if (infoField.FieldUserGroup != null) { FieldUser fldUser = site.CastTo <FieldUser>(newField5); fldUser.Required = infoField.FieldUserGroup.ContainInformation; switch (infoField.FieldUserGroup.UserSelectionMode) { case TypeUserSelectionMode.PeopleOnly: fldUser.SelectionMode = FieldUserSelectionMode.PeopleOnly; break; case TypeUserSelectionMode.PeopleAndGroups: fldUser.SelectionMode = FieldUserSelectionMode.PeopleAndGroups; break; } if (infoField.FieldUserGroup.MultiUser) { fldUser.AllowMultipleValues = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoField.FieldUserGroup.UsersFromGroup)) { Group group = site.Web.SiteGroups.GetByName(infoField.FieldUserGroup.UsersFromGroup); try { site.Load(group); site.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { SHPExecOperationsErrors.Add(GetInfoError(ex, string.Format("Alta de nuevo campo {0}", infoField.ColumnName), TypeError.Warning)); group = null; } if (group != null) { fldUser.SelectionGroup = group.Id; } } fldUser.Update(); } else { continueProcess = false; } break; } //Añadimos... if (continueProcess) { try { site.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { SHPExecOperationsErrors.Add(GetInfoError(ex, string.Format("Alta de nuevo campo {0}", infoField.ColumnName), TypeError.Error)); } } } list = null; } } else { SHPExecOperationsErrors.Add(GetInfoError("Creación de columnas (CreateColumns)", "No se han indicado campos a crear", "", TypeError.Warning)); result = false; } } else { SHPExecOperationsErrors.Add(GetInfoError("Creación de columnas (CreateColumns)", "No se ha establecido conexión con el site", "", TypeError.Warning)); result = false; } SPFields.Clear(); return(result); }
public FieldTextInformation(FieldText field) : base(field) { MaxLength = field.MaxLength; }
public void ToCustomText() { var f1 = new FieldText("Format", "Format to apply", "# ###.00", ".+", "Format is empty", true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "To text", f1).Show(delegate { var format = f1.Value; new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue("@", delegate(ref object value) { object number; if (Parser.Number(value, out number)) value = ((double)number).ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }); }); }
public void Remove() { var f1 = new FieldText("Characters", "Characters to remove", ""); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Remove", f1).Show(delegate { string str = f1.Value; new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue(null, delegate(ref object value) { if (value is string && ((string)value).Length != 0) value = ((string)value).Replace(str, ""); }); }); }
public void refresh(string fielpath) { if (fielpath.Length != 0) { //WWW www = new WWW(fielpath); //yield return www; //MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(www.bytes); TextAsset txt = Resources.Load(fielpath) as TextAsset; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(txt.bytes); StructArry pbi = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix <StructArry>(ms, PrefixStyle.None); Type type = pbi.GetType(); string strname = type.Name; switch (strname) { case "MsgAttackData": MsgAttackData struct1 = pbi as MsgAttackData; DataPool = struct1.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { AttackData dt = DataPool[i] as AttackData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgAwakeningSkill": MsgAwakeningSkill struct2 = pbi as MsgAwakeningSkill; DataPool = struct2.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { AwakeningSkill dt = DataPool[i] as AwakeningSkill; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgAwakeningSkillLevel": MsgAwakeningSkillLevel struct3 = pbi as MsgAwakeningSkillLevel; DataPool = struct3.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { AwakeningSkillLevel dt = DataPool[i] as AwakeningSkillLevel; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgElementFactor": MsgElementFactor struct4 = pbi as MsgElementFactor; DataPool = struct4.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { ElementFactor dt = DataPool[i] as ElementFactor; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgBuffData": MsgBuffData struct5 = pbi as MsgBuffData; DataPool = struct5.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { BuffData dt = DataPool[i] as BuffData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgCombinationData": MsgCombinationData struct6 = pbi as MsgCombinationData; DataPool = struct6.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { CombinationData dt = DataPool[i] as CombinationData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgConstData": MsgConstData struct7 = pbi as MsgConstData; DataPool = struct7.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { ConstData dt = DataPool[i] as ConstData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgCurrency": MsgCurrency struct8 = pbi as MsgCurrency; DataPool = struct8.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { Currency dt = DataPool[i] as Currency; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgDungeon": MsgDungeon struct9 = pbi as MsgDungeon; DataPool = struct9.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { Dungeon dt = DataPool[i] as Dungeon; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgEnemyData": MsgEnemyData struct10 = pbi as MsgEnemyData; DataPool = struct10.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { EnemyData dt = DataPool[i] as EnemyData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgEvaluateBonus": MsgEvaluateBonus struct11 = pbi as MsgEvaluateBonus; DataPool = struct11.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { EvaluateBonus dt = DataPool[i] as EvaluateBonus; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgFieldEffect": MsgFieldEffect struct12 = pbi as MsgFieldEffect; DataPool = struct12.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { FieldEffect dt = DataPool[i] as FieldEffect; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgHeroData": MsgHeroData struct13 = pbi as MsgHeroData; DataPool = struct13.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { HeroData dt = DataPool[i] as HeroData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgHeroLvData": MsgHeroLvData struct14 = pbi as MsgHeroLvData; DataPool = struct14.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { HeroLvData dt = DataPool[i] as HeroLvData; DataStore.Add((int)dt.level, DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgHeroEvolution": MsgHeroEvolution struct15 = pbi as MsgHeroEvolution; DataPool = struct15.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { HeroEvolution dt = DataPool[i] as HeroEvolution; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgPotentialData": MsgPotentialData struct16 = pbi as MsgPotentialData; DataPool = struct16.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { PotentialData dt = DataPool[i] as PotentialData; DataStore.Add((int)dt.element, DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgItemData": MsgItemData struct17 = pbi as MsgItemData; DataPool = struct17.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { ItemData dt = DataPool[i] as ItemData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgLeaderSkill": MsgLeaderSkill struct18 = pbi as MsgLeaderSkill; DataPool = struct18.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { LeaderSkill dt = DataPool[i] as LeaderSkill; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgMonsterData": MsgMonsterData struct19 = pbi as MsgMonsterData; DataPool = struct19.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { MonsterData dt = DataPool[i] as MonsterData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgMonsterSkill": MsgMonsterSkill struct20 = pbi as MsgMonsterSkill; DataPool = struct20.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { MonsterSkill dt = DataPool[i] as MonsterSkill; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgNormalSkill": MsgNormalSkill struct21 = pbi as MsgNormalSkill; DataPool = struct21.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { NormalSkill dt = DataPool[i] as NormalSkill; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgNormalSkillLvUp": MsgNormalSkillLvUp struct22 = pbi as MsgNormalSkillLvUp; DataPool = struct22.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { NormalSkillLvUp dt = DataPool[i] as NormalSkillLvUp; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgRoleData": MsgRoleData struct23 = pbi as MsgRoleData; DataPool = struct23.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { RoleData dt = DataPool[i] as RoleData; DataStore.Add((int)dt.level, DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgRuneData": MsgRuneData struct24 = pbi as MsgRuneData; DataPool = struct24.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { RuneData dt = DataPool[i] as RuneData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgRuneSet": MsgRuneSet struct25 = pbi as MsgRuneSet; DataPool = struct25.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { RuneSet dt = DataPool[i] as RuneSet; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgRuneEnhance": MsgRuneEnhance struct26 = pbi as MsgRuneEnhance; DataPool = struct26.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { RuneEnhance dt = DataPool[i] as RuneEnhance; DataStore.Add((int)dt.level, DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgRuneSynchro": MsgRuneSynchro struct27 = pbi as MsgRuneSynchro; DataPool = struct27.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { RuneSynchro dt = DataPool[i] as RuneSynchro; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgSpecialSkill": MsgSpecialSkill struct28 = pbi as MsgSpecialSkill; DataPool = struct28.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { SpecialSkill dt = DataPool[i] as SpecialSkill; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgSpecialSkillLvUp": MsgSpecialSkillLvUp struct29 = pbi as MsgSpecialSkillLvUp; DataPool = struct29.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { SpecialSkillLvUp dt = DataPool[i] as SpecialSkillLvUp; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgDecisionFactor": MsgDecisionFactor struct30 = pbi as MsgDecisionFactor; DataPool = struct30.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { DecisionFactor dt = DataPool[i] as DecisionFactor; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgTaskData": MsgTaskData struct31 = pbi as MsgTaskData; DataPool = struct31.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { TaskData dt = DataPool[i] as TaskData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgHeroText": MsgHeroText struct32 = pbi as MsgHeroText; DataPool = struct32.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { HeroText dt = DataPool[i] as HeroText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgDungeonText": MsgDungeonText struct33 = pbi as MsgDungeonText; DataPool = struct33.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { DungeonText dt = DataPool[i] as DungeonText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgMonsterText": MsgMonsterText struct34 = pbi as MsgMonsterText; DataPool = struct34.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { MonsterText dt = DataPool[i] as MonsterText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgFieldText": MsgFieldText struct35 = pbi as MsgFieldText; DataPool = struct35.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { FieldText dt = DataPool[i] as FieldText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgCombinationText": MsgCombinationText struct36 = pbi as MsgCombinationText; DataPool = struct36.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { CombinationText dt = DataPool[i] as CombinationText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgSkillText": MsgSkillText struct37 = pbi as MsgSkillText; DataPool = struct37.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { SkillText dt = DataPool[i] as SkillText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgCurrencyText": MsgCurrencyText struct38 = pbi as MsgCurrencyText; DataPool = struct38.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { CurrencyText dt = DataPool[i] as CurrencyText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgBuffText": MsgBuffText struct39 = pbi as MsgBuffText; DataPool = struct39.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { BuffText dt = DataPool[i] as BuffText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgItemText": MsgItemText struct40 = pbi as MsgItemText; DataPool = struct40.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { ItemText dt = DataPool[i] as ItemText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgRuneText": MsgRuneText struct41 = pbi as MsgRuneText; DataPool = struct41.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { RuneText dt = DataPool[i] as RuneText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgTaskText": MsgTaskText struct42 = pbi as MsgTaskText; DataPool = struct42.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { TaskText dt = DataPool[i] as TaskText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgWorldData": MsgWorldData struct43 = pbi as MsgWorldData; DataPool = struct43.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { WorldData dt = DataPool[i] as WorldData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgAirRaidData": MsgAirRaidData struct44 = pbi as MsgAirRaidData; DataPool = struct44.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { AirRaidData dt = DataPool[i] as AirRaidData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgTalentData": MsgTalentData struct45 = pbi as MsgTalentData; DataPool = struct45.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { TalentData dt = DataPool[i] as TalentData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgSummonData": MsgSummonData struct46 = pbi as MsgSummonData; DataPool = struct46.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { SummonData dt = DataPool[i] as SummonData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgSummonPrize": MsgSummonPrize struct47 = pbi as MsgSummonPrize; DataPool = struct47.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { SummonPrize dt = DataPool[i] as SummonPrize; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgStarWeight": MsgStarWeight struct48 = pbi as MsgStarWeight; DataPool = struct48.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { StarWeight dt = DataPool[i] as StarWeight; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgSpecialEffect": MsgSpecialEffect struct49 = pbi as MsgSpecialEffect; DataPool = struct49.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { SpecialEffect dt = DataPool[i] as SpecialEffect; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgFlyingEffect": MsgFlyingEffect struct50 = pbi as MsgFlyingEffect; DataPool = struct50.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { FlyingEffect dt = DataPool[i] as FlyingEffect; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgDistanceFactor": MsgDistanceFactor struct51 = pbi as MsgDistanceFactor; DataPool = struct51.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { DistanceFactor dt = DataPool[i] as DistanceFactor; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgEvaluateData": MsgEvaluateData struct52 = pbi as MsgEvaluateData; DataPool = struct52.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { EvaluateData dt = DataPool[i] as EvaluateData; DataStore.Add((int), DataPool[i]); } break; case "MsgPromptText": MsgPromptText struct53 = pbi as MsgPromptText; DataPool = struct53.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { PromptText dt = DataPool[i] as PromptText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; case "MsgStoryText": MsgStoryText struct54 = pbi as MsgStoryText; DataPool = struct54.struct_data as List <Struct>; for (int i = 0; i < DataPool.Count; i++) { StoryText dt = DataPool[i] as StoryText; Util.TextDic.Add(Util.GetConfigString(, Util.GetConfigString(dt.textDes)); } break; } } }
public void TrimCharacter() { var f1 = new FieldText("Characters", "Leading or trailing characters to remove", ""); var f2 = new FieldCheckBox("Remove leading characters", "", true); var f3 = new FieldCheckBox("Remove trailing characters", "", true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Trim characters", f1, f2, f3).Show(delegate { char[] chars = f1.Value.ToCharArray(); bool trimLeft = f2.Value; bool trimRigth = f3.Value; new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue(null, delegate(ref object value) { if (value is string) { if (trimLeft && trimRigth) value = ((string)value).Trim(chars); else if (trimLeft) value = ((string)value).TrimStart(chars); else if (trimRigth) value = ((string)value).TrimEnd(chars); } }); }); }
public void ExhaustiveCombinations() { var fields = new FieldText[15]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) fields[i] = new FieldText("Factor " + (i + 1).ToString() + " values", "List of values seperated by a semicolon", ""); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Generate exhaustive combinations", fields).Show(delegate { List<string[]> valuesList = new List<string[]>(); for (int i = fields.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[i].Value)) continue; string[] fieldValues = fields[i].Value.Split(';'); if (fieldValues.Length != 0) valuesList.Add(fieldValues); } if (valuesList.Count == 0) return; var data = Combinaison.Get(valuesList); CellsOperator.AddDataToRange(_range, data); }); }
public void List() { var f1 = new FieldText("List of values", "List of values seperated by a semicolon", "value1;value2", true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Random generation from a list", f1, _fnb).Show(delegate { var values = f1.Value.Split(';'); var max = values.Length; var random = new Random(); string format = null; CellsOperator.CellWriter writer = (ref object value) => { value = values[random.Next(max)]; }; if (_singlesel) CellsOperator.AddDataToRange(_range, (int)_fnb.Value, format, writer); else new CellsOperator(_range, true).ForEachValue(format, writer); }); }
public FieldText Add(FieldText newFieldText) { db.Add(newFieldText); return(newFieldText); }
public void OnGet(int Id) { Language = new FieldText(); Language.Id = Id; }
public void ToSQLdelete() { Excel.Range dataRange; string[] headers; GetDataRangeAndHeaders(_range, out dataRange, out headers); var f1 = new FieldText("Table name", "Name of the table", _range.ListObject == null ? "TABLENAME" : _range.ListObject.Name); var f2 = new FieldText("Key fields", "Key fields name separated by a semicolon", string.Join(";", headers)); f2.NumberOfValues = headers.Length; var f3 = new FieldText("Null value", "Null expression", "NULL", true); var f4 = new FieldText("DateTime", "DateTime format", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Copy to SQL DELETE", f1, f2, f3, f4).Show(delegate { var tablename = f1.Value; var columns = f2.Value.Split(';'); var nullValue = f3.Value; var datetimeformat = f4.Value; int colId = 0; var sql = new StringBuilder(); var condition = new StringBuilder(); new CellsOperator(_range).ForEachValue(delegate(object value, bool isFirstCol, bool isLastCol) { if (isFirstCol == false) condition.Append(" AND "); condition.Append(columns[colId++] + "="); if (value == null) condition.Append(nullValue); else if (value is string) condition.Append("'" + ((string)value).Replace("'", "''") + "'"); else if (value is bool) condition.Append((bool)value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); else if (value is System.DateTime) condition.Append("'" + ((System.DateTime)value).ToString(datetimeformat) + "'"); else condition.Append(value); if (isLastCol) { sql.Append("DELETE FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + condition + ";\r\n"); condition.Length = 0; colId = 0; } }); if (sql.Length != 0) System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(sql.ToString()); }); }
public static void CreateListColumn() { var clientContext = Helper.GetClientContext(); List oList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listName); //Number DataType Column Field numberField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='Age' Type='Number' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); FieldNumber fieldNumber = clientContext.CastTo <FieldNumber>(numberField); fieldNumber.MaximumValue = 100; fieldNumber.MinimumValue = 35; fieldNumber.Update(); clientContext.Load(fieldNumber); // //Single Line Of Text DataType Column Field textField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='SingleLine' Type='Text' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); FieldText fieldText = clientContext.CastTo <FieldText>(textField); fieldText.Update(); clientContext.Load(fieldText); //Multi Line Of Text DataType Column Field multiLineField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='MultiLine' Type='Note' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); FieldMultiLineText fieldmultiLineText = clientContext.CastTo <FieldMultiLineText>(multiLineField); fieldmultiLineText.Update(); clientContext.Load(fieldmultiLineText); //Multi Line Rich Text DataType Column Field multiLineRichTextField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field DisplayName='Multi Line RichText' Type='Note' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); FieldMultiLineText fieldmultiLineRichText = clientContext.CastTo <FieldMultiLineText>(multiLineRichTextField); fieldmultiLineRichText.AllowHyperlink = true; fieldmultiLineRichText.RichText = true; fieldmultiLineRichText.Update(); fieldmultiLineRichText.UpdateAndPushChanges(true); clientContext.Load(fieldmultiLineRichText); //An enhanced multi line text field string schemaRichTextField = "<Field Type='Note' Name='EnhancedmultiLine' StaticName='EnhancedmultiLine' DisplayName = 'Enhanced multiLine' NumLines = '6' RichText = 'TRUE' RichTextMode = 'FullHtml' IsolateStyles = 'TRUE' Sortable = 'FALSE' /> "; Field multilineenhancedTextField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaRichTextField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(multilineenhancedTextField); // DropDown Choice string schemaChoiceFieldDDL = "<Field Type='Choice' DisplayName='ChoiceDDL' Name='ChoiceDDL' StaticName='ChoiceDDL' Format = 'Dropdown' >" + "<Default>Option 2</Default>" + "<CHOICES>" + " <CHOICE>Option 2</CHOICE>" + " <CHOICE>Option 3</CHOICE>" + "</CHOICES>" + "</Field>"; Field choiceDDLField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaChoiceFieldDDL, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); FieldChoice fieldChoice = clientContext.CastTo <FieldChoice>(choiceDDLField); fieldChoice.Required = true; fieldChoice.Update(); clientContext.Load(fieldChoice); //Radio buttons string schemaRadioChoiceField = "<Field Type='Choice' Name='ChoiceRadio' StaticName='ChoiceRadio' DisplayName = 'Choice Radio' Format = 'RadioButtons' > " + "<Default>Opt Radio 3</Default>" + "<CHOICES>" + " <CHOICE>Opt Radio 1</CHOICE>" + " <CHOICE>Opt Radio 2</CHOICE>" + " <CHOICE>Opt Radio 3</CHOICE>" + "</CHOICES>" + "</Field>"; Field choiceField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaRadioChoiceField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(choiceField); //Checkboxes string schemaMultiChoiceField = "<Field Type='MultiChoice' Name='ChoiceMulti' StaticName='ChoiceMulti' DisplayName = 'Choice Multi' > " + "<Default>MultiChoice 2</Default>" + "<CHOICES>" + " <CHOICE>MultiChoice 1</CHOICE>" + " <CHOICE>MultiChoice 2</CHOICE>" + " <CHOICE>MultiChoice 3</CHOICE>" + "</CHOICES>" + "</Field>"; Field choiceMultiChoiceField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaMultiChoiceField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(choiceMultiChoiceField); //Fill In option string schemaFillInChoiceField = "<Field Type='Choice' DisplayName='Fill In Choice' Name='FillInChoice' StaticName='FillInChoice' Format = 'Dropdown' FillInChoice = 'TRUE' > " + "<Default>My Choices Data will come here</Default>" + "<CHOICES>" + " <CHOICE>FillInChoice 1</CHOICE>" + " <CHOICE>FillInChoice 2</CHOICE>" + " <CHOICE>FillInChoice 3</CHOICE>" + "</CHOICES>" + "</Field>"; Field choiceFillInChoiceField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaFillInChoiceField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(choiceFillInChoiceField); //Picture field string schemaPictureField = "<Field Type='URL' Name='EmployeePicture' StaticName='EmployeePicture' DisplayName = 'Employee Picture' Format = 'Image' /> "; Field pictureField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaPictureField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(pictureField); //URL field string schemaUrlField = "<Field Type='URL' Name='BlogUrl' StaticName='BlogUrl' DisplayName='Blog URL' Format='Hyperlink'/>"; Field urlField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaUrlField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(urlField); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); // Lookup field List countryList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Countries"); clientContext.Load(countryList, c => c.Id); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); // //define the relationship with the lookup field, in that case the field needs to be indexed: // string schemaLookupField = "<Field Type='Lookup' Name='Country' StaticName='Country' DisplayName='Country Name' List = '{B5E2D800F-E739-401F-983F-B40984B70273}' ShowField = 'Title' RelationshipDeleteBehavior = 'Restrict' Indexed = 'TRUE' /> "; //string schemaLookupField = "<Field Type='Lookup' Name='Country' StaticName='Country' DisplayName='Country Name' List = 'Countries' ShowField = 'Title' RelationshipDeleteBehavior = 'Restrict' Indexed = 'TRUE' /> "; string schemaLookupField = "<Field Type='Lookup' Name='Country' StaticName='Country' DisplayName='Country Name' List = '" + countryList.Id + "' ShowField = 'Title' /> "; Field lookupField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaLookupField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); lookupField.Update(); clientContext.Load(lookupField); //// multi-select lookup field string schemaMultiLookupField = "<Field Type='LookupMulti' Name='Country' StaticName='Country' DisplayName='Country' List = '" + countryList.Id + "' ShowField = 'Title' Mult = 'TRUE' /> "; //string schemaMultiLookupField = "<Field Type='LookupMulti' Name='Country' StaticName='Country' DisplayName='Country' List = 'Countries' ShowField = 'Title' Mult = 'TRUE' /> "; Field lookupFieldmulti = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaMultiLookupField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); lookupFieldmulti.Update(); clientContext.Load(lookupFieldmulti); ////Ref: // //User Field string schemaUserField = "<Field Type='User' Name='UserName' StaticName='UserName' DisplayName='User Name' />"; Field userField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaUserField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(userField); ////User Field multiple //string schemaUserGroupField = "<Field Type='UserMulti' Name='EmployeeName' StaticName='EmployeeName' DisplayName='Employee Name' UserSelectionMode = 'PeopleOnly' UserSelectionScope = '7' Mult = 'TRUE' /> "; string schemaUserGroupField = "<Field Type='UserMulti' Name='EmployeeName' StaticName='EmployeeName' DisplayName='Employee Name' UserSelectionMode = 'PeopleAndGroups' UserSelectionScope = '7' Mult = 'TRUE' /> "; Field userGroupField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaUserGroupField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(userGroupField); ////boolean field string schemaBooleanField = "<Field Type='Boolean' Name='Married' StaticName='Married' DisplayName='Married'> <Default>1</Default> </Field>"; Field booleanField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaBooleanField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(booleanField); ////DateTime Field //Date only field string schemaBirthDate = "<Field Type='DateTime' Name='BirthDate' StaticName='BirthDate' DisplayName = 'Birth date' Format = 'DateOnly'> <Default>[Today]</Default></Field>"; Field birthDateField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaBirthDate, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(birthDateField); ////Date and time field string schemaArrivalField = "<Field Type='DateTime' Name='ArrivalDateTime' StaticName='ArrivalDateTime' DisplayName = 'Arrival' Format = 'DateTime'> <Default>[Now]</Default></Field>"; Field DateTimeField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaArrivalField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(DateTimeField); ////hidden field string schemaHiddenTextField = "<Field Type='Text' Name='HiddenField' StaticName='HiddenField' DisplayName='Hidden Field' Hidden='TRUE' />"; Field hiddenTextField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaHiddenTextField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(hiddenTextField); //indexed field // Not Working as of now //Field f = oList.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("ID"); //clientContext.Load(f); //clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); //f.Indexed = true; //f.Update(); //Managed Metadata field Guid termStoreId = Guid.Empty; Guid termSetId = Guid.Empty; GetTaxonomyFieldInfo(clientContext, out termStoreId, out termSetId); // Single selection Taxonomy field string schemaTaxonomyField = "<Field Type='TaxonomyFieldType' Name='TaxonomyField' StaticName='TaxonomyField' DisplayName = 'Taxonomy Field' /> "; Field taxonomyFieldSingle = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaTaxonomyField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(taxonomyFieldSingle); // Retrieve the field as a Taxonomy Field TaxonomyField taxonomyField = clientContext.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(taxonomyFieldSingle); taxonomyField.SspId = termStoreId; taxonomyField.TermSetId = termSetId; taxonomyField.TargetTemplate = String.Empty; taxonomyField.AnchorId = Guid.Empty; taxonomyField.Update(); // Multi selection Taxonomy field string schemaTaxonomyFieldMulti = "<Field Type='TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti' Name='TaxonomyFieldMulti' StaticName='TaxonomyFieldMulti' DisplayName = 'Taxonomy Field Multi' Mult = 'TRUE' /> "; Field taxonomyFieldMulti = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaTaxonomyFieldMulti, false, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); clientContext.Load(taxonomyFieldMulti); // Retrieve the field as a Taxonomy Field TaxonomyField taxonomyField1 = clientContext.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(taxonomyFieldMulti); taxonomyField1.SspId = termStoreId; taxonomyField1.TermSetId = termSetId; taxonomyField1.TargetTemplate = String.Empty; taxonomyField1.AnchorId = Guid.Empty; taxonomyField1.Update(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); //Calculated field // Not Working //string formula = "<Formula>=Age&\"\"&SingleLine&\"(id:\"&ID&\"\"</Formula>" // + "<FieldRefs>" // + "<FieldRef Name='Age' />" // + "<FieldRef Name='SingleLine' />" // + "<FieldRef Name='ID' />" // + "</FieldRefs>"; //string schemaCalculatedField = "<Field Type='Calculated' Name='CalculatedField' StaticName='CalculatedField' DisplayName = 'Calculated Field' ResultType = 'Text' Required = 'TRUE' ReadOnly = 'TRUE' > " + formula + " </ Field > "; //Field fullNameField = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaCalculatedField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint); //clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); string fieldXml = "<Field Name='CalculatedField_Year' StaticName='CalculatedField_Year' DisplayName='CalculatedField Year' Type='Text' ReadOnly = 'TRUE'>" + "<DefaultFormula>=CONCATENATE(YEAR(Today))</DefaultFormula>" + "</Field>"; Field field = oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(fieldXml, true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); }
public void ToSQLinsert() { Excel.Range dataRange; string[] headers; GetDataRangeAndHeaders(_range, out dataRange, out headers); var f1 = new FieldText("Table name", "Name of the table", _range.ListObject == null ? "TABLENAME" : _range.ListObject.Name); var f2 = new FieldText("Fields", "Fields name separated by a semicolon", string.Join(";", headers)); var f3 = new FieldText("Null value", "Null expression", "NULL", true); var f4 = new FieldText("DateTime", "DateTime format", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", true); var f5 = new FieldRadioBT("Insert type", new[] { "SingleInsert", "MultipleInsert" }, "Type of insert", 0, true); new InputBox(_excelapp, "Copy to SQL INSERT", f1, f2, f3, f4, f5).Show(delegate { var rows = new List<string>(); var tablename = f1.Value; var columns = f2.Value.Replace(';', ','); var nullValue = f3.Value; var datetimeformat = f4.Value; var singleinsert = f5.Value == 0; var multipleinsert = f5.Value == 1; const bool unionall = false; var row = new StringBuilder(); new CellsOperator(dataRange).ForEachValue(delegate(object value, bool isFirstCol, bool isLastCol) { if (isFirstCol == false) row.Append(","); if (value == null) row.Append(nullValue); else if (value is string) row.Append("'" + ((string)value).Replace("'", "''") + "'"); else if (value is bool) row.Append((bool)value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); else if (value is System.DateTime) row.Append("'" + ((System.DateTime)value).ToString(datetimeformat) + "'"); else row.Append(value); if (isLastCol) { rows.Add(row.ToString()); row.Length = 0; } } ); var sql = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columns)) columns = "(" + columns + ")"; if (singleinsert) { sql.Append("INSERT INTO " + tablename + " VALUES\r\n"); var nbRow = rows.Count; for (var r = 0; r < rows.Count; r++) { if (r == (nbRow - 1)) sql.Append("(" + rows[r] + ");"); else sql.Append("(" + rows[r] + "),\r\n"); } } else if (multipleinsert) { foreach (var s in rows) sql.Append("INSERT INTO " + tablename + columns + " VALUES(" + s + ");\r\n"); } else if (unionall) { //sql.Append("INSERT INTO " + tablename + "\r\n"); //int nbRow = rows.Count; //for (int r = 0; r < rows.Count; r++) { // if (r == (nbRow - 1)) // sql.Append("SELECT " + rows[r] + ";"); // else // sql.Append("SELECT " + rows[r] + "\r\nUNION ALL"); //} } if (sql.Length != 0) System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(sql.ToString()); }); }