private static bool IsAssertionField(Exprent exprent, string classname, string key , bool throwInIf) { if (throwInIf) { if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { FunctionExprent fparam = (FunctionExprent)exprent; if (fparam.GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent.Function_Bool_Not && fparam.GetLstOperands ()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { FieldExprent fdparam = (FieldExprent)fparam.GetLstOperands()[0]; return(classname.Equals(fdparam.GetClassname()) && key.Equals(InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey (fdparam.GetName(), fdparam.GetDescriptor().descriptorString))); } } } else if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { FieldExprent fdparam = (FieldExprent)exprent; return(classname.Equals(fdparam.GetClassname()) && key.Equals(InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey (fdparam.GetName(), fdparam.GetDescriptor().descriptorString))); } return(false); }
private static void LiftConstructor(ClassWrapper wrapper) { foreach (MethodWrapper method in wrapper.GetMethods()) { if (ICodeConstants.Init_Name.Equals(method.methodStruct.GetName()) && method.root != null) { Statement firstData = Statements.FindFirstData(method.root); if (firstData == null) { return; } int index = 0; List <Exprent> lstExprents = firstData.GetExprents(); foreach (Exprent exprent in lstExprents) { int action = 0; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment) { AssignmentExprent assignExpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; if (assignExpr.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Field && assignExpr.GetRight().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { FieldExprent fExpr = (FieldExprent)assignExpr.GetLeft(); if (fExpr.GetClassname().Equals(wrapper.GetClassStruct().qualifiedName)) { StructField structField = wrapper.GetClassStruct().GetField(fExpr.GetName(), fExpr .GetDescriptor().descriptorString); if (structField != null && structField.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Final)) { action = 1; } } } } else if (index > 0 && exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation && Statements.IsInvocationInitConstructor ((InvocationExprent)exprent, method, wrapper, true)) { // this() or super() lstExprents.Add(0, lstExprents.RemoveAtReturningValue(index)); action = 2; } if (action != 1) { break; } index++; } } } }
private static void ExtractStaticInitializers(ClassWrapper wrapper, MethodWrapper method) { RootStatement root = method.root; StructClass cl = wrapper.GetClassStruct(); Statement firstData = Statements.FindFirstData(root); if (firstData != null) { bool inlineInitializers = cl.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Interface) || cl.HasModifier (ICodeConstants.Acc_Enum); while (!(firstData.GetExprents().Count == 0)) { Exprent exprent = firstData.GetExprents()[0]; bool found = false; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment) { AssignmentExprent assignExpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; if (assignExpr.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { FieldExprent fExpr = (FieldExprent)assignExpr.GetLeft(); if (fExpr.IsStatic() && fExpr.GetClassname().Equals(cl.qualifiedName) && cl.HasField (fExpr.GetName(), fExpr.GetDescriptor().descriptorString)) { // interfaces fields should always be initialized inline if (inlineInitializers || IsExprentIndependent(assignExpr.GetRight(), method)) { string keyField = InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(fExpr.GetName(), fExpr.GetDescriptor ().descriptorString); if (!wrapper.GetStaticFieldInitializers().ContainsKey(keyField)) { wrapper.GetStaticFieldInitializers().AddWithKey(assignExpr.GetRight(), keyField); firstData.GetExprents().RemoveAtReturningValue(0); found = true; } } } } } if (!found) { break; } } } }
public static void Simplify(SwitchStatement switchStatement) { SwitchExprent switchExprent = (SwitchExprent)switchStatement.GetHeadexprent(); Exprent value = switchExprent.GetValue(); if (IsEnumArray(value)) { List <List <Exprent> > caseValues = switchStatement.GetCaseValues(); Dictionary <Exprent, Exprent> mapping = new Dictionary <Exprent, Exprent>(caseValues .Count); ArrayExprent array = (ArrayExprent)value; FieldExprent arrayField = (FieldExprent)array.GetArray(); ClassesProcessor.ClassNode classNode = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor().GetMapRootClasses ().GetOrNull(arrayField.GetClassname()); if (classNode != null) { MethodWrapper wrapper = classNode.GetWrapper().GetMethodWrapper(ICodeConstants.Clinit_Name , "()V"); if (wrapper != null && wrapper.root != null) { wrapper.GetOrBuildGraph().IterateExprents((Exprent exprent) => { if (exprent is AssignmentExprent) { AssignmentExprent assignment = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; Exprent left = assignment.GetLeft(); if (left.type == Exprent.Exprent_Array && ((ArrayExprent)left).GetArray().Equals( arrayField)) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapping, assignment.GetRight(), ((InvocationExprent)((ArrayExprent )left).GetIndex()).GetInstance()); } } return(0); } ); } } List <List <Exprent> > realCaseValues = new List <List <Exprent> >(caseValues.Count); foreach (List <Exprent> caseValue in caseValues) { List <Exprent> values = new List <Exprent>(caseValue.Count); realCaseValues.Add(values); foreach (Exprent exprent in caseValue) { if (exprent == null) { values.Add(null); } else { Exprent realConst = mapping.GetOrNull(exprent); if (realConst == null) { DecompilerContext.GetLogger().WriteMessage("Unable to simplify switch on enum: " + exprent + " not found, available: " + mapping, IFernflowerLogger.Severity.Error ); return; } values.Add(realConst.Copy()); } } } caseValues.Clear(); Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(caseValues, realCaseValues); switchExprent.ReplaceExprent(value, ((InvocationExprent)array.GetIndex()).GetInstance ().Copy()); } }
private static string IsClass14Invocation(Exprent exprent, ClassWrapper wrapper, MethodWrapper meth) { if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { FunctionExprent fexpr = (FunctionExprent)exprent; if (fexpr.GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent.Function_Iif) { if (fexpr.GetLstOperands()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { FunctionExprent headexpr = (FunctionExprent)fexpr.GetLstOperands()[0]; if (headexpr.GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent.Function_Eq) { if (headexpr.GetLstOperands()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Field && headexpr.GetLstOperands ()[1].type == Exprent.Exprent_Const && ((ConstExprent)headexpr.GetLstOperands()[ 1]).GetConstType().Equals(VarType.Vartype_Null)) { FieldExprent field = (FieldExprent)headexpr.GetLstOperands()[0]; ClassesProcessor.ClassNode fieldnode = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor().GetMapRootClasses ().GetOrNull(field.GetClassname()); if (fieldnode != null && fieldnode.classStruct.qualifiedName.Equals(wrapper.GetClassStruct ().qualifiedName)) { // source class StructField fd = wrapper.GetClassStruct().GetField(field.GetName(), field.GetDescriptor ().descriptorString); // FIXME: can be null! why?? if (fd != null && fd.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Static) && (fd.IsSynthetic() || DecompilerContext.GetOption(IFernflowerPreferences.Synthetic_Not_Set))) { if (fexpr.GetLstOperands()[1].type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment && fexpr.GetLstOperands ()[2].Equals(field)) { AssignmentExprent asexpr = (AssignmentExprent)fexpr.GetLstOperands()[1]; if (asexpr.GetLeft().Equals(field) && asexpr.GetRight().type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation) { InvocationExprent invexpr = (InvocationExprent)asexpr.GetRight(); if (invexpr.GetClassname().Equals(wrapper.GetClassStruct().qualifiedName) && invexpr .GetName().Equals(meth.methodStruct.GetName()) && invexpr.GetStringDescriptor(). Equals(meth.methodStruct.GetDescriptor())) { if (invexpr.GetLstParameters()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Const) { wrapper.GetHiddenMembers().Add(InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(fd.GetName(), fd.GetDescriptor ())); // hide synthetic field return(((ConstExprent)invexpr.GetLstParameters()[0]).GetValue().ToString()); } } } } } } } } } } } return(null); }
private static void ExtractDynamicInitializers(ClassWrapper wrapper) { StructClass cl = wrapper.GetClassStruct(); bool isAnonymous = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor().GetMapRootClasses().GetOrNull (cl.qualifiedName).type == ClassesProcessor.ClassNode.Class_Anonymous; List <List <Exprent> > lstFirst = new List <List <Exprent> >(); List <MethodWrapper> lstMethodWrappers = new List <MethodWrapper>(); foreach (MethodWrapper method in wrapper.GetMethods()) { if (ICodeConstants.Init_Name.Equals(method.methodStruct.GetName()) && method.root != null) { // successfully decompiled constructor Statement firstData = Statements.FindFirstData(method.root); if (firstData == null || (firstData.GetExprents().Count == 0)) { return; } lstFirst.Add(firstData.GetExprents()); lstMethodWrappers.Add(method); Exprent exprent = firstData.GetExprents()[0]; if (!isAnonymous) { // FIXME: doesn't make sense if (exprent.type != Exprent.Exprent_Invocation || !Statements.IsInvocationInitConstructor ((InvocationExprent)exprent, method, wrapper, false)) { return; } } } } if ((lstFirst.Count == 0)) { return; } while (true) { string fieldWithDescr = null; Exprent value = null; for (int i = 0; i < lstFirst.Count; i++) { List <Exprent> lst = lstFirst[i]; if (lst.Count < (isAnonymous ? 1 : 2)) { return; } Exprent exprent = lst[isAnonymous ? 0 : 1]; bool found = false; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment) { AssignmentExprent assignExpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; if (assignExpr.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { FieldExprent fExpr = (FieldExprent)assignExpr.GetLeft(); if (!fExpr.IsStatic() && fExpr.GetClassname().Equals(cl.qualifiedName) && cl.HasField (fExpr.GetName(), fExpr.GetDescriptor().descriptorString)) { // check for the physical existence of the field. Could be defined in a superclass. if (IsExprentIndependent(assignExpr.GetRight(), lstMethodWrappers[i])) { string fieldKey = InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(fExpr.GetName(), fExpr.GetDescriptor ().descriptorString); if (fieldWithDescr == null) { fieldWithDescr = fieldKey; value = assignExpr.GetRight(); } else if (!fieldWithDescr.Equals(fieldKey) || !value.Equals(assignExpr.GetRight())) { return; } found = true; } } } } if (!found) { return; } } if (!wrapper.GetDynamicFieldInitializers().ContainsKey(fieldWithDescr)) { wrapper.GetDynamicFieldInitializers().AddWithKey(value, fieldWithDescr); foreach (List <Exprent> lst in lstFirst) { lst.RemoveAtReturningValue(isAnonymous ? 0 : 1); } } else { return; } } }
private void ComputeMethodType(ClassesProcessor.ClassNode node, MethodWrapper method ) { NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Normal; if (method.root != null) { DirectGraph graph = method.GetOrBuildGraph(); StructMethod mt = method.methodStruct; if ((noSynthFlag || mt.IsSynthetic()) && mt.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Static )) { if (graph.nodes.Count == 2) { // incl. dummy exit node if (graph.first.exprents.Count == 1) { Exprent exprent = graph.first.exprents[0]; MethodDescriptor mtdesc = MethodDescriptor.ParseDescriptor(mt.GetDescriptor()); int parcount = [email protected]; Exprent exprCore = exprent; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Exit) { ExitExprent exexpr = (ExitExprent)exprent; if (exexpr.GetExitType() == ExitExprent.Exit_Return && exexpr.GetValue() != null) { exprCore = exexpr.GetValue(); } } switch (exprCore.type) { case Exprent.Exprent_Field: { FieldExprent fexpr = (FieldExprent)exprCore; if ((parcount == 1 && !fexpr.IsStatic()) || (parcount == 0 && fexpr.IsStatic())) { if (fexpr.GetClassname().Equals(node.classStruct.qualifiedName)) { // FIXME: check for private flag of the field if (fexpr.IsStatic() || (fexpr.GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ((VarExprent )fexpr.GetInstance()).GetIndex() == 0)) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Field_Get; } } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Var: { // qualified this if (parcount == 1) { // this or final variable if (((VarExprent)exprCore).GetIndex() != 0) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Field_Get; } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Function: { // for now detect only increment/decrement FunctionExprent functionExprent = (FunctionExprent)exprCore; if (functionExprent.GetFuncType() >= FunctionExprent.Function_Imm && functionExprent .GetFuncType() <= FunctionExprent.Function_Ppi) { if (functionExprent.GetLstOperands()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Function; } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Invocation: { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Method; break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Assignment: { AssignmentExprent asexpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprCore; if (asexpr.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Field && asexpr.GetRight().type == Exprent .Exprent_Var) { FieldExprent fexpras = (FieldExprent)asexpr.GetLeft(); if ((parcount == 2 && !fexpras.IsStatic()) || (parcount == 1 && fexpras.IsStatic( ))) { if (fexpras.GetClassname().Equals(node.classStruct.qualifiedName)) { // FIXME: check for private flag of the field if (fexpras.IsStatic() || (fexpras.GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ( (VarExprent)fexpras.GetInstance()).GetIndex() == 0)) { if (((VarExprent)asexpr.GetRight()).GetIndex() == parcount - 1) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Field_Set; } } } } } break; } } if (type == NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Method) { // FIXME: check for private flag of the method type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Normal; InvocationExprent invexpr = (InvocationExprent)exprCore; bool isStatic = invexpr.IsStatic(); if ((isStatic && invexpr.GetLstParameters().Count == parcount) || (!isStatic && invexpr .GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ((VarExprent)invexpr.GetInstance() ).GetIndex() == 0 && invexpr.GetLstParameters().Count == parcount - 1)) { bool equalpars = true; int index = isStatic ? 0 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < invexpr.GetLstParameters().Count; i++) { Exprent parexpr = invexpr.GetLstParameters()[i]; if (parexpr.type != Exprent.Exprent_Var || ((VarExprent)parexpr).GetIndex() != index) { equalpars = false; break; } index += mtdesc.@params[i + (isStatic ? 0 : 1)].stackSize; } if (equalpars) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Method; } } } } else if (graph.first.exprents.Count == 2) { Exprent exprentFirst = graph.first.exprents[0]; Exprent exprentSecond = graph.first.exprents[1]; if (exprentFirst.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment && exprentSecond.type == Exprent .Exprent_Exit) { MethodDescriptor mtdesc = MethodDescriptor.ParseDescriptor(mt.GetDescriptor()); int parcount = [email protected]; AssignmentExprent asexpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprentFirst; if (asexpr.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Field && asexpr.GetRight().type == Exprent .Exprent_Var) { FieldExprent fexpras = (FieldExprent)asexpr.GetLeft(); if ((parcount == 2 && !fexpras.IsStatic()) || (parcount == 1 && fexpras.IsStatic( ))) { if (fexpras.GetClassname().Equals(node.classStruct.qualifiedName)) { // FIXME: check for private flag of the field if (fexpras.IsStatic() || (fexpras.GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ( (VarExprent)fexpras.GetInstance()).GetIndex() == 0)) { if (((VarExprent)asexpr.GetRight()).GetIndex() == parcount - 1) { ExitExprent exexpr = (ExitExprent)exprentSecond; if (exexpr.GetExitType() == ExitExprent.Exit_Return && exexpr.GetValue() != null) { if (exexpr.GetValue().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ((VarExprent)asexpr.GetRight ()).GetIndex() == parcount - 1) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Field_Set; } } } } } } } } } } } } if (type != NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Normal) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapMethodType, method, type); } else { Sharpen.Collections.Remove(mapMethodType, method); } }