private void LegacyCreateBody(Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription aDesc, List <Vector2> aSegment, List <float> aSegmentScale, List <CutOverrides> aCutOverrides, float aBodyWidth, int aTextureSlices, bool aClosed)
        float distance    = Ferr2D_Path.GetSegmentLength(aSegment);
        int   textureCuts = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt(distance / aBodyWidth + 0.5f));

        Ferr2D_DynamicMesh mesh = DMesh;

        Rect  body = LegacyPickBody(aDesc, aCutOverrides, aSegment[0], 0, 0);
        float d    = (body.height / 2) * unitsPerUV.y;
        float yOff = fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed ? -aDesc.yOffset : aDesc.yOffset;

        int p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p3 = 0;
        int pIndex   = 0;
        int cutIndex = 0;

        // loop for each instance of the texture
        for (int t = 0; t < textureCuts; t++)
            float texPercent     = (t / (float)(textureCuts));
            float texPercentStep = (1f / (float)(textureCuts));

            // slice each texture chunk a number of times
            for (int i = 0; i < aTextureSlices; i++)
                float slicePercent = (i / (float)(aTextureSlices - 1));
                float totalPercent = texPercent + slicePercent * texPercentStep;

                int   ptLocal  = 0;
                float pctLocal = 0;
                Ferr2D_Path.PathGlobalPercentToLocal(aSegment, totalPercent, out ptLocal, out pctLocal, distance, aClosed);

                // if we skip over path points, we need to add slices at each path point to prevent the mesh from bypassing it.
                for (int extra = 0; extra < ptLocal - pIndex; extra++)
                    float traveledDist = Ferr2D_Path.GetSegmentLengthToIndex(aSegment, pIndex + extra + 1);
                    float v            = (traveledDist / distance) * textureCuts;
                    v = v - (int)v;
                    LegacyAddVertexColumn(aDesc, aSegment, aSegmentScale, aClosed, mesh, body, d, yOff, i != 0, v, pIndex + extra + 1, 0, ref p1, ref p2, ref p3);
                    cutIndex = -1;
                pIndex = ptLocal;

                LegacyAddVertexColumn(aDesc, aSegment, aSegmentScale, aClosed, mesh, body, d, yOff, i != 0, slicePercent, ptLocal, pctLocal, ref p1, ref p2, ref p3);

            cutIndex += 1;
            body      = LegacyPickBody(aDesc, aCutOverrides, mesh.GetVert(p2), pIndex, cutIndex);