예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate a remote (web) search using the engine incl. search expression specified
        /// by searchFeedUrl. We assume, the specified Url will return a RSS feed.
        /// This can be used e.g. to get a RSS search result from feedster.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchFeedUrl">Complete Url of the search engine incl. search expression</param>
        /// <param name="tag">optional, can be used by the caller</param>
        public void SearchRemoteFeed(string searchFeedUrl, object tag)
            var unreturnedMatchItems = new List <INewsItem>(1);

                unreturnedMatchItems = RssParser.DownloadItemsFromFeed(searchFeedUrl);
            catch (Exception remoteSearchException)

            int feedmatches = 1;
            int itemmatches = unreturnedMatchItems.Count;
            var fi          =
                new FeedInfo(String.Empty, String.Empty, unreturnedMatchItems, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty,
                             new Dictionary <XmlQualifiedName, string>(), String.Empty);
            var fil = new FeedInfoList(String.Empty)

            RaiseSearchFinishedEvent(tag, fil, feedmatches, itemmatches);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for NewsItems, that match a provided criteria collection within a optional search scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="criteria">SearchCriteriaCollection containing the defined search criteria</param>
        /// <param name="scope">Search scope: an array of NewsFeed</param>
        /// <param name="tag">optional object to be used by the caller to identify this search</param>
        /// <param name="cultureName">Name of the culture.</param>
        /// <param name="returnFullItemText">if set to <c>true</c>, full item texts are returned instead of the summery.</param>
        public void SearchNewsItems(SearchCriteriaCollection criteria, INewsFeed[] scope, object tag, string cultureName,
                                    bool returnFullItemText)
            // if scope is an empty array: search all, else search only in spec. feeds
            int feedmatches = 0;
            int itemmatches = 0;

            IList <INewsItem> unreturnedMatchItems = new List <INewsItem>();
            var fiList = new FeedInfoList(String.Empty);

            Exception ex;
            bool      valid = SearchHandler.ValidateSearchCriteria(criteria, cultureName, out ex);

            if (ex != null) // report always any error (warnings)
                // render the error in-line (search result):
                feedmatches          = fiList.Count;
                unreturnedMatchItems = fiList.GetAllNewsItems();
                itemmatches          = unreturnedMatchItems.Count;

            if (valid)
                    // do the search (using lucene):
                    LuceneSearch.Result r = SearchHandler.ExecuteSearch(criteria, scope,
                                                                        this.Sources.Select(entry => entry.Source), cultureName);

                    // we iterate r.ItemsMatched to build a
                    // NewsItemIdentifier and ArrayList list with items, that
                    // match the read status (if this was a search criteria)
                    // then call FindNewsItems(NewsItemIdentifier[]) to get also
                    // the FeedInfoList.
                    // Raise ONE event, instead of two to return all (counters, lists)

                    SearchCriteriaProperty criteriaProperty = null;
                    foreach (ISearchCriteria sc in criteria)
                        criteriaProperty = sc as SearchCriteriaProperty;
                        if (criteriaProperty != null &&
                            PropertyExpressionKind.Unread == criteriaProperty.WhatKind)

                    ItemReadState readState = ItemReadState.Ignore;
                    if (criteriaProperty != null)
                        readState = criteriaProperty.BeenRead ? ItemReadState.BeenRead : ItemReadState.Unread;

                    if (r != null && r.ItemMatchCount > 0)
                        /* append results */
                        var nids = new SearchHitNewsItem[r.ItemsMatched.Count];
                        r.ItemsMatched.CopyTo(nids, 0);

                        //look in every feed source to find source feed for matching news items
                        IEnumerable <FeedInfoList> results = Sources.Select(entry => entry.Source.FindNewsItems(nids, readState, returnFullItemText));
                        foreach (FeedInfoList fil in results)

                        feedmatches          = fiList.Count;
                        unreturnedMatchItems = fiList.GetAllNewsItems();
                        itemmatches          = unreturnedMatchItems.Count;
                catch (Exception searchEx)
                    // render the error in-line (search result):
                    feedmatches          = fiList.Count;
                    unreturnedMatchItems = fiList.GetAllNewsItems();
                    itemmatches          = unreturnedMatchItems.Count;

            RaiseSearchFinishedEvent(tag, fiList, unreturnedMatchItems, feedmatches, itemmatches);