protected async Task <CheckedReferences <FeedResource> > CheckNuGetFeedsExist(List <ReferenceDataItem> nugetFeeds) { Log.Debug("Checking that all NuGet Feeds exist"); var dependencies = new CheckedReferences <FeedResource>(); foreach (var nugetFeed in nugetFeeds) { FeedResource feed = null; if (FeedCustomExpressionHelper.IsRealFeedId(nugetFeed.Id)) { feed = await Repository.Feeds.FindByName(nugetFeed.Name).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { feed = FeedCustomExpressionHelper.CustomExpressionFeedWithId(nugetFeed.Id); } dependencies.Register(nugetFeed.Name, nugetFeed.Id, feed); } return(dependencies); }
protected override async Task Export(Dictionary <string, string> parameters) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters["Name"])) { throw new CommandException("Please specify the name of the project to export using the parameter: --name=XYZ"); } var projectName = parameters["Name"]; Log.Debug("Finding project: {Project:l}", projectName); var project = await Repository.Projects.FindByName(projectName).ConfigureAwait(false); if (project == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException("a project named", projectName); } Log.Debug("Finding project group for project"); var projectGroup = await Repository.ProjectGroups.Get(project.ProjectGroupId).ConfigureAwait(false); if (projectGroup == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException("project group for project", project.Name); } Log.Debug("Finding variable set for project"); var variables = await Repository.VariableSets.Get(project.VariableSetId).ConfigureAwait(false); if (variables == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException("variable set for project", project.Name); } var channelLifecycles = new List <ReferenceDataItem>(); var channels = new ChannelResource[0]; if (Repository.SupportsChannels()) { Log.Debug("Finding channels for project"); var firstChannelPage = await Repository.Projects.GetChannels(project).ConfigureAwait(false); channels = (await firstChannelPage.GetAllPages(Repository).ConfigureAwait(false)).ToArray(); foreach (var channel in channels.ToArray()) { if (channel.LifecycleId != null) { var channelLifecycle = await Repository.Lifecycles.Get(channel.LifecycleId).ConfigureAwait(false); if (channelLifecycle == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException("Lifecycle for channel", channel.Name); } if (channelLifecycles.All(cl => cl.Id != channelLifecycle.Id)) { channelLifecycles.Add(new ReferenceDataItem(channelLifecycle.Id, channelLifecycle.Name)); } } } } Log.Debug("Finding deployment process for project"); var deploymentProcess = await Repository.DeploymentProcesses.Get(project.DeploymentProcessId).ConfigureAwait(false); if (deploymentProcess == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException("deployment process for project", project.Name); } Log.Debug("Finding NuGet feed for deployment process..."); var nugetFeeds = new List <ReferenceDataItem>(); foreach (var step in deploymentProcess.Steps) { foreach (var action in step.Actions) { PropertyValueResource nugetFeedId; if (action.Properties.TryGetValue("Octopus.Action.Package.NuGetFeedId", out nugetFeedId)) { Log.Debug("Finding NuGet feed for step {StepName:l}", step.Name); FeedResource feed = null; if (FeedCustomExpressionHelper.IsRealFeedId(nugetFeedId.Value)) { feed = await Repository.Feeds.Get(nugetFeedId.Value).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { feed = FeedCustomExpressionHelper.CustomExpressionFeedWithId(nugetFeedId.Value); } if (feed == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException("NuGet feed for step", step.Name); } if (nugetFeeds.All(f => f.Id != nugetFeedId.Value)) { nugetFeeds.Add(new ReferenceDataItem(feed.Id, feed.Name)); } } } } Log.Debug("Finding action templates for project"); var actionTemplates = new List <ReferenceDataItem>(); foreach (var step in deploymentProcess.Steps) { foreach (var action in step.Actions) { PropertyValueResource templateId; if (action.Properties.TryGetValue("Octopus.Action.Template.Id", out templateId)) { Log.Debug("Finding action template for step {StepName:l}", step.Name); var template = await actionTemplateRepository.Get(templateId.Value).ConfigureAwait(false); if (template == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException("action template for step", step.Name); } if (actionTemplates.All(t => t.Id != templateId.Value)) { actionTemplates.Add(new ReferenceDataItem(template.Id, template.Name)); } } } } var libraryVariableSets = new List <ReferenceDataItem>(); foreach (var libraryVariableSetId in project.IncludedLibraryVariableSetIds) { var libraryVariableSet = await Repository.LibraryVariableSets.Get(libraryVariableSetId).ConfigureAwait(false); if (libraryVariableSet == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException("library variable set with Id", libraryVariableSetId); } libraryVariableSets.Add(new ReferenceDataItem(libraryVariableSet.Id, libraryVariableSet.Name)); } LifecycleResource lifecycle = null; if (project.LifecycleId != null) { lifecycle = await Repository.Lifecycles.Get(project.LifecycleId).ConfigureAwait(false); if (lifecycle == null) { throw new CouldNotFindException($"lifecycle with Id {project.LifecycleId} for project ", project.Name); } } var export = new ProjectExport { Project = project, ProjectGroup = new ReferenceDataItem(projectGroup.Id, projectGroup.Name), VariableSet = variables, DeploymentProcess = deploymentProcess, NuGetFeeds = nugetFeeds, ActionTemplates = actionTemplates, LibraryVariableSets = libraryVariableSets, Lifecycle = lifecycle != null ? new ReferenceDataItem(lifecycle.Id, lifecycle.Name) : null, Channels = channels.ToList(), ChannelLifecycles = channelLifecycles, }; var metadata = new ExportMetadata { ExportedAt = DateTime.Now, OctopusVersion = Repository.Client.RootDocument.Version, Type = typeof(ProjectExporter).GetAttributeValue((ExporterAttribute ea) => ea.Name), ContainerType = typeof(ProjectExporter).GetAttributeValue((ExporterAttribute ea) => ea.EntityType) }; FileSystemExporter.Export(FilePath, metadata, export); }