public void MemoryDatasource_Add() { var options = new Dictionary <string, object>(); MemoryDatasource d = new MemoryDatasource(options); d.Add(1, 2); Featureset fs = d.Featureset(); Feature f = fs.Next(); string expected = @"{""type"":""Feature"",""id"":1,""geometry"":{""type"":""Point"",""coordinates"":[1,2]},""properties"":{}}"; string json = f.ToJSON(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, json); // should only have 1 feature f = fs.Next(); Assert.IsNull(f); }
public void MemoryDatasource_AddWithProps() { var options = new Dictionary <string, object>(); MemoryDatasource d = new MemoryDatasource(options); var props = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "string_field", "text" }, { "int_field", 1 }, { "double_field", .124 } }; d.Add(1, 2, props); Featureset fs = d.Featureset(); Feature f = fs.Next(); string expected = @"{""type"":""Feature"",""id"":1,""geometry"":{""type"":""Point"",""coordinates"":[1,2]},""properties"":{""double_field"":0.124,""int_field"":1,""string_field"":""text""}}"; string json = f.ToJSON(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, json); // should only have 1 feature f = fs.Next(); Assert.IsNull(f); }
public void Featureset_Creation() { Mapnik.RegisterDatasource(Path.Combine(Mapnik.Paths["InputPlugins"], "shape.input")); Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "type", "shape" }, { "file", @".\data\world_merc.shp" } }; Datasource d = new Datasource(options); Featureset fs = d.Featureset(); Feature feature = fs.Next(); Dictionary <string, object> attr = new Dictionary <string, object>(feature.Attributes()); Dictionary <string, object> expectedAttr = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "AREA", 44L }, { "FIPS", "AC" }, { "ISO2", "AG" }, { "ISO3", "ATG" }, { "LAT", 17.078 }, { "LON", -61.783 }, { "NAME", "Antigua and Barbuda" }, { "POP2005", 83039L }, { "REGION", 19L }, { "SUBREGION", 29L }, { "UN", 28L } }; CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(attr, expectedAttr); int count = 1; while (fs.Next() != null) { count++; } Assert.AreEqual(count, 245); }