public DenseFeaturesFromEntity(IEnumerable rgFeature, FeatureSerializer featureSerializer)
     FeatureSerializer    = featureSerializer;
     _rgFeatureDictionary = new Hashtable();
     foreach (Feature aFeature in rgFeature)
         string sXml = FeatureSerializer.ToXml(aFeature);
         _rgFeatureDictionary.Add(sXml, aFeature);
        public override IDictionary FeatureDictionary(object entity)
            Hashtable rgForEntity = new Hashtable();

            foreach (Converter <object, IEnumerable> aFeaturesFromEntityFunction in _rgFeaturesFromEntityFunction)
                IEnumerable rgEntitySomeFeatures = aFeaturesFromEntityFunction(entity);
                foreach (Feature aFeature in rgEntitySomeFeatures)
                    //!!!if nested features, implemented a good HashCode and Equal, then wouldn't need to hash on Xml, instead could has on the feature itself - but this would make defining features more work.
                    string sXml = _featureSerializer.ToXml(aFeature);
                    if (_rgFeatureDictionary.Contains(sXml))
                        rgForEntity.Add(sXml, aFeature);