예제 #1
 public static void SetWeaponImprovedCriticalFeat(BaseItemType baseItem, FeatType feat)
     Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxSetFunction(PLUGIN_NAME, "SetWeaponImprovedCriticalFeat");
예제 #2
 public static int GetSkillFeatCountForSkill(FeatType feat)
     Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxSetFunction(PLUGIN_NAME, "GetSkillFeatCountForSkill");
예제 #3
 public static void SetEpicWeaponSpecializationFeat(BaseItemType baseItem, FeatType feat)
     Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxSetFunction(PLUGIN_NAME, "SetEpicWeaponSpecializationFeat");
예제 #4
 public static void SetFavoredEnemyFeat(RacialType iRace, FeatType iFeat)
     Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxSetFunction(PLUGIN_NAME, "SetFavoredEnemyFeat");
예제 #5
 public Feat(string name, string prereqs, string description, FeatType featType)
     Name = name;
     PrerequisitesString = prereqs;
     Description         = description;
     FeatType            = featType;
     Link = "https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=" + Name;
예제 #6
파일: Feat.cs 프로젝트: eaclou/Evolution
 public Feat(string name, FeatType type, int eventFrame, Color color, string description)
     this.name        = name;
     featType         = type;
     this.eventFrame  = eventFrame;
     this.color       = color;
     this.description = description;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a QBS for using a feat
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nFeat"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static QuickBarSlot UseFeat(FeatType nFeat)
            var qbs = Empty(QuickBarSlotType.Feat);

            qbs.INTParam1 = nFeat.InternalValue;

예제 #8
        public FeatImpl(string id, FeatType type)
            ArgumentValidationHelper.AssertNotNullOrWhiteSpace(id, "id");
             Id = id;

             ArgumentValidationHelper.AssertNotNull(type, "type");
             Type = type;
예제 #9
        public IEnumerable <Feat> GetFeats(Uri uri, FeatType featType = FeatType.General)
            ScrapingBrowser browser = new ScrapingBrowser
                AllowAutoRedirect = true,
                AllowMetaRedirect = true

            WebPage  page = browser.NavigateToPage(uri);
            HtmlNode node = page.Html.CssSelect("#ctl00_MainContent_GridView6").First();

            var feats = new List <Feat>();

            foreach (var c in node.SelectNodes("tr"))
                var values = new List <string>();
                foreach (var cn in c.ChildNodes)
                    if (cn.Name == "td")

                if (values.Count == 0)

                var name = values[0].Trim().Replace("???", "");

                if (name.Contains("*"))
                    name = name.Replace("*", "");

                    if (featType == FeatType.General)
                        featType = FeatType.Combat;

                var prereqs = values[1].Trim().Replace("???", "'");
                prereqs = Regex.Replace(prereqs, @"(\&.*)", "-");

                var description = values[2].Trim().Replace("???", "'");
                description = Regex.Replace(description, @"(?<=)(\')(?=\d)", "-");
                description = Regex.Replace(description, @"(?<=\/)(\')(?=)", "-");

                feats.Add(new Feat(name, prereqs, description, featType));

        // GET: FeatTypes/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            FeatType featType = DAL.GetFeatType((int)id);

            if (featType == null)
 public ActionResult Create([Bind("Name,ID")] FeatType featType)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         if (DAL.CreateFeatType(featType) > 0)
예제 #12
 public Feat(int id, string name, int level, FeatType featType, FeatAction featAction, string featSubType, List <string> traits, List <int> pre, string preText, string fre, string cost, string trigger, string req, string desc, string spec)
     Id                = id;
     Name              = name;
     Level             = level;
     FeatType          = featType;
     FeatAction        = featAction;
     FeatSubType       = featSubType;
     Traits            = traits;
     Prerequisites     = pre;
     PrerequisitesText = preText;
     Frequency         = fre;
     Cost              = cost;
     Trigger           = trigger;
     Requirements      = req;
     Description       = desc;
     Special           = spec;
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, [Bind("Name,ID")] FeatType featType)
            if (id != featType.ID)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (DAL.UpdateFeatType(featType, id) > 0)
예제 #14
 public static SkillFeat GetSkillFeat(FeatType feat, SkillType skill)
     Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxSetFunction(PLUGIN_NAME, "GetSkillFeat");
     return(new SkillFeat
         skill = skill.InternalValue,
         feat = feat.InternalValue,
         modifier = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopInt(),
         focusFeat = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopInt(),
         classes = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopString(),
         classLevelMod = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopFloat(),
         areaFlagsRequired = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopInt(),
         areaFlagsForbidden = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopInt(),
         dayOrNight = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopInt(),
         bypassArmorCheckPenalty = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopInt(),
         keyAbilityMask = Internal.NativeFunctions.nwnxPopInt()
예제 #15
 public static bool IsActivated(FeatType type)
     case FeatType.LUNGE:
     case FeatType.TUMBLE:
     case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
         return true;
     case FeatType.QUICK_DRAW:
     case FeatType.WHIRLWIND_STYLE:
     case FeatType.DRIVE_BACK:
     case FeatType.CUNNING_DODGE:
     case FeatType.ARMOR_MASTERY:
     case FeatType.DEFLECT_ATTACK:
     case FeatType.MASTERS_EDGE:
     case FeatType.CHAIN_CASTING:
     case FeatType.FORCE_OF_WILL:
     case FeatType.CONVICTION:
     case FeatType.ENDURING_SOUL:
     case FeatType.FEEL_NO_PAIN:
     case FeatType.BOILING_BLOOD:
     case FeatType.NECK_SNAP:
     case FeatType.CORNER_CLIMB:
     case FeatType.DANGER_SENSE:
         return false;
예제 #16
 public static string Name(FeatType type)
     case FeatType.CORNER_CLIMB:
         return "Corner climb";
     case FeatType.QUICK_DRAW:
         return "Quick draw";
     case FeatType.CUNNING_DODGE:
         return "Cunning dodge";
     case FeatType.DANGER_SENSE:
         return "Danger sense";
     case FeatType.DEFLECT_ATTACK:
         return "Deflect attack";
     case FeatType.ENDURING_SOUL:
         return "Enduring soul";
     case FeatType.NECK_SNAP:
         return "Neck snap";
     case FeatType.BOILING_BLOOD:
         return "Boiling blood";
     case FeatType.WHIRLWIND_STYLE:
         return "Whirlwind style";
     case FeatType.LUNGE:
         return "Lunge";
     case FeatType.DRIVE_BACK:
         return "Drive back";
     case FeatType.ARMOR_MASTERY:
         return "Armor mastery";
     case FeatType.TUMBLE:
         return "Tumble";
     case FeatType.MASTERS_EDGE:
         return "Master's edge";
         return "Arcane interference";
     case FeatType.CHAIN_CASTING:
         return "Chain casting";
     case FeatType.FORCE_OF_WILL:
         return "Force of will";
     case FeatType.CONVICTION:
         return "Conviction";
     case FeatType.FEEL_NO_PAIN:
         return "Feel no pain";
     case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
         return "Disarm trap";
         return "no feat";
예제 #17
 public static SkillType Skill(FeatType type)
     case FeatType.QUICK_DRAW:
     case FeatType.WHIRLWIND_STYLE:
     case FeatType.LUNGE:
     case FeatType.DRIVE_BACK:
         return SkillType.COMBAT;
     case FeatType.ARMOR_MASTERY:
     case FeatType.DEFLECT_ATTACK:
     case FeatType.TUMBLE:
     case FeatType.CUNNING_DODGE:
         return SkillType.DEFENSE;
     case FeatType.MASTERS_EDGE:
     case FeatType.CHAIN_CASTING:
     case FeatType.FORCE_OF_WILL:
         return SkillType.MAGIC;
     case FeatType.ENDURING_SOUL:
     case FeatType.BOILING_BLOOD:
     case FeatType.CONVICTION:
     case FeatType.FEEL_NO_PAIN:
         return SkillType.SPIRIT;
     case FeatType.CORNER_CLIMB:
     case FeatType.DANGER_SENSE:
     case FeatType.NECK_SNAP:
     case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
         return SkillType.STEALTH;
         return SkillType.NO_SKILL;
예제 #18
 public async Task<bool> UseFeat(FeatType feat)
     switch (feat)
         case FeatType.LUNGE:
                 List<Tile> line = await GetTarget(2);
                 Tile t = null;
                 if (line != null)
                     t = line.Last();
                 if (t != null && t.actor() != null)
                     bool moved = false;
                     /*foreach(Tile neighbor in t.NeighborsBetween(row,col)){
                         if(neighbor.passable && neighbor.actor() == null){
                             moved = true;
                             B.Add("You lunge! ");
                             attrs[AttrType.BONUS_COMBAT] += 4;
                             attrs[AttrType.BONUS_COMBAT] -= 4;
                     if (DistanceFrom(t) == 2 && line[1].passable && line[1].actor() == null && !GrabPreventsMovement(line[1]))
                         moved = true;
                         B.Add("You lunge! ");
                         await Move(line[1].row, line[1].col);
                         attrs[AttrType.BONUS_COMBAT] += 4;
                         await Attack(0, t.actor());
                         attrs[AttrType.BONUS_COMBAT] -= 4;
                     if (!moved)
                         if (GrabPreventsMovement(line[1]))
                             B.Add("You can't currently reach that spot. ");
                             return false;
                             B.Add("The way is blocked! ");
                             return false;
                         return true;
                     return false;
         case FeatType.TUMBLE:
             /*Tumble - (A, 200 energy) - You pick a tile within distance 2. If there is at least one passable tile between 
             you and it(you CAN tumble past actors), you move to that tile. Additional effects: If you move past an actor, 
             they lose sight of you and their turns_target_location is set to X - rand_function_of(stealth skill). (there's a good chance
             they'll find you, then attack, but you will have still moved past them) ; You will automatically dodge the first arrow
             that would hit you before your next turn.(it's still possible they'll roll 2 successes and hit you) ; Has the same
             effect as standing still, if you're on fire or catching fire. */
                 target = null; //don't try to automatically pick previous targets while tumbling. this solution isn't ideal.
                 List<Tile> line = await GetTarget(false, 2, false);
                 target = null; //then, don't remember an actor picked as the target of tumble
                 Tile t = null;
                 if (line != null)
                     t = line.Last();
                 if (t != null && t.passable && t.actor() == null && !GrabPreventsMovement(t))
                     List<Actor> actors_moved_past = new List<Actor>();
                     bool moved = false;
                     foreach (Tile neighbor in t.NeighborsBetween(row, col))
                         if (neighbor.actor() != null)
                         if (neighbor.passable && !moved)
                             B.Add("You tumble. ");
                             await Move(t.row, t.col);
                             moved = true;
                             if (HasAttr(AttrType.CATCHING_FIRE))
                             { //copy&paste happened here: todo, make a single fire-handling method
                                 attrs[AttrType.CATCHING_FIRE] = 0;
                                 B.Add("You stop the flames from spreading. ");
                                 if (HasAttr(AttrType.STARTED_CATCHING_FIRE_THIS_TURN))
                                     attrs[AttrType.STARTED_CATCHING_FIRE_THIS_TURN] = 0;
                                     B.Add("You stop the flames from spreading. ");
                                 if (HasAttr(AttrType.STARTED_CATCHING_FIRE_THIS_TURN))
                                     attrs[AttrType.STARTED_CATCHING_FIRE_THIS_TURN] = 0;
                                     B.Add("You stop the flames from spreading. ");
                                     if (HasAttr(AttrType.ON_FIRE))
                                         bool update = false;
                                         int oldradius = LightRadius();
                                         if (attrs[AttrType.ON_FIRE] > light_radius)
                                             update = true;
                                         int i = 2;
                                         if (Global.Roll(1, 3) == 3)
                                         { // 1 in 3 times, you don't make progress against the fire
                                             i = 1;
                                         attrs[AttrType.ON_FIRE] -= i;
                                         if (attrs[AttrType.ON_FIRE] < 0)
                                             attrs[AttrType.ON_FIRE] = 0;
                                         if (update)
                                             UpdateRadius(oldradius, LightRadius());
                                         if (HasAttr(AttrType.ON_FIRE))
                                             B.Add("You put out some of the fire. ");
                                             B.Add("You put out the fire. ");
                     if (moved)
                         foreach (Actor a in actors_moved_past)
                             int i = 10 - Global.Roll(Stealth());
                             if (i < 0)
                                 i = 0;
                             a.player_visibility_duration = i;
                         Q.Add(new Event(this, 200, EventType.MOVE));
                         return true;
                         B.Add("The way is blocked! ");
                         return false;
                     if (GrabPreventsMovement(t))
                         B.Add("You can't currently reach that spot. ");
                     return false;
         case FeatType.ARCANE_SHIELD: //25% fail rate for the 'failrate' feats
             if (magic_penalty < 20)
                 /*if(curhp < maxhp){ here's the old arcane healing feat
                     magic_penalty += 5;
                     if(magic_penalty > 20){
                         magic_penalty = 20;
                     B.Add("You drain your magic reserves. ");
                     int amount = Global.Roll(TotalSkill(SkillType.MAGIC)/2,6) + 25;
                     if(curhp == maxhp){
                         B.Add("Your wounds close. ");
                         B.Add("Some of your wounds close. ");
                     B.Add("You're not injured. ");
                     return false;
                 magic_penalty += 5;
                 if (magic_penalty > 20)
                     magic_penalty = 20;
                 B.Add("You drain your magic reserves. ");
                 int amount = Global.Roll(TotalSkill(SkillType.MAGIC) / 2, 6) + 25;
                 if (HasAttr(AttrType.ARCANE_SHIELDED))
                     B.Add("You strengthen your arcane barrier. ");
                     B.Add("An arcane barrier surrounds you. ");
                 attrs[Forays.AttrType.ARCANE_SHIELDED] += amount;
                 Q.KillEvents(this, AttrType.ARCANE_SHIELDED);
                 Q.Add(new Event(this, 2000, Forays.AttrType.ARCANE_SHIELDED, "Your arcane shield dissolves. "));
                 B.Add("Your magic reserves are empty! ");
                 return false;
         case FeatType.FORCE_OF_WILL:
             foreach (Actor a in ActorsWithinDistance(2))
                 if (a.HasAttr(AttrType.SPELL_DISRUPTION) && a.HasLOE(this))
                     if (this == player)
                         if (CanSee(a))
                             B.Add(a.Your() + " presence prevents you from casting! ");
                             B.Add("Something prevents you from casting! ");
                     return false;
             if (magic_penalty < 20)
                 int basefail = magic_penalty * 5;
                 basefail -= skills[SkillType.SPIRIT] * 2;
                 if (basefail > 100)
                     basefail = 100;
                 if (basefail < 0)
                     basefail = 0;
                 List<colorstring> ls = new List<colorstring>();
                 List<SpellType> sp = new List<SpellType>();
                 bool bonus_marked = false;
                 foreach (SpellType spell in spells_in_order)
                     if (HasSpell(spell))
                         colorstring cs = new colorstring(Spell.Name(spell).PadRight(15) + Spell.Level(spell).ToString().PadLeft(3), Color.Gray);
                         cs.strings.Add(new cstr(basefail.ToString().PadLeft(9) + "%", FailColor(basefail)));
                         if (HasFeat(FeatType.MASTERS_EDGE) && Spell.IsDamaging(spell) && !bonus_marked)
                             bonus_marked = true;
                             cs = cs + Spell.DescriptionWithIncreasedDamage(spell);
                             cs = cs + Spell.Description(spell);
                 if (sp.Count > 0)
                     colorstring topborder = new colorstring("------------------Level---Fail rate--------Description------------", Color.Gray);
                     colorstring bottomborder = new colorstring("---Force of will fail rate: ", Color.Gray, (basefail.ToString().PadLeft(3) + "%"), FailColor(basefail), "".PadRight(37, '-'), Color.Gray);
                     int i = await Select("Use force of will to cast which spell? ", topborder, bottomborder, ls, false, false, true, true, HelpTopic.Spells);
                     if (i != -1)
                         if (true != await CastSpell(sp[i], true))
                             return true;
                         { //drained magic is now handled in CastSpell
                             return true;
                         return true;
                     return true;
                 B.Add("Your magic reserves are empty! ");
                 return false;
         case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
                 int dir = await GetDirection("Disarm which trap? ");
                 if (dir != -1 && TileInDirection(dir).IsKnownTrap())
                     if (ActorInDirection(dir) != null)
                         B.Add("There is " + ActorInDirection(dir).AVisible() + " in the way. ");
                         if (GrabPreventsMovement(TileInDirection(dir)))
                             B.Add("You can't currently reach that trap. ");
                             return true;
                         if (Global.Roll(5) <= 4)
                             B.Add("You disarm " + Tile.Prototype(TileInDirection(dir).ttype).the_name + ". ");
                             if (Global.Roll(20) <= skills[SkillType.DEFENSE])
                                 B.Add("You almost set off " + Tile.Prototype(TileInDirection(dir).ttype).the_name + "! ");
                                 B.Add("You set off " + Tile.Prototype(TileInDirection(dir).ttype).the_name + "! ");
                                 await Move(TileInDirection(dir).row, TileInDirection(dir).col);
                 return true;
         case FeatType.DISTRACT:
                 List<Tile> line = await GetTarget(12, 3);
                 Tile t = null;
                 if (line != null)
                     t = line.Last();
                 if (t != null)
                     if (!t.passable)
                         t = line.LastBeforeSolidTile();
                     B.Add("You throw a small stone. ");
                     foreach (Actor a in t.ActorsWithinDistance(3))
                         if (a != this && a.player_visibility_duration >= 0)
                             if (a.HasAttr(AttrType.DISTRACTED))
                                 B.Add(a.the_name + " isn't fooled. ", a);
                                 a.player_visibility_duration = 999; //automatic detection next turn
                                 List<pos> p = a.GetPath(t);
                                 if (p.Count <= 6)
                                     a.path = p;
                                     if (Global.CoinFlip())
                     return false;
             return false;
     return true;
예제 #19
 public static bool IsActivated(FeatType type)
     switch (type)
         case FeatType.LUNGE:
         case FeatType.TUMBLE:
         case FeatType.ARCANE_SHIELD:
         case FeatType.FORCE_OF_WILL:
         case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
         case FeatType.DISTRACT:
             return true;
         case FeatType.QUICK_DRAW:
         case FeatType.LETHALITY:
         case FeatType.DRIVE_BACK:
         case FeatType.SILENT_CHAINMAIL:
         case FeatType.ARMORED_MAGE:
         case FeatType.FULL_DEFENSE:
         case FeatType.MASTERS_EDGE:
         case FeatType.STUDENTS_LUCK:
         case FeatType.CONVICTION:
         case FeatType.ENDURING_SOUL:
         case FeatType.FEEL_NO_PAIN:
         case FeatType.BOILING_BLOOD:
         case FeatType.NECK_SNAP:
         case FeatType.DANGER_SENSE:
             return false;
예제 #20
 public static string Name(FeatType type)
     switch (type)
         case FeatType.DISTRACT:
             return "Distract";
         case FeatType.QUICK_DRAW:
             return "Quick draw";
         case FeatType.SILENT_CHAINMAIL:
             return "Silent chainmail";
         case FeatType.DANGER_SENSE:
             return "Danger sense";
         case FeatType.FULL_DEFENSE:
             return "Full defense";
         case FeatType.ENDURING_SOUL:
             return "Enduring soul";
         case FeatType.NECK_SNAP:
             return "Neck snap";
         case FeatType.BOILING_BLOOD:
             return "Boiling blood";
         case FeatType.LETHALITY:
             return "Lethality";
         case FeatType.LUNGE:
             return "Lunge";
         case FeatType.DRIVE_BACK:
             return "Drive back";
         case FeatType.ARMORED_MAGE:
             return "Armored mage";
         case FeatType.TUMBLE:
             return "Tumble";
         case FeatType.MASTERS_EDGE:
             return "Master's edge";
         case FeatType.STUDENTS_LUCK:
             return "Student's luck";
         case FeatType.ARCANE_SHIELD:
             return "Arcane shield";
         case FeatType.FORCE_OF_WILL:
             return "Force of will";
         case FeatType.CONVICTION:
             return "Conviction";
         case FeatType.FEEL_NO_PAIN:
             return "Feel no pain";
         case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
             return "Disarm trap";
             return "no feat";
예제 #21
        public static List<string> Description(FeatType type)
            switch (type)
                case FeatType.QUICK_DRAW:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Wielding a different weapon takes no time.",
					"(This also enables you to fire arrows without first switching",
					"to your bow.)"};
                case FeatType.LETHALITY:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Your chance to score a critical hit increases by 10%. This",
					"bonus also increases by 5% for each 20% health that the target",
					"is missing."};
                case FeatType.LUNGE:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Leap from one space away and attack your target (with a +4",
					"bonus to Combat). The intervening space must be unoccupied."};
                case FeatType.DRIVE_BACK:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Enemies must yield ground in order to avoid your attacks.",
					"(If your target has nowhere to run, your attacks will",
					"automatically hit.)"};
                case FeatType.SILENT_CHAINMAIL:
                    return new List<string>{
					"You can wear chainmail with no penalty to stealth."};
                case FeatType.ARMORED_MAGE:
                    return new List<string>{
					"You can cast spells with no penalty from your armor."};
                case FeatType.FULL_DEFENSE:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Stand still to ready yourself for attack. You gain an extra",
					"50% chance to avoid attacks while readied. Enemies that try to",
					"hit you might hit other adjacent enemies instead."};
                case FeatType.TUMBLE:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Move up to 2 spaces while avoiding arrows. (Also useful for",
					"slipping behind enemies and putting out fires.)"};
                case FeatType.MASTERS_EDGE:
                    /*return new List<string>{
                        "Spells you've mastered deal 1d6 extra damage. (You've mastered",
                        "a spell if its natural chance of failure is 0%.)"};*/
                    return new List<string>{
					"The first offensive spell you've learned will deal 1d6 extra",
					"damage. (Affects the first spell in the list that deals damage",
                case FeatType.STUDENTS_LUCK:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Casting a spell of higher level than your Magic skill will now",
					"only drain your magic reserves 50% of the time."};
                case FeatType.ARCANE_SHIELD:
                    /*return new List<string>{
                        "Drain your magic reserves to heal some of your wounds. Heals",
                        "at least 25% of your HP, with a bonus for Magic skill. (Each",
                        "drain on your magic reserves gives an extra 25% failure rate",
                        "to your spells, and lasts until you rest.)"};*/
                    return new List<string>{
					"Drain your magic reserves to shield yourself. The shield lasts",
					"for 20 turns and can block 25 damage, plus a bonus for Magic",
					"skill. (Each drain on your magic reserves gives an extra 25%",
					"failure rate to your spells, and lasts until you rest.)"};
                case FeatType.FORCE_OF_WILL:
                    /*return new List<string>{
                        "Drain your magic reserves to flawlessly cast a spell. (Having",
                        "drained magic reserves still decreases your chance of success,",
                        "but nothing else does.)",
                        "If you have skill in Spirit, your chances are increased."};*/
                    return new List<string>{
					"Drain your magic reserves to flawlessly cast a spell. (The",
					"spell's level and any penalty from your armor are ignored. Any",
					"drain on your magic reserves still decreases your chances.)",
					"If you have skill in Spirit, your chances are increased."};
                case FeatType.CONVICTION:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Each turn you're engaged in combat (attacking/being attacked),",
					"you gain 1 bonus Spirit, and bonus Combat skill equal to half",
                case FeatType.ENDURING_SOUL:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Improves the amount by which your natural recovery can heal",
					"you. (You can recover to a multiple of 20HP instead of 10.)"};
                case FeatType.FEEL_NO_PAIN:
                    return new List<string>{
					"When your health becomes very low (less than 20%), you",
					"briefly enter a state of invulnerability. (For about 5 turns,",
					"you'll be immune to damage, but not other effects.)"};
                case FeatType.BOILING_BLOOD:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Taking damage briefly increases your movement speed. (This",
					"effect can stack up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, your speed is",
                case FeatType.DISTRACT:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Attempt to misdirect an unaware enemy, causing it to",
					"investigate the source of the sound."};
                case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Attempt to disable a trap without setting it off. If you have",
					"skill in Defense, you might avoid damage if you do trigger it."};
                case FeatType.NECK_SNAP:
                    return new List<string>{
					"Automatically perform a stealth kill when attacking an unaware",
					"medium humanoid. (Living enemies of approximately human size.)"};
                case FeatType.DANGER_SENSE:
                    return new List<string>{
					"You can sense where it's safe and where enemies might detect",
					"you. Your torch must be extinguished while you're sneaking."};
                    return null;
예제 #22
 public static List<string> Description(FeatType type)
     case FeatType.QUICK_DRAW:
         return new List<string>{
             "Switch from a melee weapon to another weapon instantly. (You",
             "can fire arrows without first switching to your bow. However,",
             "putting your bow away still takes time.)"};
     case FeatType.WHIRLWIND_STYLE:
         return new List<string>{
             "When you take a step, you automatically attack every enemy",
             "still adjacent to you."};
     case FeatType.LUNGE:
         return new List<string>{
             "Leap from one space away and attack your target with perfect",
             "accuracy. The intervening space must be unoccupied."};
     case FeatType.DRIVE_BACK:
         return new List<string>{
             "Enemies must yield ground in order to avoid your attacks, and",
             "cornered enemies are more vulnerable to critical hits. (When",
             "your target has nowhere to run, your attacks won't miss.)"};
         /*return new List<string>{
             "Enemies must yield ground in order to avoid your attacks.",
             "(If your target has nowhere to run, your attacks will",
             "automatically hit.)"};*/
     case FeatType.ARMOR_MASTERY:
         return new List<string>{
             "When your armor blocks an enemy's attack, you're twice as",
             "likely to score a critical hit on it next turn. The exhaustion",
             "total at which armor becomes too heavy is increased by 25%."};
     case FeatType.CUNNING_DODGE:
         return new List<string>{
             "Relying on mobility and tricks, you can entirely avoid the",
             "first attack of each foe you face."};
     case FeatType.DEFLECT_ATTACK:
         return new List<string>{
             "When an enemy attacks you, you might deflect the attack to",
             "any other enemy next to you. (The two enemies don't need to",
             "be adjacent to one another.)"};
         /*return new List<string>{
             "When an enemy attacks you, you might deflect the attack to",
             "another enemy (one that is adjacent to both you and your",
     case FeatType.TUMBLE:
         return new List<string>{
             "Move up to two spaces while avoiding arrows. Takes two turns",
             "to perform."};
     case FeatType.MASTERS_EDGE:
         return new List<string>{
             "The first offensive spell you've learned is empowered - it'll",
             "deal 1d6 extra damage. (Affects the first spell in the list",
             "that deals damage directly.)"};
         /*return new List<string>{
             "The first offensive spell you've learned will deal 1d6 extra",
             "damage. (Affects the first spell in the list that deals damage",
         return new List<string>{
             "When you cast a spell, nearby enemy spellcasters are stunned",
             "for a short time. Additionally, they permanently lose their",
             "ability to cast the spell you just cast."};
         /*return new List<string>{
             "When you cast a spell, nearby enemies lose their ability to",
             "cast that spell. If this happens, your spells will be",
             "empowered for several turns."};*/
     case FeatType.CHAIN_CASTING:
         return new List<string>{
             "The mana cost of your spells is reduced by one if you cast",
             "a spell last turn. (This doesn't ever reduce mana costs",
             "to zero.)"};
     case FeatType.FORCE_OF_WILL:
         return new List<string>{
             "Exhaustion will never make you fail an attempt at casting.",
             "(Casting without mana still increases your exhaustion, and",
             "you can't cast if your exhaustion would exceed 100%.)"};
     /*return new List<string>{
             "Exhaustion will never make you fail an attempt at casting.",
             "(Casting without mana still increases your exhaustion.)"};*/
     case FeatType.CONVICTION:
         return new List<string>{
             "Each turn you're engaged in combat (attacking or being",
             "attacked) you gain 1 bonus Spirit, and bonus Combat skill",
             "equal to half that, rounded up."};
     case FeatType.ENDURING_SOUL:
         return new List<string>{
             "Your health recovers over time. You'll regain one HP every",
             "five turns until your total health is a multiple of 10."};
     case FeatType.FEEL_NO_PAIN:
         return new List<string>{
             "When your health becomes very low (less than 20%), you",
             "briefly enter a state of invulnerability. (For about 5 turns,",
             "you'll be immune to damage, but not other effects.)"};
     case FeatType.BOILING_BLOOD:
         return new List<string>{
             "Taking damage briefly increases your movement speed. (This",
             "effect can stack up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, your speed is",
             "doubled and you are immune to fire damage.)"};
     case FeatType.NECK_SNAP:
         return new List<string>{
             "Automatically perform a stealth kill when attacking an unaware",
             "medium humanoid. (Living enemies of approximately human size.)"};
     case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
         return new List<string>{
             "Alter a trap so that you can walk past it safely (but enemies",
             "still trigger it). You can use this feat again to disable it",
     case FeatType.CORNER_CLIMB:
         return new List<string>{
             "If you're in a corner (and in the dark), enemies can't see you",
             "unless they're adjacent to you."};
     case FeatType.DANGER_SENSE:
         return new List<string>{
             "Once you've seen or detected an enemy, you can sense where",
             "it's safe and where that enemy might detect you. Your torch",
             "must be extinguished while you're sneaking."};
         return null;
예제 #23
 public bool HasFeat(FeatType feat) { return feats[feat] > 0; }
예제 #24
 public IEnumerable<Feat> GetByType(FeatType type)
     return Enumerable.Empty<Feat>();
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 ///   Increment the remaining uses per day for this creature by one.
 ///   Total number of feats per day can not exceed the maximum.
 ///   - oCreature: creature to modify
 ///   - nFeat: constant FEAT_*
 /// </summary>
 public static void IncrementRemainingFeatUses(uint oCreature, FeatType nFeat)
예제 #26
 public bool UseFeat(FeatType feat)
     case FeatType.LUNGE:
         List<Tile> line = GetTargetTile(2,0,false,true);
         Tile t = null;
         if(line != null && line.LastOrDefault() != tile()){
             t = line.LastOrDefault();
         if(t != null && t.actor() != null){
             bool moved = false;
             if(DistanceFrom(t) == 2 && line[1].passable && line[1].actor() == null && !MovementPrevented(line[1])){
                 moved = true;
                 B.Add("You lunge! ");
                 attrs[AttrType.LUNGING_AUTO_HIT] = 1;
                 attrs[AttrType.LUNGING_AUTO_HIT] = 0;
                     B.Add("You can't currently reach that spot. ");
                     return false;
                     B.Add("The way is blocked! ");
                     return false;
                 return true;
             return false;
     case FeatType.TUMBLE:
         target = null; //don't try to automatically pick previous targets while tumbling. this solution isn't ideal.
         List<Tile> line = GetTargetTile(2,0,false,false);
         target = null; //then, don't remember an actor picked as the target of tumble
         Tile t = null;
         if(line != null && line.LastOrDefault() != tile()){
             t = line.LastOrDefault();
         if(t != null && t.passable && t.actor() == null && !MovementPrevented(t)){
                 B.Add("You don't know what's over there! ");
                 return false;
             bool moved = false;
             foreach(Tile neighbor in t.PassableNeighborsBetween(row,col)){
                 if(neighbor.passable && !moved){
                     B.Add("You tumble. ");
                     moved = true;
                 Q.Add(new Event(this,Speed() + 100,EventType.MOVE));
                 return true;
                 B.Add("The way is blocked! ");
                 return false;
                 B.Add("You can't currently reach that spot. ");
             return false;
     case FeatType.DISARM_TRAP:
         int dir = GetDirection("Disarm which trap? ");
         Tile t = TileInDirection(dir);
         if(dir != -1 && t.IsKnownTrap()){
             if(ActorInDirection(dir) != null){
                 B.Add("There is " + ActorInDirection(dir).AName(true) + " in the way. ");
                 return true;
                 B.Add("You disarm " + Tile.Prototype(t.type).the_name + ". ");
                 B.Add("You make " + Tile.Prototype(t.type).the_name + " safe to cross. ");
                 t.SetName(Tile.Prototype(t.type).name + " (safe)");
         return true;
         return false;