예제 #1
        public void Authenticate()
            Console.WriteLine("Basic Authentication");
                //Ping - See if API is alive.
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.Ping("Ping!");

                //Authenticate basic
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.Authenticate(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass);

                //Authenticate with product - Product Id is optional on this method, but is required on many other methods.
                //You can use the product Id here to validate that you can connect to the product that you want to.
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.Authenticate(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId);

                //Authenticate with product - This one will fail.  BadProductId.
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.Authenticate(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, Guid.NewGuid());
예제 #2
        public void SendFax()
            Console.WriteLine("Send a fax to to the Test Number and then check its status.");

            var faxNumber = ConfigInfo.TestFax;

            //This is the id of the job we'll send.
            Guid JobId = Guid.Empty;

                var file = new FileDetail();
                //Get the bytes from the file.
                file.FileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(TestDoc1);
                //The file name doesn't matter.  The extension does help our system deal with various crap...
                //We do some fancy filetype detection.  Extensions act as "powerful" hints to our file type detector.  Use them if you can.
                file.Filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(TestDoc1);

                //Send it.  Notice that the fax number is there 2 times.  This means that the fax will have 2 calls on it.  Yes, we'll call the same number twice.
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.SendFax(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId,
                                                new List <string>()
                    faxNumber, faxNumber
                                                file, "Faxing Demo", "777-777-7000", DateTime.Now, "Fine", "Demo Job", "Demo Header",
                                                "Demo Billing Code", ConfigInfo.Email);

                var result1 = ret1.Result;
                JobId = new Guid(result1); //Save the Id.

            //You can loop here until the job is done.
            //There is a cache on the server side.  Calls will only be updated every 3 minutes.  So just be patient.
            //Ask for FaxStatus of the job.  Really we should wait a few minutes.  There's no chance it'll be done right away.
            bool loop = true;

            while (loop)
                Console.Write("\r\nEnter [y] to check the fax FaxStatus now.  Enter [n] to exit loop: ");
                var result = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (result == "y")
                    var desc = this.GetFaxDescription(JobId);
                    Console.WriteLine("  --Job Name: " + desc.JobName + " Status:" + desc.FaxStatus.ToString());
                    foreach (var call in desc.FaxCallInfoList)
                        Console.WriteLine("    --Call To: " + call.TermNumber + " Status:" + call.CallResult.ToString());
                if (result == "n")
                    loop = false;
예제 #3
        public FaxDesc GetFaxDescription(Guid jobId)
            //Ask for FaxStatus of the job.
            var fax  = new FaxId(jobId);
            var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetFaxDescriptions(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId,
                                                       new List <IFaxId>()

            Assert.IsTrue(ret1.Result.Count == 1); //Just one
            return((FaxDesc)ret1.Result[0]);       //We asked for 1 result, return it.
예제 #4
        public void GetProductAndAccountInfo()
            Console.WriteLine("Get Some Info about the products and account.");

                //Display the Account Info
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetAccountInfo(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass);
                var result1 = ret1.Result;
                Console.WriteLine("---------Showing Account Information for this user---------");
                Console.WriteLine("AccountName: " + result1.AccountName + " AcctNumber: " + result1.AccountNumber + " State: " + result1.AccountState.ToString());

                //Display all the Products avialable to this login.
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetProductList(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass);
                var result1 = ret1.Result;
                Console.WriteLine("---------Showing Product Information for this user---------");
                foreach (var prod in result1)
                    Console.WriteLine("ProductName: " + prod.Name + " ProdType: " + prod.ProductType + " State: " + prod.ProductState.ToString() + " Id: " + prod.Id);

                //Display all the fax to Email products avialable to this login.
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetF2EProductList(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass);
                var result1 = ret1.Result;
                Console.WriteLine("---------Showing Fax To Email Product Information for this user---------");
                foreach (var prod in result1)
                    Console.WriteLine("ProductName: " + prod.Name + " ProdType: " + prod.ProductType + " State: " + prod.ProductState.ToString() + " Id: " + prod.Id);

                //Get even more detail for a particular Fax To Email Product.
                var temp   = FaxInterface.GetF2EProductList(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass).Result;
                var prodId = Guid.Empty;
                if (temp != null && temp.Count > 0)
                    prodId = temp[0].Id;                                                                   //Discover an Id.
                    var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetF2EProductDetail(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, prodId); //Now query it
                    var result1 = ret1.Result;
                    Console.WriteLine("---------Showing Detail Fax To Email Product Information---------");
                    Console.WriteLine("ProductName: " + result1.Name + " ProdType: " + result1.ProductType + " State: " + result1.ProductState.ToString() + " Id: " + result1.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("Qty Inbound: " + result1.QuantityInbound + " Qty Outbound: " + result1.QuantityOutbound + " Number: " + result1.InboundNumber);

                //Get Some Info About me (the user)
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetUserProfile(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass); //Get my info
                var result1 = ret1.Result;
                Console.WriteLine("---------Showing User Profile Detail---------");
                Console.WriteLine("FirstName: " + result1.FirstName + " FirstName: " + result1.LastName + " Fax: " + result1.Fax + " Email: " + result1.Email);

                //Get Some Info About me (the user) - enhanced.  Has login and ACL permissions.
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetLoginInfo(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass); //Get my info
                var result1 = ret1.Result;
                Console.WriteLine("---------Showing User Profile Detail---------");
                Console.WriteLine("FirstName: " + result1.Contact.FirstName + " FirstName: " + result1.Contact.LastName + " Fax: " + result1.Contact.Fax + " Email: " + result1.Contact.Email);
                Console.WriteLine("UsernName: " + result1.UserName + " Id: " + result1.Id.ToString());
                //Acctss Control List contains permissions on various objects.
                foreach (var acl in result1.AclList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Type: " + acl.ACLType.ToString() + " Role: " + acl.UserRoleLevel.ToString() + " ACL Item: " + acl.EntityName + " Id: " + acl.EntityId.ToString());

                //Users can sent a fax to a stored Contact.  Get that list here.  This list can be product qualified.
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetContactList(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass); //Get the contacts I can see.
                var result1 = ret1.Result;
                Console.WriteLine("---------Showing Contacts---------");
                foreach (var contact in result1)
                    Console.WriteLine("FirstName: " + contact.FirstName + " FirstName: " + contact.LastName + " Fax: " + contact.FaxNumber + " Email: " + contact.Email);
                    Console.WriteLine("Type: " + contact.Type + " Owner: " + contact.OwnerId);

                //Show details of the selected product
                var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetProductList(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass); //Get the products I can see.
                var product = ret1.Result.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == ConfigInfo.ProductId);
                Console.WriteLine("---------Showing Selected Product---------");
                Console.WriteLine("ProductName: " + product.Name + " ProdType: " + product.ProductType + " State: " + product.ProductState.ToString() + " Id: " + product.Id);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will retrieve a fax if there is one there, and then mark it deleted after retrieving it.
        /// Marking it deleted does not delete the fax.  It merely marks it as downloaded so that the next time you ask for
        /// faxes it does not return it.  Basically, you are able to tell the API you aren't interested in it anymore.
        /// Mark as downloaded when you have successfully pulled and saved the fax.
        /// </summary>
        public void RetrieveInboundFax()
            Console.WriteLine("Retreive a fax document from the API, see its properties and display it.  Need to have an inbound fax in your account for this to work.");

            //Get Inbound Faxes
            var ret1 = FaxInterface.GetInboundFaxIds(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId);

            //Check if we got any.
            if (ret1.Result.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Did not find any inbound faxes to retrieve.  Please send one to your account.");

            //Get the first one, and retrieve detail and retrieve the document.
            var fax = ret1.Result[0];

            //Retrieve the fax detail, and echo to screen.
            FaxInterface.GetFaxDescriptions(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId, new List <IFaxId>()
            if (ret1.Result.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not retrieve the detail.  Something bad happened with the API.");

            var faxDetail = (FaxDesc)ret1.Result[0];

            Console.WriteLine("A fax was found:");
            //Show the fax info
            Console.WriteLine("  Name: " + faxDetail.JobName + " Status:" + faxDetail.FaxStatus.ToString()); //There's more detail here not shown
            foreach (var call in faxDetail.FaxCallInfoList)
                Console.WriteLine("    --Number: " + call.TermNumber + " Status:" + call.CallResult.ToString()); //There's more detail here not shown

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieving and showing the docuement as a PDF.");
            //Now retrieve the document as a pdf and show it. Other formats are supported here.
            var ret3 = FaxInterface.GetFaxDocuments(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId, new List <IFaxId>()
            }, FileFormat.Pdf);

            Assert.IsTrue(ret3.Result.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(((FaxDesc)ret3.Result[0]).FaxFileList.Count > 0);
            //Show the file
            foreach (var item in ret3.Result)

            Console.WriteLine("Marking this fax as deleted or removed.  and then marking it as read.");

            //Now delete this one.
            var ret4 = FaxInterface.MarkAsDeleted(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId, new List <IFaxId>()

            Assert.IsTrue(ret4.Result); //It should work.

            //Now retrieve the faxes again.  The one we just got will be missing.
            ret1 = FaxInterface.GetInboundFaxIds(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId);
            //The one we just deleted will be gone!  Can't find it in the resulting collection.
            Assert.IsTrue(ret1.Result.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == fax.Id) == null);

            //Now mark it as read.
            ret4 = FaxInterface.MarkAsRead(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId, new List <IFaxId>()
            Assert.IsTrue(ret4.Result); //It should work.

            //Now retrieve the faxes again.  This one will come back!  It is not really deleted.
            ret1 = FaxInterface.GetInboundFaxIds(ConfigInfo.User, ConfigInfo.Pass, ConfigInfo.ProductId);
            //The one we just deleted will be back!
            Assert.IsTrue(ret1.Result.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == fax.Id) != null);
            //Also it will be marked as Read (or "Retrieved") meaning that it has been retrieved from the server.
            Assert.IsTrue(ret1.Result[0].Tag == "Retrieved");