예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Submits an exception as a fault to the ESB Exception database
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The majority of the properties populated in the fault are needed for the WCF-generated
        /// fault to look the same as an ESB-generated fault, as null values are allowed in the
        /// database, but will prevent records showing in the ESB management portal.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="serviceProviderName">Name of the service provider</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">Name of the service submitting the fault</param>
        /// <param name="faultDescription">Description or fault/error message</param>
        /// <param name="severity">Severity of fault</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception that was caught</param>
        public static void SubmitFault(string serviceProviderName, string serviceName,
                                       string faultDescription, FaultSeverity severity, Exception ex)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            //populate the header:
            FaultMessageHeader header = new FaultMessageHeader();

            header.DateTime          = now.ToString();
            header.MachineName       = Environment.MachineName;
            header.Application       = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.BizTalkApplication;
            header.ServiceName       = string.Format("{0}.{1}", serviceProviderName, serviceName);
            header.ErrorType         = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.ErrorType;
            header.FailureCategory   = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.FailureCategory;
            header.FaultCode         = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.FaultCode;
            header.FaultSeverity     = (int)severity;
            header.FaultDescription  = faultDescription;
            header.FaultGenerator    = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.FaultGeneratorName;
            header.Description       = string.Format("Fault occurred in provider: {0}, processing service: {1}", serviceProviderName, serviceName);
            header.MessageID         = GetDeterministicGuid("{0}_{1}_{2}", serviceProviderName, serviceName, now.Ticks).ToString();
            header.ActivityIdentity  = GetDeterministicGuid("{0}_{1}", serviceProviderName, serviceName).ToString();
            header.ServiceInstanceID = GetDeterministicGuid(serviceProviderName).ToString();
            //OperationContext is thread static, no may be null if call from child threads:
            if (OperationContext.Current == null)
                header.Scope = "Worker thread";
                header.Scope = OperationContext.Current.EndpointDispatcher.EndpointAddress.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

            //populate exception details:
            FaultMessageExceptionObject faultException = new FaultMessageExceptionObject();

            faultException.Source     = ex.Source;
            faultException.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace;
            faultException.Message    = ex.Message;
            faultException.Type       = ex.GetType().FullName;
            if (ex.TargetSite != null)
                faultException.TargetSite = ex.TargetSite.ToString();
            if (ex.InnerException != null)
                faultException.InnerExceptionMessage = ex.InnerException.Message;
                //ESB uses the fault code here:
                faultException.InnerExceptionMessage = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.FaultCode;

            FaultMessage message = new FaultMessage();

            message.Header          = header;
            message.ExceptionObject = faultException;
        /// <summary>
        /// Submits an exception as a fault to the ESB Exception database
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The majority of the properties populated in the fault are needed for the WCF-generated
        /// fault to look the same as an ESB-generated fault, as null values are allowed in the 
        /// database, but will prevent records showing in the ESB management portal.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="serviceProviderName">Name of the service provider</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">Name of the service submitting the fault</param>
        /// <param name="faultDescription">Description or fault/error message</param>
        /// <param name="severity">Severity of fault</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception that was caught</param>
        public static void SubmitFault(string serviceProviderName, string serviceName, 
                                       string faultDescription, FaultSeverity severity, Exception ex)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            //populate the header:
            FaultMessageHeader header = new FaultMessageHeader();
            header.DateTime = now.ToString();
            header.MachineName = Environment.MachineName;
            header.Application = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.BizTalkApplication;
            header.ServiceName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", serviceProviderName, serviceName);
            header.ErrorType = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.ErrorType;
            header.FailureCategory = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.FailureCategory;
            header.FaultCode = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.FaultCode;
            header.FaultSeverity = (int)severity;
            header.FaultDescription = faultDescription;
            header.FaultGenerator = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.FaultGeneratorName;
            header.Description = string.Format("Fault occurred in provider: {0}, processing service: {1}", serviceProviderName, serviceName);
            header.MessageID = GetDeterministicGuid("{0}_{1}_{2}", serviceProviderName, serviceName, now.Ticks).ToString();
            header.ActivityIdentity = GetDeterministicGuid("{0}_{1}", serviceProviderName, serviceName).ToString();
            header.ServiceInstanceID = GetDeterministicGuid(serviceProviderName).ToString();
            //OperationContext is thread static, no may be null if call from child threads:
            if (OperationContext.Current == null)
                header.Scope = "Worker thread";
                header.Scope = OperationContext.Current.EndpointDispatcher.EndpointAddress.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

            //populate exception details:
            FaultMessageExceptionObject faultException = new FaultMessageExceptionObject();
            faultException.Source = ex.Source;
            faultException.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace;
            faultException.Message = ex.Message;
            faultException.Type = ex.GetType().FullName;
            if (ex.TargetSite != null)
                faultException.TargetSite = ex.TargetSite.ToString();
            if (ex.InnerException != null)
                faultException.InnerExceptionMessage = ex.InnerException.Message;
                //ESB uses the fault code here:
                faultException.InnerExceptionMessage = ServiceProviderErrorHandlerConfiguration.Current.FaultCode;

            FaultMessage message = new FaultMessage();
            message.Header = header;
            message.ExceptionObject = faultException;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a FaultEvent.
 /// The pattern:
 /// 1. FEvent = new FaultEvent(...)
 /// 2. tsession.PostEvent(FEvent)        //posts the event to Watson and AI
 /// External users should call the TelemetrySession extension methods "PostFault" (which calls PostEvent)
 /// It becomes more useful when correlated with <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.UserTaskEvent" /> or <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.OperationEvent" /> which may have led to the fault occurence.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="eventName">
 /// An event name following data model schema.
 /// It requires that event name is a unique, not null or empty string.
 /// It consists of 3 parts and must follows pattern [product]/[featureName]/[entityName]. FeatureName could be a one-level feature or feature hierarchy delimited by "/".
 /// For examples,
 /// vs/platform/opensolution;
 /// vs/platform/editor/lightbulb/fixerror;
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="description"></param>
 /// <param name="faultSeverity">The severity of the fault, used to identify actionable or important faults in divisional tools and reporting.</param>
 /// <param name="exceptionObject"></param>
 /// <param name="gatherEventDetails">This delegate is called to gather expensive details (like jscript call stacks) only when not sampled.
 /// The callback parameter can be cast to to a FaultEvent or (IVsFaultEvent in native) which inherits from TelemetryEvent (IVsTelemetryEvent in native)
 /// <seealso cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.IFaultUtility" />
 /// </param>
 public FaultEvent(string eventName, string description, FaultSeverity faultSeverity, Exception exceptionObject = null, Func <IFaultUtility, int> gatherEventDetails = null)
     : base(eventName, TelemetrySeverity.High, DataModelEventType.Fault)
     Description        = (description ?? string.Empty);
     ExceptionObject    = exceptionObject;
     GatherEventDetails = gatherEventDetails;
     FaultSeverity      = faultSeverity;
     UserOptInToWatson  = FaultEventWatsonOptIn.Unspecified;
예제 #4
    public TelemetryEventCorrelation PostFault(string eventName, string description, FaultSeverity faultSeverity, Exception exceptionObject)
        _ = WriteLineToOutputWindowAsync($"Exception: '{eventName}'");
        _ = WriteLineToOutputWindowAsync($"           {description}");
        _ = WriteLineToOutputWindowAsync($"           {Enum.GetName(typeof(FaultSeverity), faultSeverity)}");
        _ = WriteLineToOutputWindowAsync($"           {exceptionObject}");
        return(_session.PostFault(eventName, description, faultSeverity, exceptionObject));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Post a fault event with an exception object and a callback. The callback can be used to calculate expensive data to be sent
        /// to the Watson back end, such as JScript callstacks, etc
        /// It becomes more useful when correlated with <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.UserTaskEvent" /> or <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.OperationEvent" /> which may have led to the fault occurence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="telemetrySession"></param>
        /// <param name="eventName">
        /// An event name following data model schema.
        /// It requires that event name is a unique, not null or empty string.
        /// It consists of 3 parts and must follows pattern [product]/[featureName]/[entityName]. FeatureName could be a one-level feature or feature hierarchy delimited by "/".
        /// For examples,
        /// vs/platform/opensolution;
        /// vs/platform/editor/lightbulb/fixerror;
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        /// <param name="faultSeverity">The severity of the fault, used to identify actionable or important faults in divisional tools and reporting.</param>
        /// <param name="exceptionObject">can be null</param>
        /// <param name="gatherEventDetails">Allows the user to provide code to execute synchronously to gather computationally expensive info about the event</param>
        /// <param name="correlatedWith">
        /// Specify which events to correlate by using property <see cref="P:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.TelemetryEvent.Correlation" />
        /// Good candidates to correlate with <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.FaultEvent" /> are,
        /// <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.UserTaskEvent" />
        /// <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.OperationEvent" />
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The fault correlation.</returns>
        public static TelemetryEventCorrelation PostFault(this TelemetrySession telemetrySession, string eventName, string description, FaultSeverity faultSeverity, Exception exceptionObject, Func <IFaultUtility, int> gatherEventDetails, TelemetryEventCorrelation[] correlatedWith)
            FaultEvent faultEvent = new FaultEvent(eventName, description, faultSeverity, exceptionObject, gatherEventDetails);

예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Post a fault event with an exception object and a callback. The callback can be used to calculate expensive data to be sent
 /// to the Watson back end, such as JScript callstacks, etc
 /// It becomes more useful when correlated with <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.UserTaskEvent" /> or <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.OperationEvent" /> which may have led to the fault occurence.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="telemetrySession"></param>
 /// <param name="eventName">
 /// An event name following data model schema.
 /// It requires that event name is a unique, not null or empty string.
 /// It consists of 3 parts and must follows pattern [product]/[featureName]/[entityName]. FeatureName could be a one-level feature or feature hierarchy delimited by "/".
 /// For examples,
 /// vs/platform/opensolution;
 /// vs/platform/editor/lightbulb/fixerror;
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="description"></param>
 /// <param name="faultSeverity">The severity of the fault, used to identify actionable or important faults in divisional tools and reporting.</param>
 /// <param name="exceptionObject">can be null</param>
 /// <param name="gatherEventDetails">Allows the user to provide code to execute synchronously to gather computationally expensive info about the event</param>
 /// <returns>The fault correlation.</returns>
 public static TelemetryEventCorrelation PostFault(this TelemetrySession telemetrySession, string eventName, string description, FaultSeverity faultSeverity, Exception exceptionObject, Func <IFaultUtility, int> gatherEventDetails)
     return(telemetrySession.PostFault(eventName, description, faultSeverity, exceptionObject, gatherEventDetails, null));
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Post a Fault Event with a managed Exception object. The bucket parameters are created from the exception object.
 /// It becomes more useful when correlated with <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.UserTaskEvent" /> or <see cref="T:Coding4Fun.VisualStudio.Telemetry.OperationEvent" /> which may have led to the fault occurence.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="telemetrySession"></param>
 /// <param name="eventName">
 /// An event name following data model schema.
 /// It requires that event name is a unique, not null or empty string.
 /// It consists of 3 parts and must follows pattern [product]/[featureName]/[entityName]. FeatureName could be a one-level feature or feature hierarchy delimited by "/".
 /// For examples,
 /// vs/platform/opensolution;
 /// vs/platform/editor/lightbulb/fixerror;
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="description"></param>
 /// <param name="faultSeverity">The severity of the fault, used to identify actionable or important faults in divisional tools and reporting.</param>
 /// <param name="exceptionObject"></param>
 /// <returns>The fault event correlation.</returns>
 public static TelemetryEventCorrelation PostFault(this TelemetrySession telemetrySession, string eventName, string description, FaultSeverity faultSeverity, Exception exceptionObject)
     return(telemetrySession.PostFault(eventName, description, faultSeverity, exceptionObject, null));