public static void TakTrampInit() { string originalDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory; try { Channel.Initialize(Console.In, Console.Out); System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = "C:\\jrm-code-project\\TakTest\\"; Primitive.Initialize(); FixedObjectsVector.Initialize(); bootstrap = (Fasl.Fasload("tak.bin") as SCode).Bind(new RootBindingEnvironment(Microcode.Environment.Global)); } finally { System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = originalDirectory; } }
static void ColdLoad() { string originalDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory; try { // System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\..\\..\\..\\Runtime7\\"; Channel.Initialize(Console.In, Console.Out); Object answer; if (true) { String projectRoot = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory).Parent.Parent.FullName; if (System.IO.File.Exists(projectRoot + "\\lib\\runtime\\site.bin")) { Microcode.Interpreter.LibraryPath = projectRoot + "\\lib\\"; } else if (System.IO.File.Exists(projectRoot + "\\StagingLib\\Runtime\\site.bin")) { Microcode.Interpreter.LibraryPath = projectRoot + "\\StagingLib\\"; } else { Microcode.Interpreter.LibraryPath = projectRoot + "\\BootstrapLib\\"; Fasl.EnableOldFasload = true; } System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Microcode.Interpreter.LibraryPath + "runtime\\"); Console.WriteLine("{0}", System.Environment.CurrentDirectory); // We don't try to load a band. It's even slower than loading the fasl files! // Load a band //System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = "C:\\jrm-code-project\\MIT-Scheme\\Runtime\\"; //System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = "C:\\mit-scheme\\v7\\src\\runtime\\"; try { System.IO.FileStream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead("C:\\jrm-code-project\\MIT-Scheme\\"); System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bfmt = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter(); WorldState ws = (WorldState)bfmt.Deserialize(input); ScreenChannel.firstTime = false; answer = Continuation.Initial(ws); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { // Cold load the Scheme runtime SCode bootstrap = Fasl.Fasload("make.bin") as SCode; Microcode.Environment initial = Microcode.Environment.Global; answer = Continuation.Initial(bootstrap, initial); } Console.WriteLine("Evaluation exited with {0}", answer); } else { // Tak System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = "C:\\jrm-code-project\\TakTest\\"; SCode tak = Fasl.Fasload("tak.bin") as SCode; Microcode.Environment initial = Microcode.Environment.Global; //for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // ControlState ctl = new ControlState (tak, initial); // ctl.expression = tak; // ctl.closureEnvironment = initial; // Stopwatch takWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew (); // object result = null; // while (ctl.expression.Eval (ref result, ref ctl)) { }; // if (result == Interpreter.CaptureContinuation) throw new NotImplementedException (); // long ticks = takWatch.ElapsedTicks; // Console.WriteLine ("Ticks {0}", ticks); //} //Console.WriteLine ("e"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Control expr = tak; Microcode.Environment env = initial; answer = null; Stopwatch takWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (expr.EvalStep(out answer, ref expr, ref env)) { } ; if (answer == Interpreter.UnwindStack) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } //TakLoop (tak, initial); long ticks = takWatch.ElapsedTicks; Console.WriteLine("Ticks {0}", ticks); } //Console.WriteLine ("e"); //for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // Stopwatch takWatch1 = Stopwatch.StartNew (); // PartialResult result = tak.Eval (Microcode.Environment.Global); // while (result.Continue != null) { result = result.Continue.Step (); } // if (result.CaptureContinuation != null) throw new NotImplementedException (); // long ticks = takWatch1.ElapsedTicks; // Console.WriteLine ("Ticks {0}", ticks); //} } // Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter (); //PartialResult result = bootstrap.Eval (Microcode.Environment.Global); //while (result.Continue != null) { result = result.Continue.Step(); } //if (result.CaptureContinuation != null) throw new NotImplementedException (); //Console.WriteLine ("Returned with {0}", result.Value); // Termination term = interpreter.Start (bootstrap); // Console.WriteLine (term.Message); } finally { System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = originalDirectory; } }