public FashionData GetFashionData(uint fashion_id) { FashionData data = null; fashionDatas.TryGetValue(fashion_id, out data); return(data); }
static int GetFashionData(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); FashionConfig obj = (FashionConfig)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObjectSelf(L, 1, "FashionConfig"); uint arg0 = (uint)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2); FashionData o = obj.GetFashionData(arg0); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
static int _CreateFashionData(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 0) { FashionData obj = new FashionData(); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, obj); return(1); } else { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "invalid arguments to method: FashionData.New"); } return(0); }
protected void OnGetFashionInfo(short state, SendFashionInfo down = null) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "OnGetFashionInfo: ", state, " ", down.Info.get_Count(), " ", down.wearFashion.get_Count() })); if (state != 0) { StateManager.Instance.StateShow(state, 0); return; } if (down == null) { return; } this.fashionImformation.Clear(); this.dressingFashionData.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < down.Info.get_Count(); i++) { FashionData fashionData = new FashionData(); fashionData.dataID = down.Info.get_Item(i).fashionId; fashionData.time = down.Info.get_Item(i).times; fashionData.state = ((!down.Info.get_Item(i).isWear) ? ((down.Info.get_Item(i).times != 0) ? FashionData.FashionDataState.Own : FashionData.FashionDataState.Expired) : FashionData.FashionDataState.Dressing); fashionData.isAddAttr = down.Info.get_Item(i).hasEffect; this.fashionImformation.Add(down.Info.get_Item(i).fashionId, fashionData); } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (j < down.wearFashion.get_Count()) { this.dressingFashionData.Add(j + FashionDataSelete.Clothes, down.wearFashion.get_Item(j)); } else { this.dressingFashionData.Add(j + FashionDataSelete.Clothes, string.Empty); } } this.TryFlushFashionUI(); this.TryFlushShopUI(); }
static int get_reset_id(IntPtr L) { object o = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaObject(L, 1); FashionData obj = (FashionData)o; if (obj == null) { LuaTypes types = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 1); if (types == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "unknown member name reset_id"); } else { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "attempt to index reset_id on a nil value"); } } LuaScriptMgr.Push(L, obj.reset_id); return(1); }
static int set_reset_num(IntPtr L) { object o = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaObject(L, 1); FashionData obj = (FashionData)o; if (obj == null) { LuaTypes types = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 1); if (types == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "unknown member name reset_num"); } else { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "attempt to index reset_num on a nil value"); } } obj.reset_num = (uint)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 3); return(0); }
public void SetData(FashionData fashionInformation, bool isShowHighLight) { this.fashionDataID = fashionInformation.dataID; ShiZhuangXiTong shiZhuangXiTong = DataReader <ShiZhuangXiTong> .Get(fashionInformation.dataID); if (DataReader <Items> .Contains(shiZhuangXiTong.itemsID)) { Items items = DataReader <Items> .Get(shiZhuangXiTong.itemsID); this.SetIcon(items); this.SetName(GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(, false)); this.SetLevel(GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(items.describeId2, false)); this.SetTimeLimit(this.GetTimeStringByTimeout(fashionInformation.state, fashionInformation.time)); this.SetState(fashionInformation.state); this.SetMask(this.GetIsMaskOn(fashionInformation.state)); } else { this.SetName(string.Empty); this.SetLevel(string.Empty); this.SetTimeLimit(string.Empty); this.SetState(FashionData.FashionDataState.None); this.SetMask(true); } if (isShowHighLight) { if (this.highLightFxID == 0) { this.highLightFxID = FXSpineManager.Instance.PlaySpine(603, base.get_transform(), "FashionUI", 3010, null, "UI", 0f, -3f, 1.1f, 1.2f, true, FXMaskLayer.MaskState.None); } } else { FXSpineManager.Instance.DeleteSpine(this.highLightFxID, true); this.highLightFxID = 0; } }
public void ReadConfig() { if (isLoadFinish == false) { return; } isLoadFinish = false; lock (LockObject) { GameSystem.Instance.readConfigCnt += 1; } Debug.Log("Config reading " + name1); string text = ResourceLoadManager.Instance.GetConfigText(name1); if (text == null) { Debug.LogError("LoadConfig failed: " + name1); return; } //读取以及处理XML文本的类 XmlDocument doc = CommonFunction.LoadXmlConfig(name1, text); XmlNode node_data = doc.SelectSingleNode("Data"); foreach (XmlNode node_line in node_data.SelectNodes("Line")) { if (node_line.SelectSingleNode("switch").InnerText == "#") { continue; } FashionItem data = new FashionItem(); data.fashion_id = uint.Parse(node_line.SelectSingleNode("id").InnerText); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { string tmp = "shape_id" + (i + 1); string shaderID = node_line.SelectSingleNode(tmp).InnerText; if (shaderID == "") { continue; } FashionMatch item = new FashionMatch(); item.shape_id = shaderID; tmp = "bone_id" + (i + 1); string strHideId = node_line.SelectSingleNode(tmp).InnerText; string[] tokens = strHideId.Split('&'); foreach (string token in tokens) { uint hide_Id; if (uint.TryParse(token, out hide_Id)) { item.hide_id.Add(hide_Id); } } tmp = "body_type" + (i + 1); item.body_type = node_line.SelectSingleNode(tmp).InnerText; data.fashion_matchs.Add(item.body_type, item); } configs.Add(data.fashion_id, data); } Debug.Log("Config reading " + name2); text = ResourceLoadManager.Instance.GetConfigText(name2); if (text == null) { Debug.LogError("LoadConfig failed: " + name2); return; } //读取以及处理XML文本的类 doc = CommonFunction.LoadXmlConfig(GlobalConst.DIR_XML_BONE_MAPPING, text); node_data = doc.SelectSingleNode("Data"); foreach (XmlNode node_line in node_data.SelectNodes("Line")) { HidePart data = new HidePart(); data.hide_id = uint.Parse(node_line.SelectSingleNode("id").InnerText); data.part_id = node_line.SelectSingleNode("part").InnerText; mapHideParts.Add(data.hide_id, data); } Debug.Log("Config reading " + name3); text = ResourceLoadManager.Instance.GetConfigText(name3); if (text == null) { Debug.LogError("LoadConfig failed: " + name3); return; } //读取以及处理XML文本的类 doc = CommonFunction.LoadXmlConfig(GlobalConst.DIR_XML_FASHIONATTR, text); node_data = doc.SelectSingleNode("Data"); foreach (XmlNode node_line in node_data.SelectNodes("Line")) { if (node_line.SelectSingleNode("switch").InnerText == "#") { continue; } FashionAttr fashionAttr = new FashionAttr(); fashionAttr.attr_id = uint.Parse(node_line.SelectSingleNode("attrs_id").InnerText); string attrsStr = node_line.SelectSingleNode("attrs").InnerText.ToString(); string[] attr = attrsStr.Split(':'); fashionAttr.player_attr_id = uint.Parse(attr[0]); fashionAttr.player_attr_num = uint.Parse(attr[1]); if (!fashionAttrs.ContainsKey(fashionAttr.attr_id)) { fashionAttrs.Add(fashionAttr.attr_id, fashionAttr); } } Debug.Log("Config reading " + name4); text = ResourceLoadManager.Instance.GetConfigText(name4); if (text == null) { Debug.LogError("LoadConfig failed: " + name4); return; } //读取以及处理XML文本的类 doc = CommonFunction.LoadXmlConfig(GlobalConst.DIR_XML_FASHIONDATA, text); node_data = doc.SelectSingleNode("Data"); foreach (XmlNode node_line in node_data.SelectNodes("Line")) { if (node_line.SelectSingleNode("switch").InnerText == "#") { continue; } FashionData fashionData = new FashionData(); fashionData.fashion_id = uint.Parse(node_line.SelectSingleNode("id").InnerText); string resetInfo = node_line.SelectSingleNode("reset_price").InnerText.ToString(); string[] resetArr = resetInfo.Split(':'); fashionData.reset_id = uint.Parse(resetArr[0]); fashionData.reset_num = uint.Parse(resetArr[1]); if (!fashionDatas.ContainsKey(fashionData.fashion_id)) { fashionDatas.Add(fashionData.fashion_id, fashionData); } } }
public ActionResult GenerateQRcode(int Id, decimal Amount, string sign, int memberId) { try { FashionData fd = new FashionData(); fd.SetValue("Id", Id); fd.SetValue("Price", Amount); fd.SetValue("UserId", memberId); fd.SetValue("sign", sign); if (fd.CheckSign()) { var Price = _storeValueRuleContract.StoreValueRules.Where(x => x.Id == Id).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); if (Price != null) { if (Amount == Price.Price) { Dictionary <string, object> m_value = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string bodyStr = ""; //商品信息描述 if (Price.RuleType == 0) { bodyStr = "零时尚充值中心-储值充值"; } else { bodyStr = "零时尚充值中心-积分充值"; } RechargeOrder order = new RechargeOrder(); order.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(Amount); order.RechargeType = (MemberActivityFlag)Price.RuleType; order.RuleTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(Price.Id); if (Price.RuleType == 0) { //储值 order.TureAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(Price.RewardMoney + Price.Price); } else if (Price.RuleType == 1) { //积分 order.TureAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(Price.Score); } order.Pay_Type = Convert.ToInt32(3); order.UserId = memberId; //订单号生成规则 当前时间+随机5位数 string out_trade_no = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff").ToString() + new Random().Next(10000, 99999).ToString(); order.order_Uid = out_trade_no; var res = _rechargeOrderContract.Insert(order); if (res.ResultType == OperationResultType.Success) { var product_id = _rechargeOrderContract.RechargeOrders.Where(x => x.order_Uid == out_trade_no) .Select(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault(); WxPayData wxdata = new WxPayData(); wxdata.SetValue("body", bodyStr);//商品描述 wxdata.SetValue("attach", "test"); wxdata.SetValue("out_trade_no", out_trade_no); //总金额 订单总金额,只能为整数,详见支付金额 注意:金额不带小数点,最小为分,即1元=100分,传数据即可 wxdata.SetValue("total_fee", 1); wxdata.SetValue("time_start", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); wxdata.SetValue("time_expire", DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); wxdata.SetValue("trade_type", "NATIVE"); wxdata.SetValue("nonce_str", Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "")); wxdata.SetValue("product_id", product_id); wxdata.SetValue("appid", PaymentConfigHelper.Wx_XD_AppId); wxdata.SetValue("mch_id", PaymentConfigHelper.Wx_XD_MCHID); //商户号 wxdata.SetValue("spbill_create_ip", PaymentConfigHelper.Ip); //终端ip WxPayData result = WxPayApi.UnifiedOrder(wxdata, 6, 2, 2); ViewData["out_trade_no"] = out_trade_no; if (result.GetValue("return_code").ToString() == "SUCCESS") { if (result.GetValue("code_url").ToString() != "") { string url = result.GetValue("code_url").ToString();//获得统一下单接口返回的二维码链接 ViewBag.image = ImageHelper.CreateQRCode(url, Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "")); } else { ViewBag.error = "此次充值异常"; } } else { ViewBag.error = "此次充值异常"; } } else { ViewBag.error = "此次充值异常"; } } else { ViewBag.error = "充值金额有误"; } } else { ViewBag.error = "此次充值异常"; } } else { ViewBag.error = "此次充值异常"; } } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.error = "此次充值异常"; } return(PartialView()); }
public ActionResult RechargeWx(int Id, int AddFlag) { var memberType = _memberContract.Members.Where(x => x.Id == Id).Select(x => x.MemberTypeId).FirstOrDefault(); var Price = _storeValueRuleContract.StoreValueRules.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false && x.IsEnabled == true && x.IsForever == true && x.RuleType == 0) .Select(c => new { c.StoreValueName, Name = c.MemberTypes.Select(x => x.Id), c.Price, c.RewardMoney, c.Score, c.StartDate, c.EndDate, c.IsForever, c.Descrip, c.Id, c.IsDeleted, c.IsEnabled, c.Sequence, c.UpdatedTime, c.Operator.Member.MemberName }).ToList(); string priceDiv = ""; foreach (var item in Price) { if (item.Name.Contains(memberType)) { FashionData fd = new FashionData(); fd.SetValue("Id", item.Id); fd.SetValue("Price", item.Price); fd.SetValue("UserId", Id); string sign = fd.MakeSign(); priceDiv += "<div class=\"col - md - 3\">"; priceDiv += "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-info btn - block\" data-index=\"" + item.Id + "\" data-amount=\"" + item.Price + "\" data-sign=\"" + sign + "\" style=\"height: 50px\">充" + (int)item.Price + "元送" + (int)item.RewardMoney + "元</button>"; priceDiv += "</div><br/>"; } } var PriceForever = _storeValueRuleContract.StoreValueRules.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false && x.IsEnabled == true && x.IsForever == false && x.RuleType == 0) .Where(x => x.StartDate <= DateTime.Now && x.EndDate >= DateTime.Now) .Select(c => new { c.StoreValueName, Name = c.MemberTypes.Select(x => x.Id), c.Price, c.RewardMoney, c.Score, c.StartDate, c.EndDate, c.IsForever, c.Descrip, c.Id, c.IsDeleted, c.IsEnabled, c.Sequence, c.UpdatedTime, c.Operator.Member.MemberName }).ToList(); foreach (var item in PriceForever) { if (item.Name.Contains(memberType)) { FashionData fd = new FashionData(); fd.SetValue("Id", item.Id); fd.SetValue("Price", item.Price); fd.SetValue("UserId", Id); string sign = fd.MakeSign(); priceDiv += "<div class=\"col - md - 3\">"; priceDiv += "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-info btn - block\" data-index=\"" + item.Id + "\" data-amount=\"" + item.Price + "\" data-sign=\"" + sign + "\" style=\"height: 50px\">充" + (int)item.Price + "元送" + (int)item.RewardMoney + "元<br/>"; priceDiv += "活动时间:" + item.StartDate.ToString("D") + "-" + item.EndDate.ToString("D") + "</button>"; priceDiv += "</div><br/>"; } } var Score = _storeValueRuleContract.StoreValueRules.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false && x.IsEnabled == true && x.IsForever == true && x.RuleType == 1) .Select(c => new { c.StoreValueName, Name = c.MemberTypes.Select(x => x.Id), c.Price, c.RewardMoney, c.Score, c.StartDate, c.EndDate, c.IsForever, c.Descrip, c.Id, c.IsDeleted, c.IsEnabled, c.Sequence, c.UpdatedTime, c.Operator.Member.MemberName }).ToList(); string ScoreDiv = ""; foreach (var item in Score) { if (item.Name.Contains(memberType)) { FashionData fd = new FashionData(); fd.SetValue("Id", item.Id); fd.SetValue("Price", item.Price); fd.SetValue("UserId", Id); string sign = fd.MakeSign(); ScoreDiv += "<div class=\"col - md - 3\">"; ScoreDiv += "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-info btn - block\" data-index=\"" + item.Id + "\" data-amount=\"" + item.Price + "\" data-sign=\"" + sign + "\" style=\"height: 50px\">充" + (int)item.Price + "元获得" + (int)item.Score + "积分</button>"; ScoreDiv += "</div><br/>"; } } var ScoreForever = _storeValueRuleContract.StoreValueRules.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false && x.IsEnabled == true && x.IsForever == false && x.RuleType == 1) .Where(x => x.StartDate <= DateTime.Now && x.EndDate >= DateTime.Now) .Select(c => new { c.StoreValueName, Name = c.MemberTypes.Select(x => x.Id), c.Price, c.RewardMoney, c.Score, c.StartDate, c.EndDate, c.IsForever, c.Descrip, c.Id, c.IsDeleted, c.IsEnabled, c.Sequence, c.UpdatedTime, c.Operator.Member.MemberName }).ToList(); foreach (var item in ScoreForever) { if (item.Name.Contains(memberType)) { FashionData fd = new FashionData(); fd.SetValue("Id", item.Id); fd.SetValue("Price", item.Price); fd.SetValue("UserId", Id); string sign = fd.MakeSign(); ScoreDiv += "<div class=\"col - md - 3\">"; ScoreDiv += "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-info btn - block\" data-index=\"" + item.Id + "\" data-amount=\"" + item.Price + "\" data-sign=\"" + sign + "\" style=\"height: 50px\">充" + (int)item.Price + "元获得" + (int)item.Score + "积分<br/>"; ScoreDiv += "活动时间:" + item.StartDate.ToString("D") + "-" + item.EndDate.ToString("D") + "</button>"; ScoreDiv += "</div><br/>"; } } ViewData["priceDiv"] = priceDiv; ViewData["ScoreDiv"] = ScoreDiv; ViewData["UserId"] = Id; return(PartialView()); }