public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { Vector2 position = projectile.Center; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, (int)position.X, (int)position.Y); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } // All the way across for (int x = 1; x < Main.maxTilesX; x++) { // Six down, last is platforms for (int y = -40; y <= 0; y++) { int xPosition = x; int yPosition = (int)(y + position.Y / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || yPosition < 0 || yPosition >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; if (tile == null) { continue; } // Testing for blocks that should not be destroyed bool noFossil = tile.type == TileID.DesertFossil && !NPC.downedBoss2; bool noDungeon = (tile.type == TileID.BlueDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.GreenDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.PinkDungeonBrick) && !NPC.downedBoss3; bool noHMOre = (tile.type == TileID.Cobalt || tile.type == TileID.Palladium || tile.type == TileID.Mythril || tile.type == TileID.Orichalcum || tile.type == TileID.Adamantite || tile.type == TileID.Titanium) && !NPC.downedMechBossAny; bool noChloro = tile.type == TileID.Chlorophyte && (!NPC.downedMechBoss1 || !NPC.downedMechBoss2 || !NPC.downedMechBoss3); bool noLihzahrd = tile.type == TileID.LihzahrdBrick && !NPC.downedGolemBoss; if (noFossil || noDungeon || noHMOre || noChloro || noLihzahrd) { continue; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); if (y == -20 || y == 0) { // Spawn platforms WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, TileID.Platforms, false, false, -1, 13); } if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } } } }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { Vector2 position = Projectile.Center; SoundEngine.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, (int)position.X, (int)position.Y); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } // All the way across for (int x = 1; x <= Main.maxTilesX; x++) { // Six down, last is platforms for (int y = -5; y <= 0; y++) { int xPosition = x; int yPosition = (int)(y + position.Y / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || yPosition < 0 || yPosition >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; if (tile == null) { continue; } if (!FargoGlobalProjectile.OkayToDestroyTile(tile)) { continue; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); if (y == 0) { FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition, false); // Spawn platforms WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, TileID.Platforms, false, false, -1, 13); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } } else { if (!FargoGlobalProjectile.TileIsLiterallyAir(tile)) { FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); } } } } }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { Vector2 position = Projectile.Center; SoundEngine.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, (int)position.X, (int)position.Y); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } // Seven across for (int x = -3; x <= 3; x++) { for (int y = (int)(1 + position.Y / 16.0f); y <= (Main.maxTilesY - 40); y++) { int xPosition = (int)(x + position.X / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || y < 0 || y >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, y]; if (tile == null) { continue; } if (!FargoGlobalProjectile.OkayToDestroyTile(tile)) { continue; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, y, false); // Spawn structure WorldGen.PlaceWall(xPosition, y, WallID.Stone); if ((x == -3) || (x == 3)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.GrayBrick); } else if ((x == -2 || x == 2) && (y % 10 == 0)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.Torches); } else if (x == 0) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.Rope); } NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, y, 1); } } }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { Vector2 position = Projectile.Center; SoundEngine.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, (int)position.X, (int)position.Y); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } // All the way across const int length = 400; bool goLeft = Projectile.Center.X < Main.player[Projectile.owner].Center.X; int min = goLeft ? -length : 0; int max = goLeft ? 0 : length; int[] deletableTiles = { TileID.Cactus, TileID.Trees, TileID.CorruptThorns, TileID.CrimsonThorns, TileID.JungleThorns }; for (int x = min; x < max; x++) { int xPosition = (int)(x + position.X / 16.0f); int yPosition = (int)(position.Y / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || yPosition < 0 || yPosition >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; if (tile == null) { continue; } if (deletableTiles.Contains(tile.type)) { FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); } // Spawn platforms WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, TileID.Platforms); NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } }
public static void PlaceHouse(int x, int y, Vector2 position, int side) { int xPosition = (int)((side * -1) + x + position.X / 16.0f); int yPosition = (int)(y + position.Y / 16.0f); Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; // Testing for blocks that should not be destroyed bool noFossil = tile.type == TileID.DesertFossil && !NPC.downedBoss2; bool noDungeon = (tile.type == TileID.BlueDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.GreenDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.PinkDungeonBrick) && !NPC.downedBoss3; bool noHMOre = (tile.type == TileID.Cobalt || tile.type == TileID.Palladium || tile.type == TileID.Mythril || tile.type == TileID.Orichalcum || tile.type == TileID.Adamantite || tile.type == TileID.Titanium) && !NPC.downedMechBossAny; bool noChloro = tile.type == TileID.Chlorophyte && (!NPC.downedMechBoss1 || !NPC.downedMechBoss2 || NPC.downedMechBoss3); bool noLihzahrd = tile.type == TileID.LihzahrdBrick && !NPC.downedGolemBoss; if (noFossil || noDungeon || noHMOre || noChloro || noLihzahrd) { return; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); /*// Tile destroy * WorldGen.KillTile(xPosition, yPosition, false, false, false); * WorldGen.KillWall(xPosition, yPosition); * Dust.NewDust(position, 22, 22, DustID.Smoke, Alpha: 120); * * // Kill liquids * if (tile != null) * { * tile.liquid = 0; * tile.lava(false); * tile.honey(false); * if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) * { * NetMessage.sendWater(xPosition, yPosition); * } * }*/ // Spawn walls if (y != -6 && y != -1 && x != (10 * side) && x != (1 * side)) { WorldGen.PlaceWall(xPosition, yPosition, WallID.Wood); } // Spawn border if ((y == -6) || (y == -1) || (x == (10 * side)) || (x == (1 * side) && y == -5)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, TileID.WoodBlock); } }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { Vector2 position = Projectile.Center; SoundEngine.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, (int)position.X, (int)position.Y); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } //cavern height plus halfway to hell int yEndpoint = (int)(Main.rockLayer + (Main.maxTilesY - 200 - Main.rockLayer) / 2); // Five across for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++) { for (int y = (int)(1 + position.Y / 16.0f); y <= yEndpoint; y++) { int xPosition = (int)(x + position.X / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || y < 0 || y >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, y]; if (tile == null) { continue; } if (!FargoGlobalProjectile.OkayToDestroyTile(tile)) { continue; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, y, false); if (x == 0) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.Rope); } NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, y, 1); } } }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxTilesX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Main.maxTilesY; j++) { FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(i, j); if (WorldGen.InWorld(i, j)) { Main.Map.Update(i, j, 255); } } } for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++) { NPC npc = Main.npc[i]; if ( && !npc.boss && !npc.dontTakeDamage) { npc.StrikeNPC(npc.lifeMax + npc.defense, 0, 0, true); } } if ( && !Main.LocalPlayer.dead && !Main.LocalPlayer.ghost) { int def = Main.LocalPlayer.statDefense; float dr = Main.LocalPlayer.endurance; Main.LocalPlayer.statDefense = 0; Main.LocalPlayer.endurance = 0f; int damage = Math.Max(9999, Main.LocalPlayer.statLifeMax2 * 2); Main.LocalPlayer.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByProjectile(Main.LocalPlayer.whoAmI, projectile.whoAmI), damage, 0); Main.LocalPlayer.statDefense = def; Main.LocalPlayer.endurance = dr; } Main.refreshMap = true; //custom sound when Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item15, projectile.position); }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { SoundEngine.PlaySound(SoundID.Item15, Projectile.Center); SoundEngine.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, Projectile.Center); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } Vector2 position = Projectile.Center; int radius = 60; //bigger = boomer for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) { for (int y = -radius * 2; y <= 0; y++) { int xPosition = (int)(x + position.X / 16.0f); int yPosition = (int)(y + position.Y / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || yPosition < 0 || yPosition >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; if (tile == null) { continue; } if (!FargoGlobalProjectile.OkayToDestroyTile(tile) || FargoGlobalProjectile.TileIsLiterallyAir(tile)) { continue; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); } } Main.refreshMap = true; }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxTilesX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Main.maxTilesY; j++) { FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(i, j); if (WorldGen.InWorld(i, j)) { Main.Map.Update(i, j, 255); } } } Main.refreshMap = true; //custom sound when Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item15, projectile.position); }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { Vector2 position = projectile.Center; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, (int)position.X, (int)position.Y); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } // All the way across for (int x = -200; x < 200; x++) { int xPosition = (int)(x + position.X / 16.0f); int yPosition = (int)(position.Y / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || yPosition < 0 || yPosition >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; if (tile == null) { continue; } if (tile.type == TileID.Trees || tile.type == TileID.Cactus) { FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); } // Spawn platforms WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, TileID.Platforms); NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } }
public static void PlaceHouse(int x, int y, Vector2 position, int side, Player player) { int xPosition = (int)((side * -1) + x + position.X / 16.0f); int yPosition = (int)(y + position.Y / 16.0f); Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; // Testing for blocks that should not be destroyed if (!FargoGlobalProjectile.OkayToDestroyTile(tile)) { return; } int wallType = WallID.Wood; int tileType = TileID.WoodBlock; int platformStyle = 0; if (player.ZoneDesert && !player.ZoneBeach) { wallType = WallID.Cactus; tileType = TileID.CactusBlock; platformStyle = 25; } else if (player.ZoneSnow) { wallType = WallID.BorealWood; tileType = TileID.BorealWood; platformStyle = 19; } else if (player.ZoneJungle) { wallType = WallID.RichMaogany; tileType = TileID.RichMahogany; platformStyle = 2; } else if (player.ZoneCorrupt) { wallType = WallID.Ebonwood; tileType = TileID.Ebonwood; platformStyle = 1; } else if (player.ZoneCrimson) { wallType = WallID.Shadewood; tileType = TileID.Shadewood; platformStyle = 5; } else if (player.ZoneBeach) { wallType = WallID.PalmWood; tileType = TileID.PalmWood; platformStyle = 17; } else if (player.ZoneHallow) { wallType = WallID.Pearlwood; tileType = TileID.Pearlwood; platformStyle = 3; } else if (player.ZoneGlowshroom) { wallType = WallID.Mushroom; tileType = TileID.MushroomBlock; platformStyle = 18; } else if (player.ZoneSkyHeight) { wallType = WallID.DiscWall; tileType = TileID.Sunplate; platformStyle = 22; } else if (player.ZoneUnderworldHeight) { wallType = WallID.ObsidianBrick; tileType = TileID.ObsidianBrick; platformStyle = 13; } //dont act if the right blocks already above if ((y == -5) && (tile.type == TileID.Platforms || tile.type == tileType)) { return; } if (x == 10 * side || x == 1 * side) { //dont act on correct block above/below door, destroying them will break it if ((y == -4 || y == 0) && tile.type == tileType) { return; } if ((y == -1 || y == -2 || y == -3) && (tile.type == TileID.ClosedDoor || tile.type == TileID.OpenDoor)) { return; } } else //for blocks besides those on the left/right edges where doors are placed, its okay to have platform as floor { if (y == 0 && (tile.type == TileID.Platforms || tile.type == tileType)) { return; } } //doing it this way so the code still runs to place bg walls behind open door if (!((x == 9 * side || x == 2 * side) && (y == -1 || y == -2 || y == -3) && tile.type == TileID.OpenDoor)) { FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); } // Spawn walls if (y != -5 && y != 0 && x != (10 * side) && x != (1 * side)) { WorldGen.PlaceWall(xPosition, yPosition, wallType); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } } //platforms on top if (y == -5 && Math.Abs(x) >= 3 && Math.Abs(x) <= 5) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, TileID.Platforms, style: platformStyle); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.TileChange, -1, -1, null, 1, xPosition, yPosition, TileID.Platforms, platformStyle); } } // Spawn border else if ((y == -5) || (y == 0) || (x == (10 * side)) || (x == (1 * side) && y == -4)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, tileType); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } } }
public static void PlaceHouse(int x, int y, Vector2 position, int side, Player player) { int xPosition = (int)((side * -1) + x + position.X / 16.0f); int yPosition = (int)(y + position.Y / 16.0f); Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; // Testing for blocks that should not be destroyed bool noFossil = tile.type == TileID.DesertFossil && !NPC.downedBoss2; bool noDungeon = (tile.type == TileID.BlueDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.GreenDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.PinkDungeonBrick) && !NPC.downedBoss3; bool noHMOre = (tile.type == TileID.Cobalt || tile.type == TileID.Palladium || tile.type == TileID.Mythril || tile.type == TileID.Orichalcum || tile.type == TileID.Adamantite || tile.type == TileID.Titanium) && !NPC.downedMechBossAny; bool noChloro = tile.type == TileID.Chlorophyte && (!NPC.downedMechBoss1 || !NPC.downedMechBoss2 || NPC.downedMechBoss3); bool noLihzahrd = tile.type == TileID.LihzahrdBrick && !NPC.downedGolemBoss; if (noFossil || noDungeon || noHMOre || noChloro || noLihzahrd) { return; } int wallType = WallID.Wood; int tileType = TileID.WoodBlock; int platformStyle = 0; if (player.ZoneDesert && !player.ZoneBeach) { wallType = WallID.Cactus; tileType = TileID.CactusBlock; platformStyle = 25; } else if (player.ZoneSnow) { wallType = WallID.BorealWood; tileType = TileID.BorealWood; platformStyle = 19; } else if (player.ZoneJungle) { wallType = WallID.RichMaogany; tileType = TileID.RichMahogany; platformStyle = 2; } else if (player.ZoneCorrupt) { wallType = WallID.Ebonwood; tileType = TileID.Ebonwood; platformStyle = 1; } else if (player.ZoneCrimson) { wallType = WallID.Shadewood; tileType = TileID.Shadewood; platformStyle = 5; } else if (player.ZoneBeach) { wallType = WallID.PalmWood; tileType = TileID.PalmWood; platformStyle = 17; } else if (player.ZoneHoly) { wallType = WallID.Pearlwood; tileType = TileID.Pearlwood; platformStyle = 3; } else if (player.ZoneGlowshroom) { wallType = WallID.Mushroom; tileType = TileID.MushroomBlock; platformStyle = 18; } else if (player.ZoneSkyHeight) { wallType = WallID.DiscWall; tileType = TileID.Sunplate; platformStyle = 22; } else if (player.ZoneUnderworldHeight) { wallType = WallID.ObsidianBrick; tileType = TileID.ObsidianBrick; platformStyle = 13; } //dont act if the right blocks already above if ((y == -5) && (tile.type == TileID.Platforms || tile.type == tileType)) { return; } if ((x == 10 * side || x == 1 * side)) { //dont act on correct block above/below door, destroying them will break it if ((y == -4 || y == 0) && tile.type == tileType) { return; } bool isADoor = (tile.type == TileID.ClosedDoor || tile.type == TileID.OpenDoor); //Main.NewText($"edge: {x}, type: {tile.type}, check: {isADoor}"); if ((y == -1 || y == -2 || y == -3) && isADoor) { return; } } else //for blocks besides those on the left/right edges where doors are placed, its okay to have platform as floor { if (y == 0 && (tile.type == TileID.Platforms || tile.type == tileType)) { return; } } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); // Spawn walls if (y != -5 && y != 0 && x != (10 * side) && x != (1 * side)) { WorldGen.PlaceWall(xPosition, yPosition, wallType); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } } //platforms on top if (y == -5 && Math.Abs(x) >= 4 && Math.Abs(x) <= 7) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, TileID.Platforms, style: platformStyle); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.TileChange, -1, -1, null, 1, xPosition, yPosition, TileID.Platforms, platformStyle); } } // Spawn border else if ((y == -5) || (y == 0) || (x == (10 * side)) || (x == (1 * side) && y == -4)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, tileType); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } } }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { Vector2 position = projectile.Center; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, (int)position.X, (int)position.Y); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } // Seven across for (int x = -3; x <= 3; x++) { for (int y = (int)(1 + position.Y / 16.0f); y <= (Main.maxTilesY - 40); y++) { int xPosition = (int)(x + position.X / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || y < 0 || y >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, y]; if (tile == null) { continue; } // Testing for blocks that should not be destroyed bool noFossil = tile.type == TileID.DesertFossil && !NPC.downedBoss2; bool noDungeon = (tile.type == TileID.BlueDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.GreenDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.PinkDungeonBrick) && !NPC.downedBoss3; bool noHMOre = (tile.type == TileID.Cobalt || tile.type == TileID.Palladium || tile.type == TileID.Mythril || tile.type == TileID.Orichalcum || tile.type == TileID.Adamantite || tile.type == TileID.Titanium) && !NPC.downedMechBossAny; bool noChloro = tile.type == TileID.Chlorophyte && (!NPC.downedMechBoss1 || !NPC.downedMechBoss2 || !NPC.downedMechBoss3); bool noLihzahrd = tile.type == TileID.LihzahrdBrick && !NPC.downedGolemBoss; if (noFossil || noDungeon || noHMOre || noChloro || noLihzahrd) { continue; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, y); // Tile destroy // WorldGen.KillTile(xPosition, y); // WorldGen.KillWall(xPosition, y); // Dust.NewDust(position, 22, 22, DustID.Smoke, 0.0f, 0.0f, 120); // Kill liquids /*if (tile != null) * { * tile.liquid = 0; * tile.lava(false); * tile.honey(false); * if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) * { * NetMessage.sendWater(xPosition, y); * } * }*/ // Spawn structure WorldGen.PlaceWall(xPosition, y, WallID.Stone); if ((x == -3) || (x == 3)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.GrayBrick); } if ((x == -2 || x == 2) && (y % 10 == 0)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.Torches); } if (x == 0) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.Rope); } NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, y, 1); } } }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { Vector2 position = projectile.Center; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item14, (int)position.X, (int)position.Y); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { return; } // Seven across for (int x = -3; x <= 3; x++) { for (int y = (int)(1 + position.Y / 16.0f); y <= (Main.maxTilesY - 40); y++) { int xPosition = (int)(x + position.X / 16.0f); if (xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= Main.maxTilesX || y < 0 || y >= Main.maxTilesY) { continue; } Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, y]; if (tile == null) { continue; } if (!FargoGlobalProjectile.OkayToDestroyTile(tile)) { continue; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, y); // Tile destroy // WorldGen.KillTile(xPosition, y); // WorldGen.KillWall(xPosition, y); // Dust.NewDust(position, 22, 22, DustID.Smoke, 0.0f, 0.0f, 120); // Kill liquids /*if (tile != null) * { * tile.liquid = 0; * tile.lava(false); * tile.honey(false); * if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) * { * NetMessage.sendWater(xPosition, y); * } * }*/ // Spawn structure WorldGen.PlaceWall(xPosition, y, WallID.Stone); if ((x == -3) || (x == 3)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.GrayBrick); } if ((x == -2 || x == 2) && (y % 10 == 0)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.Torches); } if (x == 0) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, y, TileID.Rope); } NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, y, 1); } } }
public static void PlaceHouse(int x, int y, Vector2 position, int side, Player player) { int xPosition = (int)((side * -1) + x + position.X / 16.0f); int yPosition = (int)(y + position.Y / 16.0f); Tile tile = Main.tile[xPosition, yPosition]; // Testing for blocks that should not be destroyed bool noFossil = tile.type == TileID.DesertFossil && !NPC.downedBoss2; bool noDungeon = (tile.type == TileID.BlueDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.GreenDungeonBrick || tile.type == TileID.PinkDungeonBrick) && !NPC.downedBoss3; bool noHMOre = (tile.type == TileID.Cobalt || tile.type == TileID.Palladium || tile.type == TileID.Mythril || tile.type == TileID.Orichalcum || tile.type == TileID.Adamantite || tile.type == TileID.Titanium) && !NPC.downedMechBossAny; bool noChloro = tile.type == TileID.Chlorophyte && (!NPC.downedMechBoss1 || !NPC.downedMechBoss2 || NPC.downedMechBoss3); bool noLihzahrd = tile.type == TileID.LihzahrdBrick && !NPC.downedGolemBoss; if (noFossil || noDungeon || noHMOre || noChloro || noLihzahrd) { return; } FargoGlobalTile.ClearEverything(xPosition, yPosition); /*// Tile destroy * WorldGen.KillTile(xPosition, yPosition, false, false, false); * WorldGen.KillWall(xPosition, yPosition); * Dust.NewDust(position, 22, 22, DustID.Smoke, Alpha: 120); * * // Kill liquids * if (tile != null) * { * tile.liquid = 0; * tile.lava(false); * tile.honey(false); * if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) * { * NetMessage.sendWater(xPosition, yPosition); * } * }*/ int wallType = WallID.Wood; int tileType = TileID.WoodBlock; if (player.ZoneDesert && !player.ZoneBeach) { wallType = WallID.Cactus; tileType = TileID.CactusBlock; } else if (player.ZoneSnow) { wallType = WallID.BorealWood; tileType = TileID.BorealWood; } else if (player.ZoneJungle) { wallType = WallID.RichMaogany; tileType = TileID.RichMahogany; } else if (player.ZoneCorrupt) { wallType = WallID.Ebonwood; tileType = TileID.Ebonwood; } else if (player.ZoneCrimson) { wallType = WallID.Shadewood; tileType = TileID.Shadewood; } else if (player.ZoneBeach) { wallType = WallID.PalmWood; tileType = TileID.PalmWood; } else if (player.ZoneHoly) { wallType = WallID.Pearlwood; tileType = TileID.Pearlwood; } else if (player.ZoneGlowshroom) { wallType = WallID.Mushroom; tileType = TileID.MushroomBlock; } else if (player.ZoneSkyHeight) { wallType = WallID.DiscWall; tileType = TileID.Sunplate; } else if (player.ZoneUnderworldHeight) { wallType = WallID.ObsidianBrick; tileType = TileID.ObsidianBrick; } // Spawn walls if (y != -6 && y != -1 && x != (10 * side) && x != (1 * side)) { WorldGen.PlaceWall(xPosition, yPosition, wallType); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } } // Spawn border if ((y == -6) || (y == -1) || (x == (10 * side)) || (x == (1 * side) && y == -5)) { WorldGen.PlaceTile(xPosition, yPosition, tileType); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, xPosition, yPosition, 1); } } }