예제 #1
        private static Result placeTemporayShoring(UIDocument uiDoc)
            Document _doc = uiDoc.Document;

            string _familyPathName   = @"C:\$\AEC Hackathon 2020\AecHackathon2020_StructuralReshoring\Resources\2019 Families\EllisShore_LumberWithClamps.rfa";
            var    _familyDefinition = FamilyHelper.GetOrLoadFamilyDefinition(_doc, _familyPathName);

            //scale - 1" = 30'
            //hatches are typically standardized - governed by building code

            //Question: what determines clamp spacing?  https://ellismanufacturing.com/pages/column-clamp-spacing-calculator
            //Question: how much "extra" lumber is needed, in addition to clamp spacing? 3.5"
            //Question: what is the logic behind placement/pour schedule order?  By Level?  Lowest Level to Highest Level? Heaviest Total Vertical Load to Lightest?
            //Question: what numbers are required for equipment selection?
            //Question: what building code info is needed?
            //Question: what room data is needed?
            //Question: what area data is needed?
            //Question: is there a "set" level count that we need concerned with? for example, is it "only the next 5 levels above" or is it "all levels above"?  depends - it will be a varying X levels

            //Get: CAD, RVT, PDF "real" files
            //Get: CAD - read hatch patterns & key to understand
            //Get: families from Jason

            //ToDo: read input: level heights for all levels above - this will likely be a set number, based on the number of levels expected to be above the current level, while this level is drying
            //ToDo: read input: level static load (optional: Foundations, Snow Load, Seismic Load, etc)
            //ToDo: read input: level live load
            //ToDo: read input: floor density / weight per sqft / thickness
            //ToDo: read input: building code
            //ToDo: read input: room data
            //ToDo: read input: area data

            //ToDo: generate output: temporary shoring insertion points
            //ToDo: generate output: temporary shoring families placed; with parameters set
            //      Total Shore Height
            //      Lower Shore Member Length
            //      Clamp Spacing
            //      Type Name

            //ToDo: generate output: calculation numerical inputs & outputs (for equipment selection)
            //ToDo: generate output: placement schedule
