// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (my_num == 0) { num_falcons = FalconUnity.getNumFalcons(); FalconUnity.Update(); } }
void OnApplicationQuit() { if (my_num == 0) { FalconUnity.Stop(); FalconUnity.disconnect(); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { FalconUnity.getFalconButtonStates(0, out botones); if (botones[1] == true) { contador.b_instanciar = 0; contador.bodynum = 1; } }
private void Update() { if (!this.falcon) { return; } this.falconPos = this.falcon.transform.localPosition; FalconUnity.getFalconButtonStates(0, out this.buttons); this.cursor.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(this.falconPos.x * 0.21333f * this.sensitivity, this.falconPos.y * 0.12f * this.sensitivity, 0.418f); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { gravedad1 = gravedad1; if (contador.b_instanciar == 1) { // gravedad = new Vector3(0, 2, 0); //Debug.Log(gravedad1); FalconUnity.applyForce(0, -gravedad1, 0.2f); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { contador.acierto = 0; aux = 0; solo = 0; FalconUnity.setForceField(0, constantforce); contador.b_instanciar = 1; peso = 0; timebase = 0; m_Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); }
void push() { FalconUnity.getTipPosition(0, out pos); //if (Mathf.Abs(pos.z - wall) > 0.15f) // FalconUnity.setForceField(0, 500 * Vector3.back); //FalconUnity.applyForce(0, 50*(pos.z-wall) * Vector3.back, 0.0001f); // FalconUnity.setForceField(0, 1000*(pos.z-wall) * Vector3.back); //else // FalconUnity.setForceField(0, Vector3.zero); FalconUnity.applyForce(0, k * pos.z * Vector3.back, 0.001f); }
void Start() { // FalconUnity.setForceField(0, new float[] {0,-10,0}); if (my_num == 0) { num_falcons = FalconUnity.getNumFalcons(); if (FalconUnity.IsRemote()) { FalconUnity.Update(); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { savedHapticTipToWorldScale = hapticTipToWorldScale; FalconUnity.setForceField(falcon_num, constantforce); Vector3 tipPositionScale = new Vector3(1, 1, -1); tipPositionScale *= hapticTipToWorldScale; FalconUnity.updateHapticTransform(falcon_num, transform.position, transform.rotation, tipPositionScale, useMotionCompensator, 1 / 60.0f); }
public void Update() { if (falcon) { FalconUnity.getFalconButtonStates(0, out this.buttons); // Which buttons are currently pressed? if (!prevClick && (this.buttons[3] || buttons[1])) { Process(); eventListener.OnPointerClick(GetFalconEventData()); } prevClick = (this.buttons[3] || buttons[1]); } }
private void Update() { if (!this.falcon) // Not using the contoller, so mouse is fine { if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0f) { this.zoom += Mathf.Sign(Input.mouseScrollDelta.y) * 0.1f; } // Enforce a boundary on the zoom this.zoom = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(0.8f, this.zoom), 0f); // The new camera rotation will depend on the movement of the mouse this.nextpos = new Vector3(base.transform.localEulerAngles.x - Input.mousePosition.y + this.mousepos.y, base.transform.localEulerAngles.y + Input.mousePosition.x - this.mousepos.x, 0f); this.mousepos = Input.mousePosition; } else // Using the controller { FalconUnity.getFalconButtonStates(0, out this.buttons); // Which buttons are currently pressed? //Set the new position based on the movement of the controller Vector3 cursorPosition = state.getCursorPosition(); float newX = transform.localEulerAngles.x - (cursorPosition.y - cameraBounds.center.y) / 1000 * this.sensitivity; float newY = transform.localEulerAngles.y + (cursorPosition.x - cameraBounds.center.x) / 1000 * this.sensitivity; this.nextpos = new Vector3(newX, newY, 0f); } // Update the zoom this.cam.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(this.cam.transform.localPosition.x, this.cam.transform.localPosition.y, this.zoom); // Enforce a boundary on rotating up/down if (this.nextpos.x > 270f && this.nextpos.x < 280f) { this.nextpos.x = 280f; } else if (this.nextpos.x > 35f && this.nextpos.x < 90f) { this.nextpos.x = 35f; } // If the pan button is pressed (right click on mouse, or left button on controller), update the camera rotations if ((this.falcon && this.buttons[0]) || Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { base.transform.localEulerAngles = this.nextpos; this.panning = true; } else { this.panning = false; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { contador.peso = -slider.value; //Debug.Log(contador.peso); gravedad = new Vector3(0, contador.peso, 0); if (contador.pieza == 1) { if (aux == 1) { p1.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(esfera.transform.localPosition.x, esfera.transform.localPosition.y, esfera.transform.localPosition.z); FalconUnity.applyForce(0, gravedad, 0.2f); } } else { if (aux == 1) { Behaviour halo = (Behaviour)p1.GetComponent("Halo"); halo.enabled = false; figura.enabled = true; aux = 0; prueba = "" + pieza + " (1)"; if (prueba == referencia) { r1 = GameObject.Find(referencia); p1.gameObject.transform.position = r1.gameObject.transform.position; Debug.Log("bien"); buenas++; contador.piezasbuenas = buenas; source.PlayOneShot(pibuenas, 1F); } else { Debug.Log("mal"); malas++; contador.piezasmalas = malas; contador.errores = malas; source.PlayOneShot(pimalas, 1F); } } } contador.piezaagarrada = aux; }
// Update is called once per frame public void FixedUpdate() { Vector3 pos; Quaternion orient; bool res = FalconUnity.getDynamicShapePose(bodyId, out pos, out orient); if (!res) { // Debug.Log("Error getting object pose"); return; } transform.localPosition = pos; transform.localRotation = orient; FalconUnity.updateDynamicShape(bodyId, mass, k, linearFactors, angularFactors, friction); }
public void ClickRESET() { FalconUnity.setForceField(0, constantforce); m_Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); if (m_Scene.name == "puzzleniv1") { SceneManager.LoadScene("puzzleniv1"); } if (m_Scene.name == "puzzleniv2") { SceneManager.LoadScene("puzzleniv2"); } if (m_Scene.name == "puzzleniv3") { SceneManager.LoadScene("puzzleniv3"); } }
private void Update() { buttons = 0; if (this.falcon) // Update the cursor position every frame { this.cursorPosition = falconCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(this.falconCursor.transform.position); FalconUnity.getFalconButtonStates(0, out falconButtons); buttons |= falconButtons[0] ? 1 : 0; // middle button buttons |= falconButtons[1] ? 2 : 0; // left button buttons |= falconButtons[2] ? 4 : 0; // top button buttons |= falconButtons[3] ? 2 : 0; // right button } else { this.cursorPosition = Input.mousePosition; buttons |= Input.GetMouseButton(1) ? 1 : 0; // right mouse button buttons |= Input.GetMouseButton(0) ? 2 : 0; // left mouse button } }
public void ClickRESET() { FalconUnity.setForceField(0, constantforce); m_Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); if (m_Scene.name == "consultorioniv1") { SceneManager.LoadScene("consultorioniv1"); } if (m_Scene.name == "consultorioniv2") { SceneManager.LoadScene("consultorioniv2"); } if (m_Scene.name == "consultorioniv3") { contador.reseteo = 0; SceneManager.LoadScene("consultorioniv3"); } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { my_num = getNextNum(); if (my_num == 0) { Debug.Log(address + " " + port); FalconUnity.setServerParams(address, port); FalconUnity.Start(); FalconUnity.Update(); if (FalconUnity.IsRemote()) { FalconUnity.Update(); } FalconUnity.setGravity(gravity); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //times.Add(elapsedTime); //cameraRot.Add(cam.transform.localEulerAngles); if (falcon) { FalconUnity.getTipPosition(0, out tempPos); falconPos.Add(tempPos); } string path = userPath + "panData.csv"; new FileStream(path, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write).Close(); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(path, true, Encoding.ASCII); if (!writtenPanDataColumnNames) //Only write this once: { streamWriter.Write("time (s), rotation_x, rotation_y, falcon_x, falcon_y, falcon_z\n"); writtenPanDataColumnNames = true; } string line = elapsedTime.ToString() + "," + cam.transform.localEulerAngles.x.ToString() + "," + cam.transform.localEulerAngles.y.ToString(); if (falcon) { line += "," + tempPos.x.ToString() + "," + tempPos.y.ToString() + "," + tempPos.z.ToString() + "\n"; } else { line += "\n"; } streamWriter.Write(line); streamWriter.Close(); /* Not needed if it's writing every frame: * times.Clear(); * cameraRot.Clear(); * falconPos.Clear(); */ }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { /* FalconUnity.setForceField(0, new Vector3(0, -6, 0)); * int d = 0; * while (d < 500) * { * d++; * Debug.Log(d); * } * * m_Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); * if (m_Scene.name== "consultorioniv1") * { * Instantiate(mesa, new Vector3(-4.179646f, -15.7f, 6.1f), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-90, 180, 0))); * Instantiate(base_niv, new Vector3(9.31f, -10.424f, 7.95f), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90, 180, 0))); * Instantiate(figuras, new Vector3(-15.04f, -12.16f, 6.87f), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90, 0, 0))); * } * if (m_Scene.name == "consultorioniv2") * { * Instantiate(mesa, new Vector3(-4.179646f, -15.7f, 6.1f), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-90, 180, 0))); * Instantiate(base_niv, new Vector3(3.62f, -9.36f, 5.4f), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0))); * Instantiate(figuras, new Vector3(3.625f, -13.876f, 5.46f), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90, 0, 0))); * }*/ contador.ganador_consultorio = 1; contador.activacion = false; aux = 1; savedHapticTipToWorldScale = hapticTipToWorldScale; // FalconUnity.setForceField(falcon_num, new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); Vector3 tipPositionScale = new Vector3(1, 1, -1); tipPositionScale *= hapticTipToWorldScale; FalconUnity.updateHapticTransform(falcon_num, transform.position, transform.rotation, tipPositionScale, useMotionCompensator, 1 / 60.0f); godObjectMass = 0.0001f; // FalconUnity.setForceField(falcon_num, new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); aux2 = 0; }
// Update is called once per frame public void FixedUpdate() { Vector3 pos; Quaternion orient; bool res = FalconUnity.getDynamicShapePose(bodyId, out pos, out orient); if (!res) { // Debug.Log("Error getting object pose"); return; } transform.localPosition = pos; transform.localRotation = orient; FalconUnity.updateDynamicShape(bodyId, mass, k, linearFactors, angularFactors, friction); FalconUnity.lerpSpring(springId, max_force, dampingFactor, springPos, springOrientation, posConstraintLower, posConstraintUpper, orientConstraintCCW, orientConstraintCW, directionality, 0); // FalconUnity.setSpring(springId,max_force,goalPos,goalOrient,pConstraintl,pConstraintu, oConstraintl, oConstraintu); }
void LateUpdate() { bool res = FalconUnity.getFalconButtonStates(falcon_num, out curr_buttons); if (!res) { // Debug.Log("Error getting button states"); return; } //go through the buttons, seeing which are pressed for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (button_states[i] && button_states[i] != curr_buttons[i]) { buttonPressed(i); } button_states[i] = curr_buttons[i]; } }
public void Clicksalir() { FalconUnity.setForceField(0, constantforce); m_Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); if (m_Scene.name == "consultorioniv1") { NIV = 1; } if (m_Scene.name == "consultorioniv2") { NIV = 2; } if (m_Scene.name == "consultorioniv3") { NIV = 3; } guardar(); SceneManager.LoadScene("MENUCONSULTORIO"); }
public void Clicksalir() { FalconUnity.setForceField(0, constantforce); m_Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); if (m_Scene.name == "puzzleniv1") { NIV = 1; } if (m_Scene.name == "puzzleniv2") { NIV = 2; } if (m_Scene.name == "puzzleniv3") { NIV = 3; } guardar(); SceneManager.LoadScene("MENUPUZZLE"); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!falcon) { float mouseWheelDelta = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); //This is the change in mousewheel position, not absolute position scrollPos += mouseWheelDelta; } else { FalconUnity.getTipPosition(0, out falconPos); scrollPos = (float)Math.Tanh(z - (Mathf.Max(z, Mathf.Abs(falconPos.z)))); // * 0.5f; } //Image blackens completely at above 0.33 scrollPos or below -0.33, this shouldn't be too hard to translate/modify over to the falcon: image.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, Mathf.Abs(scrollPos) * 3); //This part doesn't need to change at all: ViewConeScript.modifyRotation(-camera.transform.localEulerAngles.y); //With the falcon, the part "Mathf.Abs(1.0f + scrollPos)" can just be changed to "falcon.z / 2.0f + 1.0" (ranges from 0.5f to 1.5f scale) ViewConeScript.modifyScale(1.0f + falconPos.z / 2.0f); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { contador.pieza = 0; contador.piezaagarrada = 0; contador.piezasbuenas = 0; contador.piezasmalas = 0; contador.cronometro = 0; contador.ganador = 0; contador.errores = 0; contador.modo = 0; contador.fuerza = 0; savedHapticTipToWorldScale = hapticTipToWorldScale; FalconUnity.setForceField(falcon_num, new Vector3(0, 0, -10)); Vector3 tipPositionScale = new Vector3(1, 1, -1); tipPositionScale *= hapticTipToWorldScale; FalconUnity.updateHapticTransform(falcon_num, transform.position, transform.rotation, tipPositionScale, useMotionCompensator, 1 / 60.0f); godObjectMass = 0.0001f; FalconUnity.setForceField(falcon_num, new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); }
private static void PiscaEnterHaptic() { FalconUnity.setForceField(0, new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f)); //força para baixo //FalconUnity.applyForce(0, new Vector3(2, 2, 2), 0.5f); }
// Update is called once per frame public void FixedUpdate() { Vector3 pos; Quaternion orient; if (contador.bodynum == 1 || contador.ganador_consultorio == 1) { if (gameObject.tag == "cubo") { FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(bodyId); Destroy(gameObject); } if (gameObject.tag == "cilindro") { FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(bodyId); Destroy(gameObject); } if (gameObject.tag == "octa") { FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(bodyId); Destroy(gameObject); } if (gameObject.tag == "triangulo") { FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(bodyId); Debug.Log("destruye"); Destroy(gameObject); } if (gameObject.tag == "cubo_peque") { Debug.Log(bodyId); FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(bodyId); Destroy(gameObject); } if (gameObject.tag == "cilindro_peque") { FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(bodyId); Destroy(gameObject); } if (gameObject.tag == "octa_peque") { FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(bodyId); Destroy(gameObject); } if (gameObject.tag == "triangulo_peque") { FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(bodyId); Debug.Log("destruye"); Destroy(gameObject); } // contador.bodynum = 0; } if (gameObject.tag != "cubo" && gameObject.tag != "cilindro" && gameObject.tag != "octa" && gameObject.tag != "triangulo" && gameObject.tag != "cubo_peque" && gameObject.tag != "cilindro_peque" && gameObject.tag != "octa_peque" && gameObject.tag != "triangulo_peque") { bool res = FalconUnity.getDynamicShapePose(bodyId, out pos, out orient); if (!res) { // Debug.Log("Error getting object pose"); return; } transform.localPosition = pos; transform.localRotation = orient; FalconUnity.updateDynamicShape(bodyId, mass, k, linearFactors, angularFactors, friction); } }
public void Clicksalir2() { FalconUnity.setForceField(0, constantforce); SceneManager.LoadScene("MENUPUZZLE"); }
public void Update() { Vector3 pos; Quaternion orient; if (contador.bodynum == 0) { if (gameObject.tag == "cubo" || gameObject.tag == "cilindro" || gameObject.tag == "octa" || gameObject.tag == "triangulo" || gameObject.tag == "cubo_peque" || gameObject.tag == "cilindro_peque" || gameObject.tag == "octa_peque" || gameObject.tag == "triangulo_peque") { bool res = FalconUnity.getDynamicShapePose(bodyId, out pos, out orient); if (!res) { // Debug.Log("Error getting object pose"); return; } transform.localPosition = pos; transform.localRotation = orient; FalconUnity.updateDynamicShape(bodyId, mass, k, linearFactors, angularFactors, friction); } /* * if (gameObject.tag == "cilindro") * { * bool res = FalconUnity.getDynamicShapePose(bodyId, out pos, out orient); * if (!res) * { * // Debug.Log("Error getting object pose"); * return; * } * transform.localPosition = pos; * transform.localRotation = orient; * FalconUnity.updateDynamicShape(bodyId, mass, k, linearFactors, angularFactors, friction); * } * if (gameObject.tag == "octa") * { * bool res = FalconUnity.getDynamicShapePose(bodyId, out pos, out orient); * if (!res) * { * // Debug.Log("Error getting object pose"); * return; * } * transform.localPosition = pos; * transform.localRotation = orient; * FalconUnity.updateDynamicShape(bodyId, mass, k, linearFactors, angularFactors, friction); * } * if (gameObject.tag == "triangulo") * { * bool res = FalconUnity.getDynamicShapePose(bodyId, out pos, out orient); * if (!res) * { * // Debug.Log("Error getting object pose"); * return; * } * transform.localPosition = pos; * transform.localRotation = orient; * FalconUnity.updateDynamicShape(bodyId, mass, k, linearFactors, angularFactors, friction); * } */ } //Debug.Log(bodyId); /* if (bodyId == numero) * { * if (removido) * { * if (contador.activacion) * { * refreshShape(); * Debug.Log("vuelve"); * removido = false; * contador.activacion = false; * } * } * else * { * if (contador.activacion) * { * * FalconUnity.removeDynamicShape(numero); * removido = true; * contador.activacion = false; * Destroy(gameObject); * } * } * }*/ }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { FalconUnity.applyForce(0, constantforce, 0.01f); peso = 0; timebase = 0; }