예제 #1
        public void TestChangesRegisteredProperlyAfterOneMoveWhite()
            List <int[]> moves = new List <int[]> {
                ar(1, 3)

            fd = new FakeDice(moves);
            bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd);

            bg.Move(White, 6, 3);

            var changes = bg.GetChanges();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, changes.Count());

            var c1 = changes[0];
            var c2 = changes[1];
            var c3 = changes[2];

            Assert.IsTrue(c1.IsDiceState(), "c1 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c2.IsMove(), "c2 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c3.IsDiceState(), "c3 is not dice state");

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(1, 3), c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()), "Expected 1,3 but got " + string.Join(",", c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 3", c2.AsMove().DebugString(), "Expected w 6 3, got " + c2.AsMove().DebugString());
            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 1 }, c3.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
예제 #2
        public void TestChangesRegisteredProperlyCompundMovesOfMultipleSmallerMoves()
            List <int[]> moves = new List <int[]>()
                ar(1, 3), ar(4, 4)

            fd = new FakeDice(moves);
            bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd);
            bg.Move(White, 13, 9);

            var changes = bg.GetChanges();

            Assert.AreEqual(5, changes.Count());

            var c1 = changes[0];
            var c2 = changes[1];
            var c3 = changes[2];
            var c4 = changes[3];
            var c5 = changes[4];

            Assert.IsTrue(c1.IsDiceState(), "c1 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c2.IsMove(), "c2 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c3.IsDiceState(), "c3 is not dice state");

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(1, 3), c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()), "Expected 1,3 but got " + string.Join(",", c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
            Assert.AreEqual("w 13 10", c2.AsMove().DebugString());
            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 1 }, c3.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
            Assert.AreEqual("w 10 9", c4.AsMove().DebugString());
            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 4, 4, 4, 4 }, c5.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
예제 #3
 public void Initialize()
     this.fakeDice = new FakeDice();
     this.player   = new Player("Horse");
     this.board    = new ClassicBoard();
     this.turn     = new Turn(this.fakeDice, this.player, this.board);
예제 #4
        private void PlayerTakesTurnRollingA(Int32 roll)
            dice = new FakeDice(new[] { new FakeRoll(roll, 0) });
            var turn = new NormalTurn(playerId, dice, jailRoster, board);

예제 #5
        public void TestGetPreviousTurnWhenNoLegalMoves()
            //When it becomes black's turn, there will be no legal moves, but the turn should change to white
            //before bg.EndTurn(Black) is called
            int[] board = new int[]
                -15, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
                2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

            List <int[]> moves = new List <int[]>()
                ar(1, 3), ar(5, 3)

            fd = new FakeDice(moves);

            bg = new BackgammonGame(board, fd);
            bg.Move(White, 8, 5);
            bg.Move(White, 8, 7);

            var turn = bg.GetPreviousTurn();

            Assert.AreEqual(White, turn.color);
            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEquals(ar(1, 3), turn.dice.ToArray()));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, turn.moves.Count());

            turn = bg.GetPreviousTurn();
            Assert.AreEqual(Black, turn.color);
            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEquals(ar(5, 3), turn.dice.ToArray()));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, turn.moves.Count());
예제 #6
 public JailTests()
     player = new Player("Name", 1500);
     player.BuyingStrategy = new NeverBuyStrategy();
     goToJail = new GoToJail(ClassicBoard.GoToJailLocation, ClassicBoard.JailLocation);
     dice     = new FakeDice();
     turn     = new Turn(dice, player, new ClassicBoard());
예제 #7
 public void Initialize()
     fd = new FakeDice(new int[] { 1, 2 });
     initialGameBoard = new int[] { -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5,
                                    0, 3, 0, 0, 0, -5,
                                    5, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0,
                                    -5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 };
예제 #8
        public void TestChangesRegisteredProperlyAfterRolledTwoEqualDiceAndAllMovesConsumed()
            List <int[]> moves = new List <int[]> {
                ar(2, 2), ar(1, 5)

            fd = new FakeDice(moves);
            bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd);

            bg.Move(White, 6, 4);
            bg.Move(White, 6, 4);
            bg.Move(White, 13, 11);
            bg.Move(White, 24, 22);

            var changes = bg.GetChanges();

            Assert.AreEqual(9, changes.Count());

            var c1 = changes[0];
            var c2 = changes[1];
            var c3 = changes[2];
            var c4 = changes[3];
            var c5 = changes[4];
            var c6 = changes[5];
            var c7 = changes[6];
            var c8 = changes[7];
            var c9 = changes[8];

            Assert.IsTrue(c1.IsDiceState(), "c1 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c2.IsMove(), "c2 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c3.IsDiceState(), "c3 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c4.IsMove(), "c4 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c5.IsDiceState(), "c5 is not dice state");

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()), "Expected 1,3 but got " + string.Join(",", c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 4", c2.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 2, 2, 2 }, c3.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 4", c4.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(2, 2), c5.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("w 13 11", c6.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 2 }, c7.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("w 24 22", c8.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(1, 5), c9.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
예제 #9
        public void TestChangesRegisteredProperlyAfterBothWhiteAndBlackMoves()
            List <int[]> moves = new List <int[]> {
                ar(1, 3), ar(4, 5), ar(6, 3)

            fd = new FakeDice(moves);
            bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd);

            bg.Move(White, 6, 3);
            bg.Move(White, 6, 5);
            bg.Move(Black, 19, 23);
            bg.Move(Black, 17, 22);

            var changes = bg.GetChanges();

            Assert.AreEqual(9, changes.Count());

            var c1 = changes[0];
            var c2 = changes[1];
            var c3 = changes[2];
            var c4 = changes[3];
            var c5 = changes[4];
            var c6 = changes[5];
            var c7 = changes[6];
            var c8 = changes[7];
            var c9 = changes[8];

            Assert.IsTrue(c1.IsDiceState(), "c1 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c2.IsMove(), "c2 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c3.IsDiceState(), "c3 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c4.IsMove(), "c4 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c5.IsDiceState(), "c5 is not dice state");

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(1, 3), c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()), "Expected 1,3 but got " + string.Join(",", c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 3", c2.AsMove().DebugString(), "Expected w 6 3, got " + c2.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 1 }, c3.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 5", c4.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(4, 5), c5.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("b 19 23", c6.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 5 }, c7.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("b 17 22", c8.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(6, 3), c9.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
예제 #10
        public void TestChangesRegisteredProperlyAfterNotifyViewFlushesChanges()
            List <int[]> moves = new List <int[]>()
                ar(1, 3), ar(4, 4)

            fd = new FakeDice(moves);
            bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd);

            bg.Move(White, 6, 3);

            var changes = bg.GetChanges();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, changes.Count());

            var c1 = changes[0];
            var c2 = changes[1];
            var c3 = changes[2];

            Assert.IsTrue(c1.IsDiceState(), "c1 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c2.IsMove(), "c2 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c3.IsDiceState(), "c3 is not dice state");

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(1, 3), c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()), "Expected 1,3 but got " + string.Join(",", c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 3", c2.AsMove().DebugString(), "Expected w 6 3, got " + c2.AsMove().DebugString());
            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 1 }, c3.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            //At least one view has to be present for backgammon game to flush the recent changes
            View view = new DummyView();


            //Disconnecting the view again so that we may read the changes

            changes = bg.GetChanges();
            Assert.AreEqual(0, changes.Count());

            bg.Move(White, 6, 5);

            changes = bg.GetChanges();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, changes.Count());
            var c4 = changes[0];
            var c5 = changes[1];

            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 5", c4.AsMove().DebugString());
            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 4, 4, 4, 4 }, c5.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
예제 #11
 public void initialize()
     moves = new List <int[]>()
         ar(1, 2), ar(4, 3), ar(1, 1), ar(1, 1), ar(6, 5), ar(3, 3)
     fd = new FakeDice(moves);
     bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd);
예제 #12
        public void Initialize()
            List <int[]> moves = new List <int[]>()
                ar(1, 3), ar(5, 3), ar(6, 1), ar(1, 2)

            fd = new FakeDice(moves);
            bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd);
예제 #13
        public void SetUp()
            var faker = new MotherFaker();

            jailRoster = faker.JailRoster;
            banker     = faker.Banker;
            gameBoard  = faker.GameBoard;
            dice       = faker.Dice;
예제 #14
        public void TestPlayerThrowsNonDoublesLandsOnGoToJailWithBalanceNotChangingAndTurnIsOver()
            var fakeDice = new FakeDice(new [] { new FakeRoll(30, 0) });
            var turn     = CreateTurnWith(fakeDice);


            Assert.That(banker.GetBalanceFor(playerId), Is.EqualTo(1500));
            Assert.That(board.GetLocationIndexFor(playerId), Is.EqualTo(10));
예제 #15
        public TurnServiceTests()
            fakeDice        = new FakeDice();
            fakeBailAdvisor = new FakeBailAdvisor();
            board           = new Board(fakeDice);
            moveService     = new MoveService(board);
            player          = new Player("horse");
            var mortgageBroker  = new MortgageBroker();
            var mortgageAdvisor = new MortgageAdvisor();
            var mortgageService = new MortgageService(board, mortgageAdvisor, mortgageBroker);

            turnService = new TurnService(moveService, mortgageService, fakeBailAdvisor);
예제 #16
        public void SetUp()
            banker     = new TraditionalBanker(new[] { 0 });
            jailRoster = new TraditionalJailRoster(banker);
            board      = new GameBoard(banker);
            var dice            = new FakeDice();
            var cardDeckFactory = new FakeCardDeckFactory(CreateCards());

            communityChest = new CardDraw(0, "Community Chest", banker, cardDeckFactory.GetCommunityChestDeck());
            var traditionalLocationFactory =
                new TraditionalLocationFactory(banker, dice, jailRoster, board, cardDeckFactory);

            board.SetLocations(traditionalLocationFactory.GetLocations(), traditionalLocationFactory.GetRailroads(), traditionalLocationFactory.GetUtilities());
예제 #17
        public virtual void SetUp()
            playerOneId   = 0;
            playerTwoId   = 1;
            playerThreeId = 2;
            playerFourId  = 3;
            playerFiveId  = 4;
            banker        = new TraditionalBanker(new[] { playerOneId, playerTwoId, playerThreeId, playerFourId, playerFiveId });
            jailRoster    = new TraditionalJailRoster(banker);
            gameBoard     = new GameBoard(banker);
            dice          = new FakeDice();
            var cardDeckFactory = new TraditionalCardDeckFactory(banker, jailRoster, gameBoard, dice);
            var locationFactory = new TraditionalLocationFactory(banker, dice, jailRoster, gameBoard, cardDeckFactory);

            gameBoard.SetLocations(locationFactory.GetLocations(), locationFactory.GetRailroads(), locationFactory.GetUtilities());
예제 #18
        public void PlayerPaysRentToOwnerWhenBothUtilitiesAreOwned()
            var startingMoney = new Money(100);
            var owner         = new Player("car", startingMoney);
            var player        = new Player("horse", startingMoney);
            var fakeProperty  = new FakeProperty(owner: owner);
            var fakeDice      = new FakeDice();

            fakeDice.LoadRoll(3, 7);
            var expectedRent        = new Money(10 * fakeDice.LastRoll.Total);
            var expectedOwnerMoney  = startingMoney.Add(expectedRent);
            var expectedPlayerMoney = startingMoney.Remove(expectedRent);
            var rentAction          = new UtilityRentAction(new FakeBoard(numberOfUtilitiesOwned: 2), fakeDice);

            rentAction.ProcessAction(player, fakeProperty);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOwnerMoney, owner.Balance);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPlayerMoney, player.Balance);
예제 #19
        public void TestChangesRegisteredProperlyAfterTwoMovesBlack()
            List <int[]> moves = new List <int[]> {
                ar(1, 3), ar(4, 5)

            fd = new FakeDice(moves);
            bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd, 0, 0, 0, 0, Black);

            bg.Move(Black, 19, 22);
            bg.Move(Black, 19, 20);

            var changes = bg.GetChanges();

            Assert.AreEqual(5, changes.Count());

            var c1 = changes[0];
            var c2 = changes[1];
            var c3 = changes[2];
            var c4 = changes[3];
            var c5 = changes[4];

            Assert.IsTrue(c1.IsDiceState(), "c1 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c2.IsMove(), "c2 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c3.IsDiceState(), "c3 is not dice state");
            Assert.IsTrue(c4.IsMove(), "c4 is not move");
            Assert.IsTrue(c5.IsDiceState(), "c5 is not dice state");

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(1, 3), c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()), "Expected 1,3 but got " + string.Join(",", c1.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("b 19 22", c2.AsMove().DebugString(), "Expected w 6 3, got " + c2.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(new int[] { 1 }, c3.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));

            Assert.AreEqual("b 19 20", c4.AsMove().DebugString());

            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEqual(ar(4, 5), c5.AsDiceState().GetDiceValues()));
예제 #20
        public void TestGetBackgammonPreviousTurnWithDoubleRoll()
            fd = new FakeDice(ar(2, 2));
            bg = new BackgammonGame(BackgammonGame.DefaultGameBoard, fd);

            bg.Move(White, 6, 4);
            bg.Move(White, 6, 4);
            bg.Move(White, 6, 4);
            bg.Move(White, 6, 4);

            var turn = bg.GetPreviousTurn();

            Assert.AreEqual(White, turn.color);
            Assert.IsTrue(arrayEquals(ar(2, 2, 2, 2), turn.dice.ToArray()));

            var moves = turn.moves;

            Assert.AreEqual(4, moves.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 4", moves[0].DebugString());
            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 4", moves[1].DebugString());
            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 4", moves[2].DebugString());
            Assert.AreEqual("w 6 4", moves[3].DebugString());
예제 #21
 public void SetupDice()
     fakeDice = new FakeDice();
     dice = new Dice();
예제 #22
 public void SetupGameTest()
     dice = new FakeDice();
     game = new Game(dice);
     horse = new Player("horse");
     car = new Player("car");
     player3 = new Player("Player 3");
예제 #23
 public GameTests()
     fakeBoard       = new FakeBoard();
     fakeDice        = new FakeDice();
     fakeTurnService = new FakeTurnService();
예제 #24
        public BoardTests()
            var dice = new FakeDice();

            board = new Board(dice);