void Awake() { if (mInstance == null) { mInstance = this as FadeCamera; instance.init(); } }
private IEnumerator WaitSceneToLoad(Scene sceneToWaitFor, bool fadeIn) { while (sceneToWaitFor.isLoaded == false) { yield return(null); } IsLoadingScene = false; if (fadeIn && fadeCameraInstance != null) { FadeCamera.FadeIn(); } }
public void SelectCurrentLevel(int chapterIndex, int levelIndex, bool useFadeEffect = false) { currentLevel.x = chapterIndex; currentLevel.y = levelIndex; timeSinceLevelStarted = Time.time; // We know this is a bonus level, because we are the only one sending -100 as a value for the chapter index StartCoroutine(chapterIndex == -100 ? LoadBonusChapterArt() : LoadNextChapterArt(currentLevel)); if (useFadeEffect) { FadeCamera.FadeIn(); } SetLastPlayedLevel(); }
public LoadingRoom(GameMap map) { Name = "LoadingRoom for map " + map.Number; Map = map; AddChild(ARVROrigin = new ARVROrigin()); ARVROrigin.AddChild(ARVRCamera = new FadeCamera() { Current = true, }); ARVROrigin.AddChild(LeftController = new ARVRController() { ControllerId = 1, }); ARVROrigin.AddChild(RightController = new ARVRController() { ControllerId = 2, }); if (Assets.LoadingPic is ImageTexture pic && pic != null) { ARVRCamera.AddChild(new MeshInstance() { Mesh = new QuadMesh() { Size = new Vector2(pic.GetWidth() * Assets.PixelWidth, pic.GetHeight() * Assets.PixelHeight), }, MaterialOverride = new SpatialMaterial() { AlbedoTexture = pic, FlagsUnshaded = true, FlagsDoNotReceiveShadows = true, FlagsDisableAmbientLight = true, FlagsTransparent = false, ParamsCullMode = SpatialMaterial.CullMode.Back, ParamsSpecularMode = SpatialMaterial.SpecularMode.Disabled, }, Transform = new Transform(Basis.Identity, Vector3.Forward * pic.GetWidth() * Assets.PixelWidth), }); AmbientTasks.Add(Task.Run(Loading)); } }
void OnApplicationQuit() { mInstance = null; }
void Die() { mInstance = null; Destroy(gameObject); }
private IEnumerator LoadGameLevelWithFade(string levelToLoad, bool setAsCurrentLevel, bool setAsActiveLevel, bool useFadeEffect = false, bool unloadOtherScenes = false) { if (useFadeEffect) { FadeCamera.FadeOut(); while (FadeCamera.CurrentFadeLevel < 1f) { yield return(null); } } SceneManager.LoadScene(levelToLoad, LoadSceneMode.Additive); if (setAsCurrentLevel) { SelectCurrentLevel(levelToLoad); } Scene sceneToLoad = SceneManager.GetSceneByName(levelToLoad); if (setAsCurrentLevel) { CurrentGameScene = sceneToLoad; } while (sceneToLoad.isLoaded == false) { yield return(null); } if (setAsActiveLevel) { SceneManager.SetActiveScene(sceneToLoad); } if (unloadOtherScenes) { for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCount; i++) { Scene sceneToUnload = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(i); if (sceneToUnload.buildIndex == sceneToLoad.buildIndex) { continue; } SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneToUnload); } } yield return(null); if (useFadeEffect) { FadeCamera.FadeIn(); while (FadeCamera.CurrentFadeLevel > 0f) { yield return(null); } } IsLoadingScene = false; }
void Start() { this._player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); this._scriptFade = GetComponent<FadeCamera>(); this._cameraPit = GameObject.Find("Camera-Pit"); this._cameraStairsLeft = GameObject.Find("Camera-Stairs-Left"); this._cameraStairsRight = GameObject.Find("Camera-Stairs-Right"); this._cameraRing = GameObject.Find("Camera-Ring"); this._timeToShowCamera = TIMETOSHOWCAMERA; this._cameraPit.camera.enabled = false; this._cameraStairsLeft.camera.enabled = false; this._cameraStairsRight.camera.enabled = false; this._cameraRing.camera.enabled = false; this._canFade = false; this._cameraPitStoppedGame = false; this._cameraStairsLeftStoppedGame = false; this._cameraStairsRightStoppedGame = false; }