예제 #1
        /// <summary>Creates a new, AI controlled ship.</summary>
        /// <param name="manager">The manager.</param>
        /// <param name="blueprint">The blueprint.</param>
        /// <param name="faction">The faction the ship will belong to.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position.</param>
        /// <param name="random">The random.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>The new ship.</returns>
        public static int CreateAIShip(
            IManager manager,
            string blueprint,
            Factions faction,
            FarPosition position,
            IUniformRandom random,
            ArtificialIntelligence.AIConfiguration configuration = null)
            var entity = FactoryLibrary.SampleShip(manager, blueprint, faction, position, random);

            var input = (ShipControl)manager.GetComponent(entity, ShipControl.TypeId);

            input.Stabilizing = true;
            manager.AddComponent <ArtificialIntelligence>(entity).
            Initialize(random != null ? random.NextUInt32() : 0, configuration).Enabled = false;

            // Add to the index from which entities will automatically removed
            // on cell death and mark it (for translation checks into empty space).
            manager.AddComponent <Indexable>(entity).Initialize(CellSystem.CellDeathAutoRemoveIndexId);
            manager.AddComponent <CellDeath>(entity).Initialize(true);

            // Add to AI index, to allow putting the AI to sleep.
            manager.AddComponent <Indexable>(entity).Initialize(SleepSystem.IndexId);

예제 #2
            /// <summary>Samples a new orbiter of this type.</summary>
            /// <param name="manager">The manager.</param>
            /// <param name="center">The center.</param>
            /// <param name="dominantAngle">The dominant angle.</param>
            /// <param name="random">The random.</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            internal void Sample(IManager manager, int center, float dominantAngle, IUniformRandom random)
                if (random != null && ChanceToExist <= random.NextDouble())

                var radius       = UnitConversion.ToSimulationUnits(SampleOrbitRadius(random));
                var eccentricity = SampleEccentricity(random);
                var angleOffset  = SampleAngleOffset(random);
                var travelSpeed  = UnitConversion.ToSimulationUnits(SampleTravelSpeed(random));
                var periodOffset = random == null ? 0f : (float)random.NextDouble();

                // Compute minor and major radius.
                float a, b;

                ComputeRadii(radius, eccentricity, out a, out b);

                // Get period. Figure out circumference using Ramanujan's approximation.
                var circumference = MathHelper.Pi * (3 * (a + b) - (float)Math.Sqrt((3 * a + b) * (a + 3 * b)));
                var period        = circumference / travelSpeed * Settings.TicksPerSecond;

                var entity = FactoryLibrary.SamplePlanet(manager, Name, random);

                // Make it move around its center.
                manager.AddComponent <EllipsePath>(entity)
                .Initialize(center, a, b, dominantAngle + angleOffset, period, MathHelper.TwoPi * periodOffset);

                // Recurse.
                if (Moons != null)
                    Moons.Sample(manager, entity, random);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>Performs the actual drop sampling.</summary>
        /// <param name="poolName">The name of the item pool to sample from.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position at which to drop the items.</param>
        private void SampleDrop(string poolName, FarPosition position)
            // Get the actual item pool to pull items from.
            var pool = FactoryLibrary.GetItemPool(poolName);

            // Get the list of possible drops.
            var dropInfo = new List <ItemPool.DropInfo>(pool.Items);

            // Randomizer used for sampling of items. Seed it based on the item
            // pool and the drop position, to get a deterministic result for
            // each drop, regardless in which order they happen.
            var hasher = new Hasher();

            var random = new MersenneTwister(hasher.Value);

            // And shuffle it. This is important, to give each entry an equal
            // chance to be picked. Otherwise the first few entries have a much
            // better chance, because we stop after reaching a certain number
            // of items.
            for (var i = dropInfo.Count; i > 1; i--)
                // Pick random element to swap.
                var j = random.NextInt32(i); // 0 <= j <= i - 1
                // Swap.
                var tmp = dropInfo[j];
                dropInfo[j]     = dropInfo[i - 1];
                dropInfo[i - 1] = tmp;

            var dropCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0, j = dropInfo.Count; i < j; i++)
                var item = dropInfo[i];

                // Give the item a chance to be dropped.
                if (item.Probability > random.NextDouble())
                    // Random roll succeeded, drop the item.
                    var entity = FactoryLibrary.SampleItem(Manager, item.ItemName, position, random);

                    // Make the item visible (per default items are hidden).
                    foreach (IDrawable drawable in Manager.GetComponents(entity, DrawableTypeId))
                        drawable.Enabled = true;

                    // Did a drop, check if we're done.
                    if (dropCount == pool.MaxDrops)
예제 #4
        public void Depacketize(IReadablePacket packet)
            Factory = FactoryLibrary.GetFactory(packet.ReadString()) as PlanetFactory;

            Albedo   = null;
            Normals  = null;
            Specular = null;
            Lights   = null;
            Clouds   = null;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>Creates a new, player controlled ship.</summary>
        /// <param name="manager">The manager.</param>
        /// <param name="playerClass">The player's class, which determines the blueprint.</param>
        /// <param name="playerNumber">The player for whom to create the ship.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position at which to spawn and respawn the ship.</param>
        /// <returns>The new ship.</returns>
        public static int CreatePlayerShip(
            IManager manager, PlayerClassType playerClass, int playerNumber, FarPosition position)
            // Player ships must be 'static', i.e. not have random attributes, so we don't need a randomizer.
            var entity = FactoryLibrary.SampleShip(
                manager, playerClass.GetShipFactoryName(), playerNumber.ToFaction(), position, null);

            // Remember the class.
            manager.AddComponent <PlayerClass>(entity).Initialize(playerClass);

            // Mark it as the player's avatar.
            manager.AddComponent <Avatar>(entity).Initialize(playerNumber);

            // Make it respawn (after 5 seconds).
            manager.AddComponent <Respawn>(entity).Initialize(
                (int)(5 * Settings.TicksPerSecond),
                new HashSet <Type>
                // Make ship uncontrollable.
                // Disable collisions.
                // And movement.
                // Hide it.
                // And don't regenerate.

            // Allow leveling up.
            manager.AddComponent <Experience>(entity).Initialize(100, 100f, 2.15f);

            // Make player ships collide more precisely. We don't much care for NPC ships tunneling
            // through stuff (unlikely as that may be anyways), but we really don't want it to happen
            // for a player ship.
            var body = (Body)manager.GetComponent(entity, Body.TypeId);

            body.IsBullet = true;

예제 #6
        /// <summary>LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load all of your content.</summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()

            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            Services.AddService(typeof(SpriteBatch), _spriteBatch);

            // Tell the console how to render itself.

            // Load generator constraints.

            // Create the profile implementation.
            Settings.Instance.CurrentProfile = new Profile();

            // Load / create profile.
            if (Settings.Instance.CurrentProfile.Profiles.Contains(Settings.Instance.CurrentProfileName))
                // TODO: create profile selection screen, show it if no or an invalid profile is active.
                Settings.Instance.CurrentProfile.Create("Default", Data.PlayerClassType.Default);
                Settings.Instance.CurrentProfileName = "Default";

            // Set up audio data (load wave/sound bank).

            // Set up graphical user interface.

            // Set up graphs.
예제 #7
        protected override void Initialize()
            if (_content == null)
                _content = new PlainContentManager(Services);
            if (_batch == null)
                _batch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice);
            if (_grid == null)
                _grid = new Grid(_content, GraphicsDeviceManager);


            _manager.AddSystems(new AbstractSystem[]
                new AvatarSystem(),
                new ShipInfoSystem(),
                new CharacterSystem <AttributeType>(),
                new VelocitySystem(),
                new TranslationSystem(),
                new IndexSystem(16, 1),
                new ExpirationSystem(),
                new InventorySystem(),
                new ItemSlotSystem(),
                new ItemEffectSystem(),
                new RegeneratingValueSystem(),
                new PhysicsSystem(1f / Settings.TicksPerSecond),

                new GraphicsDeviceSystem(GraphicsDeviceManager),
                new ContentSystem(_content),

                new ShipShapeSystem(),

                new CameraCenteredInterpolationSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new LocalPlayerSystem(null),
                new CameraSystem(GraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, null),

                new PlanetMaxBoundsRenderer(_content, GraphicsDeviceManager)
                    Enabled = true

                new PlanetRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new SunRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true

                new CameraCenteredTextureRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new CameraCenteredParticleEffectSystem(() => 1f)
                    Enabled = true
                new ShieldRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true

                new DebugSlotRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true
            // Fix position to avoid querying unavailable services.
            ((CameraSystem)_manager.GetSystem(CameraSystem.TypeId)).CameraPosition = FarPosition.Zero;

            // Enable debug render systems.
            _slots     = (DebugSlotRenderSystem)_manager.GetSystem(DebugSlotRenderSystem.TypeId);
            _maxBounds = (PlanetMaxBoundsRenderer)Manager.GetSystem(PlanetMaxBoundsRenderer.TypeId);
            _shields   = (ShieldRenderSystem)Manager.GetSystem(ShieldRenderSystem.TypeId);


            _updateTimer.Enabled = true;
            _drawTimer.Enabled   = true;

            GraphicsDeviceOnDeviceReset(null, null);
            GraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice.DeviceReset += GraphicsDeviceOnDeviceReset;
예제 #8
파일: Shield.cs 프로젝트: matrix4x4/Space
 public void Depacketize(IReadablePacket packet)
     Factory   = (ShieldFactory)FactoryLibrary.GetFactory(packet.ReadString());
     Structure = null;
예제 #9
        private void PopulateCell(CellStateChanged message, IUniformRandom random)
            // Check if we have a changed cell info.
            if (!_cellInfo.ContainsKey(message.Id))
                // No, generate the default one. Get an independent
                // randomizer to avoid different results in other
                // sampling operations from when we have an existing
                // cell info.
                var hasher = new Hasher();
                var independentRandom = new MersenneTwister(hasher.Value);

                // Figure out which faction should own this cell.
                Factions faction;
                switch (independentRandom.NextInt32(3))
                case 0:
                    faction = Factions.NPCFactionA;

                case 1:
                    faction = Factions.NPCFactionB;

                    faction = Factions.NPCFactionC;

                // Figure out our tech level.
                // TODO make dependent on distance to center / start system.
                var techLevel = independentRandom.NextInt32(3);

                // Create the cell and push it.
                _cellInfo.Add(message.Id, new CellInfo(faction, techLevel));

            // Get center of our cell.
            const int cellSize = CellSystem.CellSize;
            var       center   = new FarPosition(
                cellSize * message.X + (cellSize >> 1),
                cellSize * message.Y + (cellSize >> 1));

            // Check if it's the start system or not.
            if (message.X == 0 && message.Y == 0)
                // It is, use a predefined number of planets and moons,
                // and make sure it's a solar system.
                FactoryLibrary.SampleSunSystem(Manager, "solar_system", center, random);
                // It isn't, randomize.
                FactoryLibrary.SampleSunSystem(Manager, "sunsystem_1", center, random);

            // Find nearby active cells and the stations in them, mark
            // them as possible targets for all station sin this cell,
            // and let them know about our existence, as well.
            var cellSystem = (CellSystem)Manager.GetSystem(CellSystem.TypeId);
            var stations   = _cellInfo[message.Id].Stations;

            for (var ny = message.Y - 1; ny <= message.Y + 1; ny++)
                for (var nx = message.X - 1; nx <= message.X + 1; nx++)
                    // Don't fly to cells that are diagonal to
                    // ourselves, which we do by checking if the
                    // sum of the coordinates is uneven.
                    // This becomes more obvious when considering this:
                    // +-+-+-+-+
                    // |0|1|0|1|
                    // +-+-+-+-+
                    // |1|0|1|0|
                    // +-+-+-+-+
                    // |0|1|0|1|
                    // +-+-+-+-+
                    // |1|0|1|0|
                    // +-+-+-+-+
                    // Where 0 means the sum of the own coordinate is
                    // even, 1 means it is odd. Then we can see that
                    // the sum of diagonal pairs of cells is always
                    // even, and the one of straight neighbors is
                    // always odd.
                    if (((message.X + message.Y + ny + nx) & 1) == 0)
                        // Get the id, only mark the station if we have
                        // info on it and it's an enemy cell.
                        var id = BitwiseMagic.Pack(nx, ny);
                        if (cellSystem.IsCellActive(id) &&
                            _cellInfo.ContainsKey(id) &&
                            // Tell the other stations.
                            foreach (var stationId in _cellInfo[id].Stations)
                                var spawn = ((ShipSpawner)Manager.GetComponent(stationId, ShipSpawner.TypeId));
                                foreach (var otherStationId in stations)
                            // Tell our own stations.
                            foreach (var stationId in stations)
                                var spawner = ((ShipSpawner)Manager.GetComponent(stationId, ShipSpawner.TypeId));
                                foreach (var otherStationId in _cellInfo[id].Stations)