private void setAllPhotosOnListBox() { try { FacebookObjectCollection <Album> allAlbums = DataManagerWrapper.DataManager.GetAlbums(); m_FilteredPhotosCollection = new FacebookObjectCollection <Photo>(); int nodeCouner = 0; foreach (Album album in allAlbums) { int photoCounter = 1; foreach (Photo photo in album.Photos) { checkedListBoxPhotos.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - Picture {1}", album.Name, photoCounter)); m_FilteredPhotosCollection.Add(photo); photoCounter++; } nodeCouner++; } } catch (Exception) { FormFacebookApp.ShowFacebookError("Couldn't fetch albums data."); } }
private FacebookObjectCollection <IPictureAndNameOwner> getJoinedPages(User i_User1, User i_User2) { FacebookObjectCollection <IPictureAndNameOwner> joinedPages = null; try { if (i_User2 != null) { joinedPages = new FacebookObjectCollection <IPictureAndNameOwner>(); if (i_User1.LikedPages != null) { foreach (Page user1LikedPage in i_User1.LikedPages) { foreach (Page user2LikedPage in i_User2.LikedPages) { if (user1LikedPage.Id == user2LikedPage.Id) { joinedPages.Add(new PageAdapter(user1LikedPage)); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // don't do nothing when we are loging out at the mainThread } return(joinedPages); }
private void fetchPosts() { FacebookObjectCollection <Post> newListOfPosts = new FacebookObjectCollection <Post>(); foreach (Post post in FacebookManager.Instance.LoggedInUser.Posts) { if (post.Message != null) { newListOfPosts.Add(post); } } postBindingSource.DataSource = newListOfPosts; listBoxPosts.Invoke(new Action(() => { listBoxPosts.DisplayMember = "Message"; listBoxPosts.DataSource = this.postBindingSource; })); if (newListOfPosts.Count == 0) { this.Invoke(new Action(() => MessageBox.Show("No Posts to retrieve :("))); } }
public FacebookObjectCollection <User> FilterBySameBirthMonth() { FacebookObjectCollection <User> resCollection = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); if (LoggedUser != null) { string birthday = LoggedUser.Birthday; int monthOfBirth = int.Parse(string.Format("{0}{1}", birthday[3], birthday[4])); int friendMonthOfBirth; foreach (User friend in LoggedUser.Friends) { birthday = friend.Birthday; if (birthday != null) { friendMonthOfBirth = int.Parse(string.Format("{0}{1}", birthday[3], birthday[4])); if (friendMonthOfBirth == monthOfBirth) { resCollection.Add(friend); } } } } return(resCollection); }
public FacebookObjectCollection <User> GetNotActiveUsers() { FacebookObjectCollection <User> friends = m_LoggedInUser.Friends; FacebookObjectCollection <User> notActiveFriends = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); bool activeUser = false; foreach (User u in friends) { foreach (Post p in u.Posts) { if (p.CreatedTime.Value.Year.Equals(DateTime.Today.Year)) { activeUser = true; } } if (!activeUser) { notActiveFriends.Add(u); m_Friends.Add(u.FirstName + " " + u.LastName, u); } activeUser = false; } return(notActiveFriends); }
public FacebookObjectCollection <User> FilterFriends(Filter i_FilterBy) { FacebookObjectCollection <User> resCollection = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); if (i_FilterBy.User != null) { string birthday = i_FilterBy.User.Birthday; int yearOfBirth = int.Parse(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", birthday[6], birthday[7], birthday[8], birthday[9])); int friendYearOfBirth; foreach (User friend in i_FilterBy.User.Friends) { birthday = friend.Birthday; if (birthday != null) { friendYearOfBirth = int.Parse(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", birthday[6], birthday[7], birthday[8], birthday[9])); if (friendYearOfBirth == yearOfBirth - i_FilterBy.YearDifference || friendYearOfBirth == yearOfBirth + i_FilterBy.YearDifference) { resCollection.Add(friend); } } } } return(resCollection); }
internal void FetchFriendsList() { s_FriendList = new List <User>(); m_FriendList = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); try { if (m_LoginUser.Friends.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(Utils.k_NoDataToFetchMessage); } else { foreach (User friend in m_LoginUser.Friends) { m_FriendList.Add(friend); s_FriendList.Add(friend); friend.ReFetch(DynamicWrapper.eLoadOptions.Full); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Utils.k_FetchPerrmissionDenyMessage, e.Message)); } }
private List <PlaceCategory> buildCommonFiendsPlaces(User i_FirstUser, FacebookObjectCollection <User> i_FbUsers) { List <PlaceCategory> commonPlaces = new List <PlaceCategory>(); FacebookObjectCollection <Checkin> commonCheckins = new FacebookObjectCollection <Checkin>(); foreach (Checkin userCheckin in i_FirstUser.Checkins) { bool isCommon = true; foreach (User nextUser in i_FbUsers) { if (!nextUser.Checkins.Contains(userCheckin)) { isCommon = false; break; } } if (isCommon) { commonCheckins.Add(userCheckin); } } commonPlaces = buildCategories(commonCheckins); return(commonPlaces); }
public FacebookObjectCollection <User> GetUpcomingBirthdays() { FacebookObjectCollection <User> upcomingBirthdays = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); foreach (User friend in AppData.LoggedInUser.Friends) { FacebookDateAdapter facebookDate = new FacebookDateAdapter(); try { facebookDate.Date = friend.Birthday; DateTime birthday = facebookDate.ToDateTime(); birthday.AddYears(DateTime.Now.Year - birthday.Year); if (birthday <= DateTime.Now.AddDays(7) && birthday >= DateTime.Now) { upcomingBirthdays.Add(friend); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } return(upcomingBirthdays); }
private FacebookObjectCollection <IPictureAndNameOwner> getJoinedEvents(User i_User1, User i_User2) { FacebookObjectCollection <IPictureAndNameOwner> joinedEvents = null; try { if (i_User2 != null) { joinedEvents = new FacebookObjectCollection <IPictureAndNameOwner>(); if (i_User1.Events != null) { foreach (Event userEvent in i_User1.Events) { foreach (User attendingUser in userEvent.AttendingUsers) { if (attendingUser.Id == i_User2.Id) { joinedEvents.Add(new EventAdapter(userEvent)); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // don't do nothing when we are loging out at the mainThread } return(joinedEvents); }
private void initNewsFeeds() { FacebookObjectCollection <PostListBoxAdapter> newsFeeds = new FacebookObjectCollection <PostListBoxAdapter>(); foreach (Post post in m_User.NewsFeed) { newsFeeds.Add(new PostListBoxAdapter(post)); } m_FilterableNewsFeeds = new FilterableCollection <PostListBoxAdapter>(newsFeeds); m_UserFriends = m_User.Friends; Invoke( new Action(() => { foreach (User friend in m_UserFriends) { comboBoxFriendsNames.Items.Add(friend.Name); } string[] types = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Post.eType)); foreach (string type in types) { comboBoxPostTypes.Items.Add(type); } BindingSource binding = new BindingSource(); binding.DataSource = newsFeeds; listBoxNewsFeeds.DataSource = binding; OprogressBarLoginAndFetchData.IncrementByOne(); }), null); }
private FacebookObjectCollection <Checkin> buildCommonFiendsPlaces() { FacebookObjectCollection <Checkin> FbUserCheckins = User.Checkins; FacebookObjectCollection <User> FbFriends = User.Friends; FacebookObjectCollection <Checkin> commonCheckins = new FacebookObjectCollection <Checkin>(); foreach (Checkin userCheckin in User.Checkins) { bool isCommon = true; foreach (User nextUser in FbFriends) { if (!nextUser.Checkins.Contains(userCheckin)) { isCommon = false; break; } } if (isCommon) { commonCheckins.Add(userCheckin); } } return(commonCheckins); }
internal FacebookObjectCollection <AppUser> FindHitechWorkersContacts() { FacebookObjectCollection <AppUser> hitechWorkingContacts = new FacebookObjectCollection <AppUser>(); string exceptionMessage = string.Empty; foreach (AppUser currentFriend in r_UserFriends) { try { if (worksAtKnownHitechCompany(currentFriend) || worksAtPotentiallyHitechRelatedCompany(currentFriend)) { hitechWorkingContacts.Add(currentFriend); } } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionMessage = ex.Message; } } if (hitechWorkingContacts.Count == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(exceptionMessage)) { throw new Facebook.FacebookApiException(exceptionMessage); } return(hitechWorkingContacts); }
internal FacebookObjectCollection <AppUser> FindAMatch(bool i_ChoseGirls, bool i_ChoseBoys, string i_AgeRange) { FacebookObjectCollection <AppUser> potentialMatches = new FacebookObjectCollection <AppUser>(); string exceptionMessage = string.Empty; foreach (AppUser currentPotentialMatch in r_UserFriends) { try { if (isUserSingle(currentPotentialMatch) && isUserWithinChosenAgeRange(currentPotentialMatch, i_AgeRange)) { if ((!i_ChoseBoys && !i_ChoseGirls) || (i_ChoseBoys && i_ChoseGirls)) { potentialMatches.Add(currentPotentialMatch); } else { eGender?userGender = currentPotentialMatch.GetGender(); if (userGender != null) { if (i_ChoseBoys && userGender == eGender.male) { potentialMatches.Add(currentPotentialMatch); } else if (i_ChoseGirls && userGender == eGender.female) { potentialMatches.Add(currentPotentialMatch); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionMessage = ex.Message; } } if (potentialMatches.Count == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(exceptionMessage)) { throw new Facebook.FacebookApiException(exceptionMessage); } return(potentialMatches); }
private void initFriends() { Friends = new FacebookObjectCollection<User>(); foreach (User user in m_User.Friends) { Friends.Add(user); } }
public FacebookObjectCollection <User> GetActiveUsers() { FacebookObjectCollection <User> activeUsers = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); User activeUser = mostPictures(); if (activeUser != null) { activeUsers.Add(activeUser); } activeUser = mostPosts(); if (!activeUsers.Contains(activeUser) && activeUser != null) { activeUsers.Add(activeUser); } return(activeUsers); }
public void FindCommon(User i_FirstUser, User i_SecUser) { PostsInCommon = new FacebookObjectCollection <Post>(); foreach (Post post in i_FirstUser.PostsTaggedIn) { if (post.TaggedUsers.Contains(i_SecUser)) { PostsInCommon.Add(post); } } }
private void initUpcomingEvents() { UpcomingEvents = new FacebookObjectCollection<Event>(); foreach (Event eve in m_User.EventsNotYetReplied) { //if (eve.EndTime > DateTime.Now) { UpcomingEvents.Add(eve); } } }
public EnumerableUserData(FormMainFacade i_mainFacade, Enums.eFacebookObject i_facebookObject) { m_FBobjects = new FacebookObjectCollection <FacebookObject>(); m_mainFacade = i_mainFacade; eFacebookObject = i_facebookObject; try { switch (eFacebookObject) { case Enums.eFacebookObject.Albums: foreach (Album album in m_mainFacade.GetAlbums()) { m_FBobjects.Add(album); } break; case Enums.eFacebookObject.Friends: foreach (User friend in m_mainFacade.GetFriends()) { m_FBobjects.Add(friend); } break; case Enums.eFacebookObject.FavouriteTeams: foreach (Page FavTeam in m_mainFacade.GetFavouriteTeams()) { m_FBobjects.Add(FavTeam); } break; } } catch { throw new Facebook.FacebookApiException("No Access Or null"); } }
public FacebookObjectCollection <FacebookObjectWrapper> GetMemoriesOfFriends(bool i_IsOneDay, DateTime i_StartDate, DateTime i_EndDate, FacebookObjectCollection <User> i_FriendList) { m_StartDate = i_StartDate; m_FacebookObjectWrapper.Clear(); if (i_FriendList == null) { throw new Exception(k_NoAccessMessage + "friends!"); } else { try { if (i_IsOneDay) { foreach (User friend in i_FriendList) { if (friend.Birthday == m_StartDate.Date.ToShortDateString()) { m_FacebookObjectWrapper.Add(new FacebookObjectWrapper(friend)); } } } else { m_EndDate = i_EndDate; foreach (User friend in i_FriendList) { if ((friend.UpdateTime.Value.Date >= m_StartDate.Date) && (friend.UpdateTime.Value.Date <= m_EndDate.Date)) { m_FacebookObjectWrapper.Add(new FacebookObjectWrapper(friend)); } } } } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception(k_NoAccessToDetailsMessage + "friend's user"); } } if (m_FacebookObjectWrapper.Count == 0) { throw new Exception(getEmptyStringMessage("friends")); } return(m_FacebookObjectWrapper); }
private void photosCheckedListBox_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e) { if (checkedListBoxPhotos.GetItemChecked(checkedListBoxPhotos.SelectedIndex)) { m_SelectedImagesCollection.Remove( m_FilteredPhotosCollection[checkedListBoxPhotos.SelectedIndex].ImageNormal); } else { m_SelectedImagesCollection.Add( m_FilteredPhotosCollection[checkedListBoxPhotos.SelectedIndex].ImageNormal); } }
public GroupAndKnownMembers(User i_User, Group i_Group) { this.Group = i_Group; m_KnownMembers = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); foreach (User member in this.Group.Members) { if (memberIsAFriend(i_User, member.Name)) { m_KnownMembers.Add(member); } } }
public FacebookObjectCollection <Page> GetFavouriteTeams() { FacebookObjectCollection <Page> Teams = new FacebookObjectCollection <Page>(); if (LoggedInUser.LoggedUser.FavofriteTeams != null) { foreach (Page favTeam in LoggedInUser.LoggedUser.FavofriteTeams) { Teams.Add(favTeam); } } return(Teams); }
public FacebookObjectCollection <Post> GetPostsFriendTaggedUser(User i_Friend) { FacebookObjectCollection <Post> postsFriendTaggedUser = new FacebookObjectCollection <Post>(); foreach (Post post in User.Posts) { if (post.TaggedUsers.Contains(i_Friend)) { postsFriendTaggedUser.Add(post); } } return(postsFriendTaggedUser); }
public FacebookObjectCollection <Photo> GetMutualPictures(User i_Friend) { FacebookObjectCollection <Photo> mutualPictuers = new FacebookObjectCollection <Photo>(); foreach (Photo photo in User.PhotosTaggedIn) { if (i_Friend.PhotosTaggedIn.Contains(photo)) { mutualPictuers.Add(photo); } } return(mutualPictuers); }
public void FindCommon(User i_FirstUser, User i_SecUser) { m_FriendsInCommon = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); foreach (User friend in i_FirstUser.Friends) { foreach (User friendOfFriend in friend.Friends) { if (friendOfFriend.Id == i_SecUser.Id) { m_FriendsInCommon.Add(friend); } } } }
public FacebookObjectCollection <Group> GetMutualGroups(User i_Friend) { FacebookObjectCollection <Group> mutualGroups = new FacebookObjectCollection <Group>(); foreach (Group group in User.Groups) { if (i_Friend.Groups.Contains(group)) { mutualGroups.Add(group); } } return(mutualGroups); }
public FacebookObjectCollection <Post> Filter(FacebookObjectCollection <Post> i_PostsToFilter, DateTime i_Threshold) { FacebookObjectCollection <Post> filteredPosts = new FacebookObjectCollection <Post>(); foreach (Post currentPost in i_PostsToFilter) { if (m_FilterLogic.CalculateIsApprovedByThreshold(currentPost.CreatedTime, i_Threshold)) { filteredPosts.Add(currentPost); } } return(filteredPosts); }
protected override FacebookObjectCollection <User> filterListByChoice(FacebookObjectCollection <User> i_FriendList) { FacebookObjectCollection <User> returnedList = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); foreach (User friend in i_FriendList) { if (friend.Gender == User.eGender.female) { returnedList.Add(friend); } } return(returnedList); }
public FormCheckinList(FacebookObjectCollection <Checkin> i_Checkins, MRG.Controls.UI.LoadingCircle i_LoadingCircleShowCheckins) { m_LoadingCircleShowCheckins = i_LoadingCircleShowCheckins; m_Checkins = new FacebookObjectCollection <CheckinProxy>(); foreach (Checkin checkin in i_Checkins) { m_Checkins.Add(new CheckinProxy { Checkin = checkin }); } InitializeComponent(); initializeComponent(); }
protected override FacebookObjectCollection <User> filterListByChoice(FacebookObjectCollection <User> i_FriendList) { FacebookObjectCollection <User> returnedList = new FacebookObjectCollection <User>(); foreach (User friend in i_FriendList) { if (friend.Birthday != null) { returnedList.Add(friend); } } return(returnedList); }
/* Fetch the Current User Photos (And return the collection)*/ public FacebookObjectCollection <Photo> FetchUserPhotos() { FacebookObjectCollection <Photo> collectionOfUserPhotos = new FacebookObjectCollection <Photo>(); foreach (Album album in CurrentUser?.Albums) { foreach (Photo photo in album.Photos) { collectionOfUserPhotos.Add(photo); } } return(collectionOfUserPhotos); }
private void buttonRespond_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBoxRSVPOptions.SelectedItem != null) { SelectedRSVPStatus = (Event.eRsvpType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Event.eRsvpType), comboBoxRSVPOptions.SelectedItem.ToString()); SelectedEvents = new FacebookObjectCollection<Event>(); foreach (object checkedEvent in checkedListBoxEvents.CheckedItems) { SelectedEvents.Add(checkedEvent as Event); } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } }
private void ApplyFiltersButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_selectedEventForm != null) { m_selectedEventForm.Close(); } FacebookObjectCollection<Event> unRepliedEvents = m_LoggedInUser.EventsNotYetReplied; FacebookObjectCollection<Event> filteredUnRepliedEvents = new FacebookObjectCollection<Event>(); foreach (Event currentEvent in unRepliedEvents) { filteredUnRepliedEvents.Add(currentEvent); } foreach (Event currentEvent in unRepliedEvents) { foreach (string name in m_appConfig.EventHostBlacklist) { if (currentEvent.Owner.Name == name) { filteredUnRepliedEvents.Remove(currentEvent); } } } ListBoxUndecidedEvents.Items.Clear(); foreach (Event currentEvent in filteredUnRepliedEvents) { ListBoxUndecidedEvents.Items.Add(currentEvent); } m_selectedEventForm = m_selectedEventForm .Decorate((i_Event) => MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Hosted by: {0}", i_Event.Owner.Name)), (i_Event) => { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Do you want to add {0} to blacklist?",i_Event.Owner.Name), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { addNameToBlacklist(i_Event.Owner.Name); } }) .Decorate((i_Event, i_EventOwnerBlackList) => !i_EventOwnerBlackList.Contains(i_Event.Owner.Name), m_appConfig.EventHostBlacklist, (i_Event) => MessageBox.Show(string.Format("You are not allowed to see events hosted by {0}", i_Event.Owner.Name))); }