void Awake() { JUMPConnection.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (Debug.isDebugBuild && !DebugManager.DebugInitialized) { Logger.LogLevel = Logger.LogLevels.Verbose; // Load Debug Screen to do optional pre-login with Facebook DebugManager.LoadDebugIntroScreen(); } else { ProfileManager.Init(); PlayFabManager.Init(); FacebookManager.Init(); } }
private IEnumerator Start() { #if UNITY_STANDALONE //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); Screen.SetResolution(480, 960, false); Screen.fullScreen = false; #endif EasyAudioUtility.Instance.AjustarSomBG(0); //EasyAudioUtility.Instance.AjustarSomSFX(0); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => firebaseManager.isReady)); criarDiretoriosImagens(); AlterarProgressoSlider(0.3f); credenciais = AppManager.Instance.ObterCredenciais(); fbManager = new FacebookManager() { tipoLogin = (credenciais == null) ? "normal" : credenciais.tipoLogin, relogar = relogar }; fbManager.Init(); Debug.Log(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(credenciais)); if (credenciais != null) { if (credenciais.tipoLogin == "normal") { relogar("normal", null); } yield break; } AlterarProgressoSlider(0.7f); }
void Init() { if (currentPlayerProfile == null) { currentPlayerProfile = new PlayerProfile(); } if (gameStateManager == null) { gameStateManager = new GameStateManager(); } if (facebookManager == null) { facebookManager = new FacebookManager(); } if (movesManager == null) { movesManager = MovesManager.instance; } if (inputManager == null) { inputManager = InputManager.instance; } if (audioManager == null) { audioManager = AudioManager.instance; } gameStateManager.Init(); facebookManager.Init(); inputManager.Init(); }
void Start() { FacebookManager.Init(Begin); }
void Awake() { FacebookManager.Init(); }