예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle a face detected event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private async void FaceDetectionEffect_FaceDetected(FaceDetectionEffect sender, FaceDetectedEventArgs args)
            // Only run one face detection call to Cognitive Services at a time
            if (!_isRecognizing)
                //If we need the box for the detected face we can get them here
                //foreach (Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis.DetectedFace face in args.ResultFrame.DetectedFaces)
                //    BitmapBounds faceRect = face.FaceBox;

                _isRecognizing = true;

                var lowLagCapture = await _mediaCapture.PrepareLowLagPhotoCaptureAsync(ImageEncodingProperties.CreateUncompressed(MediaPixelFormat.Bgra8));

                var capturedPhoto = await lowLagCapture.CaptureAsync();

                var softwareBitmap = capturedPhoto.Frame.SoftwareBitmap;

                await lowLagCapture.FinishAsync();

                using (IRandomAccessStream randomAccessStream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream())
                    BitmapEncoder encoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.JpegEncoderId, randomAccessStream);


                    await encoder.FlushAsync();

                    var stream = randomAccessStream.AsStreamForRead();

                        //This call the Cognitive Services face API to detect the faces
                        var faces = await FaceService.DetectAsync(stream, true, false);

                        List <Guid> faceList = new List <Guid>();

                        foreach (var face in faces)

                        LastFaces = faceList.ToArray();
                        //We could not detect faces using Cognitive Services

                _isRecognizing = false;
예제 #2
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            this.Title = "Using Microsoft Cognitive Services API with Xamarin IOS";


            var width  = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width * 0.45;
            var height = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height * 0.45;

            CGSize  imageSize = new CGSize(width, height);
            CGPoint imageLoc  = CapturedImage.Frame.Location;

            CapturedImage.Frame = new CGRect(imageLoc, imageSize);

            CapturedImage.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Purple.CGColor;
            CapturedImage.Layer.BorderWidth = 2.0f;

            ImageData.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Purple.CGColor;
            ImageData.Layer.BorderWidth = 2.0f;

            Front.TouchUpInside += ToggleCameraSwitches;
            Back.TouchUpInside  += ToggleCameraSwitches;

            if (!SettingsService.FaceAPIConfigured || !SettingsService.VisionAPIConfigured)
                DisplayMessage("Settings Missing!",
                               "One or more required settings values missing. Some features disabled. Set all fields in the settings screen to perform all functions.",

            CaptureImage.TouchUpInside += async(s, e) =>
                await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();

                CameraDevice camera = (Front.On ? CameraDevice.Front : CameraDevice.Rear);

                if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsCameraAvailable || !CrossMedia.Current.IsTakePhotoSupported)
                    DisplayMessage("Unavailable!", "Camera unavailable on this device! Cannot continue!", "OK");

                image = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions()
                    PhotoSize       = PhotoSize.Custom,
                    CustomPhotoSize = 45,
                    DefaultCamera   = camera

                if (image != null)
                    NSData imageData = NSData.FromStream(image.GetStream());
                    CapturedImage.Image = UIImage.LoadFromData(imageData);


            ClearPicture.TouchUpInside += (s, e) =>
                image = null;
                CapturedImage.Image = null;

                ImageData.Text = string.Empty;

            Describe.TouchUpInside += async(s, e) =>
                ImageData.Text = string.Empty;

                if (!SettingsService.VisionAPIConfigured)
                        "Not configured!",
                        "The Vision API is not correctly setup in the settings screen. Please set API Key and Endpoint.",

                VisionServiceClient client   = new VisionServiceClient(SettingsService.VisionAPIKey, SettingsService.VisionAPIEndpoint);
                VisualFeature[]     features = { VisualFeature.Tags, VisualFeature.Categories, VisualFeature.Description };
                var result = await client.AnalyzeImageAsync(image.GetStream(), features);

                var analysisResult = "";

                analysisResult += "Categories:\n";

                foreach (Category c in result.Categories)
                    analysisResult += string.Format("{0}  ::  {1}%\n", c.Name, Math.Round(c.Score * 100, 2).ToString());

                analysisResult += "\n\nDescriptions:\n";

                foreach (Caption c in result.Description.Captions)
                    analysisResult += string.Format("{0}  ::  {1}%\n", c.Text, Math.Round(c.Confidence * 100, 2).ToString());

                analysisResult += "\n\nTags:\n";

                foreach (Tag t in result.Tags)
                    analysisResult += string.Format("{0}  ::  {1}%\n", t.Name, Math.Round(t.Confidence * 100, 2).ToString());

                ImageData.Text = analysisResult;

            OCR.TouchUpInside += async(s, e) =>
                ImageData.Text = string.Empty;

                if (!SettingsService.VisionAPIConfigured)
                        "Not configured!",
                        "The Vision API is not correctly setup in the settings screen. Please set API Key and Endpoint.",

                VisionServiceClient client = new VisionServiceClient(SettingsService.VisionAPIKey, SettingsService.VisionAPIEndpoint);
                var result = await client.RecognizeTextAsync(image.GetStream());

                var readText = "";

                foreach (Region r in result.Regions)
                    foreach (Line l in r.Lines)
                        foreach (Word w in l.Words)
                            readText += w.Text + " ";
                        readText += "\n";

                ImageData.Text = readText;

            Emotion.TouchUpInside += async(sender, e) =>
                ImageData.Text = string.Empty;

                FaceService faceClient = new FaceService();
                var         analysis   = await faceClient.DetectAsync(image.GetStream());

                var data = "";

                UIColor[] borderColors       = { UIColor.Red, UIColor.Green, UIColor.Purple, UIColor.Yellow };
                string[]  borderColorStrings = { "Red", "Green", "Purple", "Yellow" };

                //counter to select the correct border color
                int count = 0;
                foreach (Helpers.Face f in analysis)
                    var    scale      = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;
                    CGRect faceBorder = new CGRect(f.FaceRectangle.Left, f.FaceRectangle.Top, f.FaceRectangle.Width, f.FaceRectangle.Height);

                    CapturedImage.Image = CapturedImage.Image.DrawRectangleOnImage(faceBorder, borderColors[count]);

                    data += "Face ID: " + f.FaceId + "\n";
                    data += "Border Color: " + borderColorStrings[count] + "\n";
                    data += f.FaceAttributes.age.ToString() + "yo " + f.FaceAttributes.gender + "\n\n";

                    data += "Anger: " + Math.Round(f.FaceAttributes.emotion.anger * 100, 2).ToString() + "%\n";
                    data += "Contempt: " + Math.Round(f.FaceAttributes.emotion.contempt * 100, 2).ToString() + "%\n";
                    data += "Disgust: " + Math.Round(f.FaceAttributes.emotion.disgust * 100, 2).ToString() + "%\n";
                    data += "Fear: " + Math.Round(f.FaceAttributes.emotion.fear * 100, 2).ToString() + "%\n";
                    data += "Happiness: " + Math.Round(f.FaceAttributes.emotion.happiness * 100, 2).ToString() + "%\n";
                    data += "Neutral: " + Math.Round(f.FaceAttributes.emotion.neutral * 100, 2).ToString() + "%\n";
                    data += "Sadness: " + Math.Round(f.FaceAttributes.emotion.sadness * 100, 2).ToString() + "%\n";
                    data += "Surprise: " + Math.Round(f.FaceAttributes.emotion.surprise * 100, 2).ToString() + "%\n";

                    data += "\n\n";

                    //increment counter for border colors

                ImageData.Text = data;