public BatchClassificationDialog(ref Klu klu, ref TrainingDataSet dataSet, ProcessOptions processOptions)

            _BackgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
            _BackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress      = true;
            _BackgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
            _BackgroundWorker.DoWork             += new DoWorkEventHandler(DoWork);
            _BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(RunWorkerCompleted);
            _BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged    += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(ProgressChanged);

            BrowseButton.IsEnabled   = true;
            CancelButton.IsEnabled   = false;
            ClassifyButton.IsEnabled = false;

            _DataSet        = dataSet;
            _SelectedFiles  = new ArrayList();
            _ProcessOptions = processOptions;
            // We want the images to be as less distorded as possible, so we disable all the overlays.

            _ProcessOptions.DrawAnthropometricPoints = 0;
            _ProcessOptions.DrawDetectionTime        = 0;
            _ProcessOptions.DrawFaceRectangle        = 0;
            _ProcessOptions.DrawSearchRectangles     = 0;
            _ProcessOptions.DrawFeaturePoints        = 0;

            _KLU        = klu;
            _FFP        = new FaceFeaturePoints();
            _TempBitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(10, 10);

            ExpressionsComboBox.ItemsSource = _DataSet.Expression;
            ClassifyButton.Content          = "Classify";
예제 #2
        public BatchClassification(ref Klu klu, ref TrainingDataSet dataSet, ProcessOptions processOptions)

            _DataSet        = dataSet;
            _SelectedFiles  = new ArrayList();
            _ProcessOptions = processOptions;
            // We want the images to be as less distorded as possible, so we disable all the overlays.

            _ProcessOptions.DrawAnthropometricPoints = 0;
            _ProcessOptions.DrawDetectionTime        = 0;
            _ProcessOptions.DrawFaceRectangle        = 0;
            _ProcessOptions.DrawSearchRectangles     = 0;
            _ProcessOptions.DrawFeaturePoints        = 0;

            _KLU        = klu;
            _FFP        = new FaceFeaturePoints();
            _TempBitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(10, 10);

            ExpressionsComboBox.ItemsSource = _DataSet.Expression;
            ClassifyButton.Content          = "Classify";
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for this window.
        /// </summary>
        public MainWindow()

            Console.WriteLine("Loc: " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

                _CurrentImagePathIndex = 0;
                _ImagePathArray        = new ArrayList();
                _ProcessOptions        = new ProcessOptions();
                _FFP = new FaceFeaturePoints();

                _ProcessOptions.DoEyeProcessing          = 1;
                _ProcessOptions.DoMouthProcessing        = 1;
                _ProcessOptions.DrawAnthropometricPoints = 0;
                _ProcessOptions.DrawSearchRectangles     = 0;
                _ProcessOptions.DrawFaceRectangle        = 1;
                _ProcessOptions.DrawDetectionTime        = 1;
                _ProcessOptions.DrawFeaturePoints        = 1;
                _ProcessOptions.DoVisualDebug            = 0;

                #region Intialize encapsulated OpenCV subsystem
                _KLU        = new Klu();
                _TempBitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(10, 10);

                // Create a Timer with a Normal Priority
                _CaptureTimer = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, this.Dispatcher);

                // Set the callback to just show the time ticking away
                // NOTE: We are using a control so this has to run on
                // the UI thread
                _CaptureTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(
                    delegate(object s, EventArgs a)
                    _KLU.ProcessCaptureImage(ref _ProcessOptions, ref _FFP);

                    // Ensure the image (bitmap) we are writing to has the correct dimensions
                    int width = 0, height = 0;
                    _KLU.GetLastProcessedImageDims(ref width, ref height);

                    if (_TempBitmap.Width != width || _TempBitmap.Height != height)
                        Console.WriteLine("Need to resize the _TempBitmap to " + width + "x" + height);
                        _TempBitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(width, height);

                    _KLU.GetLastProcessedImage(ref _TempBitmap);
                    _KLU.SetWpfImageFromBitmap(ref image1, ref _TempBitmap);
                    //_KLU.SetImageBrushFromBitmap(ref imageBrush, ref _TempBitmap);

                #region "Connect" to database
                _TAM     = new TableAdapterManager();
                _DataSet = new TrainingDataSet();

                // Load data from SQL database and fill our DataSet
                _TAM.ExpressionTableAdapter = new ExpressionTableAdapter();
                _TAM.TrainingTableAdapter   = new TrainingTableAdapter();

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
예제 #4
        public static void AddTrainingData(ref TrainingDataSet dataSet, ref FaceFeaturePoints ffp, int expressionOID, ref System.Drawing.Bitmap picture)
            // Convert facial coordinates to relative face rectangle coordinates.
            // We do this because we are not interested in absolute coordinates but in quality of the face.

            int x = ffp.FaceRectangle.X;
            int y = ffp.FaceRectangle.Y;
            int w = ffp.FaceRectangle.Width;
            int h = ffp.FaceRectangle.Height;

            // Calculate the eye distance (in relative coordinates
            float dx = i2r(ffp.RightEye.EyeCenter.X, x, w) - i2r(ffp.LeftEye.EyeCenter.X, x, w);
            float dy = i2r(ffp.RightEye.EyeCenter.Y, y, h) - i2r(ffp.LeftEye.EyeCenter.Y, y, h);
            //float dx = i2r(ffp.RightEye.EyeCenter.X - ffp.LeftEye.EyeCenter.X, x, w);
            //float dy = i2r(ffp.RightEye.EyeCenter.Y - ffp.LeftEye.EyeCenter.Y, y, h);
            float eyeDist = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

            // Construct thumbnail
            const int thumbnailWidth  = 50;
            const int thumbnailHeight = 50;

            System.Drawing.Rectangle faceRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
            System.Drawing.Bitmap    faceImg  = picture.Clone(faceRect, picture.PixelFormat);

            System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort tc = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback);
            System.Drawing.Image   thumbnail = faceImg.GetThumbnailImage(thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, tc, IntPtr.Zero);
            System.IO.MemoryStream ms        = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            thumbnail.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

            TrainingDataSet.TrainingRow row = dataSet.Training.NewTrainingRow();

            row.ExpressionOID        = expressionOID;
            row.LipCornerLeftX       = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipCornerLeft.X, x, w);
            row.LipCornerLeftY       = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipCornerLeft.Y, y, h);
            row.LipCornerRightX      = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipCornerRight.X, x, w);
            row.LipCornerRightY      = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipCornerRight.Y, y, h);
            row.LipUpLeftX           = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipUpLeft.X, x, w);
            row.LipUpLeftY           = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipUpLeft.Y, y, h);
            row.LipUpCenterX         = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipUpCenter.X, x, w);
            row.LipUpCenterY         = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipUpCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.LipUpRightX          = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipUpRight.X, x, w);
            row.LipUpRightY          = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipUpRight.Y, y, h);
            row.LipUpRightX          = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipBottomLeft.X, x, w);
            row.LipUpRightY          = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipBottomLeft.Y, y, h);
            row.LipBottomCenterX     = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipBottomCenter.X, x, w);
            row.LipBottomCenterY     = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipBottomCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.LipBottomRightX      = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipBottomRight.X, x, w);
            row.LipBottomRightY      = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipBottomRight.Y, y, h);
            row.LipBottomLeftX       = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipBottomLeft.X, x, w);
            row.LipBottomLeftY       = i2r(ffp.Mouth.LipBottomLeft.Y, y, h);
            row.EyeDistance          = eyeDist;
            row.LeftEyeCenterX       = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.EyeCenter.X, x, w);
            row.LeftEyeCenterY       = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.EyeCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.LeftLidBottomX       = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.LidBottomCenter.X, x, w);
            row.LeftLidBottomY       = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.LidBottomCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.LeftLidCornerLeftX   = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.LidCornerLeft.X, x, w);
            row.LeftLidCornerLeftY   = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.LidCornerLeft.Y, y, h);
            row.LeftLidCornerRightX  = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.LidCornerRight.X, x, w);
            row.LeftLidCornerRightY  = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.LidCornerRight.Y, y, h);
            row.LeftLidUpX           = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.LidUpCenter.X, x, w);
            row.LeftLidUpY           = i2r(ffp.LeftEye.LidUpCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.RightEyeCenterX      = i2r(ffp.RightEye.EyeCenter.X, x, w);
            row.RightEyeCenterY      = i2r(ffp.RightEye.EyeCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.RightLidBottomX      = i2r(ffp.RightEye.LidBottomCenter.X, x, w);
            row.RightLidBottomY      = i2r(ffp.RightEye.LidBottomCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.RightLidCornerLeftX  = i2r(ffp.RightEye.LidCornerLeft.X, x, w);
            row.RightLidCornerLeftY  = i2r(ffp.RightEye.LidCornerLeft.Y, y, h);
            row.RightLidCornerRightX = i2r(ffp.RightEye.LidCornerRight.X, x, w);
            row.RightLidCornerRightY = i2r(ffp.RightEye.LidCornerRight.Y, y, h);
            row.RightLidUpX          = i2r(ffp.RightEye.LidUpCenter.X, x, w);
            row.RightLidUpY          = i2r(ffp.RightEye.LidUpCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.MouthCenterX         = i2r(ffp.Mouth.MouthCenter.Y, y, h);
            row.MouthCenterY         = i2r(ffp.Mouth.MouthCenter.Y, y, h);

            row.Thumbnail = ms.ToArray();
