// GET api/<controller>
        public IEnumerable <Hashtable> Get()
            // Make sure the user is logged in
            if (CustomerKey == null || Individual == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Individual.CurrentKey))
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);

            // This could be passed in via a query string (compared against a whitelist), or derived from the object model
            var columns = new string[] { "cst_recno", "ind_first_name", "ind_last_name", "ind_badge_name", "eml_address", "adr_city", "adr_line1", "adr_post_code", "adr_state" };

            // Using a real data model is preferable
            var result = new List <Hashtable>();

            using (FacadeClass facade = FacadeObjectFactory.CreateIndividual()) // Re-use the facade to reduce memory usage
                using (var connection = DataUtils.GetConnection())
                    using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted))

                        // In a real-world application, you wouldn't dump your whole database
                        // Ideally a high-level filter would be applied (i.e. adr_state in this case), with pagination
                        // Any more specific filtering (city, zip, radius) could be done client-side
                        // Adding a caching mechanism would increase performance
                        using (var cmd = new NfDbCommand(@"
    co_customer (NOLOCK)
    JOIN co_individual (NOLOCK) ON ind_cst_key = cst_key AND ind_delete_flag = 0
    cst_delete_flag = 0
", connection, transaction))
                            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                                while (reader.HasRows && reader.Read())
                                    facade.CurrentKey = ((Guid)reader.GetValue(0)).ToString();
                                    facade.SelectByKey(connection, transaction);

                                    // Using a real data model is preferable
                                    var record = new Hashtable();

                                    foreach (var col in columns)
                                        // Using GetValueNative so booleans and numeric data types come over to JSON as their proper data types
                                        record[col] = facade.GetValueNative(col);


                                    // Clear facade values between loop iterations
