private void btnRemoveIntegration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridDataItem dataItem = this.pointsToIntegrateGrid.SelectedItems[0] as GridDataItem; int IntegrationPointId = Convert.ToInt32(GetDataItemValue(dataItem, "IntegrationPointId")); if (IntegrationPointId > 0) { string ImportMessageIDCSV; List <int> importMessageIDs = new List <int>(); importMessageIDs = GetImportMessageIDsForRemoval(); if (importMessageIDs.Count > 0) { ImportMessageIDCSV = String.Join(",", importMessageIDs); } else { ImportMessageIDCSV = ""; } bool success = false; Facade.IPoint facPoint = new Facade.Point(); success = facPoint.DeletePointForIntegration(IntegrationPointId, ImportMessageIDCSV); if (success == true) { Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Error", "alert('Unable to delete the Point, please try again');", true); } } }