private void LoadGrid() { int clientId = 0; int subContractId = 0; int jobId = 0; int invoiceId = 0; string clientInvoiceNumber = string.Empty; DateTime startDate = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime endDate = DateTime.MinValue; // Client if (cboClient.Text != "") { clientId = Convert.ToInt32(cboClient.SelectedValue); } // Sub Contractor if (cboSubContractor.Text != "") { subContractId = Convert.ToInt32(cboSubContractor.SelectedValue); } // Invoice Id if (txtInvoiceId.Text != "") { invoiceId = Convert.ToInt32(txtInvoiceId.Text); } // Client Invoice Number if (txtClientInvoiceNumber.Text != "") { clientInvoiceNumber = txtClientInvoiceNumber.Text; } // // Job State // if (cboJobState.SelectedValue != string.Empty) // jobState = (eJobState) Enum.Parse(typeof(eJobState), cboJobState.SelectedValue); // Job Id if (txtJobId.Text != "") { jobId = Convert.ToInt32(txtJobId.Text); } // Date Range if (dteStartDate.SelectedDate != DateTime.MinValue) { startDate = dteStartDate.SelectedDate.Value; } if (dteEndDate.SelectedDate != DateTime.MinValue) { endDate = dteEndDate.SelectedDate.Value; } // Get Invoiced Jobs Facade.IInvoice facInvoice = new Facade.Invoice(); DataSet dsInvoicing = null; if (rdoInvoiceType.SelectedIndex != 1) { if (startDate != DateTime.MinValue || endDate != DateTime.MinValue) { dsInvoicing = facInvoice.GetInvoicedJobsWithParamsAndDate(clientId, subContractId, invoiceId, jobId, clientInvoiceNumber, startDate, endDate, 0); } else { dsInvoicing = facInvoice.GetInvoicedJobsWithParams(clientId, subContractId, invoiceId, jobId, clientInvoiceNumber, 0); } } else { if (startDate != DateTime.MinValue || endDate != DateTime.MinValue) { dsInvoicing = facInvoice.GetInvoicedJobsWithParamsAndDate(clientId, subContractId, invoiceId, jobId, clientInvoiceNumber, startDate, endDate, 1); } else { dsInvoicing = facInvoice.GetInvoicedJobsWithParams(clientId, subContractId, invoiceId, jobId, clientInvoiceNumber, 1); } } // Check whether account is on hold if (rdoInvoiceType.SelectedIndex != 1) { if (dsInvoicing.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { // if (Convert.ToInt32(dsInvoicing.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OnHold"]) == 1) // { // dlJob.Enabled = false; // lblOnHold.Visible = true; // lblOnHold.Text = cboClient.Text + "'s account has been put on hold, please go to <A HREF=../Organisation/addupdateorganisation.aspx?IdentityId=" + Convert.ToInt32(cboClient.SelectedValue) + ">" + cboClient.Text + "'s details to change.</A>"; // } // else lblOnHold.Visible = false; pnlNormalJob.Visible = true; pnlSubJob.Visible = false; dlJob.Visible = true; dlJob.DataSource = dsInvoicing; dlJob.DataBind(); lblJobCount.Text = "There are " + dlJob.Items.Count.ToString() + " jobs invoiced."; } else { lblOnHold.Visible = true; lblOnHold.Text = "With the given parameters no jobs have been found."; dlJob.Visible = false; pnlNormalJob.Visible = false; pnlSubJob.Visible = false; } } else { if (dsInvoicing.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { // if (Convert.ToInt32(dsInvoicing.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OnHold"]) == 1) // { // dlJob.Enabled = false; // lblOnHold.Visible = true; // lblOnHold.Text = cboClient.Text + "'s account has been put on hold, please go to <A HREF=../Organisation/addupdateorganisation.aspx?IdentityId=" + Convert.ToInt32(cboClient.SelectedValue) + ">" + cboClient.Text + "'s details to change.</A>"; // } // else lblOnHold.Visible = false; pnlSubJob.Visible = true; pnlNormalJob.Visible = false; dlJobSub.Visible = true; dlJobSub.DataSource = dsInvoicing; dlJobSub.DataBind(); lblJobCount.Text = "There are " + dlJobSub.Items.Count.ToString() + " jobs invoiced."; } else { lblOnHoldSub.Visible = true; lblOnHoldSub.Text = "With the given parameters no jobs have been found."; dlJobSub.Visible = false; pnlNormalJob.Visible = false; pnlSubJob.Visible = false; } } // // Sort By // DataView dvInvoice = new DataView(dsInvoicing.Tables[0]); // // foreach ( ListItem sortField in rdoSortType.Items ) // { // if (sortField.Selected) // dvInvoice.Sort = sortField.Text; // } // Load List // // pnlSort.Visible = false; // btnFilter.Visible = true; // // btnClear.Visible = true; }