//---------------------------------------------------------- private void Upload_Du_Lieu_WEB(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (thong_tin_quantity_total_web.SelectedItem != null) { data_table_note item = (data_table_note)thong_tin_quantity_total_web.SelectedItem; Get_Source(); string result = "F"; if (thong_tin_quantity_total_project.Items.Count > 0) { result = F_UploadData.Upload(uiapp, doc, thong_tin_quantity_total_project, thong_tin_quantity_project, material_of_element_in_project, id_file, user); } if (thong_tin_quantity_input.Items.Count > 0) { F_SaveData.save_data_input(uiapp, doc, input_block, input_level, input_material, input_id, input_quantity, input_unit, id_file, my_quantity_input, false, user); show_data_input(id_file, thong_tin_quantity_input); result = "S"; } if (result == "S") { MessageBox.Show("Upload Success!", "SUCCESS", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); List <string> para = new List <string>() { "@DBProjectNumber", "@DBId", "@DBStatus" }; for (int i = 0; i < item.ids.Count(); i++) { var a = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new data_status() { open = false, edited = item.editeds[i] }); List <object> para_value = new List <object>() { project_number, item.ids[i], a }; SQL.SQLWrite(Source.path_WEB, "dbo.spUpdate_OnlyStatusQuantityNotes", Source.type_Procedure, para, para_value); } F_QuantityNotes.Get_Data_Notes_Web(project_number, Class, my_table_note, thong_tin_quantity_total_web); } else { MessageBox.Show("Missing data. Upload fail!", "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------- public void Function_Dau_Vao() { try { List <string> file_name = doc.Title.Split('_').ToList(); project_number = doc.ProjectInformation.Number; block = doc.ProjectInformation.BuildingName; Class = doc.ProjectInformation.LookupParameter("Class") == null ? "" : doc.ProjectInformation.LookupParameter("Class").AsString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Class)) { MessageBox.Show("Share Parameter Class not found", "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } if (file_name.Count() > 3) { List <string> format = new List <string>(); if (project_number != file_name[0]) { format.Add("Project Number"); } if (block != file_name[1]) { format.Add("Block"); } if (Class != file_name[3]) { format.Add("Class"); } if (format.Count() == 0) { id_file = file_name[0] + "_" + file_name[1] + "_" + file_name[2] + "_" + file_name[3] + "_"; unit_length = F_GetUnits.get_unit_length_type(doc); input_block.Text = block; F_Material.get_material_combobox(doc, input_material); show_data_input(id_file, thong_tin_quantity_input); material_of_element_in_project = new List <string>(); F_QuantityNotes.Get_Data_Notes_Web(project_number, Class, my_table_note, thong_tin_quantity_total_web); } else { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Data is incorrect.\nPlease check {0} and try again!", string.Join(",", format)), "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); this.Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("File name is incorrect. Please check and try again!", "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }