internal void setWorld(World world) { = world; if (this.isControllable) { world.gui.AddChild(powerupClock); } hair.MoveToFront(); }
public override void Update() { playerSprite.MoveToFront(); base.Update(); }
public void Update(float timeStacker) { if (displaySprite.container != cam.ReturnFContainer("HUD2")) { cam.ReturnFContainer("HUD2").AddChild(displaySprite); } // Create a delegate that gets the current inputs if (_getInputs == null) { Type rwInput = Type.GetType("RWInput, Assembly-CSharp"); _getInputs = (GetRTInputs)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetRTInputs), rwInput.GetMethod("PlayerInput", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)); } // Move the input display when left bracket is pressed if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftBracket)) { origin = Input.mousePosition; Move(); } // Allow dragging the input display if (_dragging) { if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { _dragging = false; } else { origin = (Vector2)Input.mousePosition + _dragOffset; Move(); } } else { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && IsMouseOver) { _dragging = true; _dragOffset = origin - (Vector2)Input.mousePosition; } } // Change the lerp bar to display the current timeStacker _lerpBar.scaleX = timeStacker * _lerpBarWidth; // Cache the inputs at the start of the frame. It is not going to change while the buttons are updating rtInput = _getInputs(0,,; foreach (InputButton button in buttons) { button.Update(); } // Update the analog input Vector2 aiCenter = new Vector2(DrawOrigin.x + _analogRelPos.x + _analogBoxSize * 0.5f - 0.5f, DrawOrigin.y + _analogRelPos.y + _analogBoxSize * 0.5f - 0.5f); float maxOffset = _analogBoxSize * 0.5f - 4f; _analogIndicator.SetPosition(aiCenter + CurrentInput.analogueDir * maxOffset); _analogRTIndicator.SetPosition(aiCenter + rtInput.analogueDir * maxOffset); _analogRTIndicator.isVisible = !hideRTIndicators; displaySprite.MoveToFront(); offscreenContainer.MoveToFront(); }