// This is the main area where we set up to use the additional information from the extra table
        private void InitializeManualCode()
            // Get our screenClassName
            string ScreenName = this.GetType().Name;

            // Initialise the list box column headings in the working DataTable and the GUI
            string DBCol1  = DBUsedBy;
            string DBCol2  = String.Empty;
            string GUICol2 = String.Empty;
            string DBCol3  = "Label";

            if (String.Compare(ScreenName, "TFrmLocalPartnerDataFieldSetup", true) == 0)
                CurrentContext = Context.Partner;
                DBCol2         = "PartnerClass";
                GUICol2        = Catalog.GetString("Partner Class");
            else if (String.Compare(ScreenName, "TFrmLocalApplicationDataFieldSetup", true) == 0)
                CurrentContext = Context.Application;
                DBCol2         = "Application";
                GUICol2        = Catalog.GetString("Application");
            else if (String.Compare(ScreenName, "TFrmLocalPersonnelDataFieldSetup", true) == 0)
                CurrentContext = Context.Personnel;
                DBCol2         = "Personnel";
                GUICol2        = Catalog.GetString("Personnel");

            // Now we can initialise our little data table that backs the checkbox list view
            DTUsedBy.Columns.Add(DBCol1).DataType = typeof(Boolean);
            DTUsedBy.Columns.Add(DBCol2).DataType = typeof(String);
            DTUsedBy.Columns.Add(DBCol3).DataType = typeof(String);

            // Add a 'Context' column so we can filter the data
            ContextColumnOrdinal = FMainDS.PDataLabel.Columns.Add("Context", typeof(int)).Ordinal;

            // Add a 'Used By' column to our main dataset (Do it twice so we track changes)
            FMainDS.PDataLabel.Columns.Add("UsedByInit", typeof(String));
            UsedByColumnOrdinal = FMainDS.PDataLabel.Columns.Add(DBUsedBy, typeof(String)).Ordinal;

            // Add a 'Converted Data Type' column to the dataset because we want to 'translate' from geeky database entries to friendly user ones
            // This column data is derived from an expression
            string expression = String.Format("IIF(p_data_type_c='char','{0}',", Catalog.GetString("Text"));

            expression           += String.Format("IIF(p_data_type_c='float','{0}',", Catalog.GetString("Number"));
            expression           += String.Format("IIF(p_data_type_c='currency','{0}',", Catalog.GetString("Currency"));
            expression           += String.Format("IIF(p_data_type_c='boolean','{0}',", Catalog.GetString("Yes/No"));
            expression           += String.Format("IIF(p_data_type_c='date','{0}',", Catalog.GetString("Date"));
            expression           += String.Format("IIF(p_data_type_c='time','{0}',", Catalog.GetString("Time"));
            expression           += String.Format("IIF(p_data_type_c='lookup','{0}',", Catalog.GetString("Option List"));
            expression           += String.Format("IIF(p_data_type_c='partnerkey','{0}',", Catalog.GetString("Partner Key"));
            expression           += String.Format("'{0}'))))))))", Catalog.GetString("Unknown"));
            DataTypeColumnOrdinal = FMainDS.PDataLabel.Columns.Add("DataTypeEx", typeof(System.String), expression).Ordinal;

            // Load the Extra Data from DataLabelUse table
            Type DataTableType;

            FExtraDS.PDataLabelUse = new PDataLabelUseTable();
            DataTable CacheDT = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("DataLabelUseList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);


            // Take each row of our main dataset and populate the new column with relevant data
            //   from the DataLabelUse table
            foreach (PDataLabelRow labelRow in FMainDS.PDataLabel.Rows)
                string    usedBy = String.Empty;
                int       key    = labelRow.Key;
                DataRow[] rows   = FExtraDS.PDataLabelUse.Select("p_data_label_key_i=" + key.ToString());

                foreach (PDataLabelUseRow useRow in rows)
                    if (usedBy != String.Empty)
                        usedBy += ",";

                    usedBy += useRow.Use;

                    // Update the value of our MaxIdx1Value variable
                    if (useRow.Idx1 > MaxIdx1Value)
                        MaxIdx1Value = useRow.Idx1;

                // Initially our two new columns hold the same values, but if we make a change we modify the second one.
                labelRow[UsedByColumnOrdinal - 1] = usedBy;                     // since we added this column manually, it does not have a handy property
                labelRow[UsedByColumnOrdinal]     = usedBy;                     // since we added this column manually, it does not have a handy property

                if (usedBy.IndexOf("personnel", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                    labelRow[ContextColumnOrdinal] = (int)Context.Personnel;
                else if (usedBy.IndexOf("termapp", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                    labelRow[ContextColumnOrdinal] = (int)Context.Application;
                    labelRow[ContextColumnOrdinal] = (int)Context.Partner;

            // So now our main data set has everything we need
            // But the grid doesn't know about our new column yet
            // We do that in 'RunOnceOnActivationManual()'

            // Set the form title and list box content depending on our context
            if (CurrentContext == Context.Partner)
                this.Text = "Maintain Local Partner Data Fields";
                AddRowToUsedByList("Person", Catalog.GetString("Person"));
                AddRowToUsedByList("Family", Catalog.GetString("Family"));
                AddRowToUsedByList("Church", Catalog.GetString("Church"));
                AddRowToUsedByList("Organisation", Catalog.GetString("Organisation"));
                AddRowToUsedByList("Bank", Catalog.GetString("Bank"));
                AddRowToUsedByList("Unit", Catalog.GetString("Unit"));
                AddRowToUsedByList("Venue", Catalog.GetString("Venue"));
            else if (CurrentContext == Context.Application)
                this.Text = "Maintain Local Application Data Fields";
                AddRowToUsedByList("LongTermApp", Catalog.GetString("Long Term"));
                AddRowToUsedByList("ShortTermApp", Catalog.GetString("Short Term"));
            else if (CurrentContext == Context.Personnel)
                this.Text = "Maintain Local Personnel Data Fields";
                AddRowToUsedByList("Personnel", Catalog.GetString("Personnel"));
                clbUsedBy.Visible = false;

            // Need to run this to ensure that the Form's Title gets prefixed with 'Read-Only: ' as the Form's title
            // was overwritten just above

            //Set up our checked list box columns and bind to our DTUsedBy table
            clbUsedBy.AddCheckBoxColumn(GUIUsedBy, DTUsedBy.Columns[0], 17, false);
            clbUsedBy.AddTextColumn(GUICol2, DTUsedBy.Columns[2], 169);
            clbUsedBy.DataBindGrid(DTUsedBy, DBCol3, DBCol1, DBCol2, false, false, false);
            FPetraUtilsObject.SetStatusBarText(clbUsedBy, Catalog.GetString("Choose the screens when this label will be used"));

            // Now we have to deal with the form controls that depend on the selection of DataType
            // and we only want one visible at a time - so hide these three
            pnlCurrencyCode.Visible       = false;
            pnlLookupCategoryCode.Visible = false;
            pnlNumDecimalPlaces.Visible   = false;

            // We can prevent screen 'flicker' by setting the DefaultView RowFilter to some stupid setting that finds no rows
            // This stops the auto-genertaed code populating the list with incorrect data before we get it right in our code
            //  that runs later (RunOnceOnActivationManual)
            // Actually this line was added after completing the rest of the code.  Having added it I could probably
            //   remove a few lines elsewhere, but I am not going to because I don't want to break anything!
            FMainDS.PDataLabel.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Context=0";

            // We need to capture the 'DataSaved' event, so we can save our Extra DataSet
            FPetraUtilsObject.DataSaved         += new TDataSavedHandler(FPetraUtilsObject_DataSaved);
            FPetraUtilsObject.DataSavingStarted += new TDataSavingStartHandler(FPetraUtilsObject_DataSavingStarted);