internal static void OnMessageRecievedEventHandler(FMessage mess) { var h = MessageRecievedEvent; if (h == null) return; foreach (var tmpSingleCast in h.GetInvocationList()) { var tmpSyncInvoke = tmpSingleCast.Target as ISynchronizeInvoke; if (tmpSyncInvoke != null && tmpSyncInvoke.InvokeRequired) { tmpSyncInvoke.BeginInvoke(tmpSingleCast, new object[] { mess }); continue; } h.BeginInvoke(mess, null, null); } }
private MessageBase ParseParameterToMessage(string message, object parameter, out short id) { MessageBase msgToSend = null; if (parameter == null) { id = DispatchEMessageId; EMessage emsg = new EMessage (); emsg.message = message; msgToSend = emsg; } else if (parameter is int) { id = DispatchIMessageId; IMessage imsg = new IMessage (); imsg.message = message; imsg.parameter = (int)parameter; msgToSend = imsg; } else if (parameter is float) { id = DispatchFMessageId; FMessage fmsg = new FMessage (); fmsg.message = message; fmsg.parameter = (float)parameter; msgToSend = fmsg; } else if (parameter is string) { id = DispatchSMessageId; SMessage smsg = new SMessage (); smsg.message = message; smsg.parameter = parameter as string; msgToSend = smsg; } else if (parameter is Vector3) { id = DispatchVMessageId; VMessage vmsg = new VMessage (); vmsg.message = message; vmsg.parameter = (Vector3)parameter; msgToSend = vmsg; } else if (parameter is Quaternion) { id = DispatchQMessageId; QMessage qmsg = new QMessage (); qmsg.message = message; qmsg.parameter = (Quaternion)parameter; msgToSend = qmsg; } else { id = -1; Debug.LogError ("Can't dispatch a non RPCable parameter"); } return msgToSend; }
private void TypeChat(ProtocolTreeNode messageNode, string tmpAttrFrom, string tmpAttrbId, FMessage.Builder builder, string tmpAttrFromJid) { foreach (ProtocolTreeNode itemNode in (messageNode.GetAllChildren() ?? new ProtocolTreeNode[0])) { if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "composing")) { WhatsEventHandler.OnIsTypingEventHandler(tmpAttrFrom, true); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "paused")) { WhatsEventHandler.OnIsTypingEventHandler(tmpAttrFrom, false); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "body") && (tmpAttrbId != null)) { string dataString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(itemNode.GetData()); var tmpMessKey = new FMessage.Key(tmpAttrFrom, false, tmpAttrbId); builder.Key(tmpMessKey).Remote_resource(tmpAttrFromJid).NewIncomingInstance().Data(dataString); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "media") && (tmpAttrbId != null)) { long tmpMediaSize; int tmpMediaDuration; builder.Media_wa_type(FMessage.GetMessage_WA_Type(itemNode.GetAttribute("type"))).Media_url( itemNode.GetAttribute("url")).Media_name(itemNode.GetAttribute("file")); if (long.TryParse(itemNode.GetAttribute("size"), WhatsConstants.WhatsAppNumberStyle, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out tmpMediaSize)) { builder.Media_size(tmpMediaSize); } string tmpAttrSeconds = itemNode.GetAttribute("seconds"); if ((tmpAttrSeconds != null) && int.TryParse(tmpAttrSeconds, WhatsConstants.WhatsAppNumberStyle, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out tmpMediaDuration)) { builder.Media_duration_seconds(tmpMediaDuration); } if (builder.Media_wa_type().HasValue && (builder.Media_wa_type().Value == FMessage.Type.Location)) { double tmpLatitude = 0; double tmpLongitude = 0; string tmpAttrLatitude = itemNode.GetAttribute("latitude"); string tmpAttrLongitude = itemNode.GetAttribute("longitude"); if ((tmpAttrLatitude == null) || (tmpAttrLongitude == null)) { tmpAttrLatitude = "0"; tmpAttrLongitude = "0"; } else if (!double.TryParse(tmpAttrLatitude, WhatsConstants.WhatsAppNumberStyle, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out tmpLatitude) || !double.TryParse(tmpAttrLongitude, WhatsConstants.WhatsAppNumberStyle, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out tmpLongitude)) { throw new CorruptStreamException("location message exception parsing lat or long attribute: " + tmpAttrLatitude + " " + tmpAttrLongitude); } builder.Latitude(tmpLatitude).Longitude(tmpLongitude); string tmpAttrName = itemNode.GetAttribute("name"); string tmpAttrUrl = itemNode.GetAttribute("url"); if (tmpAttrName != null) { builder.Location_details(tmpAttrName); } if (tmpAttrUrl != null) { builder.Location_url(tmpAttrUrl); } } if (builder.Media_wa_type().HasValue && (builder.Media_wa_type().Value) == FMessage.Type.Contact) { ProtocolTreeNode tmpChildMedia = itemNode.GetChild("media"); if (tmpChildMedia != null) { builder.Media_name(tmpChildMedia.GetAttribute("name")).Data(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tmpChildMedia.GetData())); } } else { string tmpAttrEncoding = itemNode.GetAttribute("encoding") ?? "text"; if (tmpAttrEncoding == "text") { builder.Data(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(itemNode.GetData())); } } var tmpMessageKey = new FMessage.Key(tmpAttrFrom, false, tmpAttrbId); builder.Key(tmpMessageKey).Remote_resource(tmpAttrFromJid).NewIncomingInstance(); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "request")) { builder.Wants_receipt(true); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "x")) { string str16 = itemNode.GetAttribute("xmlns"); if ("jabber:x:event".Equals(str16) && (tmpAttrbId != null)) { var tmpMessageKey = new FMessage.Key(tmpAttrFrom, true, tmpAttrbId); } } else if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "received")) { if (tmpAttrbId != null) { var tmpMessageKey = new FMessage.Key(tmpAttrFrom, true, tmpAttrbId); if (true) { string tmpAttrType = itemNode.GetAttribute("type"); if ((tmpAttrType != null) && !tmpAttrType.Equals("delivered")) { if (tmpAttrType.Equals("visible")) { this.sendHandler.SendVisibleReceiptAck(tmpAttrFrom, tmpAttrbId); } } else { this.sendHandler.SendDeliveredReceiptAck(tmpAttrFrom, tmpAttrbId); } } } } else if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "offline")) { builder.Offline(true); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode.TagEquals(itemNode, "notify")) { var tmpAttrName = itemNode.GetAttribute("name"); if (tmpAttrName != null) { builder.from_me = false; = tmpAttrbId; builder.remote_jid = tmpAttrFromJid; builder.Key().serverNickname = tmpAttrName; } } } if (!builder.Timestamp().HasValue) { builder.Timestamp(new DateTime?(DateTime.Now)); } FMessage message = builder.Build(); if (message != null) { WhatsEventHandler.OnMessageRecievedEventHandler(message); } }
internal void SendMessageWithMedia(FMessage message) { ProtocolTreeNode node; if (FMessage.Type.System == message.media_wa_type) { throw new SystemException("Cannot send system message over the network"); } List<KeyValue> list = new List<KeyValue>(new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:mms"), new KeyValue("type", FMessage.GetMessage_WA_Type_StrValue(message.media_wa_type)) }); if (FMessage.Type.Location == message.media_wa_type) { list.AddRange(new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("latitude", message.latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), new KeyValue("longitude", message.longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) }); if (message.location_details != null) { list.Add(new KeyValue("name", message.location_details)); } if (message.location_url != null) { list.Add(new KeyValue("url", message.location_url)); } } else if (((FMessage.Type.Contact != message.media_wa_type) && (message.media_name != null)) && ((message.media_url != null) && (message.media_size > 0L))) { list.AddRange(new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("file", message.media_name), new KeyValue("size", message.media_size.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), new KeyValue("url", message.media_url) }); if (message.media_duration_seconds > 0) { list.Add(new KeyValue("seconds", message.media_duration_seconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } } if ((FMessage.Type.Contact == message.media_wa_type) && (message.media_name != null)) { node = new ProtocolTreeNode("media", list.ToArray(), new ProtocolTreeNode("vcard", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("name", message.media_name) }, WhatsAppProtocol.SYSEncoding.GetBytes(; } else { byte[] data = message.binary_data; if ((data == null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { try { data = Convert.FromBase64String(; } catch (Exception) { } } if (data != null) { list.Add(new KeyValue("encoding", "raw")); } node = new ProtocolTreeNode("media", list.ToArray(), null, data); } this.whatsNetwork.SendData(this._binWriter.Write(node)); }
internal void SendMessageWithBody(FMessage message) { var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("body", null, null, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(; this.whatsNetwork.SendData(this._binWriter.Write(GetMessageNode(message, child))); }
internal static ProtocolTreeNode GetMessageNode(FMessage message, ProtocolTreeNode pNode) { return new ProtocolTreeNode("message", new[] { new KeyValue("to", message.key.remote_jid), new KeyValue("type", "chat"), new KeyValue("id", }, pNode); }
public void SendStatusUpdate(string status, Action onComplete, Action<int> onError) { string id = TicketManager.GenerateId(); FMessage message = new FMessage(new FMessage.Key("", true, id)); var messageNode = GetMessageNode(message, new ProtocolTreeNode("body", null, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(status))); this.whatsNetwork.SendData(this._binWriter.Write(messageNode)); }
protected void SendMessageWithBody(FMessage message, bool hidden = false) { var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("body", null, null, WhatsApp.SYSEncoding.GetBytes(; this.SendNode(GetMessageNode(message, child, hidden)); }
public void SendMessage(FMessage message) { if (message.media_wa_type != FMessage.Type.Undefined) { this.SendMessageWithMedia(message); } else { this.SendMessageWithBody(message); } }
public FMessage.Builder SetInstance(FMessage message) { this.message = message; return this; }
public FMessage.Builder NewOutgoingInstance() { if (((this.remote_jid == null) || ( == null)) || (this.thumb_image == null)) { throw new NotSupportedException( "missing required property before instantiating new outgoing message"); } if (( != null) || (this.from_me.Value && !this.from_me.Value)) { throw new NotSupportedException("invalid property set before instantiating new outgoing message"); } this.message = new FMessage(this.remote_jid,, this.thumb_image); return this; }
public FMessage.Builder NewIncomingInstance() { if (((this.remote_jid == null) || !this.from_me.HasValue) || ( == null)) { throw new NotSupportedException( "missing required property before instantiating new incoming message"); } this.message = new FMessage(new FMessage.Key(this.remote_jid, this.from_me.Value,; return this; }
public FMessage.Builder Media_wa_type(FMessage.Type media_wa_type) { this.media_wa_type = new FMessage.Type?(media_wa_type); return this; }
public FMessage.Builder Key(FMessage.Key key) { this.remote_jid = key.remote_jid; this.from_me = new bool?(key.from_me); =; return this; }
public void Message(string to, string txt) { var tmpMessage = new FMessage(to, true) { key = { id = TicketManager.GenerateId() }, data = txt }; this.WhatsParser.WhatsSendHandler.SendMessage(tmpMessage); }
public void SendMessageReceived(FMessage message) { var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("received", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:receipts") }); var node = new ProtocolTreeNode("message", new[] { new KeyValue("to", message.key.remote_jid), new KeyValue("type", "chat"), new KeyValue("id", }, child); this.whatsNetwork.SendData(this._binWriter.Write(node)); }
protected void sendMessageReceived(ProtocolTreeNode msg) { ProtocolTreeNode requestNode = msg.GetChild("request"); if (requestNode == null || !requestNode.GetAttribute("xmlns").Equals("urn:xmpp:receipts", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return; FMessage tmpMessage = new FMessage(new FMessage.Key(msg.GetAttribute("from"), true, msg.GetAttribute("id"))); this.WhatsParser.WhatsSendHandler.SendMessageReceived(tmpMessage); }
protected void SendMessageWithMedia(FMessage message) { ProtocolTreeNode node; if (FMessage.Type.System == message.media_wa_type) { throw new SystemException("Cannot send system message over the network"); } List <KeyValue> list = new List <KeyValue>(new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:mms"), new KeyValue("type", FMessage.GetMessage_WA_Type_StrValue(message.media_wa_type)) }); if (FMessage.Type.Location == message.media_wa_type) { list.AddRange(new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("latitude", message.latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), new KeyValue("longitude", message.longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) }); if (message.location_details != null) { list.Add(new KeyValue("name", message.location_details)); } if (message.location_url != null) { list.Add(new KeyValue("url", message.location_url)); } } else if (((FMessage.Type.Contact != message.media_wa_type) && (message.media_name != null)) && ((message.media_url != null) && (message.media_size > 0L))) { list.AddRange(new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("file", message.media_name), new KeyValue("size", message.media_size.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), new KeyValue("url", message.media_url) }); if (message.media_duration_seconds > 0) { list.Add(new KeyValue("seconds", message.media_duration_seconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } } if ((FMessage.Type.Contact == message.media_wa_type) && (message.media_name != null)) { node = new ProtocolTreeNode("media", list.ToArray(), new ProtocolTreeNode("vcard", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("name", message.media_name) }, WhatsApp.SYSEncoding.GetBytes(; } else { byte[] data = message.binary_data; if ((data == null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { try { data = Convert.FromBase64String(; } catch (Exception) { } } if (data != null) { list.Add(new KeyValue("encoding", "raw")); } node = new ProtocolTreeNode("media", list.ToArray(), null, data); } this.SendNode(GetMessageNode(message, node)); }