예제 #1
    public static FGTooltip CreateTokenWidget(FGTextEditor editor, Rect tokenRect, ParseTree.Leaf leaf, bool horizontal = false)
        var tool = Create(editor, tokenRect, leaf, horizontal, false);

        tool.isTokenTooltip = false;
    private static void CompileErrorsCheck()
        if (EditorApplication.isCompiling)

        EditorApplication.update -= CompileErrorsCheck;
        reloadingAssembly         = false;
        //EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Inspector 2", "Compile errors!", "OK");
예제 #3
    //private static void OnBuild()
    //    SaveAllModified(false);
    //    //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();

#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
    private static void OnPlaymodeStateChanged(PlayModeStateChange state)
        if (_instance == null)

        if (state == PlayModeStateChange.ExitingEditMode)
예제 #4
 public static GoToLineWindow Create(FGTextEditor editor)
     var owner = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;
     var wnd = EditorWindow.GetWindow<GoToLineWindow>(true);
     wnd.editor = editor;
     wnd.text = (editor.caretPosition.line + 1).ToString();
     if (owner != null)
     var center = owner.position.center;
     wnd.position = new Rect((int)(center.x - 0.5f * 256f), (int)(center.y - 0.5f * 100f), 256f, 100f);
     return wnd;
    void Initialize()
        textStyle           = new GUIStyle();
        textStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;

        bigTextStyle           = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        bigTextStyle.fontSize  = 24;
        bigTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;

        miniTextStyle           = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniLabel);
        miniTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;

        flipbookLogo = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Texture2D>("CreatedByFlipbookGames.png");
예제 #6
        public static GoToLineWindow Create(FGTextEditor editor)
            var owner = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;
            var wnd   = EditorWindow.GetWindow <GoToLineWindow>(true);

            wnd.editor = editor;
            wnd.text   = (editor.caretPosition.line + 1).ToString();
            if (owner != null)
                var center = owner.position.center;
                wnd.position = new Rect((int)(center.x - 0.5f * 256f), (int)(center.y - 0.5f * 100f), 256f, 100f);
	private static void CompileErrorsCheck()
		if (EditorApplication.isCompiling)

		EditorApplication.update -= CompileErrorsCheck;
		reloadingAssemblies = false;
		//EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Inspector", "Compile errors!", "OK");
		FGConsole.repaintOnUpdateCounter = 1;
		if (SISettings.autoFocusConsole != 0)
			var siConsole = FGConsole.FindInstance();
			if (siConsole)
예제 #8
        private static void LoadResources(FGTextEditor editor)
            if (symbolIcons == null)

            listItemStyle = new GUIStyle
                fixedHeight = 0,        //listItemHeight,
                padding     = { left = 2, top = 2, bottom = 4, right = 2 },
                border      = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2),
                margin      = new RectOffset(3, 3, 0, 0),
                overflow    = { left = -20 },

                normal    = { textColor = editor.styles.normalStyle.normal.textColor },
                onFocused = { background = selectedListItem },
                onNormal  = { background = inactiveListItem, textColor = editor.styles.normalStyle.normal.textColor },
 static HermanLight()
     FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #10
 static SonOfObsidian()
     FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #11
    public static FGTooltip Create(FGTextEditor editor, Rect tokenRect, ParseTree.Leaf leaf, bool horizontal = false, bool showError = true)
        string tooltipText = null;
        var symbolDefinition = leaf.resolvedSymbol;
        SymbolDefinition[] overloads = null;
        int currentOverload = 0;
        if (symbolDefinition != null)
                //Debug.Log("Creating tooltip: " + symbolDefinition.GetTooltipText());

                ConstructedTypeDefinition constructedType = symbolDefinition.parentSymbol as ConstructedTypeDefinition;

                if (symbolDefinition.kind == SymbolKind.MethodGroup)
                    var group = symbolDefinition as MethodGroupDefinition;
                    if (group == null)
                        var constructedGroup = symbolDefinition as ConstructedSymbolReference;
                        if (constructedGroup != null)
                            var genericGroup = constructedGroup.referencedSymbol as MethodGroupDefinition;
                            if (constructedType != null)
                                symbolDefinition = constructedType.GetConstructedMember(genericGroup.methods.FirstOrDefault());
                    if (group != null && group.methods != null)
                        symbolDefinition = group.methods.FirstOrDefault() ?? symbolDefinition;
                    //	Debug.Log("Can't convert to MethodGroupDefinition. " + symbolDefinition.GetTooltipText());

                tooltipText = GetTooltipText(symbolDefinition, leaf);
                //tooltipText += symbolDefinition.IsValid();

                var methodGroup = symbolDefinition;
                if (methodGroup.parentSymbol != null)
                    if (methodGroup.parentSymbol.kind == SymbolKind.MethodGroup)
                        var constructedMethodGroup = methodGroup.parentSymbol as ConstructedMethodGroupDefinition;
                        methodGroup = constructedMethodGroup ?? methodGroup.parentSymbol;
                        if (constructedType != null)
                            var constructedMethod = methodGroup as ConstructedSymbolReference;
                            methodGroup = constructedMethod != null ?
                                constructedMethod.referencedSymbol.parentSymbol as MethodGroupDefinition : null;
                if (methodGroup != null && methodGroup.kind == SymbolKind.MethodGroup)
                    var group = methodGroup as MethodGroupDefinition;
                    if (group != null && group.methods.Count > 1)
                        var methodOverloads = new MethodDefinition[group.methods.Count];
                        Scope leafScope = null;
                        for (var i = leaf.parent; i != null; i = i.parent)
                            if (i.scope != null)
                                leafScope = i.scope;
                        var candidates = group.CollectCandidates(null, null, leafScope);
                        if (candidates != null)
                            methodOverloads = candidates.ToArray();
                            if (constructedType != null)
                                overloads = new SymbolDefinition[methodOverloads.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < overloads.Length; ++i)
                                    overloads[i] = constructedType.GetConstructedMember(methodOverloads[i]);
                                overloads = methodOverloads;
                            currentOverload = Mathf.Clamp(System.Array.IndexOf(overloads, symbolDefinition), 0, overloads.Length - 1);
                    //else if (group == null)
                    //	Debug.Log("Can't convert to MethodGroupDefinition. " + symbolDefinition);
                //else if (methodGroup != null)
                //	Debug.Log("symbolDefinition: " + symbolDefinition.GetType());
                //if (overloads != null)
                //	var constructedMethodGroup = methodGroup as ConstructedMethodGroupDefinition;
                //	if (constructedMethodGroup != null)
                //	{
                //		var typeParameters = constructedMethodGroup.GetTypeParameters();
                //		Debug.Log(string.Join(", ", (from x in typeParameters select x.ToString()).ToArray()));
                //	}

                if (overloads == null && symbolDefinition.kind == SymbolKind.Method)
                    overloads = new SymbolDefinition[] { symbolDefinition };
                    currentOverload = 0;
            catch (System.Exception e)
                //	Debug.LogException(e);
                tooltipText = e.ToString();
        if (showError)
            if (leaf.syntaxError != null)
                tooltipText = leaf.syntaxError;
            else if (leaf.semanticError != null && (symbolDefinition == null || symbolDefinition.kind != SymbolKind.Error))
                if (tooltipText != "")
                    tooltipText = tooltipText + "\n\nSemantic error:\n\t" + leaf.semanticError;
                    tooltipText = leaf.semanticError;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltipText))
            return null;

        Rect position = horizontal
            ? new Rect(tokenRect.xMax, tokenRect.y, 1f, 1f)
            : new Rect(tokenRect.x, tokenRect.yMax, 1f, 1f);

        var owner = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;

        var window = CreatePopup<FGTooltip>();
        window.wantsMouseMove = true;
        window.dropDownRect = tokenRect;
        window.horizontal = horizontal;
        window.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

        window.textEditor = editor;
        #if UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5_0
        window.title = string.Empty;
        window.titleContent.text = string.Empty;
        window.minSize = Vector2.one;
        window.owner = owner;
        window.tokenLeaf = leaf;
        window.text = tooltipText;
        window.overloads = overloads;
        window.currentOverload = currentOverload;

        //window.style = new GUIStyle(editor.styles.style);
        //window.style.wordWrap = true;
        //	window.style.fixedWidth = 300f;
        //	window.style.stretchHeight = true;
        window.style = editor.styles.tooltipTextStyle;
        window.style.normal.textColor = SISettings.useStandardColorInPopups ? editor.CurrentTheme.text : editor.CurrentTheme.tooltipText;
        window.style.font = EditorStyles.standardFont;
        window.style.fontSize = SISettings.fontSizeDelta + 11;

        window.boldStyle = new GUIStyle(window.style);
        window.boldStyle.font = EditorStyles.boldFont;

        //window.backgroundStyle = new GUIStyle(editor.styles.style);
        //if (window.backgroundStyle.normal.background)

        window.position = position;

        //if (window.owner != null)
        //	window.owner.Focus();
        return window;
 static HermanGreen()
     FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #13
        private static string _themeName = "Xcode";         // Xcode (updated to Xcode 5 by inventor2010)

        static Xcode()
            FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);             // Loaded by default
예제 #14
 static VisualStudio()
     FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #15
 static SolarizedLight()
     FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #16
        private static void LoadSymbolIcons()
            SymbolKind[] kinds = { SymbolKind.Namespace,       SymbolKind.Interface,          SymbolKind.Enum,           SymbolKind.Struct,
                                   SymbolKind.Class,           SymbolKind.Delegate,           SymbolKind.Field,          SymbolKind.ConstantField,SymbolKind.LocalConstant,
                                   SymbolKind.EnumMember,      SymbolKind.Property,           SymbolKind.Event,          SymbolKind.Indexer,
                                   SymbolKind.Method,          SymbolKind.Constructor,        SymbolKind.Destructor,     SymbolKind.Operator,
                                   SymbolKind.Accessor,        SymbolKind.Parameter,          SymbolKind.CatchParameter, SymbolKind.Variable,
                                   SymbolKind.ForEachVariable, SymbolKind.FromClauseVariable, SymbolKind.TypeParameter,
                                   SymbolKind.Label };
            var          oneForAll = new HashSet <SymbolKind> {
                SymbolKind.Namespace, SymbolKind.EnumMember, SymbolKind.Parameter,
                SymbolKind.CatchParameter, SymbolKind.Variable, SymbolKind.ForEachVariable, SymbolKind.FromClauseVariable,
                SymbolKind.TypeParameter, SymbolKind.Label, SymbolKind.LocalConstant, SymbolKind.Constructor, SymbolKind.Destructor

            symbolIcons = new Texture2D[System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(SymbolKind)).Length, 3];
            for (var i = 0; i < kinds.Length; i++)
                var kind = kinds[i].ToString();
                if (kind == "ConstantField" || kind == "LocalConstant")
                    kind = "Constant";
                else if (kind == "EnumMember")
                    kind = "EnumItem";
                var index = (int)kinds[i];
                symbolIcons[index, 0] = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Texture2D>("Symbol Icons/VSObject_" + kind + ".png");
                if (oneForAll.Contains(kinds[i]))
                    symbolIcons[index, 1] = symbolIcons[index, 0];
                    symbolIcons[index, 2] = symbolIcons[index, 0];
                    symbolIcons[index, 1] = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Texture2D>("Symbol Icons/VSObject_" + kind + "_Protected.png");
                    symbolIcons[index, 2] = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Texture2D>("Symbol Icons/VSObject_" + kind + "_Private.png");

                if (symbolIcons[index, 0] == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("No icon for " + kind);
                if (symbolIcons[index, 1] == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("No icon for protected " + kind);
                if (symbolIcons[index, 2] == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("No icon for private " + kind);
            symbolIcons[(int)SymbolKind._Keyword, 0] = keywordIcon = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Texture2D>("Symbol Icons/Keyword.png");
            symbolIcons[(int)SymbolKind._Keyword, 1] = keywordIcon;
            symbolIcons[(int)SymbolKind._Keyword, 2] = keywordIcon;
            var snippetIcon = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Texture2D>("Symbol Icons/Snippet.png");
            symbolIcons[(int)SymbolKind._Snippet, 0] = snippetIcon;
            symbolIcons[(int)SymbolKind._Snippet, 1] = snippetIcon;
            symbolIcons[(int)SymbolKind._Snippet, 2] = snippetIcon;

            inactiveListItem = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Texture2D>("inactiveListItem.png");
            selectedListItem = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Texture2D>("selectedListItem.png");
예제 #17
        public static FGListPopup Create(FGTextEditor editor, Rect buttonRect, bool flipped)
            if (listItemStyle == null)
            listItemStyle.fontSize           = SISettings.fontSizeDelta + 11;
            listItemHeight                   = Mathf.Max(19f, listItemStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(symbolIcons[0, 0], "W"), 100f));
            listItemStyle.onNormal.textColor = editor.styles.normalStyle.normal.textColor;
            listItemStyle.normal.textColor   = editor.styles.normalStyle.normal.textColor;

            topSuggestion = null;

            string typedInPart = "";
            int    tokenIndex;
            bool   atTokenEnd;
            var    onToken = editor.TextBuffer.GetTokenAt(editor.caretPosition, out lineIndex, out tokenIndex, out atTokenEnd);

            if (onToken != null && /*!atTokenEnd &&*/ onToken.tokenKind >= SyntaxToken.Kind.Keyword)
                // eat
                var textSpan = editor.TextBuffer.GetTokenSpan(lineIndex, tokenIndex);
                startAtCharacterIndex = textSpan.StartPosition.index;

                tokenLeft = editor.TextBuffer.GetNonTriviaTokenLeftOf(lineIndex, startAtCharacterIndex);

                typedInPart = onToken.text.Substring(0, editor.caretPosition.characterIndex - textSpan.index);
                //	Debug.Log("typedInPart " + typedInPart);
                if (!atTokenEnd && onToken.tokenKind == SyntaxToken.Kind.Comment)
                if (onToken != null && (
                        onToken.tokenKind == SyntaxToken.Kind.StringLiteral ||
                        onToken.tokenKind == SyntaxToken.Kind.VerbatimStringLiteral ||
                        onToken.tokenKind == SyntaxToken.Kind.CharLiteral ||
                        onToken.tokenKind == SyntaxToken.Kind.CharLiteral ||
                        onToken.tokenKind >= SyntaxToken.Kind.Preprocessor &&
                        onToken.tokenKind <= SyntaxToken.Kind.PreprocessorUnexpectedDirective))

                startAtCharacterIndex = editor.caretPosition.characterIndex;
                lineIndex             = editor.caretPosition.line;

                tokenLeft = editor.TextBuffer.GetNonTriviaTokenLeftOf(lineIndex, startAtCharacterIndex);

            FGListPopup window = CreatePopup <FGListPopup>();

            window.Flipped        = flipped;
            window.minSize        = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            window.textEditor     = editor;
            window.textBuffer     = editor.TextBuffer;
            window.owner          = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;
            startAtCharacterIndex = editor.caretPosition.characterIndex;
            lineIndex             = editor.caretPosition.line;
            //tokenLeft = null;

            Vector2 screenPoint = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(
                new Vector2(buttonRect.x, flipped ? buttonRect.y : buttonRect.yMax));
            Rect position = new Rect(screenPoint.x - 24f - editor.charSize.x * typedInPart.Length,
                                     flipped ? screenPoint.y - 21f : screenPoint.y, 1f, 21f);

            window.dropDownRect = new Rect(position.x, flipped ? position.y + 21f : position.y - editor.charSize.y, 1f, editor.charSize.y);
            window.position     = position;
            window.TypedInPart  = typedInPart;


            //if (window.owner != null)
            //	window.owner.Focus();
예제 #18
        protected void OnGUI()
            if (Event.current.isKey && TabSwitcher.OnGUIGlobal())

            EditorWindow console = consoleWindowField.GetValue(null) as EditorWindow;

            if (console == null)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(@"Script Inspector Console can only work when the Console tab is also open.

Click the button below to open the Console window...", MessageType.Info);
                if (GUILayout.Button("Open Console Widnow"))

            Rect oldPosition = console.position;

            editorWindowPosField.SetValue(console, position);

                bool contextClick = Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick ||
                                    Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 1 && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor;
                if (contextClick && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0 &&
                    Event.current.mousePosition.y > EditorStyles.toolbar.fixedHeight)
                    int lvHeight = (int)consoleLVHeightField.GetValue(console);
                    if (lvHeight > Event.current.mousePosition.y - EditorStyles.toolbar.fixedHeight)
                        Event.current.type       = EventType.MouseDown;
                        Event.current.button     = 0;
                        Event.current.clickCount = 1;
                        try { consoleOnGUIMethod.Invoke(console, null); } catch { }
                        GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;

                else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.mousePosition.y > EditorStyles.toolbar.fixedHeight ||
                         Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return)
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
                try { consoleOnGUIMethod.Invoke(console, null); } catch { }

#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
                var rc = new Rect(413f, -1f, 160f, 18f);
#elif UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
                var rc = new Rect(355f, -1f, 144f, 18f);
                var rc = new Rect(254f, -1f, 144f, 18f);
                var autoFocusText = SISettings.autoFocusConsole == 0 ? "Auto-Focus: Never" :
                                    SISettings.autoFocusConsole == 1 ? "Auto-Focus: On Error" : "Auto-Focus: On Compile";
                if (GUI.Button(rc, autoFocusText, EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown))
                    var menu = new GenericMenu();
                    menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Never"), SISettings.autoFocusConsole == 0,
                                 () => { SISettings.autoFocusConsole.Value = 0; });
                    menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("On Compile Error"), SISettings.autoFocusConsole == 1,
                                 () => { SISettings.autoFocusConsole.Value = 1; });
                    menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("On Compile"), SISettings.autoFocusConsole == 2,
                                 () => { SISettings.autoFocusConsole.Value = 2; });

#if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
                if (font == null && SISettings.monospacedFontConsole)
                    font = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Font>("Smooth Fonts/DejaVu Sans Mono.ttf");

                rc.xMin = rc.xMax + 4f;
                rc.xMax = rc.xMin + 100f;
                if (SISettings.monospacedFontConsole != GUI.Toggle(rc, SISettings.monospacedFontConsole, "Monospaced Font", EditorStyles.toolbarButton))
                    SISettings.monospacedFontConsole.Value = !SISettings.monospacedFontConsole;

                    if (font == null && SISettings.monospacedFontConsole)
                        font = FGTextEditor.LoadEditorResource <Font>("Smooth Fonts/DejaVu Sans Mono.ttf");

                    SetConsoleFont(SISettings.monospacedFontConsole ? font : null);
                editorWindowPosField.SetValue(console, oldPosition);
        private static string _themeName = "VS Dark with Resharper";         // Visual Studio Dark with Resharper 9.1 (courtesy of Sarper Soher)

        static VSDarkWithResharper()
            FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #20
 static TangoLight()
     FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #21
 static TangoDark_Oblivion()
     FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #22
    public static FGTooltip Create(FGTextEditor editor, Rect tokenRect, ParseTree.Leaf leaf, bool horizontal = false, bool showError = true)
        string tooltipText      = null;
        var    symbolDefinition = leaf.resolvedSymbol;

        SymbolDefinition[] overloads = null;
        int currentOverload          = 0;

        if (symbolDefinition != null)
                //Debug.Log("Creating tooltip: " + symbolDefinition.GetTooltipText());

                ConstructedTypeDefinition constructedType = symbolDefinition.parentSymbol as ConstructedTypeDefinition;

                if (symbolDefinition.kind == SymbolKind.MethodGroup)
                    var group = symbolDefinition as MethodGroupDefinition;
                    if (group == null)
                        var constructedGroup = symbolDefinition as ConstructedSymbolReference;
                        if (constructedGroup != null)
                            var genericGroup = constructedGroup.referencedSymbol as MethodGroupDefinition;
                            if (constructedType != null)
                                symbolDefinition = constructedType.GetConstructedMember(genericGroup.methods.FirstOrDefault());
                    if (group != null && group.methods != null)
                        symbolDefinition = group.methods.FirstOrDefault() ?? symbolDefinition;
                    //	Debug.Log("Can't convert to MethodGroupDefinition. " + symbolDefinition.GetTooltipText());

                tooltipText = GetTooltipText(symbolDefinition, leaf);
                //tooltipText += symbolDefinition.IsValid();

                var methodGroup = symbolDefinition;
                if (methodGroup.parentSymbol != null)
                    if (methodGroup.parentSymbol.kind == SymbolKind.MethodGroup)
                        var constructedMethodGroup = methodGroup.parentSymbol as ConstructedMethodGroupDefinition;
                        methodGroup = constructedMethodGroup ?? methodGroup.parentSymbol;
                        if (constructedType != null)
                            var constructedMethod = methodGroup as ConstructedSymbolReference;
                            methodGroup = constructedMethod != null ?
                                          constructedMethod.referencedSymbol.parentSymbol as MethodGroupDefinition : null;
                if (methodGroup != null && methodGroup.kind == SymbolKind.MethodGroup)
                    var group = methodGroup as MethodGroupDefinition;
                    if (group != null && group.methods.Count > 1)
                        var methodOverloads = new MethodDefinition[group.methods.Count];
                        Scope leafScope = null;
                        for (var i = leaf.parent; i != null; i = i.parent)
                            if (i.scope != null)
                                leafScope = i.scope;
                        var candidates = group.CollectCandidates(null, null, leafScope);
                        if (candidates != null)
                            methodOverloads = candidates.ToArray();
                            if (constructedType != null)
                                overloads = new SymbolDefinition[methodOverloads.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < overloads.Length; ++i)
                                    overloads[i] = constructedType.GetConstructedMember(methodOverloads[i]);
                                overloads = methodOverloads;
                            currentOverload = Mathf.Clamp(System.Array.IndexOf(overloads, symbolDefinition), 0, overloads.Length - 1);
                    //else if (group == null)
                    //	Debug.Log("Can't convert to MethodGroupDefinition. " + symbolDefinition);
                //else if (methodGroup != null)
                //	Debug.Log("symbolDefinition: " + symbolDefinition.GetType());
                //if (overloads != null)
                //	var constructedMethodGroup = methodGroup as ConstructedMethodGroupDefinition;
                //	if (constructedMethodGroup != null)
                //	{
                //		var typeParameters = constructedMethodGroup.GetTypeParameters();
                //		Debug.Log(string.Join(", ", (from x in typeParameters select x.ToString()).ToArray()));
                //	}

                if (overloads == null && symbolDefinition.kind == SymbolKind.Method)
                    overloads       = new SymbolDefinition[] { symbolDefinition };
                    currentOverload = 0;
            catch (System.Exception e)
                //	Debug.LogException(e);
                tooltipText = e.ToString();
        if (showError)
            if (leaf.syntaxError != null)
                tooltipText = leaf.syntaxError;
            else if (leaf.semanticError != null && (symbolDefinition == null || symbolDefinition.kind != SymbolKind.Error))
                if (tooltipText != "")
                    tooltipText = tooltipText + "\n\nSemantic error:\n\t" + leaf.semanticError;
                    tooltipText = leaf.semanticError;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltipText))

        Rect position = horizontal
                        ? new Rect(tokenRect.xMax, tokenRect.y, 1f, 1f)
                        : new Rect(tokenRect.x, tokenRect.yMax, 1f, 1f);

        var owner = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;

        var window = CreatePopup <FGTooltip>();

        window.wantsMouseMove = true;
        window.dropDownRect   = tokenRect;
        window.horizontal     = horizontal;
        window.hideFlags      = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

        window.textEditor = editor;
#if UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5_0
        window.title = string.Empty;
        window.titleContent.text = string.Empty;
        window.minSize         = Vector2.one;
        window.owner           = owner;
        window.tokenLeaf       = leaf;
        window.text            = tooltipText;
        window.overloads       = overloads;
        window.currentOverload = currentOverload;

        //window.style = new GUIStyle(editor.styles.style);
        //window.style.wordWrap = true;
        //	window.style.fixedWidth = 300f;
        //	window.style.stretchHeight = true;
        window.style = editor.styles.tooltipTextStyle;
        window.style.normal.textColor = SISettings.useStandardColorInPopups ? editor.CurrentTheme.text : editor.CurrentTheme.tooltipText;
        window.style.font             = EditorStyles.standardFont;
        window.style.fontSize         = SISettings.fontSizeDelta + 11;

        window.boldStyle      = new GUIStyle(window.style);
        window.boldStyle.font = EditorStyles.boldFont;

        //window.backgroundStyle = new GUIStyle(editor.styles.style);
        //if (window.backgroundStyle.normal.background)

        window.position = position;

        //if (window.owner != null)
        //	window.owner.Focus();
예제 #23
 static VSCodeMonokai()
     FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #24
        private static string _themeName = "VS Dark with VA X";         // Visual Studio Dark with Visual Assist X

        static VSDarkWithVAX()
            FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #25
        private static string _themeName = "MD Brown";         // MD Brown (courtesy of Little Angel)

        static MDBrown()
            FGTextEditor.AddTheme(_colourTheme, _themeName);
예제 #26
 public static void SaveSettings()
예제 #27
 public static FGTooltip CreateTokenWidget(FGTextEditor editor, Rect tokenRect, ParseTree.Leaf leaf, bool horizontal = false)
     var tool = Create(editor, tokenRect, leaf, horizontal, false);
     tool.isTokenTooltip = false;
     return tool;