private async void UpdatePosition(object sender, EventArgs e) { var downloaded = media.GetMediaInfo(file).Duration.TotalSeconds *downloader.Status.Progress; var seconds = Player.MediaPosition / 10000000; TimeLine.Maximum = downloaded; TimeLine.Value = seconds; DownloadSpeed.Text = GetSpeed(downloader.Status.DownloadRate); UploadSpeed.Text = GetSpeed(downloader.Status.UploadRate); SetValue(downloader.Status.Progress); CurrentTime.Text = GetTime(seconds) + "/" + GetTime((float)downloaded); if (seconds >= downloaded - 5) { Player.Pause(); Middle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Middle.BeginStoryboard((Storyboard)FindResource("OpacityUp")); while ((media.GetMediaInfo(file).Duration.TotalSeconds *downloader.Status.Progress) - 10 > seconds) { Animate(); await Task.Delay(1080); } var sb = (Storyboard)FindResource("OpacityDown"); var clone = sb.Clone(); clone.Completed += (s, ev) => { Middle.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }; sb.Begin(Middle); Player.Play(); } }
private VideoFileInfoSample GetVideo(Episode.ScannedFile file) { FFMpegConverter ffmpeg = new FFMpegConverter(); FFProbe probe = new FFProbe(); ffmpeg.FFMpegToolPath = probe.ToolPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); var info = probe.GetMediaInfo(file.NewName); var videotag = info.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType == "video").FirstOrDefault(); var audiotag = info.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType == "audio").FirstOrDefault(); Stream str = new MemoryStream(); ffmpeg.GetVideoThumbnail(file.NewName, str, 10); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(str); return(Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { VideoFileInfoSample sample = sample = new VideoFileInfoSample(); sample.ScannedFile = file; sample.Preview.Source = bmp.ToBitmapImage(); sample.TopText.Text = videotag.Width + "x" + videotag.Height; sample.Codec.Text = videotag.CodecName; var lang = videotag.Tags.Where(x => x.Key == "language" || x.Key == "Language" || x.Key == "lang" || x.Key == "Lang").FirstOrDefault(); sample.Language.Text = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(lang.Value) ? lang.Value : "-"; sample.Fps.Text = videotag.FrameRate.ToString("##.##") + "FPS"; sample.Pixel.Text = videotag.PixelFormat; sample.Created.Text = File.GetCreationTime(file.NewName).ToString("HH:mm:ss, dd. MM. yyyy"); sample.AudioCodec.Text = audiotag.CodecName; return sample; })); }
public AboutVideoForm(string fileName) { InitializeComponent(); var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); MediaInfo videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(fileName); MediaInfo.StreamInfo videoStream = videoInfo.Streams.FirstOrDefault(item => item.CodecType == "video"); if (videoStream == null) { Close(); MessageBox.Show("Video stream doesn't found"); return; } FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fileName); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Name: {0}", file.Name)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Duration: {0}", videoInfo.Duration)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Size: {0}x{1}", videoStream.Width, videoStream.Height)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Frame rate: {0}", videoStream.FrameRate)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Video codec: {0} ({1})", videoStream.CodecName, videoStream.CodecLongName)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Pixel format: {0}", videoStream.PixelFormat)); if (videoStream.Tags.Any()) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Tags: {0}", string.Join(", ", videoStream.Tags.Select(item => item.Key + " = " + item.Value)))); } textBox.Text = sb.ToString(); textBox.SelectionStart = 0; textBox.SelectionLength = 0; }
private void DebugMetadata(string videoUri) { var probe = new FFProbe(); var info = probe.GetMediaInfo(videoUri); Console.WriteLine($"Duration={info.Duration}"); Console.WriteLine($"FormatName={info.FormatName}"); Console.Write($"FormatTags="); foreach (var tag in info.FormatTags) { Console.Write($"{tag.Key}={tag.Value};"); } Console.WriteLine($""); foreach (var stream in info.Streams) { Console.WriteLine($"Index={stream.Index}"); Console.WriteLine($"CodecName={stream.CodecName}"); Console.WriteLine($"CodecType={stream.CodecType}"); Console.WriteLine($"FrameRate={stream.FrameRate}"); Console.WriteLine($"Height={stream.Height}"); Console.WriteLine($"Width={stream.Width}"); Console.WriteLine($"PixelFormat={stream.PixelFormat}"); Console.Write($"Tags="); foreach (var tag in stream.Tags) { Console.Write($"{tag.Key}={tag.Value};"); } Console.WriteLine($""); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var filePath = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "gizmo.mp4"; var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(filePath); Console.WriteLine("Media information for: {0}", filePath); Console.WriteLine("File format: {0}", videoInfo.FormatName); Console.WriteLine("Duration: {0}", videoInfo.Duration); foreach (var tag in videoInfo.FormatTags) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", tag.Key, tag.Value); } foreach (var stream in videoInfo.Streams) { Console.WriteLine("Stream {0} ({1})", stream.CodecName, stream.CodecType); if (stream.CodecType == "video") { Console.WriteLine("\tFrame size: {0}x{1}", stream.Width, stream.Height); Console.WriteLine("\tFrame rate: {0:0.##}", stream.FrameRate); } foreach (var tag in stream.Tags) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", tag.Key, tag.Value); } } Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
// This gets a list of default required tags a video file has // For now, this means the system tags (ids 1-4), thumbnail (9) and color (8). public static List<TagEntry> GetDefaultTags(FileInfo file) { List<TagEntry> defaultTags = new List<TagEntry>(); var ffprobe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffprobe.GetMediaInfo(file.FullName); defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // display name 1, file.Name )); defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // file type/extension 2, file.Extension.Replace(".",""))); defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // file length 3, videoInfo.Duration.TotalMilliseconds.ToString())); // note: file framerate applies to first video stream detected for now defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // file framerate 4, videoInfo.Streams[0].FrameRate.ToString() )); var prefColor = Preferences.Lookup(4); var strColor = (prefColor != null) ? prefColor.Data : "000000"; defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // default tag color 8, strColor)); // generate and save thumbnail defaultTags.Add(Tags.GenerateThumbnail(file)); return defaultTags; }
private void ReadFile() { try { FFProbe probe = new FFProbe(); MediaInfo info = probe.GetMediaInfo(Path); _size = new FileInfo(Path).Length; Duration = info.Duration; FileTypes = info.FormatName.Split(','); foreach (var stream in info.Streams) { if (stream.CodecType == "video") { videoCodec.codec = stream.CodecName; videoCodec.codecType = CodecInfo.CodecType.Video; Width = stream.Width; Height = stream.Height; FrameRate = stream.FrameRate; } else if (stream.CodecType == "audio") { audioCodec.codec = stream.CodecName; audioCodec.codecType = CodecInfo.CodecType.Audio; } } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to locate the specific file. path is supplied as " + Path); } }
/// <summary> /// دریافت اطلاعات فایل ویدیویی /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <MediaInfo> ResolveMetadataAsync(string filePath) { var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(filePath); return(videoInfo); }
// This gets a list of default required tags a video file has // For now, this means the system tags (ids 1-4), thumbnail (9) and color (8). public static List <TagEntry> GetDefaultTags(FileInfo file) { List <TagEntry> defaultTags = new List <TagEntry>(); var ffprobe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffprobe.GetMediaInfo(file.FullName); defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // display name 1, file.Name )); defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // file type/extension 2, file.Extension.Replace(".", ""))); defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // file length 3, videoInfo.Duration.TotalMilliseconds.ToString())); // note: file framerate applies to first video stream detected for now defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // file framerate 4, videoInfo.Streams[0].FrameRate.ToString() )); var prefColor = Preferences.Lookup(4); var strColor = (prefColor != null) ? prefColor.Data : "000000"; defaultTags.Add(new TagEntry( // default tag color 8, strColor)); // generate and save thumbnail defaultTags.Add(Tags.GenerateThumbnail(file)); return(defaultTags); }
public MediaInfoParser(string fullPathToFile) { try { var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); mediaInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(fullPathToFile); } catch { } }
public static MediaInfo GetMediaInfo(string filePath) { if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { return(null); } var probe = new FFProbe(); return(probe.GetMediaInfo(filePath)); }
private GoProVideoInfo ExtractMetadata(string videoUri) { var data = new GoProVideoInfo(); var probe = new FFProbe(); var info = probe.GetMediaInfo(videoUri); data.VideoUri = videoUri; data.Duration = info.Duration; foreach (var tag in info.FormatTags) { switch (tag.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "creation_time": // creation_time=2016-01-11T12:37:02.000000Z data.Recorded = ExtractDateTime(tag.Value); break; case "location": // location=-45.0267+168.6460/; data.Latitude = ExtractLatitude(tag.Value); data.Longitude = ExtractLongitude(tag.Value); break; case "firmware": //firmware=HD7. data.Firmware = tag.Value; break; } } var stream = info.Streams[0]; data.CodecName = stream.CodecName; data.FrameRate = stream.FrameRate; data.Height = stream.Height; data.Width = stream.Width; foreach (var tag in stream.Tags) { switch (tag.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "rotate": // rotate=180 data.IsRotated = tag.Value == "180"; break; } } return(data); }
private async void Grid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MainWindow.HideContent(); Helper.DisableScreenSaver(); MainWindow.videoPlayback = true; media = new FFProbe(); media.ToolPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); VolumeSlider.Value = Player.Volume = Properties.Settings.Default.Volume; VolumeSlider.ValueChanged += VolumeSlider_ValueChanged; Focus(); Player.MediaOpened += (s, ev) => MediaOpenedEvent(); while (true) { Animate(); await Task.Run(() => { Thread.Sleep(1080); }); file = GetSource(); if (file != null && downloader.Status.Progress > 0.01) { try { var duration = media.GetMediaInfo(file).Duration.TotalSeconds; var downloaded = duration * downloader.Status.Progress; if (File.Exists(file) && duration != 0 && downloaded > 10) { Player.Source = new Uri(file); Player.Stop(); break; } } catch (Exception) { } } } TorrentDatabase.Save(downloader.TorrentSource); Animate(); await Task.Delay(1080); Player.MediaFailed += (s, ev) => MediaFailedEvent(); Player.MediaEnded += (s, ev) => MediaFinishedEvent(); var sb = (Storyboard)FindResource("OpacityDown"); var clone = sb.Clone(); clone.Completed += (s, ev) => { Middle.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }; sb.Begin(Middle); }
private async Task LoadSidebar() { List <SubtitleItem> subs = new List <SubtitleItem>(); CurrentStatus.Text = "Loading info"; await Task.Run(() => { FFProbe probe = new FFProbe(); probe.ToolPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); var info = probe.GetMediaInfo(scannedFile.NewName); var video = info.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType == "video").FirstOrDefault(); var audio = info.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType == "audio").FirstOrDefault(); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { EpisodeName.Text = episode.episodeName; SeriesNumber.Text = Helper.GenerateName(episode); Framerate.Text = "Framerate: " + video.FrameRate.ToString("##.##"); Resolution.Text = "Resolution: " + video.Width + "x" + video.Height; VideoCodec.Text = "Video codec: " + video.CodecLongName; PixelFormat.Text = "Pixel format: " + video.PixelFormat; AudioCodec.Text = "Audio codec: " + audio.CodecLongName; }); var multiple = info.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType == "subtitle").Where(x => x.CodecName == "srt"); var single = multiple.FirstOrDefault(); if (single != null) { FFMpegConverter converter = new FFMpegConverter(); converter.FFMpegToolPath = probe.ToolPath; Stream str = new MemoryStream(); converter.ConvertMedia(scannedFile.NewName, str, "srt"); FoundSubtitle fs = new FoundSubtitle(str); fs.Version = "Packed with video"; allSubtitles.Add(fs); } else { var subtitles = episode.files.Where(x => x.Type == ScannedFile.FileType.Subtitles); foreach (var sub in subtitles) { FoundSubtitle fs = new FoundSubtitle(sub.NewName); fs.Version = sub.OriginalName; allSubtitles.Add(fs); } } LoadSideBarSubs(); }); CurrentStatus.Text = ""; RenderSubs(); }
public void PreTranscodeOps(string filePath, string newPath, string speed) { var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(filePath); var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(filePath); int width = videoInfo.Streams[0].Width > -1 ? videoInfo.Streams[0].Width : videoInfo.Streams[1].Width; int height = videoInfo.Streams[0].Height > -1 ? videoInfo.Streams[0].Height : videoInfo.Streams[1].Height; Logging.WriteLog($"Current video: {filePath}\n- New path is: {newPath} "); if (videoInfo.Duration > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)) // if vid is longer than 30mins return isLong = true. (right now this is not doing anything). { Transcode(fileName, filePath, newPath, fileExt, width, height, speed, true); } else { Transcode(fileName, filePath, newPath, fileExt, width, height, speed, false); } }
/// <summary> /// تعیین نوع فایل های مجاز /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task GetFormatAsync(string file) { string[] format = { ".wmv", ".mov", ".qt", ".ts", ".3gp", ".3gpp", ".3g2", ".3gp2", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".mp1", ".mp2", ".m1v", ".m1a", ".m2a", ".mpa", ".mpv", ".mpv2", ".mpe", ".mp4", ".m4a", ".m4p",".m4b", ".m4r", ".m4v", ".avi", ".flv", ".f4v", ".f4p", ".f4a", ".f4b", ".vob", ".lsf", ".lsx", ".asf", ".asr",".asx", ".webm", ".mkv" }; var pathExtension = Path.GetExtension(file); if (format.All(fileEx => fileEx != pathExtension)) { throw new ValidationException("نوع فایل مجاز نیست"); } //return format.Any(fileEx => fileEx == pathExtension) ? null : "نوع فایل مجاز نیست"; file = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(file); // تعیین کیفیت مجاز برای فایل های ویدیویی ارسالی var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var x = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(file); var width = 0; foreach (var stream in x.Streams) { if (stream.CodecType == "video") { width = stream.Width; } } if (width < 360 && width > 1280) { throw new ValidationException("کیفیت نمایش خارج از محدوده مجاز است"); } //تعیین حجم مجاز فایل های ویدیویی var size = new FileInfo(file).Length; if (size <= 5) { throw new ValidationException("اندازه فایل قابل قبول نیست"); } }
public bool Check(string path) { var probe = new FFProbe { ToolPath = ffmpegPath, ExecutionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5) }; MediaInfo mediaInfo = null; try { mediaInfo = probe.GetMediaInfo(path); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } return(mediaInfo != null && mediaInfo.Streams.Any(s => s.PixelFormat != null)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public DateTime ReadDate(string filePath) { try { var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(filePath); var creationTimePair = videoInfo.FormatTags.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.Equals("creation_time")); if (DateTime.TryParse(creationTimePair.Value, out var dateVideoTaken)) { return(dateVideoTaken); } } catch { //--- ignore } return(ReaderHelper.GetDefault(filePath)); }
public bool OpenFile(string filePath) { try { var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); this.videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(filePath); if (this.videoInfo != null) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
private void ChangeContents(string[] sExt, string sContentTempPath, int iViewTime) { if (sExt.Length >= 2) { if (sExt[sExt.Length - 1] == "avi" || sExt[sExt.Length - 1] == "mp4" || sExt[sExt.Length - 1] == "wmv") { try { picBox.Visible = false; mediaPlayer.Visible = true; var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); mediaPlayer.URL = sContentTempPath; var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(sContentTempPath); var duration = Math.Floor(videoInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds); //영상 조회 시간; Thread.Sleep((int)duration * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { //파일 다운로드하는데 제대로 다운이 안되면 이 오류가 남 //해당 파일을 삭제하고 메인에서 파일 다운로드할때 다시 받는다 if (ex.Message.Contains("moov atom")) { FileInfo file_info = new System.IO.FileInfo(sContentTempPath); file_info.Delete(); DID_Form._sFileList = ""; } } } else { picBox.Visible = true; mediaPlayer.Visible = false; //mediaPlayer.Ctlcontrols.stop(); picBox.ImageLocation = sContentTempPath; Thread.Sleep(iViewTime * 1000); } } }
/// <summary> Получить продолжительность видео в секундах. Сначала через ShellFile, при неудаче - через FFProbe. </summary> public static int GetDuration(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { return(1); } FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path); if (!fi.Exists) { return(1); } object dur = null; try { var file = ShellFile.FromFilePath(path); dur = file?.Properties?.System?.Media?.Duration?.ValueAsObject; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("GetDuration() ex: " + ex.Message); } if (dur == null) { // на случай, если не смогли получить через шел try { return((int)ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(path).Duration.TotalSeconds); } catch (Exception ex2) { Console.WriteLine("GetDuration() ex: " + ex2.Message); return(0); } } var t = (ulong)dur; return((int)TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)t).TotalSeconds); }
public ChannelEntry(string provider, string inputLine, string nextLine, string epg, string extraEpg, bool skipCheck = false) { Provider = provider; TvgId = string.Empty; TvgName = string.Empty; TvgLogo = string.Empty; ChannelId = string.Empty; ChannelName = string.Empty; GroupTitle = string.Empty; StreamId = string.Empty; StreamUrl = nextLine; ErrorType = "Skipped - No EPG"; Width = 0; Height = 0; FrameRate = 0; TvgId = ExtractData(inputLine, "tvg-id").Replace(",", "-"); TvgName = ExtractData(inputLine, "tvg-name").Replace(",", "-"); TvgLogo = ExtractData(inputLine, "tvg-logo").Replace(",", "-"); ChannelId = ExtractData(inputLine, "channel-id").Replace(",", "-"); ChannelName = inputLine.Substring(inputLine.LastIndexOf(",") + 1).Replace(",", "-"); GroupTitle = ExtractData(inputLine, "group-title").Replace(",", "-"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupTitle)) { GroupTitle = "General"; } //if (!StreamUrl.IsMappedChannel()) //{ // ErrorType = "Channel Not Mapped"; //} //else if (IsChannelToCheck(epg, extraEpg)) //{ if (skipCheck == true) { ErrorType = "Skipped by Request"; } else { try { ErrorType = "Bad Stream"; var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); ffProbe.ExecutionTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(string.Concat("\"", nextLine, "\"")); //var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(nextLine); //var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(nextLine.Replace("@", "%40")); //Console.WriteLine("Media information for: {0}", nextLine); //Console.WriteLine("File format: {0}", videoInfo.FormatName); //Console.WriteLine("Duration: {0}", videoInfo.Duration); //foreach (var tag in videoInfo.FormatTags) //{ // Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", tag.Key, tag.Value); //} //foreach (var stream in videoInfo.Streams) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Stream {0} ({1})", stream.CodecName, stream.CodecType); // if (stream.CodecType == "video") // { // Console.WriteLine("\tFrame size: {0}x{1}", stream.Width, stream.Height); // Console.WriteLine("\tFrame rate: {0:0.##}", stream.FrameRate); // } // foreach (var tag in stream.Tags) // { // Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", tag.Key, tag.Value); // } //} var stream = videoInfo.Streams[0]; Width = stream.Width; Height = stream.Height; FrameRate = stream.FrameRate; //Console.WriteLine("\tFrame size: {0}x{1}", stream.Width, stream.Height); //Console.WriteLine("\tFrame rate: {0:0.##}", stream.FrameRate); if (Width > 0) { ErrorType = string.Empty; } //else //{ // videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(nextLine); // foreach(var subsStream in videoInfo.Streams) // { // Width = stream.Width; // Height = stream.Height; // FrameRate = stream.FrameRate; // if (Width > 0) // break; // } // //stream = videoInfo.Streams[0]; // if (Width > 0) // { // ErrorType = string.Empty; // } //} } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("403 Forbidden")) { Width = 1; Height = 1; FrameRate = 1; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } try { ErrorType = "Bad Stream"; var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); ffProbe.ExecutionTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(nextLine); var stream = videoInfo.Streams[0]; Width = stream.Width; Height = stream.Height; FrameRate = stream.FrameRate; if (Width > 0) { ErrorType = string.Empty; } } catch (Exception ex1) { if (ex1.Message.Contains("403 Forbidden")) { Width = 1; Height = 1; FrameRate = 1; } } } } //catch (FFProbeException fFProbeException) //{ // ErrorType = string.Concat("Bad Stream - ", fFProbeException.ErrorCode, " - ", fFProbeException.Message.Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty)); //} //Console.WriteLine(TvgId); //Console.WriteLine(TvgName); //Console.WriteLine(TvgLogo); //Console.WriteLine(ChannelId); //Console.WriteLine(ChannelName); //Console.WriteLine(GroupTitle); //Console.WriteLine(StreamUrl); //Console.WriteLine(StreamId); //Console.WriteLine(Width); //Console.WriteLine(Height); //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0:N2}", FrameRate)); //Console.ReadKey(); //} }
public static Dictionary<ColumnType, object> GetVideoDetails(string fileName) { Dictionary<ColumnType, object> info = null; try { var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(fileName); Console.WriteLine("Media information for: {0}", fileName); Console.WriteLine("File format: {0}", videoInfo.FormatName); Console.WriteLine("Duration: {0}", videoInfo.Duration); info = new Dictionary<ColumnType, object>(); info.Add(ColumnType.Duration, Math.Round(videoInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds)); foreach (var tag in videoInfo.FormatTags) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", tag.Key, tag.Value); } foreach (var stream in videoInfo.Streams) { Console.WriteLine("Stream {0} ({1})", stream.CodecName, stream.CodecType); if (stream.CodecType == "video") { Console.WriteLine("\tFrame size: {0}x{1}", stream.Width, stream.Height); Console.WriteLine("\tFrame rate: {0:0.##}", stream.FrameRate); info.Add(ColumnType.Width, stream.Width); info.Add(ColumnType.Height, stream.Height); } foreach (var tag in stream.Tags) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", tag.Key, tag.Value); } } } catch { } if (info == null) { try { WindowsMediaPlayer wmp = new WindowsMediaPlayer(); IWMPMedia mediaInfo = wmp.newMedia(fileName); info = new Dictionary<ColumnType, object>(); info.Add(ColumnType.Duration, Math.Round(mediaInfo.duration)); info.Add(ColumnType.Width, mediaInfo.imageSourceWidth); info.Add(ColumnType.Height, mediaInfo.imageSourceHeight); } catch { throw; } } return info; }
private static void verifica_carpeta(DirectoryInfo dir_c_f, DirectoryInfo ruta_destino, int id_rv, int t_ss, Guid id_ctrl) { string ext_all, ext_mp4, ext_asf, ext_wmv, ext_pdf, usr_ini, clv_ini; ext_mp4 = ".mp4"; ext_asf = ".asf"; ext_wmv = ".wmv"; ext_pdf = ".pdf"; int est_matID = 0; Guid id_em = Guid.Empty; var lis_wmv = dir_c_f.GetFiles("*wmv"); if (lis_wmv.Length > 0) { using (var edm_master = new bd_tsEntities()) { var i_master = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.sesion == dir_c_f.Name select c).ToList(); if (t_ss == 1) { if (i_master.Count == 0) { inf_master_jvl infMaster = new inf_master_jvl() { id_control_exp = id_ctrl, sesion = dir_c_f.Name, titulo = dir_c_f.Name, err_carga = "Ninguno", id_estatus_exp = 1, id_estatus_qa = 1, id_ruta_videos = id_rv, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now }; edm_master.inf_master_jvl.Add(infMaster); edm_master.SaveChanges(); foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*wmv")) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); if (di_destino.Exists == true) { } else { di_destino.Create(); } File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, true); id_em = Guid.NewGuid(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = id_em, ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_wmv, ""), id_est_mat = 1, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); try { FFMpegConverter ffMpegConverter = new FFMpegConverter(); ffMpegConverter.ConvertMedia(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), Format.mp4); File.Delete(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); est_matID = 2; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } catch { est_matID = 3; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } else { id_ctrl = i_master[0].id_control_exp; foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*wmv")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4); var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); if (di_destino.Exists == true) { } else { di_destino.Create(); } File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, true); id_em = Guid.NewGuid(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = id_em, ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_wmv, ""), id_est_mat = 1, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); try { FFMpegConverter ffMpegConverter = new FFMpegConverter(); ffMpegConverter.ConvertMedia(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), Format.mp4); File.Delete(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); est_matID = 2; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } catch { est_matID = 3; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } } } else { string e_f = ruta_destino.Name.ToString(); var i_em_ff = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.sesion == e_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_ff.Count == 0) { } else { id_ctrl = i_em_ff[0].id_control_exp; foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*wmv")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4); var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); if (di_destino.Exists == true) { } else { di_destino.Create(); } File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, true); id_em = Guid.NewGuid(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = id_em, ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_wmv, ""), id_est_mat = 1, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); try { FFMpegConverter ffMpegConverter = new FFMpegConverter(); ffMpegConverter.ConvertMedia(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), Format.mp4); File.Delete(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); est_matID = 2; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } catch { est_matID = 3; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } } var lis_asf = dir_c_f.GetFiles("*asf"); if (lis_asf.Length > 0) { using (var edm_master = new bd_tsEntities()) { var i_master = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.sesion == dir_c_f.Name select c).ToList(); if (t_ss == 1) { if (i_master.Count == 0) { inf_master_jvl infMaster = new inf_master_jvl() { id_control_exp = id_ctrl, sesion = dir_c_f.Name, titulo = dir_c_f.Name, err_carga = "Ninguno", id_estatus_exp = 1, id_estatus_qa = 1, id_ruta_videos = id_rv, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now }; edm_master.inf_master_jvl.Add(infMaster); edm_master.SaveChanges(); foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*asf")) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); if (di_destino.Exists == true) { } else { di_destino.Create(); } File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, true); id_em = Guid.NewGuid(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = id_em, ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_asf, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_asf, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_asf, ""), id_est_mat = 1, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); try { FFMpegConverter ffMpegConverter = new FFMpegConverter(); ffMpegConverter.ConvertMedia(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_asf, ext_mp4), Format.mp4); File.Delete(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); est_matID = 2; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } catch { est_matID = 3; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } else { id_ctrl = i_master[0].id_control_exp; foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*asf")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_asf, ext_mp4); var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); if (di_destino.Exists == true) { } else { di_destino.Create(); } File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, true); id_em = Guid.NewGuid(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = id_em, ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_asf, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_asf, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_asf, ""), id_est_mat = 1, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); try { FFMpegConverter ffMpegConverter = new FFMpegConverter(); ffMpegConverter.ConvertMedia(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_asf, ext_mp4), Format.mp4); File.Delete(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); est_matID = 2; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } catch { est_matID = 3; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } } } else { string e_f = ruta_destino.Name.ToString(); var i_em_ff = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.sesion == e_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_ff.Count == 0) { } else { id_ctrl = i_em_ff[0].id_control_exp; foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*asf")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_asf, ext_mp4); var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); if (di_destino.Exists == true) { } else { di_destino.Create(); } File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, true); id_em = Guid.NewGuid(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = id_em, ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_asf, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_asf, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_asf, ""), id_est_mat = 1, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); try { FFMpegConverter ffMpegConverter = new FFMpegConverter(); ffMpegConverter.ConvertMedia(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_asf, ext_mp4), Format.mp4); File.Delete(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); est_matID = 2; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } catch { est_matID = 3; var a_media = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.id_exp_mat == id_em select c).FirstOrDefault(); a_media.id_est_mat = est_matID; edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } } var lis_mp4 = dir_c_f.GetFiles("*mp4"); if (lis_mp4.Length > 0) { using (var edm_master = new bd_tsEntities()) { var i_master = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.sesion == dir_c_f.Name select c).ToList(); if (t_ss == 1) { if (i_master.Count == 0) { inf_master_jvl infMaster = new inf_master_jvl() { id_control_exp = id_ctrl, sesion = dir_c_f.Name, titulo = dir_c_f.Name, err_carga = "Ninguno", id_estatus_exp = 1, id_estatus_qa = 1, id_ruta_videos = id_rv, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now }; edm_master.inf_master_jvl.Add(infMaster); edm_master.SaveChanges(); foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*mp4")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name; var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); di_destino.Create(); File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); var i_masterf = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.id_control_exp == id_ctrl select c).ToList(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = Guid.NewGuid(), ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_mp4, ""), id_est_mat = 2, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } else { foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*mp4")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name; var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); di_destino.Create(); File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); var i_masterf = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.id_control_exp == id_ctrl select c).ToList(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = Guid.NewGuid(), ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_mp4, ""), id_est_mat = 2, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } } else { foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*mp4")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name; var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); di_destino.Create(); File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); var i_masterf = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.id_control_exp == id_ctrl select c).ToList(); FFProbe ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString()); DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(videoInfo.Duration.ToString()); string f_d = date1.ToLongTimeString(); var g_media = new inf_exp_mat { id_exp_mat = Guid.NewGuid(), ruta_archivo = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ext_mp4), ruta_ext = di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name.ToString().Replace(ext_wmv, ".pdf"), duracion = f_d, nom_archivo = f_c_f.Name.Replace(ext_mp4, ""), id_est_mat = 2, id_control_exp = id_ctrl, fecha_registro = DateTime.Now, }; edm_master.inf_exp_mat.Add(g_media); edm_master.SaveChanges(); } } } } } var lis_pdf = dir_c_f.GetFiles("*pdf"); if (lis_pdf.Length > 0) { using (var edm_master = new bd_tsEntities()) { var i_master = (from c in edm_master.inf_master_jvl where c.sesion == dir_c_f.Name select c).ToList(); if (t_ss == 1) { if (i_master.Count == 0) { foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*pdf")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name; var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); di_destino.Create(); File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); } } } else { foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*pdf")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name; var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); di_destino.Create(); File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); } } } } else { foreach (FileInfo f_c_f in dir_c_f.GetFiles("*pdf")) { string f_f = ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name + "\\" + f_c_f.Name; var i_em_f = (from c in edm_master.inf_exp_mat where c.ruta_archivo == f_f select c).ToList(); if (i_em_f.Count == 0) { DirectoryInfo di_destino = new DirectoryInfo(ruta_destino + "\\" + dir_c_f.Name); di_destino.Create(); File.Copy(f_c_f.FullName, di_destino + "\\" + f_c_f.Name); } } } } } }
void UpdateMediaInfo() { // Solution 1: cannot get width and height var mediaDet = (IMediaDet)new MediaDet(); //DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(mediaDet.put_Filename(mFileName)); mediaDet.put_Filename(mFileName); // find the video stream in the file int index; var type = Guid.Empty; for (index = 0; index < 1000 && type != MediaType.Video; index++) { mediaDet.put_CurrentStream(index); mediaDet.get_StreamType(out type); } // retrieve some measurements from the video mediaDet.get_FrameRate(out mFrameRate); var mediaType = new AMMediaType(); var videoInfo = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.formatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); // videoInfo.BmiHeader is Null here mWidth = videoInfo.BmiHeader.Width; mHeight = videoInfo.BmiHeader.Height; double mediaLength; mediaDet.get_StreamLength(out mediaLength); mDuration = (int)(mFrameRate * mediaLength / mFrameRate); DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(mediaType); // Solution 2: cannot get width and height WindowsMediaPlayer wmp = new WindowsMediaPlayer(); IWMPMedia mediainfo = wmp.newMedia(mFileName); mDuration = mediainfo.duration; mWidth = mediainfo.imageSourceWidth; mHeight = mediainfo.imageSourceHeight; mFrameRate = mediainfo.durationString; // Solution 3: don't have video-specific information Dictionary<int, KeyValuePair<string, string>> fileProps = GetFileProps(mFileName); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, KeyValuePair<string, string>> kv in fileProps) { Console.WriteLine(kv.ToString()); } // Solution 4: LoadLock & x86 conflict problem Video video = new Video(mFileName, false); Size size = video.DefaultSize; mWidth = size.Width; mHeight = size.Height; mDuration = video.Duration; // Solution 5: Use Cygwin file.exe to fetch infomation Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; //p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = strWorkingDirectory; p.StartInfo.FileName = "file.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + Regex.Replace(mFileName, @"(\\+)$", @"$1$1") + "\""; p.Start(); string strOutput = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); p.WaitForExit(); Console.WriteLine("result: " + strOutput); // Solution 6: Use NReco.VideoInfo (wrapper of FFProbe) var filePath = "gizmo.mp4"; var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(filePath); Console.WriteLine("Media information for: {0}", filePath); Console.WriteLine("File format: {0}", videoInfo.FormatName); Console.WriteLine("Duration: {0}", videoInfo.Duration); foreach (var tag in videoInfo.FormatTags) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", tag.Key, tag.Value); } foreach (var stream in videoInfo.Streams) { Console.WriteLine("Stream {0} ({1})", stream.CodecName, stream.CodecType); if (stream.CodecType == "video") { Console.WriteLine("\tFrame size: {0}x{1}", stream.Width, stream.Height); Console.WriteLine("\tFrame rate: {0:0.##}", stream.FrameRate); } foreach (var tag in stream.Tags) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", tag.Key, tag.Value); } } Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static Dictionary <String, String> Upload(HttpRequestMessage Request, String SavePath, bool createThumb = false) { Dictionary <String, String> result = new Dictionary <String, String>(); String fileName; Guid id; Directory.CreateDirectory(SavePath); var streamProvider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(SavePath); Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(streamProvider).ContinueWith(p => { foreach (MultipartFileData fileData in streamProvider.FileData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileData.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName)) { continue; } //if (new FileInfo(fileData.LocalFileName).Length > ServerSettings.MAX_SIZE_UPLOAD) //{ // File.Delete(fileData.LocalFileName); // continue; //} fileName = fileData.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName; if (fileName.StartsWith("\"") && fileName.EndsWith("\"")) { fileName = fileName.Trim('"'); } if (fileName.Contains(@"/") || fileName.Contains(@"\")) { fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName); } id = Guid.NewGuid(); AttachmentStore.Map(id, fileName); result.Add(fileName, id.ToString()); File.Move(fileData.LocalFileName, Path.Combine(SavePath, id.ToString())); if (createThumb) { if (VideoExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(fileName), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var ffProbe = new FFProbe(); var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(Path.Combine(SavePath, id.ToString())); FFMpegConverter converter = new FFMpegConverter(); converter.GetVideoThumbnail(Path.Combine(SavePath, id.ToString()), Path.Combine(SavePath, id.ToString() + "_thumb.jpg"), (float)videoInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds / 2); } if (ImageExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(fileName), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Image image = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(SavePath, id.ToString())); int w = image.Width, h = image.Height; if (image.Height > 300) { h = 300; w = image.Width * 300 / image.Height; } else if (image.Width > 500) { w = 500; h = image.Height * 500 / image.Width; } image.GetThumbnailImage(w, h, null, IntPtr.Zero).Save(Path.Combine(SavePath, id.ToString() + "_thumb.jpg")); image.Dispose(); } } } }).Wait(); return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(IFormCollection request) { try { // Create required directories if not existing EnsureInit(); // Deserialize cropping data if applicable CropData cropData = null; if (request.Str("cropData") != null) { cropData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CropData>(request.Str("cropData")); } // Original filename string uploadedName = request.Str("filename"); // Generate a backend filename for the uploaded file - same extension as uploaded file. string filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(uploadedName); string fileType = request.Str("fileType"); // Determine what type of file has been uploaded and act accordingly (may want to refactor these) // FOR IMAGES if (MediaType.MimesForCategory(MediaCategory.Image).Contains(fileType)) { string filepath = Path.Combine("Storage", "Media", "Images", filename); // Save image and all associated versions of it. var filedata = ImageUtils.SaveImage(request.Str("file") .Split(',')[1], filepath, cropData); // Create database record to track images ImageMedia dbImageMedia = new ImageMedia { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uploadedName), MediaType = MediaType.FromString(fileType), FilePath = filepath, Size = filedata["size"], Title = request.Str("title"), Alt = request.Str("alt"), Width = filedata["width"], Height = filedata["height"], Versions = filedata["versions"] }; await _Db.AddAsync(dbImageMedia); } // FOR AUDIO else if (MediaType.MimesForCategory(MediaCategory.Audio).Contains(fileType)) { string filepath = Path.Combine("Storage", "Media", "Audio", filename); // Save the audio file byte[] bytes = request.Str("file").Split(',')[1].DecodeBase64Bytes(); await System.IO.File.WriteAllBytesAsync(filepath, bytes); // Read the audio file to determine its duration - it will either be mp3(mpeg) or wav // Configure ffprobe path using appsettings values FFProbe probe = new FFProbe(); probe.ToolPath = _Config["ffprobePath"]; // If running linux, look for ffprobe instaed of ffprobe.exe if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { probe.FFProbeExeName = "ffprobe"; } // Get audio file metadata MediaInfo mediaInfo = probe.GetMediaInfo(Path.Combine(_HostingEnv.ContentRootPath, filepath)); // Create the media database record AudioMedia audioMedia = new AudioMedia { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uploadedName), MediaType = MediaType.FromString(fileType), FilePath = filepath, Size = new FileInfo(filepath).Length, Duration = Math.Round(mediaInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds) }; await _Db.AddAsync(audioMedia); } // FOR GENERAL else if (MediaType.MimesForCategory(MediaCategory.General).Contains(fileType)) { string filepath = Path.Combine("Storage", "Media", "Documents", filename); // Save the file byte[] bytes = request.Str("file").Split(',')[1].DecodeBase64Bytes(); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, bytes); // Create the media database record GeneralMedia generalMedia = new GeneralMedia { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uploadedName), MediaType = MediaType.FromString(fileType), FilePath = filepath, Size = new FileInfo(filepath).Length, }; await _Db.AddAsync(generalMedia); } else { return(new UnsupportedMediaTypeResult()); } await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { _Logger.LogError("Error uploading file: {0}", ex.Message); _Logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); return(BadRequest(new ResponseHelper("Something went wrong, please contact the devloper if the problem persists", ex.Message))); } }
public async Task <LocalBeatmaps> GetLocalBeatmaps(LocalBeatmaps cachedLocalBeatmaps = null) { LocalBeatmaps localBeatmaps = cachedLocalBeatmaps is null ? new LocalBeatmaps() : new LocalBeatmaps(cachedLocalBeatmaps); List <string> songs = Directory.GetDirectories(SongsPath).ToList(); foreach (LocalBeatmap beatmap in localBeatmaps.Maps.ToList()) { string song = songs.FirstOrDefault(x => new DirectoryInfo(x).Name.Split(" ")[0] == beatmap.Identifier.Value); if (song != null) { songs.Remove(song); } } for (int i = 0; i < songs.Count; i++) { if (i > 0 && i % 10 == 0) { localBeatmaps.LastPage++; } } foreach (string songFolder in songs) { string infoFile = Path.Combine(songFolder, "info.dat"); if (!File.Exists(infoFile)) { continue; } string[] folderName = new DirectoryInfo(songFolder).Name.Split(" "); LocalIdentifier identifier = folderName.Length == 1 ? new LocalIdentifier(false, folderName[0]) : new LocalIdentifier(true, folderName[0]); string json = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(infoFile); LocalBeatmap beatmap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LocalBeatmap>(json); beatmap.Identifier = identifier; beatmap.FolderPath = songFolder; string coverImagePath = Path.Combine(songFolder, beatmap.CoverImageFilename); if (File.Exists(coverImagePath)) { beatmap.CoverImagePath = coverImagePath; } else { if (beatmap.Errors is null) { beatmap.Errors = new List <string>(); } beatmap.Errors.Add($"The cover image file '{beatmap.CoverImageFilename}' couldn't be found"); } string songFilePath = Path.Combine(songFolder, beatmap.SongFilename); if (File.Exists(songFilePath)) { MediaInfo mediaInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(songFilePath); beatmap.Duration = mediaInfo.Duration; } else { if (beatmap.Errors is null) { beatmap.Errors = new List <string>(); } beatmap.Errors.Add($"The song file '{beatmap.SongFilename}' couldn't be found"); } foreach (DifficultyBeatmapSet difficultyBeatmapSet in beatmap.DifficultyBeatmapSets) { if (!beatmap.Easy && difficultyBeatmapSet.DifficultyBeatmaps.Any(x => x.Difficulty == "Easy")) { beatmap.Easy = true; } if (!beatmap.Normal && difficultyBeatmapSet.DifficultyBeatmaps.Any(x => x.Difficulty == "Normal")) { beatmap.Normal = true; } if (!beatmap.Hard && difficultyBeatmapSet.DifficultyBeatmaps.Any(x => x.Difficulty == "Hard")) { beatmap.Hard = true; } if (!beatmap.Expert && difficultyBeatmapSet.DifficultyBeatmaps.Any(x => x.Difficulty == "Expert")) { beatmap.Expert = true; } if (!beatmap.ExpertPlus && difficultyBeatmapSet.DifficultyBeatmaps.Any(x => x.Difficulty == "ExpertPlus")) { beatmap.ExpertPlus = true; } } _ = Task.Run(async() => { try { beatmap.OnlineBeatmap = await GetBeatmap(identifier); } catch (Exception e) { if (beatmap.Errors is null) { beatmap.Errors = new List <string>(); } if (e.InnerException is null || string.Equals(e.Message, e.InnerException.Message)) { beatmap.Errors.Add(e.Message); }