void OnDownloadFailed(FCDownloadManager.FCIndexDownloadInfo indexInfo) { if (_downloadBundleSet.Count > 0) { WorldBundlesData wbd = _downloadBundleSet[0]; foreach (string b in wbd._bundles) { if (FCDownloadManager.Instance.CheckIndexState(new string[] { b }) == FCDownloadManager.IndexCheckResult.ICR_Downloading) { // System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; // int minutes = (int)((now - _timer).TotalMinutes); } } Debug.LogError("Failed to download " + _downloadBundleSet[0]._worldName); } if (FCDownloadManager.Instance.HasFatalError()) { if (!_fatalErr) { _fatalErr = true; FCDownloadManager.Instance.RemoveAllDownloads(FCDownloadManager.DownloadType.DT_Background); } } else { FCDownloadManager.Instance.RestartAllDownloads(); } }
public DynamicContentParam() { SpecialIndexName = "none"; IsAddonContent = true; DCInfoCache = null; TargetIndexDownloadInfo = null; }
void OnStartNewDownload(FCDownloadManager.FCIndexDownloadInfo indexInfo) { if (_downloadBundleSet.Count > 0 && _startNewBundleSet) { // _timer = System.DateTime.Now; _startNewBundleSet = false; Debug.Log("start downloading " + _downloadBundleSet[0]._worldName); } }
void OnDownloadSuccess(FCDownloadManager.FCIndexDownloadInfo indexInfo) { int cnt = _downloadBundleSet.Count; // System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; // int seconds = (int)((now - _timer).TotalSeconds); if (cnt > 0) { for (int i = cnt - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // if current index set downloading is completed, remove it from list. if (FCDownloadManager.Instance.CheckIndexState(_downloadBundleSet[i]._bundles) == FCDownloadManager.IndexCheckResult.ICR_AllFinished) { _startNewBundleSet = true; _downloadBundleSet.RemoveAt(i); } } } }
void OnDownloadFail(FCDownloadManager.FCIndexDownloadInfo indexInfo) { Debug.Log("index failed to download:" + indexInfo.IndexDownloadName); }
void OnDownloadSuccess(FCDownloadManager.FCIndexDownloadInfo indexInfo) { Debug.Log("index succeeded to download:" + indexInfo.IndexDownloadName); }
void OnStartNewDownload(FCDownloadManager.FCIndexDownloadInfo indexInfo) { Debug.Log("index start download:" + indexInfo.IndexDownloadName); }