public static void OnFBShare() { OverlayDialog OD = new OverlayDialog(); OD.PreOKCallBack = delegate() { string content = "d=" + Util.GetValue("txt"); Ajax.MakeCall("/Link.ashx?r=" + new Date().ToUTCString(), new AjaxCallback(delegate(string err, string data, XHR xhr) { FeedParams FP = new FeedParams(); FP.Name = Strings.Title; FP.Caption = Strings.TagLine; FP.Description = Strings.StandardDesc; FP.Picture = "" + new Date().ToUTCString(); FP.Link = "" + data; FP.Message = Util.GetValue("txt"); FBUtil.Post(FP); }), HTTPMethod.POST, content, false); return(true); }; OD.Title = Strings.FBTitle; OD.Content = Util.GetValue("txt").Replace("\n", "<br/>"); OD.Show(); }
void APICallback(string response) { profile = FBUtil.DeserializeJSONProfile(response); GameStateManager.Username = profile["first_name"]; StartCoroutine( FBUtil.GetPictureTexture(facebookID : FB.UserId, callback : delegate(Texture t) { GameStateManager.UserTexture = t; }) ); friends = FBUtil.DeserializeJSONFriends(response); }
IEnumerator GetFriendTexture(string uid) { string url = FBUtil.GetPictureURL(uid, 128, 128); WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); friendImages.Add(uid, (Texture)www.texture); }
void HandleUserName(FBResult result) { if (result.Error != null) { FB.API(FBUtil.GetPictureURL("me", 128, 128), Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, HandleAvatar); return; } profile = FBUtil.DeserializeJSONProfile(result.Text); Text UserMsg = UIFB_UserName.GetComponent <Text>(); UserMsg.text = "Hallo, " + profile["first_name"]; }
void HandleAvatar(FBResult result) { //If avatar GET call results in an error, retry calling it if (result.Error != null) { FB.API(FBUtil.GetPictureURL("me", 128, 128), Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, HandleAvatar); return; } //Get empty img of UI Image UserAvatar = UIFB_Avatar.GetComponent <Image>(); //Fill this img with the correct FB profile picture UserAvatar.sprite = Sprite.Create(result.Texture, new Rect(0, 0, 128, 128), new Vector2(0, 0)); }
private static void SetupChandam() { FBUtil.Init(); //External First LoadRules(); LoadSamples(); LoadRandom(); InitDesigner(); InitList(); ShowToolBar(); InitNotification(); InitRandom(); RestoreOptions(); ManageNotification(); }
private void ScoresCallback(FBResult result) { //Deserialize JSON result friends scores scoresList = FBUtil.DeserializeScores(result.Text); //Empty scorelist UI foreach (Transform item in ScoreScrollList.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(item.gameObject); } foreach (object score in scoresList) { var entry = (Dictionary <string, object>)score; var user = (Dictionary <string, object>)entry["user"]; GameObject ScorePanel; ScorePanel = Instantiate(ScoreEntryPanel) as GameObject; ScorePanel.transform.parent = ScoreScrollList.transform; //get name of friend + score Transform ScoreName = ScorePanel.transform.Find("FriendName"); Transform ScoreScore = ScorePanel.transform.Find("FriendScore"); Text scoreName = ScoreName.GetComponent <Text>(); Text scoreScore = ScoreScore.GetComponent <Text>(); scoreName.text = user["name"].ToString(); scoreScore.text = entry["score"].ToString(); //get friend avatar Transform UserAvatar = ScorePanel.transform.Find("FriendAvatar"); Image userAvatar = UserAvatar.GetComponent <Image>();; FB.API(FBUtil.GetPictureURL(user["id"].ToString(), 128, 128), Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, delegate(FBResult pictureResult) { if (pictureResult.Error != null) { Debug.Log(pictureResult.Error); } else { userAvatar.sprite = Sprite.Create(pictureResult.Texture, new Rect(0, 0, 128, 128), new Vector2(0, 0)); } }); } }
void ScoresCallback(string response) { scores = new Dictionary <string, object>(); List <object> scoresList = FBUtil.DeserializeScores(response); foreach (object score in scoresList) { Dictionary <string, object> entry = (Dictionary <string, object>)score; Dictionary <string, object> user = (Dictionary <string, object>)entry["user"]; scores.Add((string)user["id"], entry); StartCoroutine( GetFriendTexture((string)user["id"]) ); } }
//HANDLE METHOD: GET ONE achievement, GET ALL achievements - PLAYER void HandleGetAchievement(FBResult result) { if (result != null) { //Deserialize JSON result into usable data dataList = FBUtil.DeserializeScores(result.Text); foreach (object dataInstance in dataList) { var entry = (Dictionary <string, object>)dataInstance; var data = (Dictionary <string, object>)entry["data"]; var achievements = (Dictionary <string, object>)data["achievement"]; namen.Add(achievements["title"].ToString()); Debug.Log(achievements["title"].ToString()); } } }
//HANDLE METHOD: GET ALL achievements - APP void HandleGetAllAppAchievements(FBResult result) { //Deserialize JSON result into usable data if (result != null) { dataList = FBUtil.DeserializeScores(result.Text); foreach (object dataInstance in dataList) { var entry = (Dictionary <string, object>)dataInstance; List <object> images = entry["image"] as List <object>; foreach (object image in images) { var imageEntry = (Dictionary <string, object>)image; } } } }
void HandleFBMenus(bool isLoggedIn) { //If user is logged in menu is shown and filled with data if (isLoggedIn) { UIFB_IsLoggedIn.SetActive(true); UIFB_IsNotLoggedIn.SetActive(false); //get avatar FB.API(FBUtil.GetPictureURL("me", 128, 128), Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, HandleAvatar); //get username FB.API("/me?fields=id,first_name", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, HandleUserName); // Check for Achievements GameControl.control.AchievementCheck(); GameControl.control.FBlogin = true; } else { UIFB_IsLoggedIn.SetActive(false); UIFB_IsNotLoggedIn.SetActive(true); } }
void OnGUI() { = MenuSkin; if (Application.loadedLevel != 0) { return; } MenuSkin.GetStyle("topbar").fixedWidth = Screen.width; GUILayout.Box("", MenuSkin.GetStyle("topbar")); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, 256, 64), LogoTexture); string panelText = "Login to Facebook"; if (FB.IsLoggedIn) { panelText = "Welcome "; if (GameStateManager.Username != null) { panelText += GameStateManager.Username + "!"; } else { panelText += "Smasher!"; } } if (GameStateManager.Score > 0) { panelText += "\nScore: " + GameStateManager.Score.ToString(); } GUILayout.Box("", MenuSkin.GetStyle("panel_welcome")); if (GameStateManager.UserTexture != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(8, 74, 150, 150), GameStateManager.UserTexture); } GUI.Label(new Rect(6 + 160 + 6, 72, 459 - (6 + 160 + 6), 160), panelText, MenuSkin.GetStyle("text_only")); if (!FB.IsLoggedIn) { if (GUI.Button(buttonSize, "", MenuSkin.GetStyle("button_login"))) { FB.Login("email,publish_actions", LoginCallback); } } if (GUILayout.Button("", MenuSkin.GetStyle("button_play"))) { if (friends != null && friends.Count > 0) { Dictionary <string, string> friend = FBUtil.RandomFriend(friends); GameStateManager.FriendName = friend["first_name"]; GameStateManager.FriendID = friend["id"]; StartCoroutine(FBUtil.GetFriendPictureTexture(friend["id"])); } Application.LoadLevel("GameStage"); GameStateManager.Instance.StartGame(); } if (FB.IsLoggedIn) { if (GameStateManager.Score > 0) { if (GUILayout.Button("", MenuSkin.GetStyle("button_brag"))) { FB.Feed( linkCaption: "I just smashed " + GameStateManager.Score.ToString() + " friends! Can you beat it?", picture: "", linkName: "Checkout my Friend Smash greatness!", link: "" + (FB.IsLoggedIn ? FB.UserId : "guest") ); } } if (GUILayout.Button("", MenuSkin.GetStyle("button_challenge"))) { if (GameStateManager.Score != 0 && GameStateManager.FriendID != null) { string[] recipient = { GameStateManager.FriendID }; FB.AppRequest( message: "I just smashed you " + GameStateManager.Score.ToString() + " times! Can you beat it?", to: recipient, data: "{\"challenge_score\":" + GameStateManager.Score.ToString() + "}", title: "Friend Smash Challenge!" ); } else { FB.AppRequest( message: "Friend Smash is smashing! Check it out.", title: "Play Friend Smash with me!" ); } } TournamentCallback(); } #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER Screen.fullScreen = GUILayout.Toggle(Screen.fullScreen, ""); #endif }