public CustCatCodesVM getCustCatCodesInfoByID(string _ID) { objF01030 = new F01030Repository(); Mapper.CreateMap<F01030, CustCatCodesVM>(); F01030 objEntity = objF01030.GetSingle(x => x.CustomerID == _ID); CustCatCodesVM objResult = new CustCatCodesVM(); objResult = Mapper.Map(objEntity, objResult); return objResult; }
public IList<SalesDetailInfoModel> getAllSalesInfo(int page, int pagesize) { IList<SalesDetailInfoModel> resultObj = new List<SalesDetailInfoModel>(); SH = new F42020Repository(); SD = new F42021Repository(); Cust = new F01030Repository(); CustAddr = new F01034Repository(); var objSH = SH.GetAll(); var objSD = SD.GetAll(); var objCust = Cust.GetAll(); var objCustAddr = CustAddr.GetAll(); var objResultJoin = from sh in objSH join sd in objSD on new { DocType = sh.DocType, DocNo = sh.DocNo } equals new { DocType = sd.DocType, DocNo = sd.DocNo } join cust in objCust on sh.CustomerID equals cust.CustomerID join custAddr in objCustAddr on cust.CustomerID equals custAddr.CustomerID select new { sh.DocType, sh.DocNo, sd.LineNum, sh.CustomerID, cust.CustomerName, custAddr.TaxID, custAddr.Phone, custAddr.Email }; foreach (var data in objResultJoin) { SalesDetailInfoModel objSingle = new SalesDetailInfoModel(); objSingle.DocType = data.DocType; objSingle.DocNo = data.DocNo; objSingle.LineNum = data.LineNum; objSingle.CustomerID = data.CustomerID; objSingle.CustomerName = data.CustomerName; objSingle.TaxID = data.TaxID; objSingle.Phone = data.Phone; objSingle.Email = data.Email; resultObj.Add(objSingle); } return resultObj.OrderBy(a => a.DocType).ThenBy(a => a.DocNo).ThenBy(a => a.LineNum).Skip(page * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList(); }
public F01030Model GetDataByCustomerID(string customerID) { Mapper.CreateMap<F01030, F01030Model>(); objF01030 = new F01030Repository(); F01030 objEntity = objF01030.GetSingle(c => c.CustomerID.Equals(customerID)); F01030Model resultModel = new F01030Model(); resultModel = Mapper.Map(objEntity, resultModel); return resultModel; }
public IList<F01030Model> GetData() { Mapper.CreateMap<F01030, F01030Model>(); objF01030 = new F01030Repository(); IList<F01030> objEntity = objF01030.GetAll().ToList(); IList<F01030Model> resultModel = new List<F01030Model>(); resultModel = Mapper.Map(objEntity, resultModel); return resultModel; }
public IList<CustShippingVM> getCustShippingInfoByID(string _ID) { objF01031 = new F01031Repository(); objF01030 = new F01030Repository(); IList<CustShippingVM> objResult = new List<CustShippingVM>(); IList<F01031> objEntity= objF01031.GetAll(x=>x.CustomerID.Equals(_ID)).ToList(); foreach (F01031 item in objEntity) { CustShippingVM data = new CustShippingVM(); data.ShipToID = item.ShipToID; data.DeliveryZone = item.DeliveryZone; data.ShipToName = objF01030.GetSingle(x => x.CustomerID.Equals(data.ShipToID)).CustomerName; objResult.Add(data); } return objResult; }
public IList<ARTrackingListModel> getARTrackingList(int Month, int Year, string filterCustomerID = "") { #region "Declaration" objF01030 = new F01030Repository(); objF98001 = new F98001Repository(); objF98090 = new F98090Repository(); objGLAcc = new GLAccRepository(); objAR = new ARManager(); IList<ARTrackingListModel> objResult = new List<ARTrackingListModel>(); DateTime FilterGLDate = new DateTime(Year, Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, Month)); //DateTime FilterGLDate = new DateTime(Year, Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, Month)).AddDays(1); #endregion #region "Get AR Aging Detail Result" IEnumerable<ARAgingDetailModel> objARDetail = objAR.getARAgingDetail(FilterGLDate, filterCustomerID) .Where(x => x.OutBalance != 0 && x.OutBalanceLocal != 0); #endregion #region "Minus CR Values" var ARCrTranType = (from argl in objF98090.GetAll() join glacc in objGLAcc.GetAll() on argl.COA equals glacc.GLAID where argl.ProgramModule.Equals("AR") && argl.COAType.Equals("ARMNU") && argl.DRCR.Equals("CR") select new { argl.TransType }).Distinct(); List<ARAgingDetailModel> updatedARAging = new List<ARAgingDetailModel>(); foreach (ARAgingDetailModel data in objARDetail) { if (ARCrTranType.Any(t2 => t2.TransType == data.TransType)) { ARAgingDetailModel agm = new ARAgingDetailModel(); agm = data; agm.AmountC *= -1; agm.AmountLocal *= -1; agm.OutBalance *= -1; agm.OutBalanceLocal *= -1; updatedARAging.Add(agm); } else { updatedARAging.Add(data); } } #endregion #region "Get Distinct Customer List from ARAgingDetail info" var objARCustList = (from ardetail in updatedARAging select new { CustomerID = ardetail.CustomerID }).Distinct(); #endregion #region "Get Customer Info" IQueryable<F01030> CustMain = objF01030.GetQuery(); if (filterCustomerID != "") CustMain = CustMain.Where(c => c.CustomerID.Equals(filterCustomerID)); #endregion #region "Get UDC Info" //var entUDCSM = objF98001.GetAll(u => u.SystemID.Equals("03") && u.UDCType.Equals("C04")); //var entUDCPTerm = objF98001.GetAll(u => u.SystemID.Equals("03") && u.UDCType.Equals("PBC")); #endregion #region "Get FinalResult Info by Joining All Infos" var objResultJoin = from c in CustMain.AsEnumerable() join ARDetail in objARCustList.AsEnumerable() on c.CustomerID equals ARDetail.CustomerID select new { c.CustomerID, c.CustomerName, c.CCatCode04, c.PInst, c.CreditLimit, c.PaymentABC, c.PTerm, c.CreditMessage, c.HoldCode, c.CurrCode }; #endregion #region "Assign to result object from result" foreach (var data in objResultJoin) { ARTrackingListModel objSingle = new ARTrackingListModel(); objSingle.Link = data.CustomerID; objSingle.CustomerID = data.CustomerID; objSingle.CustomerName = data.CustomerName; objSingle.CCatCode04 = data.CCatCode04; var pabc=objF98001.GetAll(u => u.SystemID.Equals("03") && u.UDCType.Equals("PBC") && u.Code.Equals(data.PaymentABC)).FirstOrDefault(); if (pabc!=null) objSingle.PaymentABC = pabc.Desc1; else objSingle.PaymentABC = ""; var sm=objF98001.GetAll(u => u.SystemID.Equals("03") && u.UDCType.Equals("C04") && u.Code.Equals(data.CCatCode04)).FirstOrDefault(); if (sm!=null) objSingle.SMName = sm.Desc1; else objSingle.SMName = ""; objSingle.PInst = data.PInst; objSingle.CreditLimit = data.CreditLimit; objSingle.PTerm = data.PTerm; objSingle.HoldCode = data.HoldCode; objSingle.CurrCode = data.CurrCode; objSingle.CreditRating = data.CreditMessage; var tmpAR = updatedARAging.Where(x => x.CustomerID.Equals(data.CustomerID)).OrderBy(x => x.InvoiceDate).Distinct(); foreach (var ar in tmpAR) { if (ar.ARAgingDay > 90) { objSingle.TotOutstanding += Math.Round(ar.OutBalanceLocal, 2); if (ar.ARAgingDay > 120) { objSingle.Over120 += Math.Round(ar.OutBalanceLocal, 2); } else { objSingle.Over90 += Math.Round(ar.OutBalanceLocal, 2); } } else { objSingle.TotOutstanding += Math.Round(ar.OutBalanceLocal, 2); } } if (objSingle.Over90 < 0) objSingle.Over90 = 0; if (objSingle.Over120 < 0) objSingle.Over120 = 0; objSingle.EarliestInvDate = updatedARAging.Where(x => x.CustomerID.Equals(data.CustomerID)).Min(x => x.InvoiceDate); objSingle.LastReceiptDate = updatedARAging.Where(x => x.CustomerID.Equals(data.CustomerID)).FirstOrDefault().LastReceiptDate; objSingle.LastReceiptAmt = updatedARAging.Where(x => x.CustomerID.Equals(data.CustomerID)).FirstOrDefault().LastReceiptAmt; objResult.Add(objSingle); } #endregion return objResult; }
public IList<ARDetailInfoModel> getARDetailInfo(DateTime filterDate, string CustomerID) { #region "Declaration" objF01030 = new F01030Repository(); objF98001 = new F98001Repository(); objF98090 = new F98090Repository(); objGLAcc = new GLAccRepository(); objAR = new ARManager(); #endregion #region "Get AR Aging Detail Result" IEnumerable<ARAgingDetailModel> objARDetail = objAR.getARAgingDetail(filterDate, CustomerID) .Where(x => x.OutBalance != 0 && x.OutBalanceLocal != 0); #endregion #region "Minus CR Values" var ARCrTranType = (from argl in objF98090.GetAll() join glacc in objGLAcc.GetAll() on argl.COA equals glacc.GLAID where argl.ProgramModule.Equals("AR") && argl.COAType.Equals("ARMNU") && argl.DRCR.Equals("CR") select new { argl.TransType }).Distinct(); List<ARAgingDetailModel> updatedARAging = new List<ARAgingDetailModel>(); foreach (ARAgingDetailModel data in objARDetail) { if (ARCrTranType.Any(t2 => t2.TransType == data.TransType)) { ARAgingDetailModel agm = new ARAgingDetailModel(); agm = data; agm.AmountC *= -1; agm.AmountLocal *= -1; agm.OutBalance *= -1; agm.OutBalanceLocal *= -1; updatedARAging.Add(agm); } else { updatedARAging.Add(data); } } #endregion #region"Assign data" List<ARDetailInfoModel> objPreResult= new List<ARDetailInfoModel>(); //var qLoop = updatedARAging.Where(x=>x.ARAgingDay>90).AsEnumerable(); var qLoop = updatedARAging.AsEnumerable(); foreach (var item in qLoop.ToList()) { ARDetailInfoModel objSingle = new ARDetailInfoModel(); objSingle.CurrCode = item.CurrCode; objSingle.EarliestInvoiceDate = item.InvoiceDate; objSingle.AmountC_Total = item.OutBalance; if (item.ARAgingDay > 120) { objSingle.AmountC_120 = item.OutBalance; objSingle.AmountC_90 = 0; } else if (item.ARAgingDay > 90) { objSingle.AmountC_90 = item.OutBalance; objSingle.AmountC_120 = 0; } objPreResult.Add(objSingle); } var temp = from r in objPreResult group r by r.CurrCode into gr select new { CurrCode=gr.Key, AmountC_90 = gr.Sum(x => x.AmountC_90), AmountC_120 = gr.Sum(x => x.AmountC_120), AmountC_Total = gr.Sum(x => x.AmountC_Total), EarliestInvDate = gr.Min(x=>x.EarliestInvoiceDate) }; List<ARDetailInfoModel> objResult = new List<ARDetailInfoModel>(); foreach (var item in temp) { ARDetailInfoModel objSingle = new ARDetailInfoModel(); objSingle.CurrCode = item.CurrCode; objSingle.EarliestInvoiceDate = item.EarliestInvDate; objSingle.AmountC_90 = item.AmountC_90; objSingle.AmountC_120 = item.AmountC_120; objSingle.AmountC_Total = item.AmountC_Total; objResult.Add(objSingle); } #endregion return objResult; }
public IList<ARAgingDetailModel> getARAgingDetail(DateTime filterDate, string filterCustomerID) { #region "Declaration" List<ARAgingDetailModel> entResult = new List<ARAgingDetailModel>(); #endregion #region "Instance Repository" objF01030 = new F01030Repository(); objF03010 = new F03010Repository(); objF03090 = new F03090Repository(); objF03020 = new F03020Repository(); objF03021 = new F03021Repository(); objF03030 = new F03030Repository(); objF03031 = new F03031Repository(); objF03032 = new F03032Repository(); objF98090 = new F98090Repository(); objGLAcc = new GLAccRepository(); #endregion #region "First Result" #region "Get Customer Ledger" IQueryable<F03010> CustLedMain = objF03010.GetQuery(); if (filterCustomerID != "") { CustLedMain = CustLedMain.Where(x=>x.CustomerID.Equals(filterCustomerID)); } var CustLed = (from cl in CustLedMain //where cl.DocType.Equals("TB") && cl.DocNo.Equals("13071398") select new { cl.DocType, cl.DocNo, cl.CustomerID, cl.InvoiceDate, cl.DueDate, cl.TransType, cl.CurrCode, cl.ExchangeRate, cl.OpenAmtC, cl.OpenAmtLocal, cl.ReceiptAmtC, cl.ReceiptAmtLocal, cl.WriteOffAmtC, cl.WriteOffAmtLocal }).AsEnumerable(); #endregion #region "Get General Ledger" var GL = (from gl in objF03090.GetAll(x => x.GLDate <= filterDate && x.GLPostFlag.Equals("Y")) select new { gl.DocType, gl.DocNo, gl.GLPostFlag, gl.GLDate }).AsEnumerable(); //IQueryable<F03090> GL = from gl in objF03090.GetQuery() // select gl; //GL = GL.Where(x => x.GLDate < filterDate && x.GLPostFlag.Equals("Y")); #endregion #region "Get Customer Data" IQueryable<F01030> CustMain = objF01030.GetQuery(); if (filterCustomerID != "") { CustMain = CustMain.Where(c => c.CustomerID.Equals(filterCustomerID)); } var Cust = (from c in CustMain select new { c.CustomerID, c.CustomerName, c.CCatCode04, c.CreditLimit, c.PTerm }).AsQueryable(); #endregion #region "Get AR Receipt, AdvReceipt='N'" IQueryable<F03020> objARRec_H = objF03020.GetQuery(); objARRec_H = objARRec_H.Where(x => x.AdvReceipt.Equals("N")); if (filterCustomerID != "") { objARRec_H=objARRec_H.Where(x => x.CustomerID.Equals(filterCustomerID)); } var ARReceipt = from d in objF03021.GetAll() join h in objARRec_H.AsEnumerable() on new { DocType = d.DocType, DocNo = d.DocNo } equals new { DocType = h.DocType, DocNo = h.DocNo } join gl in GL on new { DocType = d.InvType, DocNo = d.InvNo } equals new { DocType = gl.DocType, DocNo = gl.DocNo } where h.ReceiptDate<=filterDate group d by new { d.InvType, d.InvNo } into g select new { InvType = g.Key.InvType, InvNo = g.Key.InvNo, TotReceiptAmtC = g.Sum(x => x.ReceiptAmtC) + g.Sum(x => x.WriteOffAmtC), TotReceiptAmtLocal = g.Sum(x => x.ReceiptAmtLocal) + g.Sum(x=>x.WriteOffAmtLocal) }; #endregion #region "Get AR Credit Note" IQueryable<F03030> objARApply_H = objF03030.GetQuery(); if (filterCustomerID != "") { objARApply_H = objARApply_H.Where(x => x.CustomerID.Equals(filterCustomerID)); } var ARCreditNote = from d in objF03031.GetAll() join h in objARApply_H.AsEnumerable() on new { DocType = d.DocType, DocNo = d.DocNo } equals new { DocType = h.DocType, DocNo = h.DocNo } join gl in GL on new { DocType = d.DocType, DocNo = d.DocNo } equals new { DocType = gl.DocType, DocNo = gl.DocNo } group d by new { d.InvoiceType, d.InvoiceNo } into g select new { InvType = g.Key.InvoiceType, InvNo = g.Key.InvoiceNo, TotCNAmtC = g.Sum(x => x.ApplyAmtC), TotCNAmtLocal = g.Sum(x => x.ApplyAmtLocal) }; #endregion #region "Get AR Debit Note" var ARDebitNote = from d in objF03032.GetAll() join h in objARApply_H.AsEnumerable() on new { DocType = d.DocType, DocNo = d.DocNo } equals new { DocType = h.DocType, DocNo = h.DocNo } join gl in GL on new { DocType = d.DocType, DocNo = d.DocNo } equals new { DocType = gl.DocType, DocNo = gl.DocNo } group d by new { d.InvoiceType, d.InvoiceNo } into g select new { InvType = g.Key.InvoiceType, InvNo = g.Key.InvoiceNo, TotDNAmtC = g.Sum(x => x.ApplyAmtC+x.WriteOffAmtLocal), TotDNAmtLocal = g.Sum(x => x.ApplyAmtLocal+x.WriteOffAmtLocal) }; #endregion #region "Get Last Receipt" var initLastReceipt = from h in objARRec_H.AsEnumerable() group h by new { h.CustomerID } into g select new { CustomerID = g.Key.CustomerID, LastReceiptDate = g.Max(x => x.ReceiptDate) }; var preLastReceipt = (from h in objARRec_H.AsEnumerable() join j in initLastReceipt on new { CustomerID = h.CustomerID, LRDate = h.ReceiptDate } equals new { CustomerID=j.CustomerID,LRDate=j.LastReceiptDate } select new { CustomerID = h.CustomerID, LastReceiptDate = j.LastReceiptDate, TotLastReceiptAmtC = h.ReceiptAmt, TotLastReceiptAmtLocal = h.ReceiptAmtLocal }).ToList(); var LastReceipt = from r in preLastReceipt.AsEnumerable() group r by new { r.CustomerID, r.LastReceiptDate } into g select new { CustomerID = g.Key.CustomerID, LastReceiptDate = g.Key.LastReceiptDate, TotLastReceiptAmtC = g.Sum(x => x.TotLastReceiptAmtC), TotLastReceiptAmtLocal = g.Sum(x => x.TotLastReceiptAmtLocal) }; #endregion #region "Get Join all to first result" var entCustLedger = from cl in CustLed join gl in GL on new { DocType = cl.DocType, DocNo = cl.DocNo } equals new { DocType = gl.DocType, DocNo = gl.DocNo } join cust in Cust on cl.CustomerID equals cust.CustomerID into c_result join LRec in LastReceipt on cl.CustomerID equals LRec.CustomerID into lrec_result join ARRec in ARReceipt on new { InvType = cl.DocType, InvNo = cl.DocNo } equals new { InvType = ARRec.InvType, InvNo = ARRec.InvNo } into rec_result join ARCN in ARCreditNote on new { InvType = cl.DocType, InvNo = cl.DocNo } equals new { InvType = ARCN.InvType, InvNo = ARCN.InvNo } into cn_result join ARDN in ARDebitNote on new { InvType = cl.DocType, InvNo = cl.DocNo } equals new { InvType = ARDN.InvType, InvNo = ARDN.InvNo } into dn_result from cust_r in c_result.DefaultIfEmpty() from lrec_r in lrec_result.DefaultIfEmpty() from rec_r in rec_result.DefaultIfEmpty() from cn_r in cn_result.DefaultIfEmpty() from dn_r in dn_result.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { cl, gl, cust_r, lrec_r, rec_r, cn_r, dn_r }; #endregion #endregion #region "Second result It will Union to first result" #region "Get AR Receipt AdvReceipt='Y' " IQueryable<F03020> ARReceipt_2_Main = objF03020.GetQuery(); ARReceipt_2_Main = ARReceipt_2_Main.Where(x => x.AdvReceipt.Equals("Y")); if (filterCustomerID != "") { ARReceipt_2_Main = ARReceipt_2_Main.Where(x => x.CustomerID.Equals(filterCustomerID)); } var ARReceipt_2 = (from Rec in ARReceipt_2_Main.AsEnumerable() select new { Rec.CustomerID, Rec.DocType, Rec.DocNo, Rec.TransType, Rec.CurrCode, Rec.ExchangeRate, Rec.ReceiptAmt, Rec.BankCharges, Rec.ReceiptAmtLocal,Rec.BankChargesLocal, Rec.WriteOffAmt,Rec.WriteOffAmtLocal }).AsEnumerable(); #endregion #region "Get Join all to Second result" //========================================================================== // alias "cl" use for ARReceipt_2 because to consistant for assignation data //========================================================================== var entARReceipt = from cl in ARReceipt_2 join gl in GL on new { DocType = cl.DocType, DocNo = cl.DocNo } equals new { DocType = gl.DocType, DocNo = gl.DocNo } join cust in Cust on cl.CustomerID equals cust.CustomerID into c_result join LRec in LastReceipt on cl.CustomerID equals LRec.CustomerID into lrec_result join ARCN in ARCreditNote on new { InvType = cl.DocType, InvNo = cl.DocNo } equals new { InvType = ARCN.InvType, InvNo = ARCN.InvNo } into cn_result from cust_r in c_result.DefaultIfEmpty() from lrec_r in lrec_result.DefaultIfEmpty() from cn_r in cn_result.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { cl, gl, cust_r, lrec_r, cn_r }; #endregion #endregion #region "Get return list Fetching by results" //========================================================================== //For Result 1 //========================================================================== foreach (var data in entCustLedger.ToList()) { entResult.Add(DataAssignForARAgingDetail(data,filterDate, 1)); } //========================================================================== //Union Result 2 //========================================================================== foreach (var data in entARReceipt.ToList()) { entResult.Add(DataAssignForARAgingDetail(data, filterDate, 2)); } #endregion return entResult; }